
Human Fighter/Barbarian played by Jon Miller.

The party knew very little about Brock. When the party met Brock, he was on extended leave from his battalion in Cormyr. When the party met him, he was looking for a job as an adventurer in the big town of Willip. Trying to find a group of adventurers that would accept him on his merits, Brock was hoping to make a new home with the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. They voted to accept him as a party member, and he was working hard to prove himself.

On the 16th of Augot, 1003 - Brock met his demise in combat. Never one to shy away from battle, he fell while confronting the evils of a charnal bog. Struck down by an undead bloodrot, Brock's memory lives on as the indomitable spirit that he was.


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail: robert robsworld org
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