"That was not funny! I looked like a total idiot talking to my arm that whole time! And now Laurelie is mad at me cuz she thinks I'm ignoring her. That was just NOT funny! I don't understand your humor AT ALL!" Admiral Hyperium shouted. A low, deep rumble was the response, followed by "Haaa Haaa Haaa." The admiral unfolded his arms and turned around to see High Light shaking, almost vibrating up and down. Apparently, where he comes from, that's how archons laugh. It was slightly contagious, as the admiral's lip started to turn up at the corner. Admiral Hyperium said, "alright, MAYBE, it was a little funny. But jokes usually have a time limit. You have to tell the punch line right after you tell the joke. You can't wait a day or two. Otherwise, your audience will have forgotten what the joke was. And in my case, it became natural to talk to my arm without being aware of anything around me. That was dangerous. Also, the rest of our group were looking at me like I was crazy. And I've been working so hard to look normal!" High Light's bouncing slowed to a periodic spasm. That meant that he was not laughing hysterically, just trying hard to suppress the giggles. And not very successfully, as a couple of slow rumbling "Hee he hee" escaped. A magic creature had attached itself to the Admiral's forearm. It was a fashionable bracer with powers in and unto itself. Of those powers, none allowed for telepathic communication. It's name is Pi, and it lives off a small amount of blood from it's host (in this case, the Admiral). In return, it gives The Admiral hightened senses as well as incresed fortitude. Once back at the Inn, the party decided that the creature was to be included as butt treasure. It's worth, according to the druid in the park, was 5,000 gold. Admiral Hyperium was thinking the price was a bit inflated considering it didn't even talk, but what did he know? The Admiral jumped up on his bed and launched himself at the yellow ball in order to tackle him midair. High Light stopped moving and didn't dodge out of the way. He (if it's even a he) absorbed/"caught" The Admiral. The Admiral's arms wrapped themselves around High Light and began to squeeze tightly. The yellow ball began to resemble a pear, until they both floated down towards the bed. The Admiral gave him one last hard squeeze, as he pressed his face against the soft rubbery substance that was his best friend and then let go. He floated down until his head pushed into the pillow while High Light resumed his normal place in the upper corner of the room. If someone walked in they might think he was just dimly lit lamp (until they realized there was no lamp stand). "So next time, just wait a few minutes, then you can start laughing," the Admiral repeated. "Not two whole days. I fully expect you to apologize to Lauralie, and explain that it was your fault that I wasn't answering all her questions." A low "hmmmm" was all that was heard. Hopefully, that meant yes.