Spells & Magic Footnotes

 <1> Spell book number.
 <2> Standard, travelling, or special.
 <3> The encumbrance of a spell book may be more or less than it's physical weight.
     For example. A spell book may be enchanted so that it has 0 weight. Which means
     that it's encumbrance is added to the amount that a back pack can hold, because
     of it's size. But it has no effect on the amount that the character can carry.
 <4> Where the book is kept or carried. In your room?. In your back pack?.
 <5> list the starting nr. of pg's in the spell book, the nr. of pages used by spells,
     and the nr. of blank pg's remaining in the book.
 <6> The book nr. that the spell is written in. It may be in more than one book. Be
     sure to list them all.
 <7> The level of the spell.
 <8> The name of the spell.
 <9> Reference where the spell can by looked up. Include page nr. from the reference.
<10> The nr. of pages that this particular spell uses up in your spell book.
<11> If you are carrying components for this spell you should indicate the nr. of
     spell components carried here.
<12> The initiative phase that the spell goes off in.
<13> The knock down die of the spell; When applicable.
<14> Check here to indicate that this spell is memorized; if applicable.

                                        [Pg #19]