Base fatigue points<24>:     Str/Sta +/- (Fat pt adj):      Con/Fit +/- (hp adj):
Endurance skill mod<25>:     + to fat. pts / lvl<26>:       mod. fat. pts<27>:
Critical damage<28>:____________________________________________________________________
Hit points<29>:              Spell pts<30>:                 Armor class:
Armor worn<31>:_________________________________________________________________________
+/- 2 AC due 2 dex/bal(d. adj)<32>:       AC adj due 2 phys/racial abilities<33>:
AC adj due 2 other reasons<34>:_________________________________________________________
    AC alert:____  AC surprised<35>:____  AC behind<36>:____  AC w/out shield:____
   AC w/out armor<37>:____  AC from rear flank<38>:____  AC w/defenseless<39>:____
Religious Notes:________________________________________________________________________
Base move<42>:____yds/rnd  Base w/enc. mod<43>:____yds/rnd     Str/Sta +/- <44>:____
 Dex/Bal +/- <45>:____   Mod. Std. Move<46>:____yds/rnd  Overland move<47>:____miles/day
Combat mv pts<48>:____ Mntd ovrlnd move<49>:____miles/day Dungeon move<50>:____feet/rd
 Charge(x1.5)<51>:____          Run(x2)<52>:____            Sprint(x3)<53>:____
Base initiative<54>:____    Special modifiers<55>:____             Movement +/-<56>:____
Encumbrance +/-<57>:____  Modified initiative<58>:____  Class surprise modifier<59>:____
Dex/Bal surp. mod<60>:____   Racial surp. mod<61>:____  Characters mod surp. nr<62>:____
Prof. surp. mod<63>:____
SAVING THROWS<64> Base save is 15 - (lvl/2) [rnd dwn]. Base is adj by relevant ability
                  +1 per pt > 14 (max +4). -1 per pt < 7 (min -4), and basic class type.

         Control     Heart     Perception    Death     Endurance     Reflex      Magic
        [      ]    [      ]    [      ]    [      ]    [      ]    [      ]    [      ]
Mod. to svs Control (Wis/Wil):__________________________________________________________
Mod. to svs Heart (Cha/Lea):____________________________________________________________
Mod. to svs Perception (Int/Rea):_______________________________________________________
Mod. to svs Death (Con/Hea):____________________________________________________________
Mod. to svs Endurance (Str/Sta):________________________________________________________
Mod. to svs Reflex (Dex/Bal):___________________________________________________________
Mod. to svs Magic (None):_______________________________________________________________
Special modifiers<65>:__________________________________________________________________
Saving throw notes/General modifiers:___________________________________________________
Racial character points<67>:____  Racial characteristics (and costs):___________________
                                      [Pg #4]