Enola the RangerEnola
Elven, Ranger - Played by Kim Vaessen
(Character illustration created by Richard Tran - copyright 2009 (Used with permission))

The party knows very little about Enola. She was first encountered at the Monastery of the Nether Mountains (aka the Monastery of the Hallowed Doctrine). She was there with another adventurer; Beltashazzar. They were both employed by the Monastery, to help fight a recent onslaught of tainted creatures plaguing the surrounding communities.

Physical Description
Enola is a Moon Elf, the most common type of Elve found in these realms. At 132 years of age, she's still quite young as Elves go. At 5' 1" tall and weighing 82 pounds, she's quite petite. With brown hair, green eyes, and fair ivory colored skin, she's somewhat more fetching than your typical Elve.

(Note: On occasion, Enola has exhibited the ability to actually transform into a large python with subtle green and golden hues. It is unclear how she is able to accomplish this transformation.)

Homeland (Country/City)
Enola hails from the Moonsea region of the Realms. She's spent much of her life in the area around the Moonsea; the Dalelands, Sembia, the Vast and the forests of those regions. She recently moved to Whillip, and from there made her way to a taint infected region of the North, near Firestorm peak.

Background / History
Enola was born in Hillsfar, in the Moonsea region in 871. For her parents, both Elven, this was their second child, they had a boy - Ciqala about a century earlier. He has since moved to Elmwood to be a farmer, marry and raise a family. In 891, when Enola was 20, she was sent to Ciqala and his family, to help raise his children. Her parents hoped Enola would settle down and start a family of her own, but the lifestyle her brother had was not for Enola. She longed for something more challenging and less lonely. She found this in the Elven Court. She was at peace in the woods. The animals kept her company, so as she didn't feel lonely. It was as if the woods recharged and sustained her.

For the next several years her interest in the woods grew. She continued to help raise her brother's family and travel to Hillsfar once a month to check on her parents. When her brother's oldest reached the age of consent, he was sent to Elventree with Enola as a guardian. Once arriving at Elventree, where Enola's Aunt and Uncle reside. Enola began her studies to be a ranger. Her Uncle had been a ranger before getting married and starting a family. So he began training her with the long composite bow. She was studying ranger skills and nature lore from her Uncle for about 12 years. Until there was a coup in Hillsfar, the council government was overthrown and Maalthiir was put into power. He decreed when he took power, that all non-humans had three days to leave Hillsfar, after which any non-human found within the cities walls without permission will be sent into the arena, to certain death. Enola and her brother begged with her parents to leave and go live with her brother in Elmwood. But her parents refused, they had lived their married life in Hillsfar and raised a family. They refused to become refugees and travel from one city to another. They believed they could stay in Hillsfar as long as they stayed in hiding. It worked for about six months. Until one day there was a group of Red Plumes going house to house in their neighborhood looking for non-humans. They seized her parents, put them in a paddy wagon and delivered them to the arena. A week later Enola's parent found themselves in the arena fighting for their lives.

Enola has vowed to help remove Maalthiir from power and/or make him pay for removing her parents from her life so early. Shortly after the capture of her parents, Enola left for Whillip. She found the region was becoming incredibly instable, and no city was safe from the evil powers around the region. She met Balding Near-Eye, and apprenticed with him for a few years. He eventually encouraged her to join an adventuring group to increase her archery skills, so that one day she can come in contact with Maalthiir and deliver a just punishment to him.

Sul was companion to Ryx (a departed adventurer) for many years; until Ryx's tragic death - Left orphaned by the tragic loss, Sul eventually bonded with Enola as her new companion. Ryx’s lupine companion, Sul can be intimidating at first glance, and second for that matter; for as a dire wolf, Sul tends to make a scene whenever he shows up near any settlement that is not strictly inhabited by other Wild Elves. Sul himself however, tends to confine himself to Ryx’s side when not hunting, being generally distrustful of others. Oddly, unlike Ryx, the dire wolf actually dons armor when asked; his black and gray fur and fiery red eyes peeking from underneath the hide.

For quite some time, Enola was accmpanied by 'Fang', a medium sized Viper. This snake was Enola's constant companion. With a poisonous bite and shady motives, the party kept clear of Fang - Fang was usually found wrapped around Enola's torso, it occasionally pokes it's head out the sleeve of her robes. Unfortunately, during a rather deadly contest with 'Glan Sarin', Fang found itself on the recieving end of a fireball. Enola mourned for a whole day!


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
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