(Illustration copyright: Joe Raiten 2003)

Dwarven Ranger played by: Joe Raiten, David Anderson, Stacy Ray

A Dwarven Ranger searching for his range. Like most Dwarves, Dokren despises water, but doesn't mind the cold or heat.

Dokren spent two years adventuring with our group before moving on. He finally settled in the Winterwood forest where he protects the sorrounding communities from marauding humanoids.


Physical Description
Dokren is a young (59 years old) male Dwarve. With brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin, Dokren is slightly better looking than most Dwarves. At 4'2", and 175 lbs he's a powerful powder-keg, ready to wreak havoc on the forces of evil.

Homeland (Country/City)
Dokren's clan hails from the Dragonspine mountains. A high mountain range marking the western edge of the Moonsea are. Many Dragons lair among the higher peaks of this range. Goblins, Orcs, and Giants occupy the lower peaks and valleys. Mines in the ranges supply minerals to sorrounding communities.

At the age of 23, Dokren and other members of the Stonefist clan were relocating to a new mining site. During the move a large band of Gnolls attacked the clan. The clan was devastated, and would have been completely wiped out if not for a small group of adventurers that happened upon the combat. The adventuring party consisted of: Cade Bushgather - Halfling Druid, Lorell Greenbreeze - Elven Ranger to Obad-Hai, Gareth - Human Fighter. The three were far more skilled in combat than the Gnolls or the Dwarves, and made short work of the Gnolls.

Dokren was one of three survivors, and was taken in by the Ranger. Under the tutelage of Lorell, he began to learn the ways of the forest. He also found faith in Obad-Hai. With this new found faith, and a competent and willing teacher, Dokren decided to become a Ranger.

He spent 20 years with Lorell, and shared his range during this time. At the age of 43 however, Dokren decided that it was time to strike out on his own. He packed up his belongings and went in search of his own range. Lorell told him that he would know the range that he was meant for when he saw it, but gave him no further information.

Dokren has been searching for his range for 16 years now; stopping here and there to take odd jobs, earn a little money, and evaluate the area to see if it's his 'Range'. His latest job is in the city of Whillip, for a blind old man called “X”. Things should be o.k., so long as “X” pays him for his services. Dokren has come to the conclusion that his range could be owned by someone else. If that's the case, he just might need some money to buy it.

He is traveling with a few Humans, an Elf, and a Half-Orc. His traveling companions are a bit odd, but each one has traits that he likes. The Rogue is clever, and bound to be trouble. The Cleric is interesting and seems to take charge, and Dokren likes that. The Monk is odd even for a Human, but she is also quiet. The Elf is sort of reserved and seems preoccupied. The Half-Orc, well he is not the sharpest tack in the box, but he is strong and seems to believe strongly in things. All together, it's a very motley bunch which should serve all of the needs of an adventuring party.


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
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