
  1. 10 Percent Reduction in tariffs and taxes associated with Salvage of Forgotten, lost or otherwise unclaimed goods.
  2. 10 Percent Reduction in Docking and licensing fees. As regards Private merchant, or pleasure vessels.
  3. 10 Percent Discount on all Training costs associated with improvement of Adventuring skills.
  4. 10 Percent Discount on costs associated with funds transfers, conversions, and Security deposits.
  5. 10 Percent Reduction in Guild, and Union fees if such membership can be shown to be essential to adventuring.
  6. The right to establish a Corporate bank Account in the organizations name at any Hadeskan Bank.
  7. Representation at Local Chartered Groups council meetings held On the first workday of every month. Representation may be direct or surrogated through a proxy in writing.
  8. Recognition as official representatives of the Local Hadeskan Merchants Council when so empowered.


  1. A fee of 100 Gold pieces must be paid each year to the office of the Registrar at the City of ____________ town hall.
    1. This fee must be paid before the 1 year anniversary of the organizations founding as reflected at the top of this document.
    2. If this fee is not paid in the time allotted then a 10 GP fine will be levied for each week of tardiness.
    3. If an entire year passes without payment of fees owed the contract/charter is canceled and all outstanding fees owed may be garnished from any funds residing in Hadeskan Banks.
    4. If no funds are available the city may petition a local magistrate for Justice.
  2. A complete record of all fees, compensation, goods, booty and other gains obtained through adventuring must be presented to the office of Customs once per year, prior to the 1 year anniversary of the organizations founding as reflected at the top of this document.
  3. The Organization Founded under this charter; must Present the office of the Registrar at the City of ____________ town hall with a copy of all Constitutions, Charters, and By-laws drafted in order to govern said Organization.
  4. Any time the membership, constitution, or by-laws are changed a copy of those changes must be forwarded to the office of the Registrar at the City of ____________ town hall.

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Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
Last Updated:

This page has been accessed times since 12 Dec 1998.