Fire and Water

Fire and Water

Obviously this has got to be a trap!
The aftermath of our session on the 1st of July 2006

(The session ran through Saturday evening, and ended early Sunday morning)



The party had just returned from Whillip. They had just buried one of their own. Ashedyn fell in combat with a guardian in this lair of C.O.E.P.A.S. With their rogue killed in action, the party returned to the lair of this evil organization. Whillip desperately needs them to find and stamp out the root of evil that is turning brother against brother, and fueling an unholy battle for the very soul of Whillip.

The return to the lair wasn't all that difficult. After fighting a minor battle with some possessed town folk, the party found the entrance to the lair guarded by some loyal citizens. The scourge of most towns - thieves, assassins and hired mercenaries - was holding the horde at bay. Preventing C.O.E.P.A.S. from reinforcing the lair, or sealing it off completely.

Descending once again into the depths. It's hard to say exactly what the party was expecting. After passing the place where Ashedyn fell, they started descending deeper into the lair. Deeper, deeper, and deeper still. At each turn the party found itself descending another stair or ladder. As the surface dwindled and daylight fled, our party advanced towards the heart of evil.

As they descended, they started to see indications that a trap may lay ahead. With one party member already dead, the party has become very cautious. Testing every step ahead of them, the pace was that of molasses. Eventually, the going became difficult, as they were forced to smash through doors, bars and various barriers. The signs were all there. A trap lays ahead!

Eventually, they found a room containing bubbling lava and a bridge of bone. The door on the other side beckoned, but their senses all screamed - Trap!

Once the trap was triggered, the party found itself split in two. With one group (Grenco, Duracell (not pictured) and Zeddishous) sealed into the lava room (see room on left in illustration above), another group (Thalidimar, Tanar, Caed and Fang (the Wolf)) found itself sealed into a large vault slowly filling with water (corridor and room to right in illustration above). Adding an active element to the trap, an Iron Golem fell from a trap door in the ceiling of the large vault (see room at right in illustration above).

While the water slowly began to fill the corridor, Caed found himself facing an Iron Golem all on his own! Not a good situation to say the least. Already wounded from an earlier skirmish, Caed found himself at quite a disadvantage. As he attempted to flee the Golem, he was struck a crushing blow. Crumpled and unmoving his limp body lays discarded in the corner of the room. As Fang feigns death, Caed experienced the real thing.

Another hero has fallen!

We left the session in the midst of a life and death struggle. With the water rising (falling from four holes in the ceiling of the large vaulted room), Caed is slain by an Iron Golem while Thalidimar and Tanar dodge the Golem's poisonous breath. In the meantime, the rest of the party is sealed in a room containing bubbling lava and a limited air supply. Will the room become a crypt?

Hopefully our next session will find the party in a better position — How will they escape from this deadly trap?

I have confidence in our resourceful party. Surely they'll find a way out of this one. Whillip is depending on them.