Greven the Rogue/MonkGreven

Hakheerian Rogue/Monk played by Philip Albrecht
(Two character illustrations: 1st/Primary is copyright: Robert L. Vaessen - Website owner/author. 2nd/Secondary illustration was created/copyright held by Melanie Jean Fox. Permission to use it here has been granted by the artist.)

The party knows very little about Greven. He arrived just in the nick of time to help free the party from a extremely nasty trap. Summoned to help the party fight a threat known as C.O.E.P.A.S. Greven helped the party in their quest to put an end to this menace which threatens the town of Whillip. Afterwards, he quit the party and joined the 'Clean up crew'; another adventuring group in Whillip.

Archendale – military state

Greven was born one cold and gloomy day, on the 29th of Janus in the year 981.

Due to his families special abilities with weapons, they have a long military history, and it was expected that all the males would join the military and fight for the “Swords”.  Greven on the other hand, was not one to follow orders blindly, and he did not agree with the politics of his government.  Greven never liked weapons; he felt that one should face an opponent head on and honestly.  This obviously was counter-productive to life in a militaristic state.  Greven also was a little bit of a scholar, he enjoyed reading and learning, but what he loved most of all was wrestling.

Greven’s family were originally cattle herders from up in the highlands, but his Great-grandfather was a man of honor and glory - always wanting more.  So, he eventually came down from the highlands and became a mercenary.  In his wanderings he came to Archendale.  Archendale is a very militaristic place and he soon found his honor and glory in service to the military.  He quickly rose in rank and station, and when he retired, he went back for a Hakheerian wife.  He returned to Archendale and raised a family, by then he was quite old, but he still ingrained his military background into his two sons.  They served and their sons served.  Then Greven came along, and although they had high hopes, due to his great strength and fighting ability, he still chose a life of independence and freedom.

Soon Greven left Archendale and started his life as a mercenary just like his Great-grandfather.  Greven joined many mercenary groups, but he never stayed long.  He disliked the military discipline that they often expected, and he sometimes used his stealthy abilities to steal from his own allies.  Throughout his work as a mercenary, he always enjoyed a good wrestle, and spent hours practicing with anyone who'd entertain a challenge.  Most groups could tolerate a brawler, or they could tolerate a thief, but his ability and willingness to steal from and then fight off any group member was more than they could take.  Eventually he gave up on the mercenary game.

He started wandering the countryside, stealing what he needed, and sometimes what he wanted.  One day he came to a isolated monastery high in the mountains. He sought shelter there, and they agreed to let him stay the night.  In the middle of the night, Greven got up; he gathered his things, and crept into the main hall.  He went straight for the monastery's revered golden statue. A life size depiction of Oghma the traveler.  After securing the statues head, he started to leave.  When he got to the door he realized he wasn't alone.  At least a dozen candles lit up around him.  He was surrounded, and he knew that he was lost.  The head monk came forward, recovered the head of Oghma and relieved Greven of his gear. Greven knew that he would be arrested and put in prison for a long time at best. At worst he might be executed for his crimes. Knowing this, he fell to the floor and wept.  The head monk handed the items to another monk and turned back to Greven.  He told Greven that for the crime he had committed, their God demanded one price: Death!  Greven now knew his worst fears were confirmed, his life was over.  The monk then pulled Greven to his feat.

He told him that the Greven of old is now dead.  In this after-life, he would now be a servant of Oghma in all things.  Greven became confused and relieved.  He asked if that meant he would live.  The monk told him that he would live, but all things would be different.  From now on Greven would walk the path of the traveler. He would seek knowledge and truth. That his first and most important lesson was truth. From this day forward, he was no longer permitted to lie, that is the most important rule.  All other rules would be discovered as Oghma revealed truth and knowledge to him.  Greven started his training with the monks, but soon they told him that his training would only start here. That he must learn his lessons in the world, and so he was put out of the monastery, with a promise to return to finish his training once he had learned what he needed to.

Not really knowing what he needed to do to be a good disciple of Oghma, Greven went out into the world seeking his fate.  The Monks had given him nothing of his old possessions, telling him that they were of the old Greven. Now he only needed what Oghma provided for him.  Soon he came to the town of Whillip.  One of the first places he came to was a store named Emberden’s.  He went inside and purchased a few items, then asked about the town.  The store keeper told him of some mysterious murders that had taken place in the town.  Greven knew only that the pursuit of the truth was important to Oghma, so seeing this as a sign, he decided to look into these murders.  He asked where the local shrine to Oghma was, the store keeper did not know of one, so he asked for the thieves guild, knowing that they would help him.  Strangely, the store keeper refused to give Greven any directions, and he informed Greven that he'd have nothing to do with thieves.

Later that day, Greven was relaxing in the city square when he spotted a Thieves guild 'sign'. He, prepared an appropriate 'Counter-sign', and began examining the public notices on a nearby bulletin board. After a while he set in for lunch and a nap at the beach. Sometime after he dozed off, he was awoken by a member of the city guard. At first he thought he was in trouble, but then the guard made a 'sign' that Greven recognized as a response to his 'Counter-Sign'. The guards name was Traven, and he worked for the local Thieves guild. Traven immediately insisted that Greven allow him to conduct a physical exam of his ears... Not knowing what was going on, Greven permitted the brief exam.

Over the next few hours, Traven explained how perilous things were in Whillip. How the Thieves guild was an underground organization, how they were helping the city in it's fight against a group of supremacist Elves, and how dangerous it was to travel alone in the city, especially at night. Traven invited Greven to stay at his place for the next couple of days. During that time, Traven introduced Greven to other members of the Thieves guild, showed him where the local monastery was, and helped him survive the chaos of these dark days. As the days went by, the city was plunged into a dark time of mass hysteria and heinous murder. Twice Greven had to defend himself against groups of possessed townsfolk, and twice he witnessed mass lynchings and mobs of murderous townsfolk. The horrors of those few days filled him with a resolve to help. With Traven's help, Greven was able to contact the guild leaders and volunteer his services. Within a days time, they had arranged for Greven to assist a group of adventurers known as the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.

After a day of preparation and prayer, Greven was to meet up with another volunteer near the entrance to an underground lair. Together, the two of them were supposed to find their way below, and hook up with the missing adventurers. A few hours later, Greven met up with Solmar, who seemed to be some kind of living construct. Gathered at the burnt out entrance to an underground lair, members of the city guard and Thieves guild did their best to hold back scattered groups of possessed townsfolk.

After a very brief introduction, Solmar and Greven descended into the lair of C.O.E.P.A.S.

Greven helped the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. defeat C.O.E.P.A.S. Afterwards, he quit the party and joined the 'Clean up crew'; another adventuring group in Whillip.


Physical Description
Greven is a Hakheerian Rogue/Monk. As anyone who meets Greven can clearly observe, apart from having four arms, Hakheerians are basically Human. Greven is a martially minded rogue who eschews standard weapons and loves to wrestle. Hopefully, we'll learn more about Greven as he travels with the party.

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
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