The Big Cave
The party encounters a large cave within Firestorm Peak
The big cave - first session (28 Jul 2007)
The big cave continued - second session (11 Aug 2007)
The big cave finale - third session (25 Aug 2007)



Big Cave



The party has spent the last few days exploring the seemingly endless caves and labyrinth like corridors,
which snake their way through the fetid heart of Firestorm Peak. On the 18th of Augot 1003,
they discovered a very large cavern filled with curious natural formations, and nasty beasts.

(This encounter took more than one session to resolve. It started during our meeting of 28 Jul, 2007, carried
over to our meeting on the 11th of Aug, 2007, and continued on to the 25th of August.
This is a synopsis from the third day of the encounter.)

Legend (Party members):

(Note: Some of the material presented in this synopsis/on this map is player info only. It is up to the players
to assess this information, and use only the information that the character is aware of.)

1 - Thalidimar - Thalidimar is down on the floor of an antechamber encountered just before the main cavern. This antechamber contained a few occupants (urquirsh), which fled when the party entered the area.
2 - Duracell - Still missing since her disappearance a day earlier, the party is beginning to worry about our flying heroine. They assume that she's looking for them, or is she?
3 - Zeddishous - Seems to be handling the loss of Fang with aplomb, but who knows how he really feels? In a side passage of the antechamber, Zeddishous recently emerged from combat with a group of urquirsh. They waited until he entered a narrow passage before they attacked. Hopefully, there won't be another such attack.
4 - Tanar - Standing at the entrance to this large cavern, Tanar has been using his darkvision to scope out the reaches of this subterranean cathedral. So far, he's managed to spot a carrion crawler on a shelf across the cavern. Unfortunately, due to the size of the cavern, he can't see many details below the level of that shelf. There could easily be other passages and caverns, hidden from his view. Tanar has a rope around his waist, and he's getting ready to descend into the large cave. What about the pond directly beneath him?5 - Grenco - Still waiting on the floor of the antechamber, Grenco took an initial look into the large cavern, he also saw some urquirsh on the ceiling, but they're not there anymore. I wonder how many there are?
6 - Solmar - Ready to back up the party, Solmar's ability to detect evil has been called upon more and more frequently. In the narrow confines of the corridors, his combat effectiveness has been tested. How would he fare in this large cavern.
7 - Dynnera - Backing up Zeddishous, Dynnera is currently disguised as a Duergar. I hope the party doesn't forget that the Duergar in their midst is actually Dynnera. Dynnera cast a flaming sphere spell earlier. Placing it on the ledge across the way, she's using it to barbeque the carrion crawler on that ledge. Currently, Dynnera is holding the rope attached to Zeddishous.
8 - Flash - Still following the party, curiously attracted to Grenco and Zeddishous.