Characters will accumulate experience points throughout the game, but totals need only be calculated at the culmination of an adventure/scenario (unless you're keeping track of XP in order to mark the point at which a negative level adjustment (applied due to a 'Powerful Race' accomodation - Ref Rob's World! House Rules) is eliminated). Experience points are kept track of in two manners. First off, the DM will keep track of experience points for each character when such experience points are accumulated based on various encounters, opponents defeated, and adventures completed. Additional experience points (individual character XP) should be kept track of by players. Players will be given a 3 x 5 index card (or some other form) on which they should record events/encounters that their characters perform/participate in. Activities which they believe would warrant the award of additional individual experience points. These cards are to be collected at the end of each gaming session and evaluated by the DM. After the DM makes his ruling and records any additional experience points the cards are retained by the DM until the next meeting (the DM may adjudicate and award XP between sessions).

Here then are some guidelines which the DM may use when awarding experience points:

Dungeon levels: 100pts per level of the dungeon.
Foolhardiness: As the DM judges. It must be something truly unusual or dangerous.

Encounters can be characterized in different ways. Some are straight up combat contests, some are skill challenges, and some are a combination of the two. Player characters (including groups which include NPCs, cohorts, hirelings and other associates) might engage monsters, creatures or NPCs in melee, missile or magical combat in order to defeat an enemy or a group of opponents* while other characters might need to exercise a particular skill or ability to overcome a trap, solve a riddle or lift a portcullis. Any such encounter (of any type) will be assigned a challenge rating by the DM. The DM might assign the CR based upon the might of the opponents, the complexity of the puzzle, the difficulty of the trap or some combination of those factors. From the challenge rating, the DM will calculate a number of experience points available to those who participate in the encounter. The points are then divided amongst those who participated in the encounter/challenge. You need not attack an opponent to be awarded experience points for a particular encounter. If you are attacked, cast spells which aid allies involved in combat, or lift the portcullis that blocks an exit, you deserve a share of the credit for overcoming the obstacle or completing the skill challenge. In all such cases the DM must determine whether each individual character is eligible for an XP share based upon the character’s actions or lack of action during the encounter. In most cases the DM will seek to determine whether the PC engaged in the encounter in a meaningful way - Did the character contribute to the defeat of the opponents? Did the PC risk injury or death? Did they heal injured warriors? Did they attempt to solve a puzzle? Warn companions about the monsters gaze attack? Did they anchor a rope, lift a portcullis, or look for the tracks left behind by the escaping assassin? See DMG pages 48-51 for more information about Encounters. *Note: Defeating your enemy or opponents could mean that the opponents are slain, captured or escaped with their lives, only to be encountered at a later date (in a different encounter). All of these encounter outcomes might result in varying awards of experience points.

Singular Combat: Single classed warrior caste characters (who have no spell casting abilities), receive double the normal number of experience points when they defeat an opponent in singular melee or close combat. No other characters (or friendly NPC’s) may threaten, injure or hinder the opponent in any way (ranged attacks included) in order for the warrior to receive this bonus. This same reward (double XP) is given to ‘Rogues’ who single handedly ‘defeat’ a trap.
Damage: Characters are awarded one experience point per point of damage taken during a battle. A battle is a situation where the characters life/limb is actually at risk. Damage taken intentionally does not result in experience points. Two allied characters wrestling with each other do not generate experience points.
Saving throws: Award experience points equal to the nr. rolled (Unadjusted). Award opposite if on reverse chart
Casting spells: Experience points are awarded for each spell cast during the course of the game (provided the player is using the spells to advance the story line. Provided the spells are cast during an adventure. The DM will determine whether an adventure is underway/whether experience points will be awarded. If the spell afforded no save then a lesser experience point value is awarded (1/3 the standard amount (rounded down).
Here are specific point values by level of spell cast (standard reward/one third award):
0=1/0, 1=4/1, 2=9/3, 3=16/5, 4=25/8, 5=36/12, 6=49/16, 7=64/21, 8=81/27, 9=100/33
The values awarded are the same regardless of the character class.
Magic items: If a character determines the items use/function, without resorting to magical methods (i.e. identify, detect magic, or other divination spells), award 1/2 the listed exp. value listed in the Magic Encyclopedia,


Aside from the monetary costs detailed here, characters must also accumulate a certain number of experience points. The amount of experience points required to go up a level (in this campaign) is twice that listed in the PHB.

Advancement in this campaign is an expensive endeavor, typically costing the character a considerable amount of money. Once a character has accumulated enough experience points to advance a level, she/he must seek out a teacher/instructor or school which is willing to school him/her in the skills necessary to advance a level. Under most circumstances, the cost of advancement is borne by the character, and the sum can be considerable at higher levels. The cost of training and amount of time required to train, is dependent on three factors:

  1. The type of character
  2. The player's performance in the campaign (i.e. roleplaying of the player)
  3. The level the character is advancing to

The formula below can be used to calculate these costs and times:

1st - The players game play/roleplaying performance is rated on the following scale. With a numerical multiplier list along with the rating:
Excellent, few deviations from norm. Definitive role playing, enhances the game in many ways
Superior, deviations minimal but noted. A role for others to emulate. Often contributes positively
Fair performance, more norm than deviations. The typical player. Unremarkable performance
Poor showing with aberrant behavior. Causes distractions and dissent. Uses player knowledge
Horrible, no worthwhile roleplaying attributes. Contributes negatively by dragging down others
2nd - Multiply the level that the character is attempting to achieve by the performance multiplier. This is the number of 10 day weeks that the character must spend in training. Training is typically carried out on weekdays only, with rest days left for the characters leisure, study, or practice.
3rd - The cost of training is determined by multiplying the LEVEL by CLASS COST by NR of WEEKS. (round down when fractions are involved). The CLASS COST is obtained from the chart below. A character with a prestige class is considered to be a character of the basic class type for advancement costs. A multi-class character calculates cost and number of weeks as if they were the class type that they are attempting to advance in.
A: Fighter/Barbarian = 200gp B: Cleric/Monk = 400gp C: Ranger/Paladin/Knight = 400gp
D: Rogue/Scout/Bard = 400gp E. Dragon Shaman/Factotum = 500gp F: Magic User/Sorcerer = 600gp
Note: Combinations are possible / Consult DM for any Class not listed in this table.

The cost and time required to train can be reduced in the following manner. If a character goes through two adventures in order to accumulate enough experience points to go up a level, then the cost and time associated with training are halved. It is up to the DM to determine the number of adventures that a character has gone through for these purposes. A character who goes on a one day outing has not completed an adventure. A character who succeeds in, and returns from a one year epic adventure may be considered to have completed three adventures. If a character goes through three adventures the cost is reduced again by half. Under no circumstances may successive adventures reduce the cost or time associated with training below the base cost - as if the character gained a performance rating of 1.

Here then is an example of calculating the cost in time/money for advancement of a character.

Thanghar the brave (A fighter) has completed a year long quest to recover the ‘Chalice of Peace and Hope’ for the church of Ilmater. Afterwards, the player finds that Thanghar has enough experience points to go up a level. Thanghar contracts with the local fighters guild to train him for advancement to the next level. First we must rate the player performance. Although Vincent has played Thanghar in a superior manner, the DM decides to rate his performance as fair since he was absent for several meetings; choosing to go drinking with his buddies, rather than play his character. Hey! Every one else showed up! But playing the game just wasn’t that much of a priority to him. Warren showed up to every meeting even though he doesn’t have a clue as to what role playing is. O.k. We’ve given Thanghar a performance multiplier of 3. He is advancing to 5th level. 5 x 3 = 15 weeks. Training will take 15 weeks. And it will cost 5 (level) x 200 (class cost) x 3 (performance factor) x 15 (number of weeks) = 45,000gp. Luckily the cost and time are divided by 2, due to the fact that the DM has ruled that Thanghar has gone through two adventures. The quest to recover the ‘Chalice of Peace and Hope did take a long time. So: 45,000 / 2 = 22,500gp. At the same time, the number of weeks is reduced to 7.5 Weeks. Thanghar packs his things and prepares for the torture he’ll have to endure at the hands of those merciless mercenaries at the fighter guild.


If at any point a characters total experience points exceeds one and a half times the amount required to attain the next level, he/she may apply the excess points towards the cost of training. Reducing the cost of training by a number of GP's equal to the number of experience points over. The minimum cost to go up a level will always be equal to a characters base cost. i.e. as if the character had received a performance multiplier of one.


Once a character has reached eighth level, they may train themselves (all future levels) in the class that they have reached eighth level in. For example an 8th level Fighter may train him/herself in 9th level Fighter. The cost to do so will be half the normal cost. The amount of time required will remain the same. Once again, the minimum cost will be equal to a character’s base cost (as if they were given a performance multiplier of 1).

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: