Guilds in a FRP Campaign


The following guilds exist in my campaign. All listed guilds are present in the city of Whillip. Note that membership in any guild is voluntary. However, when it comes to the Thieves, or Assassins guild, it's a good idea to join; rather than operate outside the guild. All dues are annual dues. Note that there are additional guilds present in Whillip, as well as throughout the Realms. Here are some important facts, costs, and statistics regarding some of the more common guilds joined by adventurers.

MAGES guild:

Cost: 100 gp / level
Benefits: 10% discount on training costs, access to Mages guild research library, 10% discount on costs of magical item identification/typing, spells cast, and magical reagents shop.
Become a voting member at 7th level. Also learn secret to navigating the Mages guild. (A very confusing place in Whillip)

THIEVES guild:

Cost: 10 gp / level
Benefits: 10% discount on training costs, access to a network of pawn artists, 10% discount on costs of thieving supplies, access to sales of poisons, and acids.
Become a voting member at 7th level. Also learn secret of guild headquarters location.


Cost: 10 gp / level
Benefits: 10% discount on training costs, access to a network of pawn artists, 10% discount on costs of thieving supplies, access to sales of poisons, and acids.
Become a voting member at 7th level. Also learn secret of guild headquarters location. In general the Assassins guild is a non-player character institution. Note that there are often strong ties between the Thieves guild, and the Assassins guild. These ties however, are not always for the good. As sometimes the two guilds are at each others throats. More often though they cooperate and participate in joint ventures.

BARDS guild:

Cost: 15 gp / level
Benefits: 10% discount on training costs, access to the bards library of legendary lore, and the bards depository of musical instruments. Not to mention the bards musical workshop, where one can craft a fine instrument. 10% discount on all musical instruments. If you present your guild membership at certain participating bars/inns, you can receive a 5-10% discount on your bill if you entertain the guests.
Become a voting member at 7th level.

RANGERS guild:

Cost: 10 gp / level
Benefits: 10% discount on training costs, access to specialists in certain terrains, as well as a complete library of nature, and survival lore. 10% discount on selected outdoor gear.
Become a voting member at 7th level.


Cost 1 gp / level
Benefits: The Adventurers Guild is an employment placement service, which provides adventurers with opportunities to make money performing various tasks. suited to their individual skills, and talents.

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Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
Last Updated: Thu, Nov 9, 2000 3:11 AM

This page has been accessed times since 24 Jul 1998.