Ability scores 3     Modified fatigue points 4
AC from rear flank 4     Modified initiative phase 4
AC when surprised 4     Modifiers to save versus control 4
AC while alert 4     Modifiers to save versus death 4
AC while defenseless 4     Modifiers to save versus endurance 4
AC without armor 4     Modifiers to save versus heart 4
AC without shield 4     Modifiers to save versus magic 4
Age 3     Modifiers to save versus perception 4
Aim 3     Modifiers to save versus reflex 4
Alignment 4     Mounted overland movement 4
Appearance 3     Mounts 6
Armor Class (AC) 3, 4     Move silently adjustment 3
Armor class adjustment due to other reasons 4     Move/Movement 3, 4
Armor class adj. due to physical/racial abilities 4     Movement modifier to initiative phase 4
Armor worn 4     Muscle 3
Balance 3     Non weapon proficiencies 5
Bank notes 8     NWP point campaign bonus 5
Base fatigue points 4     NWP points acquired through adventuring 5
Base initiative phase 4     NWP points due to high Int/Kno 5
Base movement 4     NWP points from basic type 5
Base movement with encumbrance modifiers 4     Notes 9
Base of Op's (Country/City) 3     NPC reaction adjustment 3
Basic type(s) 3     Number of henchmen 3
Bearers notes 8     Open doors 3
Bend bars/Lift gates 3     Open locks adjustment 3
Birth rank/Siblings 3     Other forms of currency 7
Bonus number of proficiencies 3     Overland movement 4
Bonus priest spells 3     Percent chance of spell failure 3
Character background 3     Percent chance to learn spells 3
Character disadvantages 5     Pets 6
Character name 1, 3     Physical characteristics 3
Character Nr. 1, 3     Pick pockets adjustment 3
Character traits 5     Player name 1, 3
Character type/class 1, 3     Poison save adjustment 3
Charge 4     Profession 3
Charisma 3     Profession/Class/Subclass/Kit abilities 3
Class adjustment to surprise 4     Proficiency modifier to surprise 4
Class(es) 3     Race 3
Climb walls adjustment 3     Racial adjustment to surprise 4
Coinage notes 7     Racial adjustments to ability scores 3
Coins 7     Racial character points 4
Combat movement points 4     Racial characteristics (and costs) 4
Combat/fighting styles A4     Reaction adjustment 3, 4
Constitution 3     Reason 3
Conversion notes 7     Religious notes 4
Critical damage 4     Renown 3
Damage adjustment 3     Resurrection chance 3
Defensive adjustment 3, 4     Run 4
Deity 4     Saving throw notes/general modifiers 4
Dex/Bal adjustment to movement 4     Saving throw versus control 4
Dex/Bal modifier to surprise 4     Saving throw versus death 4

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