Human, Wizard/Sorcerer/Ultimate Magus - Played by Floyd
(Character illustration (at left) is a D&D Online (DDO) Avatar. I don't know exactly who holds the copyright, so I want to make sure everyone realizes that I am not asserting copyright. In addition, I have not obtained permission to use this illustration. If the rights holder wishes, I will remove the illustration. I'm not using it to promote any product or service. I'm not receiving any fee/compensation for posting the image, and I don't make any money by running this website)

The party knows very little about Arco. He was first encountered in the Sewers of Oblivion, beneath the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Arco and a few other characters (Members of an adventuring group known as 'Nothing But Trouble') were found encased in some sort of stasis inducing coccoons. They were engaged in a quest to find Eivobrin's Incanabula when they encountered a powerful group of spiders. Thanks to the members of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, they were freed from their cocoons and given a second chance at life.

Physical Description
At 5'6" and 150 lbs. Arco has a typical build for a non-Warrior Human. The only thing exceptional in his appearance is the scar that bisects the left side of his face. Surely the result of some arcane explosion or alchemical experiment gone wrong.

Homeland (Country/City)
Arco grew up in the small town of Shadowdale.  He was orphaned at the age of 12.  The owner of The Skull Inn took him in.  Seeing as Arco was a bright lad she taught him some of her brewing secrets.  This started Arco out but soon he wondered about mixing other things together what would happen. Upon discovering the wonders of magic, Arco soon realized that Shadowdale was just the first stop on his journey. There was much to be learned, but Shadowdale wouldn't be the place to discover the mysteries of magic.

Background / History

Arco grew up in the small town of Shadowdale.  He was orphaned at the age of 12.  The owner of The Skull Inn took him in.  Seeing as Arco was a bright lad she taught him some of her brewing secrets.  This started Arco out but soon he wondered about mixing other things together what would happen.  This caught the eye of a traveling wizard Crowden of Sembia.  In exchange for a few barrels of ale he would train Arco to further his interest of alchemy.  Arco was intrigued by his command of magic and wanted to be trained in that instead. On Crowden’s next visit through brought Arco some books teaching about the basics of wizardy.  Arco devoured these books and learned some cantrips.  Crowden did not really want an apprentice while he was doing so much traveling, so he wrote Arco a letter of recommendation to the wizard college in Ordulin Sembia.

Arco soon set off to study wizardy in the big city of Ordulin. These were some of Arco’s best years of life.  He learned the basics of wizardly study and because he knew how to make good ale he had many good “friends” and was able to pay as he went at the college.  Crowden checked in on Arco from time to time.  A couple of his teachers were concerned with Arco’s incredibly quick ability to master new spells.  One of his teachers (Thomas) revealed that he was also a sorcerer and thought Arco had this gift as well and trained him to bend small amounts of magic to his will alone.  After this Thomas recommended to Arco a colleague of his in the town of Whillip.

With Thomas' recomendation, Arco journeyed to the nearby town of Whillip; renowned as a home for famous adventuring groups and it's "Wizard's Guild", Arco was soon ensconced amongst the arcane walls of the mystical Mage's Gulid. His new instructor/mentor was Kalinda of the mages guild. She could help blend both methods into a powerful union if he kept studying.  It turned out that Kalinda was also an accomplished potion maker.  It took some time but Kalinda agreed to train Arco as long as he learned how to brew potions and how to make magical items as well. Thus Arco made Whillip his home. He bought a small wooden house on the outskirts of town.  Arco joined the mages guild Whillip Chapter.  Arco is willing to go adventuring to continue his study of magic. He is known to some an excelling brew master and makes a tidy profit that he pours into his alchemy habit. 

After a few adventures with a group known as 'Nothing But Trouble', Arco is now based in Whillip, searching to uncover more of the mysteries of magic as a Ultimate Magus.


Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
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