Allurean Ji-Axiom:
Star Elf, Sorceress/Mage of the Arcane Order - Previously played by Todd Jordan
(Character illustration source unknown. Used without permission)
The party knew very little about Allurean. She was first encountered on the trail. The party was on their way back to Whillip, after concluding an adventure far to the south. She was hitching a ride back to Whillip after she got picked up in a nearby town.
Physical Description
Star elves (aka Mithral elves), like sun elves have only recently ventured back into Faerûnian life. Long ago they retreated to the demiplanar realm of Sildëyuir, where they are currently under attack by an extraplanar threat. As a result, some are now returning to the Yuirwood. Allurean is a tall (5'11"), medium build (124lbs), 129 year old, female Star Elve with emerald eyes and indigo hair. This capricious sprite was something of an exhibitionist, as demonstrated during a trip to Deepwood aboard the flying ship Artarius. As soon as fair weather made an appearance (despite some cold temperatures), she lost her clothes and began 'sunbathing' out on the open deck of this flying airship. Was it her shapely body that distracted the crew of the Artarius? Why else would such a fine airship crash land into a mountain lake during a perfectly clear summer day?
Homeland (Country/City)
The party knew very little of Allurean's homeland. Apparently, she came from a place called 'Sildeyuir' within the 'Yuirwood' forest. None of our party had heard of these places before we met Crucifer, her brother (now deceased). According to Allurean, their homeland is far to the east on a forested peninsula, in a land ruled by magic users!.
Background / History
The party first encountered Allurean on the trail. The party was on their way back to Whillip, after concluding an adventure far to the south. She was hitching a ride back to Whillip after she got picked up in a nearby town. We know that she is Crucifer's sister, and that she is trying to find out what happened to him and his belongings. We knew nothing of her background.
Accompanying Allurean was a tiny Coure Eladrin. This fey creature was Allurean's Familiar. With spell casting ability and an aversion to physical combat. Chartruz spent much of her time in an incoporeal form; a glowing ball of light that accompanied Allurean on her adventures. After Allurean died, Chartruz quickly departed our party of adventurers.
Note: Todd was an active player in our gaming group from June of 2007 to January of 2013 (with a brief absence in 2009). In January of 2013, his character (Allurean) died, and he decided to withdraw from the campaign. Whether this is temporary or permanent, our group will miss Todd's excellent gamer skills. He's helped me with plenty of game related material and his knowledge of the game has helped us all. We hope to see him back at our table with a new character in the not so distant future.