Dexterity | 3 | | Saving throw versus endurance | 4 |
Dungeon movement rate | 4 | | Saving throw versus heart | 4 |
Encumbrance | 6, 7 | | Saving throw versus magic | 4 |
Encumbrance modifier to initiative phase | 4 | | Saving throw versus perception | 4 |
Encumbrance notes | 7 | | Saving throw versus reflex | 4 |
Endurance skill modifier to fatigue | 4 | | Sex | 3 |
Equipment | 6, 7 | | Social standing | 3 |
Equipment sheet supplement | 7A+ | | Societal/Familial characteristics | 3 |
Escape bonds adjustment | 3 | | Special modifiers to initiative | 4 |
Experience points | 9 | | Special modifiers to saving throws | 4 |
Eye color | 3 | | Special talents | A4 |
Familiars | 6 | | Specific spell immunities | 3 |
Fatigue modifier | 3, 4 | | Spell book enchantments/protections | A8 |
Fatigue Points | 3, 4 | | Spell books | A8 |
Fighting styles | A4 | | Spell immunity | 3 |
Find and remove traps adjustment | 3 | | Spell level maximum | 3 |
Fitness | 3 | | Spell notes | A9 |
Footnotes from main character sheet | A1-A3 | | Spell Points (SpPts) | 3, 4 |
Footnotes from S&M supplement | A10 | | Spells | A8, A9 |
Footnotes from weapons/combat sheet | A5 | | Spells & Magic | A8-A10 |
Forge documents adjustment | 3 | | Sprint | 4 |
Gems & jewelry | 8 | | Stamina | 3 |
Hair color | 3 | | Str/Sta adjustment to movement | 4 |
Handedness | 3 | | Strength | 3 |
Health | 3 | | Subclass(es)/Specialty(ies) | 3 |
Height | 3 | | Surprise | 4 |
Henchmen loyalty base | 3 | | System shock survival roll | 3 |
Hide in shadows adjustment | 3 | | THAC0 | 3 |
Hit point adjustment | 3, 4 | | Thieving skills | 6 |
Hit Points (HP) | 3, 4 | | Total weight of all armor | 7 |
Homeland (Country/City) | 3 | | Total weight of all coins | 7 |
Identifying characteristics | 3 | | Total weight of all equipment | 7 |
Index | A6, A7 | | Total weight of all weapons | 7 |
Initiative | 3, 4 | | Trainer(s) | 3 |
Intelligence | 3 | | Tribe or clan | 3 |
Intuition | 3 | | Tunneling adjustment | 3 |
Kit(s) | 3 | | Unarmed combat styles/talents | A4 |
Knowledge | 3 | | Weapon familiarity penalty | A4 |
Leadership | 3 | | Weapon non proficiency penalty | A4 |
Level | 3 | | Weapon proficiency points | A4 |
Magic defensive adjustment | 3 | | Weapon specialization | A4 |
Magic item descriptions | 8, 9 | | Weapons | A4 |
Max. carried w/out being encumbered | 7 | | Weapons/Combat sheet | A4 |
Maximum number of spells | 3 | | Weight | 3 |
Maximum press | 3 | | Weight allowance | 3 |
Melee to hit adjustment | 3 | | Weight of character + weight of all carried items | 7 |
Mentor/Sponsor | 3 | | Willpower | 3 |
Missile adjustment | 3 | | Wisdom | 3 |
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