Nr.<1>   Character Name:                       Player Name:
         HP(    )  Fatigue Pts(    )        SpPts(    )             AC(     )
      THAC0(    )   Initiative(    )         Move(    )          Level(     )
Race<3>:     Sex:    Age<4>:    Height<5>:    Weight:    Hair color:    Eye color:
Other distinguishing physical characteristics:__________________________________________
Homeland/(Country/City)<6>:             Tribe or clan<7>:
Birth rank/siblings<8>:                 Social standing<9>:          Renown<10>:
Base of op's<11>:                       Mentor/Sponsor<12>:
Character Background<14>:_______________________________________________________________
Basic Type(s)<16>:                               Class(es)<17>:
Subclass(es)/Spcialty(ies)<18>:                  Kit(s)<19>:
Profession/Class/Subclass/Kit abilities:________________________________________________
       Strength    [       ]  Stamina     [       ]  Muscle      [       ]
       Dexteritty  [       ]  Aim         [       ]  Balance     [       ]
       Constitution[       ]  Health      [       ]  Fitness     [       ]
       Intelligence[       ]  Reason      [       ]  Knowledge   [       ]
       Wisdom      [       ]  Intuition   [       ]  Willpower   [       ]
       Charisma    [       ]  Leadership  [       ]  Appearance  [       ]

STR/STA:            open lock:           CON/HEA:             % learn spells:
 weight allow:      f/r traps:            sys. shock:        WIS/INU:
 fat. mod:          esc. bonds:           poison sv:          bonus priest spells:
STR/MUS:            forgery:             CON/FIT:             % spell fail:
 melee t/h adj:     tunneling:            hit pt. adj:       WIS/WIL:
 dam. adj:         DEX/BAL:<21>           resurrect:          mg. d. adj:
 max press:         reac. adj:           INT/REA:             specific spell imm:*
 open doors:        d. adj. ac&svs:       spell lvl:         CHA/LEA:
 b/b l/g:           move silently:        max # spells:       hench loy. base:
DEX/AIM:<22>        h.i.s:                spell immunity:     # henchman:
 missile adj:       climb walls:         INT/KNO:            CHA/APP:
 pick pock:                               bonus profs:        npc reac. adj:

Racial asjustments to ability scores:___________________________________________________
*The specific spells the character is immune to are:____________________________________
                                      [Pg #3]