Adventurer's Journal


The journal entry - A portal to the journals of our adventures

Linked from this page are journal entries and notes we've been keeping. A recap of the party's encounters (more than one group of adventurers), adventures and journeys in "Rob's World!" - A 3rd edition D&D campaign world. Someone or somebody thought it'd be a good idea to write it all down. Just in case we might need it for some reason. Plus, I thought it might entertain you.

Written by: A bunch of different folks. Players, Characters, Dungeon Master.







The Adventures of the SCREWOFFS took place between real world dates of 07 August, 2004 and 04 April, 2009. The group completed four adventures between game world dates of 30 Jularva, 1001 and 25 Septev, 1003.

- ajournal04.html: Our intrepid adventurers decided to assist a monastic order and it's leader. It was something of a mystery. A secret conspiracy. An enigma involving a bestiary, a meteorite, and the 'Books of Prophecy'. The adventure went well and you can read all about it by perusing the journal entries enclosed within. Check here for a map of the area where this adventure took place.

- ajournal05.html: Another new adventure. The fifth one for our group. The party has decided to look for an artifact. The quest for the sword of Nth is under way. Stay tuned to learn more about this new quest. Stay tuned to hear more about the newest party members. Stay tuned for adventure!

- ajournal06.html: After completing their last adventure, the party completed their training and began wondering what the next adventure would be. With their sponsor on an extended sabbatical, things seemed unclear. As it turns out, the party decided to stay in Whillip in order to help unravel a local mystery. Someone has been murdering the citizens of Whillip. The party has turned their attention to a group known as C.O.E.P.A.S. The Church Of Elven Supremacy And Superiority. A year long adventure which resulted in the destruction of C.O.E.P.A.S. and the defeat of it's leaders.

- ajournal07.html: Another new adventure. The seventh adventure for our group. The party has decided to help Tanar locate his father. Missing for the past twenty years, Tanar's father, Nigel, left long ago. He was searching for some sort of magical gateway. A diary page that Tanar recently received, contains many details regarding his father's disappearance. The party has set out to discover what happened to Tanar's father, and possibly uncover the mystery surrounding 'Firestorm Peak'.



Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: