Kuchta's visit Colorado - 2007

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Inside the Oxford hotel
Inside the Oxford hotel
The old ice house in the distance
The old ice house in the distance
Guady steel or wonderful brick?
Guady steel or wonderful brick?
Where the Buffalo roam
Where the Buffalo roam
16th street mall
16th street mall
Partial view of the Brown Palace
Partial view of the Brown Palace
The Navare has a shady past
The Navare has a shady past
Trinity Methodist church - Denver
Trinity Methodist church - Denver
Brown Palace hotel - Denver
Brown Palace hotel - Denver
Colorado Capitol - Denver
Colorado Capitol - Denver
Entrance to the Capitol
Entrance to the Capitol
Sitting on the Capitol steps
Sitting on the Capitol steps
Just inside the Capitol entrance
Just inside the Capitol entrance
Rotunda view - Looking down
Rotunda view - Looking down
Touring the Capitol building
Touring the Capitol building
Downtown Denver
Downtown Denver

Day 6 (Jun 27): We booked three walking tours of Denver. Two tours, lunch, and one more tour. The first tour was the 'Golddust and Traildust' tour. All about Denver's early history. We toured Union Station, and some of the early hotels. Following that, the second tour was all about 'Victorian Denver'. Denver at the turn of the century (1900s) - Brown's Palace hotel, the state Capitol, and the Byers-Evans house. By now our feet were tired, and we took a short break for lunch. After lunch, it was back on the streets for one last tour. This time we learned about the 'Wild Side' of Denver. All about the early saloons and brothels.

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
All images copyright: Robert L. Vaessen
Last Updated:

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