Adventurer's Journal


The journal entry - A portal to the journals of our adventures

Linked from this page are journal entries and notes we've been keeping. A recap of the party's encounters (more than one group of adventurers), adventures and journeys in "Rob's World!" - A 3rd edition D&D campaign world. Someone or somebody thought it'd be a good idea to write it all down. Just in case we might need it for some reason. Plus, I thought it might entertain you.

Written by: A bunch of different folks. Players, Characters, Dungeon Master.







The Adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights (aka the HKs/HKs as well as members of two other adventuring groups, including 'Nothing But Trouble') took place between real world dates of 02 May, 2009 and 02 November, 2019. The group completed four adventures between game world dates of 25 Septev, 1003 and 09 Janus, 1008.

- ajournal08.html: The eighth adventure for this group of characters. After returning from their adventure to find Tanar's father, they find themselves in an interesting situation. The original S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. are all but gone, and the party has changed considerably. Whillip's newest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights have struck out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice, they seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved, and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name feared by evil and revered by the good citizens of these realms. Departing on the 1st of Mavis, the party has decided to help the citizens of Deepwood in their quest to vanquish a Blue Dragon from their backyard.

- ajournal09.html: The ninth adventure for our group of heroes. The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights completed another adventure, advanced to ninth level, then spent a very short amount of time researching their next adventure. This time they selected a quest to recover a rare book. Something called "Eivobrin's Incanabula". The book is known to be hidden beneath the tainted sands of the 'Dry Steppes'. Hidden away in the sewers of an ancient ruined city, finding this book may prove somewhat difficult, given the imprecise nature of it's location, the harsh conditions of the desert, a tainted wasteland and the deadly sewers beneath the tainted lands. Note that this HTML file does not represent the entire 9th adventure of the HKs. The remainder of this 9th adventure is presented in a series of PDF files (see below)

- Journals (2013 and beyond): In 2013, I fell behind in the upkeep of my website. There's a myriad number of reasons why that happened, but I won't bore you with details. Here are links to the remaining journal entries for the ninth adventure (see ajournal09.html above), and others. These journal entries are no longer 'hyperlinked' (cross-linked), edited (for spelling, grammar, structure or layout) or presented in HTML format (as web pages). I just don't have the time for that kind of work. You'll have to suffice yourself with the basic PDF files I'm storing online.

  • ajournal09 - The Sewers of Ligice Enz / The Sewers of Oblivion - Continuation and completion of the 9th Adventure.
    • unknown 25mar2014.pdf - In Game date unknown (possibly 23 Junta, 1005) / 25 March, 2014: Continuation of the 9th adventure (The Sewers of Oblivion/aka the Sewers of Lingice Enz).
    • unknown 10may2014.pdf - In Game date unknown / 10 May, 2014: Continuation of the 9th adventure (the Sewers of Oblivion). The party recovers the book they were looking for.
    • unknown 05jul2014.pdf - 8-9 Jularva, 1005) / 05 July, 2014: On the way back to Whillip after finding the book and departing the Sewers of Lingice Enz.
    • unknown 19jul2014.pdf - 9-10 Jularva, 1005 / 19 July, 2014: On the way back to Whillip after completing the quest beneath the ruined city of Lingice Enz.
    • unknown 02aug2014.pdf - 10 Jularva, 1005 / 03 August, 2014: Continuation of the 9th adventure (The Sewers of Lingice Enz). The party reaches the mountain town of Kester and heals Arco (who was bound to die of poisoning in less than a day).
    • unknown 16aug2014.pdf - 11 Jularva, 1005 / 16 August, 2014: Encounter with an Infernal Retriever. The party turns the book over Tekelut Thringus. The return to Whillip.
    • unknown 30aug2014.pdf - 11-12 Jularva, 1005 / 30 August, 2014: The party must pay their taxes on the docks in Whillip.
    • unknown 13sep2014.pdf - 12 Jularva, 1005 / 13 September, 2014: At the Mage's Guild of Whillip. Identifying and selling some loot.
    • unknown 27sep2014.pdf - 12 Jularva, 1005 / 27 September, 2014: New party members and old alliances. In Whillip.
    • unknown 14mar2015.pdf - 15-17 Jularva, 1005 / 14 March, 2015: The completion of the 9th adventure (The Sewers of Lingice Enz). The party has returned to Whillip. They're busy selling loot, advancing a level and researching their next adventure.
  • ajournal10 - The Black Flame of Fletchin's Swamp - A new adventure, not far from Whillip, but further than they imagined.
    • unknown 12sep2015.pdf - 19 Jularva - 21 Apros, 1006 / 12 September, 2015: Disposing of the 'Soul Gems'. New party members. The HKs embark upon their newest adventure into a dark and mysterious swamp.
    • unknown 10oct2015.pdf - 23 Apros, 1006 / 10 October, 2015: The return of Imago (Sean O' returns to our group). Unfortunately, the dates seem to really gone wonky. Incorrect dates of Apros now seen ingrained in the journals.
    • unknown 07nov2015.pdf - 23 Apros, 1006 / 7 November, 2015: Black Flame Zombies, oh My! Continuation of the 10th adventure in the extradimensional confines of Fletchin's Swamp.
    • unknown 21nov2015.pdf - 25 Apros, 1006 / 21 November, 2015: Final journal entry for the Black Flame of Fletchins Swamp adventure. Journals do not cover conlusion of adventure. Unfortunately, no one was providing me with journal entries. Some journal entries exist in hard copy, but those are in the hands of players.
  • ajournal11 - The Troubled Tower - A new adventure that started in the forests of western Cormanthor, but soon led us on an extra planar jaunt. This adventure was initially DM'd by one of our players, but he was unable to continue in that role. He left our group in the midst of the adventure without any knowledge of the adventure's design/completion scenario or end goal. I did my best to extricate the group of adventurers and get our campaign back on course.
    • unknown 22apr2017.pdf - 23-26 Mavis, 1007 / 22 April, 2017: Deb B/O' has joined our group. She has written/transcribed some of the hand written journal notes into these journal entries. The party has decided to leave the 'Prince' and the plane of Mechanus. They are set on a return to Whillip. To salvage what they can from a quest with no goal and a guide with uncertain motives.
    • unknown 22apr2017_a.pdf - 26 Mavis, 1007 / 22 April, 2017: Sean O' writes a journal entry supplement for Imago. Aftermath of the aborted adventure. Why was Imago talking to his arm? Back in Whillip, the party must now select a new adventure. They certainly didn't have enough XP or money to advance a level after that extra-planar jaunt that became increasing difficult with no goal in sight and no way to measure completion.
  • ajournal12 - Sealing the Keep - An 'alternate' adventure. After the aborted extra-planar adventure, our party decided to embark on a new adventure. They have decided to answer a summons from the court of Silvery Moon. They seek adventurers to 'recharge' the wards which seal a great host of evil Demons within Hellgate Keep.
    • unknown Sealing The Keep.pdf - 6-9 Janus, 1008 / 30 June, 2018 - 26 January, 2019: Here is another transcribed series of journal entries by Deb's character. This series of journal entries doesn't capture the completion of the party's 12th adventure, but it does mark the end of partial journal entries and the end of the HK's story (for now).

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: