The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights

Another new adventure. The ninth adventure for our group. In search of glory, fame, and justice, the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. The party has recently returned to Whillip after their latest adventure. Their last adventure was arduous, dangerous and rewarding. Most of all it was memorable. They've split up their treasure, paid their taxes, and completed their training. After conducting some administrative tasks (swearing in of new party members, updating their charter, electing new officers) they conducted some research and decided to vote on their next adventure. After considering the options available, they've decided to quest for a book called "Eivobrin's Incanabula". Stay tuned for adventure as they trek forth into the wasteland known as the 'Dry Steppes'.

Most recent journal posting is at the top of this page.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug - Remainder of 2013 and beyond]

Real-world date: 31 Aug, 2013
Game-world date: 22 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. When they came to, they were once again trapped in cages! They quickly freed themselves from the cages recovered their gear and found a way out of Glan Sarin's hidden complex. Back in the sewers proper, they're once again exploring the sewers - Looking for clues to the wherabouts of one particular book. Will they manage to find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"The gang's all here"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dave, Monte, Kim and Micheal. That's the full group - It took more than seven months to reconstitute our core group of players, and I'm waaaaaaay behind on my website, but it looks like the core group is here to stay (I hope!). I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

Journals (2013 and beyond): In 2013, I fell behind in the upkeep of my website. There's a myriad number of reasons why that happened, but I won't bore you with details. If you're looking for journal entries beyond the 31 Aug 2013 journal entry, you'll have to visit the rather basic web repository. A directory on my webserver where I've been depositing journal entries since I fell behind in my website maintenannce. Here you will find the remaining journal entries for the ninth adventure (see ajournal09.html above). I want to get caught up and eventually resume my curated more connected (cross-linked) D&D updates, but until then, you'll have to suffice yourself with the basic PDF files I'm storing online.

The morning of 23 Junta, 1005 - Exploring the Sewers of Oblivion:
Journal Entry by Julianne:

[Julianne] The party chose to rest to allow the healers to recover spells. While resting, the party was attacked by megalo-centipedes. They had a terrible acid spit and venomous bite. Magical force did not affect them. Weapons barely affected them. Scott managed to knock one off of the ceiling, and it was quickly set upon and slain by Rascal, who learned that it was entirely immune to magic. Once the second one was slain, the remaining two ran away. After combat, Rascal dared the party to cast spells on him, shouting "Go ahead, try and heal me!" Julianne took the opportunity to shoot him with a force arrow but missed. Well done, Julianne! [/Julianne]

[Julianne] Exploring further, the party found an upward shaft containing a cocoon. We cut it down and opened it, revealing Rex, the pseudodragon - Ditty must be nearby... There was yet another cocoon above it. Julianne climbed upon Azura's shoulders and cut it down as well, only stabbing it a little bit. When the party finally got it down, the dragon roared. A spider further up the shaft began spitting webs at the party, paralyzing Leif and webbing Azura. Rascal cut Azura free, and the goliath moved away from the shaft to stay safe, but the spider chose to run away instead of continuing to fight. Eventually the party opened the second cocoon. Inside was Ditty the mage. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] As the party explored, they found another shaft leading up. Rascal looked up and screamed; the dragon roared. They were attacked by two more spiders, who took a couple of shots and then ran away. We felt like they were baiting us, so we decided not to give chase. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] The party found a shaft leading down, so we descended and found a corridor that looked very unsafe. It turned out to actually be incredibly unsafe. Julianne walked through it and caused a collapse, trapping herself, Azura, Rex, and Ditty under rubble. [/Julianne]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding five members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. When they came to, they were once again trapped in cages! They quickly freed themselves from the cages recovered their gear and found a way out of Glan Sarin's hidden complex - a second time. Back in the sewers proper, they're once again exploring the sewers - Looking for clues to the wherabouts of one particular book. Just recently they discovered a fifth member of 'Nothing but Trouble' - Now the gang's all here and it's time to really set to work on finding that book. Will they manage to find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 17 August, 2013
Game-world date: 22 - 23 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. Captured a second time! This time they managed to escape without battling the mad wizard or losing any party members. Now they're back in the sewers proper, battling all manner of sewer creatures. Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled: 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Still Exploring the Sewers"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dave, Kim and Micheal. I still need to recruit one more player for a full table, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

The Evening of 22 Junta, 1005 - Exploring the Sewers of Oblivion:
Journal Entry by Julianne:

[Julianne] While trying to find a place to rest, the party encountered a giant sewer crocodile. Rascal, useless in three foot deep water, avoided combat by clinging to a wall. The crocodile bit Leif and tried to initiate a death roll, but he escaped and returned the grapple. Azura beat the crocodile to death while it was grappling with Leif. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] Exhausted and running low on spells, the party searched for a safe place to rest. They found a corridor full of a golden fungus, and the dragon roared (Azura has a dragons head emblazoned on his breast plate - and that thing roars whenever danger is imminent!), but nothing happened after that. Azura breathed cold at the fungus, but nothing happened. While the party deliberated over what to do, Julianne said, "Look, I think we should just walk away. It's not like it's going to chase us and nothing bad can happen as long as we stay away. Here, I'll show you." She drew her longbow and shot it with an arrow. A cloud of spores exploded outward from the fungus, catching Azura, who cried "Stop attacking it! You're only making it worse!" [/Julianne]

[Julianne] Rascal tried shining his ball of sunlight on it, to no effect. Azura collapsed in the cloud, and Scott dragged him to safety. The goliath stopped breathing, and while the party tried to figure out what to do, Rascal fired a bead of fire storms into the fungus, setting it ablaze. Leif besought Tempus for a neutralize poison spell, which he immediately used on Azura when he received it. Azura awoke and shouted, "Stop attacking it! Put the fire out!" Rascal and Enola, suspicious that he was under a magical influence, began examining potions from Llvarniq's bag in an attempt to find something to cure Azura, who at this point was begging someone to create water in his helmet so he could put the fire out. Leif and Scott indulged him, and he made some headway clearing spores, but eventually they ran out of spores and Azura went to fill his helmet from the dirty sewer water. Julianne tried to knock him down to stop him, but missed. Rascal came up with a plan to spellsteal the charm from Azura, which worked; he then attacked Scott but was quickly knocked out. After a little while, the fire burned the fungus away and all was well. [/Julianne]

The morning of 23 Junta, 1005:

[Julianne] The party came across a plank with a poem inscribed: [/Julianne]

A warning before a prize is a warning must sure to die.
History is a yellowed fragile page turned by men of wisdom and of age.

Visions come and visions go. Shows how much do old men know.
Codex, incanabula, vade meccum, enchiridiam penned to save a thousand men.

Evanescence consumed by opacity, intrigue and desperate humanity.
Where hither does it lie? Only darkness death and I.

Vivisceptular, vivisceptular, vivisceptular, again and again, for alive it will surely be.
Search high, nay low, search where we all must go.

Past portents great and powerful, through shadows dark and deadly.
Beware your greatest enemy. For like you he will surely be.

And when at last you fail to perceive,
be it known your goal achieved.

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. Captured a second time! This time they managed to escape without battling the mad wizard or losing any party members. Now they're back in the sewers proper... Will the ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 03 August, 2013
Game-world date: 22 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. Captured a second time! This time they managed to escape without battling the mad wizard or losing any party members. Now they're back in the sewers proper, battling all manner of sewer creature. Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled: 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Never Ending Sewers"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dareus, Dave, Kim and Micheal. As the core group solidifies, there may be a few more changes in the line-up, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

The evening of 22 Junta, 1005 - Exploring the Sewers of Oblivion:
Journal Entry by Julianne:

[Julianne] The party encountered two dark shadow spiders, one coming from the front, one behind. Rascal cleverly retrieved his ball of sunlight and approached one, which retreated. Enola, Julianne, and Leif concentrated attacks on the other spider. Both spiders decided to try webbing the party, which was successful, and they might have approached to attack were it not for Scott binding them both to the prime material plane, causing them to reconsider their choice of prey. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] After exploring several shafts, the party encountered four lightning bolt centipedes, so named because they spit lightning. Though the fight initially looked like it would turn out badly, with Julianne taking heavy damage, the rest of the party acted quickly and took the beasts down, Rascal hurling insults all the while. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] Later, the party came across a Sewer Haunt next to a corpse. It was entirely immune to weapon damage, but was eventually taken down. The corpse turned out to be the remains of someone named Nygorin - A person we read about in a recovered journal entry we found in the sewer. There was an assortment of treasure, including a silver necklace, which Leif buried along with the body. The party took a suit of armor and put it in the bag, and Julianne took a military fork. [/Julianne]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. Captured a second time! This time they managed to escape without battling the mad wizard or losing any party members. Now they're back in the sewers proper, battling all manner of sewer creatures. Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled: 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 20 July, 2013
Game-world date: 22 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. Captured a second time! This time they managed to escape without battling the mad wizard or losing any party members. Now they're back in the sewers proper... Will the ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Exploring the Sewers"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dareus, Dave, Kim and Micheal. As the core group solidifies, there may be a few more changes in the line-up, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

The evening of 22 Junta, 1005 - Exploring the Sewers of Oblivion:
Journal Entry by Julianne:

[Julianne] For some reason, this entry is incomplete... Sorry about that. I don't know what happened. Perhaps someone can help fill in from memory? [/Julianne]

[Julianne] When the journal keeper rejoined, the party was fighting a couple of algoids! Brave, Brave Lady Julianne suggested running away, but the party stayed and slew both monsters. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] After resting, they encountered a dread sewer spider. The party was webbed and Rascal was paralyzed. Scott tried casting Obscuring Mist, but the spider was able to sense the party's location by their movement. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] And that's where I run out! Isn't this the one where an invisible horror attacked Julianne? [/Julianne]

Note from the DM: Not having complete journal entries is a bit of a bummer. I hope we can find someone other than Alexis to help fill the gap from time to time.

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. Captured a second time! This time they managed to escape without battling the mad wizard or losing any party members. Now they're back in the sewers proper, battling all manner of sewer creature. Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled: 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 06 July, 2013
Game-world date: 22 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. When they came to, they were once again trapped in cages! They quickly freed themselves from the cages and recovered their gear. They're back in Glan Sarin's hidden complex, where all manner of danger lurks. What nefarious fate lies in store for our characters this time around? Will the party escape from Glan Sarin's hidden complex again? Will they manage to find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another deadly encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Where's the damned exit!?"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dareus, Dave, Kim and Micheal. As the core group solidifies, there may be a few more changes in the line-up, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

The afternoon of 22 Junta, 1005 - Exploring Glan's hidden complex:
Journal Entry by the DM: It seems I've lost every player who is willing to keep a journal entry, so I'll do my best to run the game, make sure the story line stays on track, play all the NPCs and make some brief notes in order to capture the essence of the session.

The party left the 'Secret Room' and back-tracked to search a dead end corridor. That's where they encountered three fiendish dragon hounds. They've fought these beasts before, but decided against the risk and effort - The dragon hounds scared the party so badly that the entire party ran away. Rascal, Julianne and Leif were panicked and ran off in separate directions. Enola fired a parting shot at the dragon hounds, and the rest of the party ran away.

After a brief period of panick, the party regrouped as Enola and Azura managed to track down the panicked party members. After regrouping the party resumed their search. The soon discovered a secret one way door. Rascal examined the door for some time. No traps were found and the party decided to use the secret door as it was intended; as a 'Way Out' of Glan Sarin's hidden complex. There was some debate regarding the destruction of the door, but the party decided to leave it intact.

Moments later the party found themselves back in the sewer proper. They emerged into a 20 foot wide corridor. This area wasn't on their maps, but it didn't take long for Azura to find some connecting passages that they'd previously mapped. The party had managed to escaped Glan Sarin's hidden complex without engaging the mad wizard in another deadly battle. That last contest didn't go so well and the party was definitely glad to have escaped unscathed.

Seeking to put some distance between themselves and Glan Sarin, the party decided to descend to a deeper level of the dungeon. They decided to seek out the trapped dais they'd discovered earlier. That dais had piqued the curiosity of Rascal, and the entire party decided to further investigate the clues that originally led them to the dais. That particular dais had been the reason that the party got captured the first time around. Rumors of treasure had reslted in the party being lured into a trap, and now Rascal wanted to check it out again... There's supposed to be treasure there!

What followed was a trip through the sewers along paths the party had followed once before. After a couple of hours the party found themselves embroiled in combat with a fetid denizen known as bloodrot. The party defeated the bloodrot after discovering that it, like many other sewer denziens, was corrupted by taint, resistant to magic and weapon damage. The residual hate of a race war and twisted magics of a civilization mad with war has tainted many creatures now breeding in these sewers. After defeating the bloodrot, the party took a long needed rest. Hidden away in a dead end alley, they managed to stay undetected for eight hours. The only disturbance to their rest was an encounter with some 'normal' rats. Smart enough to know better, these creatures sniffed the air, smelled trouble and moved along smartly; not daring to disturb the resting heroes.

After their rest they emerged refreshed and healed. Ready to take another stab at this quest of theirs. They headed off to the nearest shaft and headed down a level in search of that trapped dais. It wasn't long before they found themselves once again embroiled in combat with some sewer denizens. A group of three sewer algoid are currently teaching the party that they shouldn't attack every creature they encounter. With one down and two to go, the party should probably try to avoid combat that doesn't get them closer to the 'book'.

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. Captured a second time! This time they managed to escape without battling the mad wizard or losing any party members. Now they're back in the sewers proper... Will the ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 22 June, 2013
Game-world date: 22 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle (where three party members died: Solmar, Mort, and Talrath and one went missing: Imago) and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. When they came to, they were once again trapped in cages! They quickly freed themselves from the cages, but without their gear, danger is very near. T
    hey're back in Glan Sarin's workshop, where all manner of danger lurks. What nefarious fate lies in store for our characters this time around? Will the party escape from Glan Sarin's hidden complex (again) and manage to find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Back in Glan's hidden sewer complex"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dareus, Dave, Kim and Micheal. As the core group solidifies, there may be a few more changes in the line-up, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

The morning of 22 Junta, 1005 - Shortly after freeing themselves from Glan's cages:
Journal Entry by Julianne:

[Julianne] After recovering their equipment, and a short break for Lief's bathtime, the party climbed carefully over the cages to the safe area of the workshop, trying very hard to avoid waking the stone golem on the table. Although they fell and broke Glan Sarin's table, they managed to safely escape the workshop, whereupon they met a Human man, surrounded by moving shadows, presumed to be Glan Sarin. He was rakishly adorned in armor and amulet, carrying a staff and a rapier, and a VERY jaunty chapeau. Exclaiming, "Damn! You're not supposed to be here yet!" he ran away, down the hall, through a door, closing it behind him. The party chose not to pursue him--after all, were they after the book, or some wizard?--and instead searched a nearby laboratory, discovering a few magical items and two secret doors. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] One of the secret doors led to an odd room with a hole in the center of the floor, full of colors; a fan on the ceiling; and shelves of various magical and mundane items. Julianne took a broom off of a nearby shelf and poked at the colors in the hole, then threw the broom in, to discover that neither had any effect. Rascal was very troubled by the loss of the broom from some reason. On the wall was a map with a golden plaque beneath reading "Sarinalia", which, when pried away (because, hey, free gold!), revealed a book. Not THE book, mind you, just a book. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] On another wall was an odd panel with a variety of switches and drawers with magnets. Playing with the switches appeared to open portals to other areas. The magnets were inscribed in the Mind Flayer language. [/Julianne]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a deadly battle and harrowing escape, the party managed to slip out of the grasp of a mad scientist named Glan Sarin. After a very short respite, the party fell into a pit trap where they were rendered unconscious by sleeping gas. When they came to, they were once again trapped in cages! They quickly freed themselves from the cages, but without their gear, danger is very near. They're back in Glan Sarin's hidden complex, where all manner of danger lurks. What nefarious fate lies in store for our characters this time around? Will the party escape from Glan Sarin's hidden complex (again) and manage to find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 08 June, 2013
Game-world date: 21 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area.
    Exploration of this inner complex eventually brought them face to face with a legendary nemesis, an ancient foe of old; someone with a diabolical hidden plan. A plan that involves the party, an ancient tome, a collection of doppelgangers and a group of kidnapped leaders from all over Ohnest. In our latest installment of the 'Journal', Alexis has taken over with the journal entries. In a recent battle of epic proportions, the party lost four members; three from the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights and one from Nothing But Trouble. Dead on arrival were: Solmar, Mort, and Talrath. Missing in action: Imago. The party lost four characters in one battle (that lasted two sessions). When the party finally exited the 'Arena Of Doom', they found themselves back in the sewers.

"Trapped by Glan Sarin - Again!"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dareus, Dave, Kim and Micheal. As the core group solidifies, there may be a few more changes in the line-up, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

Late afternoon 21 Junta, 1005:
Journal Entry by Julianne:

[Julianne] The party elected to temporarily divide Ryx's treasure and continue searching for the Incanabula. Very quickly, we encountered two Sewer Basidironds, a type of fungal monster. When battle was met, Rascal quickly found himself affected by their hallucinogenic spores, causing him to believe that he was short... shorter than normal, anyway. He was affected again, believing now that everyone in the party except him was infected with a contagious disease, before one Basidirond was slain and the other fled. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] Further aimless exploration led the party to a corridor, filled with bones and broken statues, and a new clue, a word written in blood on a bit of leather on the wall, appearing to read "cross." Oh, also in the corridor was a dracolisk (not to be confused with a dracolich), which attacked when the party noisily tromped through the bones. Thanks, Julianne. When it charged, Rascal bravely rolled under it to attack its (hopefully) vulnerable underbelly, while the rest of the party attempted to distract it. Its acidic breath was negated entirely thanks to a timely spell from Leif. Surprisingly quick work was made of the beast. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] Later, the party came upon an illusory cave-in, concealing a door. Rascal located and disarmed a trap on the door, except that he was found to be entirely wrong about that last part when Julianne and Azura tried to bash the door down and set off a trap, dropping the party into a pit, into which sleeping gas was piped. sul was safe, having been far enough back to avoid the trap, but the rest of the party awoke in Glan Sarin's workshop, caged and completely naked. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] However, they had to save their "Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wows" for later, because they weren't alone; there were three of each of them in the cages! doppelgangers! How dreadful. Rascal managed to escape first, followed by Julianne who bent the bars of her cage. The rest of the party soon was able to prove their identities and were freed, to the jeers of the doppelgangers. [/Julianne]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing four of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group). After a brief respite from the hidden machinations of Glan Sarin, the party finds themselves back in Glan Sarin's secret labyrinth. Liberated from their cages, but naked and bewildered, the party was captured after falling into a pit trap. They quickly freed themselves, but now they're back in the workshop, where all manner of danger lurks with a devious mind plotting his next move just beyond the walls of this workshop. What nefarious fate lies in store for our characters this time around? Will the party escape from Glan Sarin's hidden complex and manage to find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"? Will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 11 May, 2013
Game-world date: 21 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area.
    Exploration of this inner complex eventually brought them face to face with a legendary nemesis, an ancient foe of old; someone with a diabolical hidden plan. A plan that involves the party, an ancient tome, a collection of doppelgangers and a group of kidnapped leaders from all over Ohnest. In our latest installment of the 'Journal', the DM recounted the party's encounter with Glan Sarin and the deadly results of that encounter. The party lost four members; three from the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights and one from Nothing But Trouble. That battle was intense, deadly and concluded in a less than favorable manner. The battle had cost them dearly. Dead on arrival were: Solmar, Mort, and Talrath. Missing in action: Imago. The party lost four characters in one battle (that lasted two sessions). When the party finally exited the 'Arena Of Doom', they found themselves back in the sewers.

"The Adventure Continues"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dareus, Dave, Kim and Micheal. I still need to recruit one more player for a full table, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

Afternoon of 21 Junta, 1005 - just after a short rest:
Journal Entry by Julianne:

[Julianne] Upon resting, the party decided to follow the spider's trail to see if it could be located or slain. Rascal burned through the webs blocking the corridor, revealing a cocoon. After a short struggle with the cocoon being caught ablaze and put out in sewer water, Scott, the Half-Orc, was freed. Meanwhile, the fire continued to burn away the webbing in the corridor. The spider was directly behind them, being hemmed in by the party on one side and a cave-in on the other. With a single arrow it was slain by Enola. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] Continuing to aimlessly explore the sewers, the party chanced upon a dragon-like creature. Azura declared it to be a Dungeon Bunny, a creature who created an illusion to frighten off predators, and charged it. However, it was not a Dungeon Bunny; it was a dread sewer basilisk, which was discovered after it petrified Leif. Luckily, the party was able to kill it, and Leif's petrified body was coated in the monster's blood, breaking the enchantment. Rascal discovered its nest which yielded quite a bit of treasure. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] Unfortunately, not much later, Ryx was lost in an encounter with a sewer cube. With its paralytic pseudopods and noxious aura, it mercilessly beat the elf to death, leaving Sul an orphan of sorts. Luckily we have another ranger. A BETTER ranger, one might say. [/Julianne]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Exploration of this inner complex has finally brought them face to face with a legendary nemesis, an ancient foe of old; someone with a diabolical hidden plan. A plan that involves the party, an ancient tome, a collection of doppelgangers and a group of kidnapped leaders from all over Ohnest. In our latest installment of the 'Journal', the DM turns over the journal entries to Alexis (one of the players in our campaign), who's character was recently discovered encased in a swaddling of stasis inducing webbing. With Julianne free from the two year stasis the party resumes it's quest. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula", will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 27 April, 2013
Game-world date: 21 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area.
    Exploration of this inner complex eventually brought them face to face with a legendary nemesis, an ancient foe of old; someone with a diabolical hidden plan. A plan that involves the party, an ancient tome, a collection of doppelgangers and a group of kidnapped leaders from all over Ohnest. In our latest installment of the 'Journal', the DM recounted the party's encounter with Glan Sarin and the deadly results of that encounter. The party lost four members; three from the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights and one from Nothing But Trouble. That battle was intense, deadly and concluded in a less than favorable manner. The battle had cost them dearly. Dead on arrival were: Solmar, Mort, and Talrath. Missing in action: Imago. The party lost four characters in one battle (that lasted two sessions). When the party finally exited the 'Arena Of Doom', they found themselves back in the sewers.

"The Aftermath of that bloody battle with Glan Sarin"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Alexis, Dareus, Kim and Micheal. I still need to recruit one more player for a full table, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

The morning of 21 Junta, 1005 - moments after the battle:
Journal Entry by the DM: It seems I've lost every player who is willing to keep a journal entry, so I'll do my best to run the game, make sure the story line stays on track, play all the NPCs and make some brief notes in order to capture the essence of the session.

In this episode: On the morning of the 21st of Junta, the party cured 'Glan Sarin' of the psychotic affliction which forced him to assume a different personality every time the party encountered him. Yes - The party cured him of that ailment - I'm sure, in the deepest of his twisted black heart, Glan appreciates this benevolent act. I only wonder whether he consciously realizes that the party acted in a beneficent manner... The encounter resulted in a battle that cost the party dearly. Dead on arrival were: Solmar, Mort, and Talrath. Missing in action: Imago. The party lost four characters in one battle (that lasted two sessions). When the party finally exited the 'Arena Of Doom', they found themselves back in the sewers. In the aftermath, one thing was clear. Rascal put it rather succinctly when he said: "That guy owned us!"

The party wandered about the dungeon for a few hours. They found a nice quite spot; filled only by the filth, mold, slime, parasites and insects, it seemed a perfect place to lick their wounds, cast some healing spells, grab a bit to eat, rest, and most importantly - Think about the catastrophic results of that last encounter...

The afternoon of 21 Junta, 1005:
Journal Entry by the DM: After considerable searching and solicitations, I've located a player who's willing to provide additional journal entries. Hopefully I won't find myself in the unenviable position of keeping track of everything once again. I'll do it if I have to, but I really appreciate it when one of the players realizes the value of these journal entries (which we consult in game), and decides to help the group by keeping them for us. Alexis joined our group in late April, and she's decided to help out by keeping journal entries (in character), so I'll relent and let her tell the tale:

After a brief rest period, the party is once again on the trail, looking for clues as to where the Incanabula might be found. While searching the dungeon, they once again stumbled upon a cocoon containing a spider snack. This particular spider snack was still alive, held in stasis by the powerful magic webs of a Dark Shadow Spider. After cutting loose the occupant/victim, the party discovered Julianne Van Asper - Another member of 'Nothing But Trouble'.

...Alexis / Julianne takes over...

[Julianne] Well, it seems as though I was taken captive by the spiders when last we fought. I was awoken today, cut out of the cocoon they had made for me, and told that two years had passed while I was in stasis. Nothing can be done about that, I suppose, although I wish this sewer wasn't so filthy. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] After allowing Rascal to sit on my shoulders, we marched away, down a corridor filled with dirty water. Some members of the party were bitten by the parasites in the water... hopefully that won't come back to haunt them later. We cleared the water after a little while. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] A short way down the corridor, we encountered one of the same, god-forsaken spiders that trapped me in the cocoon. I should have tempered my desire for revenge, however; I had forgotten that striking the spider with a sword hurt me more than it appeared to hurt the spider. Ryx, seeming to have forgotten how archery is supposed to work, fired his bow down the corridor instead of his arrow. Retrieving it proved to be painful, as he was set upon while scrabbling around in the water and paralyzed by the spider's bite. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] The fight was made more difficult by the spider's propensity to throw webs everywhere; eventually, our Halfling had the somewhat callous idea to burn the webs, responding to all protests with "I'm saving you!" Taking a page from Rascal's book, Leif quaffed a potion of fire breath and in one great gout of flame, burned away much of the webbing. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] With a final push, we struck at the spider with all our fury, but it proved not to be enough to kill it; it escaped down the corridor, past its protective webs, with Ryx loosing arrows and Leif casting spells after it. [/Julianne]

[Julianne] What a frustrating encounter! Next time I must be more cautious; those thorns are quite painful. I wonder if the spider will remember us? I hope we meet again. [/Julianne]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Exploration of this inner complex has finally brought them face to face with a legendary nemesis, an ancient foe of old; someone with a diabolical hidden plan. A plan that involves the party, an ancient tome, a collection of doppelgangers and a group of kidnapped leaders from all over Ohnest. In our latest installment of the 'Journal', the DM turns over the journal entries to Alexis (one of the players), who's character was recently discovered encased in a swaddling of stasis inducing webbing. With Julianne free from the two year stasis the party resumes it's quest. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula", will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 30 Mar and 13 April, 2013
Game-world date: 21 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: The Dungeon Master

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
    confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. The party has finally discovered the secret of this area's occupants. There aren't several occupants, there's only one. Now that they've cured this person, he seems to be someone who shouldn't be trifled with... An ultimatum hangs in the air. Will the party leave, or will there be 'Consequences'? Will exploration of this inner complex bring the party closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Enemy Identified - Glan Sarin Attacks"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Dareus, Kim and Micheal. I still need to recruit two more players for a full table, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

The morning of 21 Junta, 1005
Journal Entry by the DM: It seems I've lost every player who is willing to keep a journal entry, so I'll do my best to run the game, make sure the story line stays on track, play all the NPCs and make some brief notes in order to capture the essence of the session.

In this episode: On the morning of the 21st of Junta, the party has cured 'Glan Sarin' of the psychotic affliction which forced him to assume a different personality every time the party encountered him. Yes - The party cured him of that ailment - I'm sure, in the deepest of his twisted black heart, Glan appreciates this benevolent act. I only wonder whether he consciously realizes that the party acted in a beneficent manner...

When last we met (on the 16th of June) the party was on the verge of confrontation with Glan Sarin.

“At last we meet. You may leave now, I shall show you the way out.”

“And if we do not wish to leave?”

“There will be consequences!”

The waiting game didn't take long. I recall one of the characters saying something like. "We just healed you, and now you're making threats?". That was followed by Glan Sarin raising up his arms. He said: "Time is up, you had your chance." With a staff in his left hand he thumped the flagstone floor three times and said: "Welcome to the Arena Of Doom". With a thunderous series of teleport claps, the party and Glan Sarin were all teleported to a new location.

This new location was a 50' x 50' x 50' cube. A room with stone floors, wall and ceiling. Levitating throughout the room were 5' x 5' stone platforms. The stone platforms had some give to them as party members walked upon their surface, but they carried any weight put upon them, and did not falter, tilt or break when struck. The party appeared on the floor of the room, and Glan Sarin appeared on one of the stone platforms near the ceiling. The party and Glan weren't alone. Accompanying Glan Sarin were two pair of those nasty teleporting beasties known as 'Fiendish Dragon Hounds'. One feature of the room gave the party reason for hope. An exit of sorts. This black portal moved every time someone went through it. As Glan Sarin and his consort of Fiendish Dragon Hounds began attacking the party, the offer of an exit provided some with a reason to go on.

The battle that followed was intense. Filled with fireballs, lightning bolts, great gouts of flame, breath weapons of acid and various other deadly spells. The party did it's best to counter Glan Sarin's foil, but the combined attacks quickly began to take their toll. As the battle began to flow in Glan Sarin's favor, Imago took to the steps and quickly found his way to the exit. As soon as he left, the portal disappeared and reappeared in a different location. Everyone started heading for the new exit, but the attacks kept coming and party members started falling like the mighty giants they were...

I distinctly remember Solmar being transformed into a molten slag after he fell to the ground. Glan Sarin sensed a turn in the tide and finished Solmar off with a well time delayed blast fireball. Solmar wouldn't be the first of the Hallowed Knights to fall, but his demise struck a deadly blow to the party's morale, and things were looking quite glum. After Solmar fell, it wasn't long before two more party members joined his ranks in the ever-after. Mortimer and Talrath fell soon after. Struck down before the might of this high level sorcerer.

Eventually, the party defeated one of the teleporting beasties. That triggered a response by Glan Sarin - He shouted out the word "Retrieve" and the fiendish dragon hounds teleported to the fallen remains of the party members. The hounds took up the dead or dying remains in their jaws and made for the exit. In a desperate race, the party tried to beat the hounds to each exit. Unfortunately, the teleport ability worked in the hounds favor. As Glan Sarin and two of the hounds made their ways to the exits, the remaining hound attacked the party with physical attacks. Teleporting into the midst of the party it fought valiantly to cover the retreat of it's master.

Two of the hounds made it through the teleporting exit, followed by the demise of the remaining hound, followed shortly thereafter by Glan Sarin. Who departed the scene with an ominous retort: "You had your chance and you failed! Until we meet again" With that he took his leave. The party was decimated. This battle had cost them dearly. Dead on arrival were: Solmar, Mort, and Talrath. Missing in action: Imago. The party lost four characters in one battle (that lasted two sessions). When the party finally exited the 'Arena Of Doom', they found themselves back in the sewers.

The only good news? Mort dropped his mace and Leif recovered it.

In the aftermath, one thing was clear. Rascal put it rather succinctly when he said: "That guy owned us!"

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Exploration of this inner complex has finally brought them face to face with a legendary nemesis, an ancient foe of old; someone with a diabolical hidden plan. A plan that involves the party, an ancient tome, a collection of doppelgangers and a group of kidnapped leaders from all over Ohnest. In our latest installment of the 'Journal', the DM recounts the party's encounter with Glan Sarin and the deadly results of that encounter. The party lost four members; three from the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights and one from Nothing But Trouble. Hopefully the party won't need to take Glan Sarin to task in the quest. The results might not bode well for their continued existence. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula", will they unravel Glan's plan?, can they survive another encounter with Glan Sarin? Or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 16 Mar 2013
Game-world date: 19 - 21 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: Dareus playing Ryx

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
    confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Just how dangerous is this fire Elemental? Will exploration of this inner complex bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Who is Glan Sarin?"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Dareus, Kim and Micheal. I still need to recruit two more players for a full table, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

Afternoon on the 19th of Junta, 1005

Should never have played with those silly plaques. Upon drawing the fire card, the room suddenly bursts into flame, a humanoid figure declaring itself to be Lord Adoleth rose from a portal before the door. Enraged by being summoned to these chambers the burning creature decrees that someone must pay and the party preps itself for combat.

Talrath however, our enterprising Drow, attempts to reason with the undead creature first, appealing for mercy while at the same time pointing out that it was Leif who was responsible for summoning him here in the first place (supporting Ryx who had sold out the Human not moments before). Unfortunately for the party, Lord Adoleth was not in a forgiving mood, and a fierce battle began.

Already short two party members, the battle was not going well for our intrepid adventurers, with their attacks doing little to send the undead lord back from whence he came. With things looking grim Solmar, still trapped in the body of a frog, valiantly hopped forward to deliver divine justice, giving the undead a literal tongue lashing that was more effective than all the other party member's attacks combined.

With the knowledge that holy attacks were the way to victory, Azura pulled out his pouch of sacred boulders, using them to destroy the undead creature once and for all. Unfortunately the battle did not come without cost; Enola’s animal companion Fang did not survive the melee. With the battle ended, the party turned their focus back to returning Enola and Solmar back to their original forms, resting and checking up on Winston in-between attempts.

Enola is easily changed back, but Solmar’s polymorph proves difficult, taking two days to rectify.

20 Jun 1005

During this period, the party learns an interesting tidbit. The man who called himself Winston Churchill no longer occupied the den, replaced with a tall Elven female calling herself Thusadra Margus. What’s more, after having her fall into the same comatose-like state Winston had suffered from, the party learned that Thusadra had now become Varnus Chodarun.

Believing that they are dealing with a shape-shifter, the party stays in the room to see if they can witness the change. It seems as if the trigger to get the shifter to change is to mention alternate planes, and when the being awakes from its catatonic state it becomes a man calling himself Szeck Namataz the next day.

The morning of 21 Junta, 1005

Every appearance seemed to have a similar story, having been trapped in the area for three years or so after being brought here by some form of sorcery. Every appearance except the last one. After having panacea cast on him, the being transforms into an old human male armed with a rapier and a quarterstaff, bearing eyes that do not seem in the least confused.

“At last we meet. You may leave now, I shall show you the way out.”

“And if we do not wish to leave?”

“There will be consequences!”

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Exploration of this inner complex has finally brought them face to face with a legendary nemesis, an ancient foe of old; someone with a diabolical hidden plan. A plan that involves the party, an ancient tome, a collection of doppelgangers and a group of kidnapped leaders from all over Ohnest. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula", will they unravel Glan's plan, will they survive this encounter with the mad wizard? or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 02 Mar 2013
Game-world date: 19 Jun 1005
Synopsis written by: Dareus playing Ryx

    Campaign Master's note:
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
    confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Will exploration of this inner complex bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Exploring the inner complex"

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Dareus, Kim and Micheal. I still need to recruit two more players for a full table, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

19 Jun 1005

Our story begins with our intrepid adventurers exploring the den of one Mr. Winston Churchill, and it appears as if the man has fallen into a comatose state. After checking to see if anything could be done for Winston, the ranger Enola went to check out the secret door which she had spotted earlier, for perhaps it might lead to the book they have all been searching for. It would appear as if the Halfling Rascal had similar ideas about searching for the book, for he was swiftly rifling through the boxes stacked near the door, the wild elf Ryx and his partner Sul looking on with trepidation. “Are you sure they’re safe…?” Ryx was unable to say more as the lifeless stuffed owlbear which had been guarding the entrance to the secret passage suddenly began to move.

A swift slash from Enola’s blade-bow weakened the creature, and before it could move two arrows from Ryx’s bow quickly dispatched the beast. Even more paranoid Ryx considered asking Sul to help him stop Rascal’s frantic searching, but before he could the Halfling came across a box labeled 'Caution!', and true to his nature he opened it, releasing what Ryx recognized as active yellow mold spores. Enola seemed to take the worst of it, but fortunately Mort was able to patch her up before any permanent damage was done.

Ryx quickly confiscated the mold box from Rascal, sealing it and stuffing it in the holding bag while the Halfling went on to find the magical item he was looking for. With the secret door leading to an unusable passage, the group decided there was nothing else that could be done in this room and thus moved on. Coming upon another door, Rascal checked it for traps, and declaring the door safe the Halfling retreated to let Solmar take point. The Warforged opened the door, and after stepping through the “safe” doorway he immediately turned into a frog! All eyes turned to Rascal, whose only defense was a cheeky “hey, I can’t see magic on the other side of a doorway.” With their guards now up Enola decided to take her chances to see if she could enter, but with a mechanical grind she too became a frog, and it was a lucky break that her snake too joined her in the amphibian kingdom.

With three party members down, Rascal and Mort cobbled together a plan where Mort would enter to trigger the trap so that Rascal could see and disable it. Surprisingly the plan worked, and with no further frog making, the group entered the room to search it. Rascal managed to find a dresser which contained a trap on every drawer. Unfortunately for the Halfling there were twelve drawers and he only managed to disarm ten traps. The party was disheartened the first time Rascal fell, the thief seemingly dead to all but Leif who managed to revive him. The second time he fell… well the party did still needed him. After reviving Rascal a second time he and Ryx took stock of the items in the drawer, with Ryx staking claim to a sheath of magical arrows (and earning himself a froggy noogie from Enola in the process) before going through a mysterious set of plaques. Both Rascal and Ryx drew some plaques, but it was only until Leif drew one that anything discernable happened. After drawing a plaque inscribed with a picture of flames a fire elemental appeared before the party. May the gods remain ever on their side.

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Just how dangerous is this fire Elemental? Will exploration of this inner complex bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 16 Feb 2013
Game-world date: 18 - 19 Jun 1005
Written by: Nathan playing Talrath

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party), and now they find themselves
    confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Will exploration of this inner complex bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Survivors of a previous party"

18 Jun 1005

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Dareus, Kim and Micheal. I still need to recruit two more players for a full table, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

[Synopsis by Nathan/Playing Talrath]
Synopsis of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights from Feb 16, 2013

Took rest in library.

19 Jun 1005

Put books in bag.

2 stone golems/guardians activate.

One golem was taken down twice. Kept getting up until Azura and Solmar knocked down both guardians and Imago read book of golems and read that a dispel magic would stop the regeneration. So we rested another day and Mort prayed for dispel magic. Mort then prayed for stone shape and turned the golems in to a bowl and alter respectively. Solmar and Azura then smashed the bowl and alter.

We began exploring again, went down a hallway, and found a new door.

In front of the door we found a Halfling, a Wild Elf, a Human, and a Drow.

Behind the door is a very nice room with rugs, a stuffed owlbear, a garden, a fireplace, and Winston Churchill. Ryx identified a Twilight Bloom.

Winston Churchill said he arrived here but doesn't know how.

Found a letter to Glan about replacing some adventurers with doppelgängers and deceiving Tekelut.

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party and finding four members from a previous adventuring group), and now they find themselves
confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Will exploration of this inner complex bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 02 Feb 2013
Game-world date: 18 Jun 1005
Written by: Floyd playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. The party's journey took them south and east, into a cursed desert. Eventually they found and descended into the sewers beneath the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Ambushed, abducted and imprisoned in a strange workshop, the party recently secured their freedom. Unfortunately they paid a high cost for that freedom.
    Allurean was killed by the massive blow of a stone golem. With Allurean and Chartruz gone, the party managed to free Solmar and Azura from the cursed confines of a strange book. After a brief battle with some flesh golems the party has finally escaped the deadly confines of a mysterious workroom only to find themselves confined to a maze-like complex of rooms. Will exploration of this inner complex bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Powerful opponents in the Workshop"

18 Jun 1005

[Note from the Dungeonmaster: The composition of our player group has changed significantly since the 19th of January, 2013. Many of the longtime players have retired from our campaign. Gone are: Lee, Mark, Sean and Todd. With their departures (for various reasons), I've done my best to recruit a new group of players. As a reader, you may notice a change in journal style. This change is due to the change in players. With us now are: Floyd, Shane, Dareus, Kim and Micheal. I still need to recruit two more players for a full table, so the style may change even more as the campaign progresses. I'd like to thank all those who've participated in the Rob's World! campaign over the years and hope that you (the readers) will continue to enjoy these journal entries as the game goes on.]

[Synopsis by Floyd/Playing Mortimer]
Synopsis of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights from Feb 2, 2013

Left the room and went through a double set of doors. At this point we were attacked by a group of 3 Fiendish Dragon hounds. As one of the Hounds bayed which caused Mortimer and Azura to panic. Azura ran away.  Mortimer was not so lucky and ran around like a fowl without his head.  Then they sprayed us with acid. The battle tide turned as Mortimer regained his composure. We killed 2 one ran away, and then Azura came back.

After this we explored a bedroom and found a way into a tunnel system.  We started to explore it soon after we attacked another fiendish hound.

After this we found a secret door into the workroom from the tunnel system.

We went exploring the tunnel system and encountered another hound it ran away. 

We found another bedroom the only this one contained slippers.

We went into the corridor from the 2nd bedroom and it led into a library. It is guarded by 2 stone sentries, they told us not to remove the books from the room. In this library we found many valuable tomes. Also found 2 secret entrances from the library into the tunnel system

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are questing beneath the sands of an ancient Baklunish city called Lingice-Enz. The sewers beneath the ruins are believed to be the resting place of an ancient book. The party has fought many difficult and deadly battles along the way (losing one of their party), and now they find themselves
confined to a maze-like complex of rooms embedded in an unknown underground area. Will exploration of this inner complex bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 19 Jan 2013
Game-world date: 16 - 18 Jun 1005
Written by: Todd playing Allurean, Chartruz and Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Ambushed, abducted and imprisoned in a strange workshop, the party has secured their freedom, only to find themselves beset upon by a pair of highly resistant golems that seem intent on neutralizing disruptive party members. With Azura trapped inside a magical book, and Solmar missing, the party is now in a very precarious position. Danger lurks nearby, and the party is missing their two best fighters. Will exploration of this workshop bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Deadly Opponents and Death in the Workshop"

16 Jun 1005

<Allurean POV>
[Allurean] After the last fight, we slept and rested to get our spells back. Many of us were still injured – some pretty badly – but Mortimer didn’t have enough healing to fix us all up before we rested. When everyone’s ready to get back to it, Enola announces that, to her reckoning, it’s now the 17th of Junta. I really have no idea what that means, calendar-wise, but it feels like we’ve been down here for eons. [/Allurean]

17 Jun 1005

[Allurean] We all discuss the best way to get Azura and Solmar out of the magical book that’s trapped them. The consensus before was that Mortimer use a Break Enchantment spell. My only argument was that I was under the impression that it only worked on people, not objects. I guess we’ll see. I suggest another option: pulling a Dispel Magic from the Spellpool, and trying that first. Everyone agrees that it couldn’t hurt, and if it works, then Mortimer can free up his more powerful spells. I spend a few seconds drawing the energy into me and have it ready to go. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] I plop down to go over my inventory, checking to make sure that I’m prepped for another interminable day in this place, when my ribs scream in pain. I pull aside my dress and find that I’m still pretty beat up from yesterday’s fight. I start to ask Mortimer for a quick touch of his healing hands, but then I think better of it. As long as we don’t wake the stone golem, we should be OK - just stay off the floor, and get the Hells out of this thrice-damned room. This place sucks to The Highest Heaven, but we’ve pretty much figured it out. I remember my old commander’s words: “Caution is good, but paranoia kills.” [/Allurean]

[Allurean] The book is still stuck between the table with the stone golem, and some crates. We’re all leery of getting too close to the stone golem for fear of activating it again – except for Imago, who seems to enjoy springing every trap and death device he’s aware of, just to see what will happen. Chaos gnomes… never again, I swear. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] The biggest crate on the floor next to the stone golem’s table has broken open and some foul-smelling white viscous liquid has leaked out onto the floor. No one wants to get close enough to it to see if it does anything other than stink, so we discuss what it could be. No one seems to have any clue, so I’m about to just write it off… and then it hits me. I shrug it off at first, thinking “No, certainly not – that’s ridiculous.” But then I start putting it all together: where we are, what we’ve encountered so far, etc. and I realize that it’s something called Gygax Goo. No one really knows where it came from or why it even exists, but this stuff is legendary in some (admittedly crack-pot) circles for its lethality. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] I give everyone a run-down of its properties: The stuff forms into small, horrid, barely-humanoid creatures that can teleport short distances at will (while always screaming “BEAM ME UP!” for some ungodly reason) and are highly resilient to all weapons and magic. They babble constantly and can cause you to become Confused or Stunned. They use odd little wooden weapons that resemble a stylus and a measuring stick – with which they inflict, along with minor wounds, a nebulous, heretofore unknown affliction known as “Smarts” – which apparently resists all known remedies. And here’s the best part: To incapacitate them, you have to hug them – and not just a “meh” hug, but an actual sincere, affectionate one. And last but not least, to actually “kill” them, you have to kiss them. Again, with feeling .[/Allurean]

[Allurean] I officially hate my life. My head starts to pound, as I feel a massive headache coming on and nausea building in my guts. What else? WHAT ELSE?! My Lady Titania, how I hate you and the wandering dong of your husband. Sehanine, holder of the Dark Secret, Mother of us all, please save me from this place. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Naturally, no one in the group has any ideas as to how we retrieve the book. I have a quick discussion with Chartruz, and then we go into action. She floats down to the book in her Eladrin form, then shifts to Fey, and grabs it. She immediately shifts back into light form, melding the book into her. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Thankfully, the stone golem doesn’t move… but the white Goo starts to pulse and undulate, and suddenly there are a dozen pale, wretched little creatures standing around grunting and hooting, looking to inflict themselves upon anyone near. They see us, and immediately attack. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] The battle goes poorly. The beings are stupid and base, but their abilities make them dangerous. They bounce around the room, smacking us with their sharp little tools and gibbering incessantly. Halfway through the battle, one of them winds up standing on the floor of the room – which then wakes up the stone golem. Imago is thrilled. It lumbers into the fight, wreaking havoc and – admittedly – helping us out with dealing with these jacked-up little spuds. In the short term, anyway. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] In the chaos of the fight, I suddenly find myself standing on the stone golem’s slab. Char had moved there after dropping the book onto the table hidden in the “safe” corner of the prison area. It was a solid tactic, as the Goo creatures had all moved over to the prison area of the room and all but out of sight – and a brief respite from their constant poking and badgering was needed. Unfortunately, as I shimmer into view from the Benign Transposition, I quickly see that she made a slight error in judgment.  Oh well, it’s not the first time, and certainly won’t be the last. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Char’s glow recedes as she zips out of sight to go help Imago, who’s surrounded by the little beasts. I take a quick assessment of my well-being, and as I push aside the battle rush and start to reclaim my wits, I realize that I’m in much worse shape than I thought. I’m bleeding from a handful of wounds inflicted by the Goo creatures – and what’s worse, I’m not fully in charge of my mind. At first, I thought the discomfort building in my head was the headache from earlier, getting worse. But now I realize that there’s an alien presence in my psyche – an intruder… and it’s trying to gain control! I cast about wildly, trying to figure out what’s happening to me – and then I freeze: it’s the “Smarts”. Whatever it may be, it’s been growing stronger in me every time the gross little bastards have poked me with their sticks. And now it’s trying to establish dominance – for whatever foul purpose, I have no idea. Oh no, no, no… not today, you freaks – they’ll be building igloos in Phlegethos before I let that happen. My mind is my own, and will not be used by these horrific things for their perversions. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] As if on cue, there is a small *pop* in the air, and one of the accursed creatures appears in front of me, drooling and babbling in its insanity. I am instantly filled with a rage that I can barely fathom, and want nothing more than to rip this thing to shreds with my bare hands. I lunge for it, snarling and screaming every curse I can… while barely noticing, at the furthest edge of my senses, the booming sounds of massive, lumbering feet drawing closer. As I grab the gooey mass and pull it close, the stench surrounds me and I involuntarily gag. In that brief pause, I see a shadow falling over me and the creature. The instinct to rend the creature to death with my fingernails passes, and I get ahold of myself – puckering up and planting a wet one directly on the sticky, slimy lips of the little wretch . It lets out a hissing “ahhhhh” as it melts in my arms, puddling onto the stone golem slab and slowly dripping onto the floor. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] In that next instant, several things happen. I look up, and see the stone golem looming over me. Its arm is raised and poised directly over my head, ready to end me. And it will, with no doubt. I’m too far gone to survive even a glancing blow. My mind kicks into “war mode”, and everything slows to a crawl. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Movement to my left:  Enola, standing next to a Goo creature, apparently overcome by its disease. She has lost all control of herself, dancing around promiscuously while wiggling and rubbing her ass provocatively in front of the spud, who is standing still and drooling at Enola, transfixed by her gyrations. A brief swelling of feelings rise up: revulsion, hilarity, but most of all, sympathy. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Movement to my right: Imago, still battling the loathsome beasties and awash in Char’s light. I idly wonder where the sandal from his left-foot has disappeared to.
I can’t see anyone else. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] My instincts take over and I begin to warp time around me to cast Celerity and escape this certain death, as I’ve done so many times before. But I can’t. Char is beyond me, and while I can hear Mortimer bellowing his war cries at the Goo beasts, I can’t see him. He would do it, I know, in an instant. He would trade places and take the blow for me, without even thinking. I will miss him. [/Allurean]

<Chartruz POV>
[Chartruz] I’m swooping in to pop a smooch on this thing, when something rips open inside of me and I feel like I’m being turned inside out. My sister is dead. I feel her last thoughts drain from me – regret, loss – and then nothing. I’m hollow inside... empty. I scream out, “Allurean just died! I felt it!” and receive no response from any of them. Not even Mortimer! Unbelievable! [/Chartruz]

[Chartruz] We finish off the last of the Goo things, and I streak over to the other side of the room to find Allurean. The stone golem is lying on the slab, and at first all I can see is her arm pinned under its left leg. I fly around the table to see her… and I’m horrified. So much blood. This can’t be my friend, it doesn’t even look like her. Bodies can’t look like that, it’s impossible. I turn away and try to keep it together, but I can’t, and lose myself in grief. First Crucifer, my love… now my sister. This is insanity! [/Chartruz]

[Chartruz] Sometime later – I don’t know how long – I hear the others talking behind me. I look up to see Enola, Mortimer and Imago standing on top of the wall in the middle of the room, watching me. They don’t say anything for awhile, then Imago blurts out: “So are you staying?” [/Chartruz]

[Chartruz] A flood of anger fills my heart, and I almost charge right at him. It would be so easy to kill him, and the others couldn’t do a thing to stop me. And I should. I was helping HIM when Allurean died, instead of keeping watch over my friend. And now she’s dead, and it’s all my fault.[/Chartruz]

[Chartruz] Without a word, I fly down to Allurean and gather her things, placing them on top of her body. It’s almost too much of a strain to pick her up, and I think I’m about to pass out, but I just manage to get her into my arms as I topple over… shifting into Eladrin form just before I hit the ground. I don’t pause as I pass up, up, up through the passageways and out into the open air. Time to go home. [/Chartruz]

<Mortimer POV>
[Mort] I watch Chartruz leave, taking Allurean with her. A part of me is sad, but she went out in glorious battle, and there’s nothing better than that. Her spirit now fights with the gods, and Tempus looks to her in favor. When all of this is over, I will raise a mug to her and sing her praises to everyone. I’ll miss her, because she was a fierce warrior and fearless in the face of danger, as well as being a good and loyal friend. But life, and the fight, goes on. We’re not out of the woods yet. [/Mort]

[Mort] I cast Break Enchantment on the book, and although the magic that imprisons those who touch its pages is strong, it is nothing compared to the might of Tempus. Solmar stands before us, seemingly unharmed – but as he’s a Warforged, it’s hard to tell when he’s hurt. Solmar says that he’s fine, and that it seemed as if he had just touched the book when he popped out of it. We all agree that the book must place its prisoners in some sort of temporal stasis – which could possibly come in very handy in several situations. I suggest that we keep the book with us after we free Azura. Everyone agrees. [/Mort]

[Mort] Since I can only keep one Break Enchantment spell at a time, we have to rest for another day in order to beseech Tempus for another. Everyone thinks it’s a good idea, as we’re all still bloodied from the battle with the Gygax Goo minions. I heal up everyone as much as possible, and we rest. [/Mort]

18 Jun 1005

[Mort] Afterwards, wielding Tempus’ mighty power once again, I release Azura from the magical book. Praise the Foehammer! Azura also says that his time in the book seemed only a heartbeat before returning, even though he had been in the book even longer than Solmar. This is a powerful artifact indeed! We look at the other pages to see if there are any other people in the book who could be helpful on our quest, but aside from a blacksmith, the other people seem to be normal. No help seems forthcoming. [/Mort]

[Mort] This worries me, because without Allurean, the group is severely weakened. She was, by far, the most powerful member of the party, and I don’t think we’ll be able to withstand the enemies of the sewers without her magical prowess and tactical thinking. I must pray to Tempus and evaluate our situation, because while the Lord of Battles insists that his followers relish and glorify combat, there is no glory in continuing a lost battle, with no strategy or hope of success. [/Mort]

[Mort] These thoughts weigh heavily on me as we decide, once and for all, to leave the prison room. Finally! We climb across the top of the prison cells and drop to the floor in the smaller area adjacent to the main room. This is the area where we destroyed the gem var, I recall. Solmar goes to a set of double doors, which seem to lead out of the room. A magic mouth appears on the door and issues a warning. When Solmar tries to open the doors, a runic symbol flashes and magic lashes out at him. A Glyph of Warding! Solmar is thrown backwards about 10 feet and knocked prone, but otherwise seems unhurt. [/Mort]

[Mort] While on his back, Solmar spies a box of tools under a table in the far corner of the room, and asks one of us to grab it while he picks himself up and goes back to the door. Azura grabs the toolbox, and we place it in the Wondrous Pouch. [/Mort]

[Mort] Solmar picks himself up and goes back to the door. The magic mouth again appears, repeating its warning. We use a Detect Magic spell on the door, and see no other runes to trigger. Solmar opens the door without incident – until we see two Flesh golems waiting for us inside the room. They attack, but are no match for our group and are dispatched quickly. I heal the party and we continue through the room, and out the opposing door. We find ourselves back in a very recognizable sewer system. I sigh heavily, and briefly consider that Allurean got off easy. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Ambushed, abducted and imprisoned in a strange workshop, the party has secured their freedom, only to find themselves beset upon by a variety of strange golems and oozes. After an encounter with a strange goo, the party accidentally activated a very powerful stone golem. In the chaos of that battle, Allurean was crushed by the massive blow of this guardian. With Allurean and Chartruz gone, the party managed to free Solmar and Azura from the cursed confines of a strange book. After a brief battle with some flesh golems the party has finally escaped the deadly confines of the workroom.
Will exploration of this inner complex bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 05 Jan 2013
Game-world date: 16 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Ambushed and abducted, the party now find themselves the unwelcome guests of some strange sort of workshop. Will exploration of this workshop bring them any closer to their goal? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Powerful opponents in the Workshop"

16 Jun 1005

[Mort]  Having the gem var move forward to melee striking distance, Chartruz, Allurean, Imago, and Enola all strategically move away from its reach before it attacks.  It subsequently swats Solmar knocking him to the ground (although with his magical slippers, Solmar will just walk up the nearby cage wall). [/Mort]

[Mort] Spells continue to be cast at both the gem var and stone golem, although most fizzle when thrown at the stone golemEnola peppers each creature with arrows. The stone golem sees me lurking in the magical flying chariot, picks up a nearby cage, and throws it at me!  It crashes against me and the chariot, and I have a momentary vision of Tempus’ stern vision (killing blow) but for my casting of Close Wounds on myself to prevent the spell. (Perhaps Tempus is displeased that I have not stood toe to toe with this creature, but tactically, my axe won't sway this battle.  I must find another way!)  The cage crashes to the floor and some form of olive slime escapes the wreckage. The olive slime has some disguising effect as it soon disappears from my vision.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  The gem var once again approaches Solmar and strikes him; this time causing Solmar to collapse and turn statuesque.  Allurean uses the Benign Transposition spell to get Solmar out of immediate harm’s way, and Imago starts healing Solmar via Repair Light Damage spells [/Mort]

[Mort]  It looks like the stone golem wants to repeat its cage throw at me, but before it can do so I grab the same canister of gas Solmar used earlier, and turn the spigot valve while pointing it at the stone golem.  The ‘Stasis Gas’ immediately freezes the stone golem once again!  Not only is the stone golem frozen, but any arrows or magical effects that enter the gas cloud range also freeze immediately.  A number of Enola’s arrows look to be waiting to enter the stone golem’s body upon dissipation of the gas!  Seeing how well that worked, I twirl around and target the gem var.   Now both creatures are frozen.  Spells and Arrows are shot into the gas for a soon to be received unwelcome introduction!  (It galls me to ask Enola to fire arrows upon the gem var instead of striking out, but Allurean and Imago say it will explode upon death.  Not knowing the extent of the explosion, we must reserve our strength for the stone golem and try to finish off the gem var from a distance.)  [/Mort]

[Mort] The damn olive slime decides to attack now, and drops down on me from the ceiling coating by entire upper body.  I yell out for assistance, "The slime is all over me, get it off!"Imago yells out to Enola that fire should kill it and suggests Enola fire some firebreath arrows at me.  I think I see a gleam in Enola’s eye (tears of satisfaction, especially after forced to be naked in front of me). Enola fires two arrows at me, I try to dodge both but one hits, and in fact the fire does burn off the slime without damaging me!  Of course the arrow puncture wound is all on me.  Seeing this Enola proclaims, "I am Awwwweeeesome!"(I cant argue with the outcome , even if being fired upon by Enola is the not an experience I choose to have again!) [/Mort]

[Mort] In the brief lull of battle while we wait for the stasis gas to disperse and our delayed arrows and spells to take effect, I start a divine vigor affect to heal the party.  We can tell the gas has dispersed when each creature is suddenly hit by arrows and spells!  The gem var does in fact explode into gem shards, scattering itself in a 20ft radius.  We were all able to avoid damage.  The stone golem for whatever reason once again returns to its adamantine table slab and lies down.  (I had thought ground movement would trigger the stone golem, but the doppelganger movement in the first dropped cage doesn’t keep the Golem activated. [/Mort]

[Mort] We carefully ‘stay above Golem level’ while investigating the room further.  I place all four canister tanks into the chariot and have Enola tie them off.  The stasis tank seems to have one more use in it; other tanks – sleep, petrification, and the other seem to have four charges.  I tell the others to search where they will; I’ll guard the stone golem with the last charge of the stasis gas ready to release. [/Mort]

[Mort] Imago and Allurean carefully investigate the “black 'Everything' book”.  With prestidigitation, the pages inside have life-like pictures and 10 blank pages.  Images include: A cow, flowers, a ladder, a large tower shield, a blacksmith, a lava elemental, a wyvern, and  AzuraImago throws one of the gold coins from the table onto the book and it disappears, with a new gold coin page appearing in the book!  [/Mort]

[Mort] Solmar finds some wand with screw top attachments, and a set of 68 attachments.  He also finds a captured inventory of cages that implies a large number of kidnapped creatures are present here, many related to nobility of various Greyhawk lands  He and I agree that we must rescue the captured, but until we know a safe way out perhaps remaining in the cages is the safest route for them! [/Mort]

[Mort] Chartruz flies through the various stone walls.  She finds three tunnels at the same level as this room; one of these tunnels has a door into this room.  A fourth tunnel runs underneath the floor. [/Mort]

[Mort] We’re in agreement that I should pray for a Break Enchantment spell tomorrow to release AzuraAllurean and Imago think my Dispel Magic may also work.  I cast it but Azura doesn’t jump off the page.  Imago tosses another gold coin onto the book but this time it bounces off it.  A crafty (but stupid) idea comes upon us.  Let’s sit the book on the Sone Golem!  Perhaps it’ll disappear as well!  Solmar grabs the book and rushes to the stone golemSolmar stands on the wall above it.  Before he can drop it, Imago sees him disappear, with the book falling onto first the stone golem then the floor adjacent to the table.  Solmar is also now in the book and the stone golem remains. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Ambushed, abducted and imprisoned in a strange workshop, the party has secured their freedom, only to find themselves beset upon by a pair of highly resistant golems that seem intent on neutralizing disruptive party members. With Azura trapped inside a magical book, and Solmar missing, the party is now in a very precarious position. Danger lurks nearby, and the party is missing their two best fighters.
Will exploration of this workshop bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 08 Dec 2012
Game-world date: 16 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Ambushed and abducted, the party now find themselves the unwelcome guests of some strange sort of workshop. Will exploration of this workshop bring them any closer to their goal? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Like a Bull in a Workshop"

16 Jun 1005

[Mort] Allurean seems fascinated with the inert Beholder, tapping on the glass cage as if she hopes to wake it!  Meanwhile, Azura and Imago decide to investigate the book Solmar left on the desk he had found.  Imago confirms its magical, but when Azura touches the book he suddenly vanishes!   No teleportation sound occurs (dispersion of air) but neither can we see him (including Enola who can see invisible items).  Apparently, the title of the book is “Complete Manual of stone golems”. We are uncertain what to do next to find him, but of course we haven’t discovered a safe exit from this room as well.  [/Mort]

[Mort] One of the doppelgangers finally stops pretending to be one of us and says that a mad mage named ‘Glan Sarin’ has been doing experiments on people. (Dynnera’s spirit groans in whatever afterlife she is in.) [/Mort]

[Mort] I head over to the stone golem lying on the table (a slab of Adamanite!) and prepare to strike or saw its head off if possible.  Unfortunately Imago had decided to throw his flaming dragon balls and some eyeball wall hanging.  On breaking the eyeball, the stone golem awakens and sits up from the table slab. [/Mort]

[Mort] All my attacks bounce off the stone golemAllurean and Chartruz try magic spells but they have no effect on the stone golemSolmar rips off some canister from the wall, points a nozzle at the stone golem and open up the nozzle.  A smoky white gas spreads out in cloud form, and the golem immediate goes inert in the cloud (fortunately none of us are also in the cloud). [/Mort]

[Mort] We all start climbing crates to keep above the white gas cloud which is spreading but remaining at ground level.  Imago climbs down the crates on the side of the Gem Golem, and of course as soon as his feet hit the ground it activates as well!  Once activated, Imago recognizes it as a ‘Gem Var’ – significant magic and damage resistance, superior sight in all conditions, edge weapons ineffective against it, and the possibility of shard explosion upon being disabled or killed.  The creature slams into Imago doing significant damage before Imago casts fly on himself and escapes to near ceiling level but not before being hit again, this time with me casting Close Wounds to have him avoid the damage.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Since my weapons will be ineffective, I jump into the chariot again and look to pick up and crash some of the heavy cages into either the stone golem or gem varAllurean and Imago start hitting the gem var with Orb of Acid spells,   while Solmar charges it and shield slams himself into it.  The creature begins to climb the cages to get those of us near the ceiling.  I crash the cage and chariot into the creature and he falls from his perch but catching himself on the edge of the bottom cage before crashing to the ground. [/Mort]

[Mort] Enola does some CRAZY shot, deflecting an arrow off a cage to hit the gem var and actually hurt it.  Solmar swaps out his sword with his mace-axe to battle the gem var.  The gem var strikes at me knocking me prone in the chariot.  Allurean maximizes a Blast of Fire spell on the creature affecting it but it’s still alive.  I get up and start maneuvering the cage to crash onto of the stone golem, which remains inert in the slowly dissipating smoke cloud. [/Mort]

[Mort]  Allurean casts a Sonic Lance spell hitting the gem var.  In return, the gem var strikes Solmar.  The stone golem suddenly moves from the cloud and hits Enola.  I drop a doppelganger cage on it but it shrugs off the cage. Solmar ends up healing himself after the gem var attack. [/Mort]

[Mort] Allurean gets hit by the gem var but remains upright.  She casts Benign Transportation on Enola & Chartruz, and Enola is now on the top of the cages.  Imago casts fly on her so she can move around conveniently up here.  Solmar charges diagonally up the cage, with his spider climb slippers and does another shield bash on the gem var.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  Enola was the last of us standing on the floor.  The stone golem instead of attacking returns to the Adamanite slab and lies down!  It looks like so long as we don’t step on the floor the stone golem will remain deactivated! [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Ambushed, abducted and imprisoned in a strange workshop, the party has secured their freedom, only to find themselves beset upon by a pair of highly resistant golems that seem intent on neutralizing the disruptive party members. Will exploration of this workshop bring them closer to their goal, or closer to the afterlife? W
ill the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 10 Nov 2012
Game-world date: 16 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. After the discovery of a 'clue', the party set off an elaborate trap that resulted in a rather unnerving situation. Nearly all the party members have been rendered helpless by sleep, paralysis or some sort of disabling coma. Does spell a deadly end to the party's efforts? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Abducted and Imprisoned in the Workshop"

16 Jun 1005

[Mort] Four shadowy ray shaped creatures float into the tunnel.  Each has glowing green eyes, needle fanged mouth, and a long whip like tail.  The creatures engulf the immobilized party members in turn (Allurean, myself, Imago, Enola) and take them somewhere else.  The creatures then throw glass beads at Solmar and Azura. On breakage, smoke in the shape of a snake rears up and attacks, then dissipates.    Eventually, the creatures throw enough beads to hit Solmar and Azura, immobilizing them in some tight force field around their bodies.  They are taken away by the creatures as well.  [/Mort]

[Mort] The creatures take us to an experimentation lab.  Various cages (metal, metal with magical force bars, and glass) are stacked throughout the room in rows of three.  A large stone golem lies on a large metal table.  The cages block most of the view of the room.  We are all in individual cages.  Other creatures (ranging from slime to beholder and much in-between) are in cages, all inert.  All but for some doppelgangers that shape themselves into our party's appearance and incessantly demand assistance. [/Mort]

[Mort] Allurean, Enola, Imago, and I are all naked in our cages. (Allurean & Enolas nakedness is the sole fringe benefit to the entire experience. Allurean seems quite comfortable and in fact always seems to turn to present the best view.  Enola is more taciturn and visions of arrows coming towards my head present itself whenever my sight strays slightly too long towards her.) Azura and Solmar however still have all their equipment with them.  Azura eventually breaks free of his cage using his hammer.  He then climbs upon Solmar’s cage and releases him as well. [/Mort]

[Mort] Solmar scouts the room while Azura looks to free others in the cages.  A second golem made of a ruby gem-like substance is in another area of the room.  Solmar also finds a hidden desk area apparently used to scribe experimental notes.  A large black book with the title “Everything” sits on the desk (damn, not the book we are looking for).   Solmar also finds a secret room behind some cages – of interest in it was a wand and three envelopes with granular powder instead them. [/Mort]

[Mort] Azura assists my efforts to escape the cage and eventually releases all of our party from their cages.  A magical chariot sits on the floor.  I step into the chariot and realize that it is a ‘fork-lift’ – while holding the railing if I give it simple commands (Up, Down, Stop, Forward, Backward) the chariot with move as commanded.  I end up moving Allurean and some empty cages toward the floor, but stack them to separate the ruby golem area from the rest of the room.  Allurean seems angry & bemused at the same time that she is the last to be freed from the cage (and provided clothes). [/Mort]

[Mort]  After some additional investigations, Solmar finds a crate filled with food supplies and our equipment.  We quickly get dressed.  The only other initial items of note – a wooden plaque affixed to metal doors that seem to have an image of a maze on them.  The meaning is lost to us. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Ambushed and abducted, the party now find themselves the unwelcome guests of some strange sort of workshop. Will exploration of this workshop bring them any closer to their goal? W
ill the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 13 Oct 2012
Game-world date: 15 - 16 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. The recent discovery of a 'valve room' intrigues the party. Will this mechanical room provide them with some sort of clue, or will it only prove to be another 'dead' end? Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"The Trap is Triggered!"

15 - 16 Jun 1005

[Mort] The other door out of this sewer pit storage area is locked.   Azura turns a capstan valve that starts and stops the sewage flow into the pits.   Feeling trapped, I try a running start and slam my shoulder into the far door…only to rebound from the door, lose my balance,  and fall into the 60ft deep empty sewer pit.  With some loss of pride, I climb out.  Azura tries to force the door as well, and would have also fallen into the pit but for his feather fall ability.  Azura climbs out and continues manipulating these valves until all the sewer water is out of the pits.  After having slammed into the door, twice,  Azura is somehow able to open it (What?! I thought it was locked.)  We leave this room. [/Mort]

[Mort] More endless tunnels, rooms, and shafts. Meanwhile, Solmar and Azura study the coded numeric parchment and seem to have discovered its hidden message, “I have hidden the treasure here behind this stone then I sealed it in with magic hqefuly ([hopefully]) some good person in need will find and make use of this treasure.”  We all agree to go back to the dais instead of investigating new tunnels. [/Mort]

[Mort] Before arriving at the dais, we are attacked again by some type of pseudo-pod creature, originally disguised as a wall.  The creature exhibits similar magic spell resistance that many of the abominations here have shown.  Azura is hit repeatedly; receiving physical, acidic, and taint damage with each strike.  Eventually we overcome the creature with arrow, shield, hammer, and sword (my strikes seems to be rebound off as if resistant to my axe). [/Mort]

[Mort] At the dais, Chartruz files into the nearby stone walls but finds nothing but sand and dirt behind the walls - no hidden rooms.  Azura & Solmar coordinate to slightly lift up the dais/pedestal and Imago sees some inscription on the underside.  In Common are the words, “Dispel Magic”.  We decide to rest now, and in the morning I’ll pray for the Dispel Magic spell. Our rest is uninterrupted.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Whether the message itself was a trap, or my spell was unsuccessful, after casting Dispel Magic the entire tunnel becomes dark (magical in nature).  We hear the sound of metal slamming into the tunnel floor, and Azura’s dragon armor roars.  A hiss of released gas and medicinal smell expands into the area.  Additionally, darts seem to fly from the walls and floors at us.  The combination of the gas or darts, possibly poisoned, cause immediate paralysis or sleep coma.  Eventually all but Azura and Solmar succumb to one or both of these effects.  [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered and descended into the ruins of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. After the discovery of a 'clue', the party set off an elaborate trap that resulted in a rather unnerving situation. Nearly all the party members have been rendered helpless by sleep, paralysis or some sort of disabling coma. Does spell a deadly end to the party's efforts? W
ill the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 29 Sep 2012
Game-world date: 15 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Just another day slogging through the Sewers"

15 Jun 1005

[Mort] In the morning, I cast restoration on Azura to remove the corruption in his body.  We begin our search for vertical shafts that might allow us to explore lower areas blocked by cave-ins.  We seem to be in an endless spiral of exploring various sized sewer tunnels, and conferring with our developing map to determine whether we’ve approached the area in the past. [/Mort]

[Mort] In one tunnel is the proverbial ‘X Marks the Spot’ engraving on the floor.  Allurean confirms it has a conjuration magical effect to it.  Azura toss a 50lb boulder onto it, but nothing happens.  Imago finally steps forward and on to the ‘X’, only to be teleported about 15ft backwards, appearing on the ceiling (and falling) near Solmar. Imago tries again (he must be bored) and this time falls near Enola (she steps aside).  This ‘X’ seems to teleport you to other faint ‘X’ symbols in this same tunnel?  If only we could have it teleport us to either the book, or out of the area completely.  I know Solmar will feel honor bound to complete this quest due to his religious order, but if I had a planar tuning fork right now I’m sure I could convince at least Allurean to leave with me, and perhaps others! (Stop daydreaming!) Not knowing how to make use of the teleportation powers effectively, we continue to other tunnels.  [/Mort]

[Mort] More tunnels:

  • Another lightning centipede commits suicide by attacking us.  It’s quickly dispatched by Allurean and Azura.
  • We find a stone dais in the hallway that Allurean says has enchantment magic placed on it.  Some written engraving appears on the side of the dais but none of us can make sense of it.  We aren’t sure if it is a special language, some code, or both.  Azura takes a ‘rubbing’ of the engraving and perhaps tomorrow I’ll prepare comprehend languages spell in the hopes of understanding it.
  • An ‘Invisible Terror’ attacks Azura with prickly tentacles – We determine this once Chartruz has cast faerie fire on it to make its outline visible.  It runs away upon being outlined with the spell.
  • Small humanoid skeleton is in a hallway with a ‘gouge’ spear embedded into the wall.  The spear has enchantment & transmutation magic on it.  No one can pull the spear out of the wall (including Azura), and Imago seems very focused on obtaining it.  Exasperated, I call upon Tempus’ divine might and detach the spear, and a small section of the wall surrounding it, from the wall itself.
  • Having seen the skeleton body, I am reminded of these ‘demon’ gloves I am wearing.  I gesture to the skeleton and in a commanding voice say, “Rise and do my bidding!” but without luck.  I guess I’m not blessed with new necromantic, undead commanding skills.
  • Four more small skeletons are located, with some additional magic items found on them. [/Mort]

[Mort] We find a crusted, rusty shut Door. Inside is a room split into what appears as 4 sewer pits and 4 turnstile wheels that likely control sewer flow into this area.  Two of the pits have 1/2 to 3/4 sewage in them, the other two are empty.  While exploring further the ceiling bulges downward and attacks Azura! [/Mort]

[Mort] A “Protein Polymorph” creature is attacking us again.  Azura is grappled and eventually thrown into a filled sewer tank.  Fortunately for him he has that magical item that keeps him afloat!  As before, some magical attacks (those usually directed at it) are absorbed into it and actually seem to heal the creature.  Other spells affect it normally, especially Imago and Allurean’s acid and sonic attacks.  Ultimately the creature is overwhelmed with our combined might.  [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. W
ill the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 01 Sep 2012
Game-world date: 14 - 15 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"What do the glyphs protect?"

14 - 15 Jun 1005

[Mort] Endless sewer tunnels, many on this level are blocked by cave-ins. I ask Imago & Enola if the cave-ins look natural or planned; Enola in her normal condescending tone says "Natural". Chartruz flies through 60ft of rubble then returns saying the corridor is open beyond it. We all agree to search all open tunnels before digging through any of the cave-ins. Chartruz checks multiple tunnel cave-ins - generally the rubble is between 20-50ft before opening into the other section of tunnel. [Mort]

[Mort] Traveling down a tunnel with a caved-in ending, the tunnel ceiling suddenly collapses around us. Imago, Allurean, and I are underneath the rocks; we and our party dig ourselves out. Again, Enola states the collapse appears coincidental based on age and condition and not some trap we triggered. [/Mort]

[Mort] We run into another gargantuan Sewer cube, this time far enough forward the Allurean can soften it up with a sonic fireball spell in advance of myself, Azura, and Solmar stepping up to the creature to fight it. Chartruz fires magic missile at it but they reflect back towards her! Imago throws his dragon balls and their fire similarly rebounds to him. The Sewer cube hits both Azura and I, and while our taint protections avoid any taint its special ability to inflict physical corruption takes immediate effect! We both develop ear scabs (-2 listen checks). Enola fires arrows into the creature but with no apparent effect. [/Mort]

[Mort] The creature hits Azura twice, but on the second attack I cast close wounds to have him avoid the damage (as he looked ready to succumb to his injuries). I couldn't prevent the corruption, and now he's doubly corrupt, this time with fused fingers and toes (-2 attacks). The creature then strikes a blow right in my solar plexus dropping me unconscious. I awaken immobilized on the ground with the Sewer cube all around me. I can hear the sonic spell strikes from my companions as well as Azura's primal screams of rage and melee prowess. The creature is dead and after a too long period of time the paralysis that has struck me departs. [/Mort]

[Mort] As I heal the party after battle, I'm told that Solmar parried one of its blows; that Azura stopped its overrun attempt; and that Allurean ultimately killed it with two separate Sonic Orb attacks. In the battle, Azura healed himself, and Solmar was corrupted as well with 'curled feet' (-10ft speed). Inside the creature is a magical book, but unfortunately not the one we seek. Allurean tells us its a book of knowledge likely to increase someone's knowledge. It also had some coinage and 10 glass beads prepared for breakage. Imago says they are evocation magic so we suspect fireballs. We store all but 1 bead in the magical bag and continue on the depressing tunnel search (I crave some good 1:1 battle). [/Mort]

[Mort] Another tunnel contains some form of Mushroom/Fungus creature. We approach cautiously and not immediately attack it since the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights had previously met friendly plant creatures in a past dangerous cavern. Imago casts shield and moves forward, but within 50ft Azura's armor roars so we know battle is imminent. (Nothing in this place is friendly!) The creature spits out a cloud of spores (no affect on Solmar). Enola fires some arrows into it, but it appears immune to piercing damage. Allurean casts a fireball at it, then I follow up with my battle axe (slashing damages it). Solmar and Azura follow with attacks, but Azura's damage is less than expected. Imago hits it with his dragon balls and the fire from them affect it. [/Mort]

[Mort] Allurean uses her benign transportation spell to swap places with Chartruz and joins the melee! Enola switches to fire breath arrows and does some damage to the creature. The creature releases a second spore cloud and I begin coughing, with burning sensations in my eyes and stomach. I can barely see that between Azura's hammer strikes and Imago's searing light spell that the creature has been defeated. I fall unconscious, only to find Solmar completing Helm's blessing from disease over me. The creature's spore had infected my lungs and started to desiccate my body! I thank Solmar, drink a huge amount of water, and heal myself and the party the majority of wounds left over from the attack. [/Mort]

[Mort] The tunnel behind the creature is a plant nursery with large pods remaining in it. I suggest Allurean fireball the room but she (and Solmar) elect to ignore me. Imago is interested in throwing his bead into the room but chooses to defer to Solmar's judgement. Imago does find some magical gloves which I put on (probably not the smartest idea since they immediately meld into my hands and I can't seem to take them off. Did I mention they are colored in demon likeness - red scales, horned knuckles and taloned fingers? In disgust I swing my battle axe at the far seed pod - only to have it burst with a cloud of spores once again affecting me! I'm forced to cast the panacea spell from my scroll to eliminate the disease as Solmar has expended his powers in this area. Allurean seems incensed with me and says "Idiot! I refuse to talk to you." (Does she care for me more than I had expected?) [/Mort]

[Mort] Being stuck with these "gloves" for the time being, I'll endeavor to test their magical properties. Blood doesn't seem to call out its powers; nor do I seem to regenerate wounds. We haven't encountered something yet which I feel warrants unarmed combat (Imago suggests a playful battle between him and I but to honor Tempus I must go full out or not at all...). It also doesn't seem to provide me powers of telekinesis :) [/Mort]

[Mort] We stop short at another tunnel when Solmar sees some a large number of glyphs written on the wall (at least 10). In fact Solmar is thrown prone on the ceiling and yells for all of us to "look away from the carvings" (we all do so). Allurean & Imago indicate that certain glyphs are triggered by motion in addition to visual sight. Imago decides to throw the bead down the hall - in triggers a concussive explosive force but no fire; and no apparent effect to the glyphs. We decide to explore elsewhere before attempting the glyphs, but believe that perhaps the glyphs protect something important, like the book! [/Mort]

[Mort] Another cave-in tunnel seems to connect up to the glyph tunnel. Having explored this entire sewer level but for the caved-in areas, we elect to dig out this one. Exhausting and ineffective, as we seems to make progress only to be halted by subsequent cave-ins. We continuously have to unbury ourselves, at least until in disgust Allurean casts a Summon Earth Elemental and has it remove & shore up the tunnel. Unfortunately her elemental can only remain for less than a minute, otherwise we'd have it clear all the cave-ins on this floor. Unfortunately this tunnel just leads to another cave-in (DAMN IT!) [/Mort]

[Mort] We elect to rest for the night and start again perhaps at a higher sewer level. We hope another vertical shaft might get us past the additional caved-in portions of this level. In the morning, Solmar and my corruptive inflictions are gone, but Azura still has his two (perhaps being inflicted by two will force him to endure them longer). [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. What of these recently discovered glyphs? Protective glyphs line the wall of one particular hallway. Will the party find a way to safely navigate around this powerful portents? What mystery lies beyond their bounds?
Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 18 Aug 2012
Game-world date: 13 - 14 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Sewer Slugfest"

13 - 14 Jun 1005

[Mort] More tunnel exploration.  Once again we arrive at a tunnel of different stone material, with a slight room with 12 statues of Gargoyles within it.  We stop our approach; suspicious of the room and hall – every other change in tunnel appearance has indicated a monster or trap!  Chartruz fires a magic missile at a statue and a wall shoots up from the floor sealing the tunnel in front of us! This must be some type of gargantuan tunnel creature as in fact the wall moves towards us and pseudo-pod wall extensions fire out us!  Once again the wall moves forward and our group is slowly engulfed into this creature (a new variant of Tunnel Terror?)  Solmar, Azura, and I are all inside it, the others have backed away while fighting it. [/Mort]

[Mort] The creature moves forward during the battle, and seemingly jumps down a shaft purposely into the underground river, taking me with it (Solmar and Azura having successfully escaped beforehand).  Once in the river, I and the creature are separated.  I make my way to the surface, and find that Solmar and Azura have followed into the river or the river cavern in their efforts to rescue me.  I grab onto Azura (as he has a magical item allowing him to float on water) until Imago flies down into the cavern and casts fly on me.  The river eventually flows into a gap in the wall too small for us to follow.  The creature seems to have climbed out of the river off to some side alcove, but we elect to return up the shaft to where Enola and Allurean are waiting. [/Mort]

[Mort] Exhausted from the river and fights, we find a tunnel with a collapsed rock dead end, and camp for the evening.  In the morning we end up fighting 3 huge lightning bolt centipedes, this time they are coordinating their strikes!  We are each hit by 1-2 lightning bolts but otherwise make short work of the creatures. [/Mort]

[Mort] I am getting tired of these monster inhabited attacks; it almost makes me look forward to the desert again!  At this point I’d prefer a ‘live and let live’ policy and just secure the Book and leave this place.  I of course relish battle, but would prefer a foe with a higher calling than just filling its gullet and defending its nest. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end.
Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 04 Aug 2012
Game-world date: 12 - 13 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Sewer Creatures Attack"

12 - 13 Jun 1005

[Mort] Our party has descended to the 3rd level of these sewer tunnels.  These tunnels have more slime and mold on the stone walls and ceilings.  As we move through these tunnels, green slime falls down upon Solmar, Azura, Allurean, and Imago.  All scream as the substance begins to dissolve flesh, wood, and metal as if acid! Water does not remove the slime, but it can be wiped off; although the cloth used is destroyed in the process.  After some trial and error, Azura and Imago find the most effective way to eradicate the slime.  Both take point and Azura uses his dragon breathe (Cone of Cold) and Imago his dragon balls (fire) to clear ~15 ft sections of the tunnel of slime per application.  It is slower going but effective. [/Mort]

[Mort] We continue down a narrowing tunnel, when Imago and I yell that the walls appear to move!   Almost immediately two tentacles appear and lash out at Solmar but due to his cloak they are unable to grasp him.  It then turns to Imago, striking him twice and tossing him into its body (the further tunnel) which then collapses before us (like a constricting throat). [/Mort]

[Mort] The sound of thunder is emitted from the creature, so we know Imago is still alive.  This creature's skin is very tough – Enola and Solmar's initial strikes miss, while Azura’s first hammer blow does much less damage than anticipated.  Azura ends up being grabbed as well and tossed into the beast.  I charge up with my battle axe; hitting it and triggering Allurean’s sonic lance spell stored within.  We all start striking it, but I’m also engulfed in the beast!  It's interior skin allows minimal movement, and no fresh air, but at least I can still move my body!  I use my close wounds spell to avoid one of the creature's constricting attacks.  I try casting slay living on it but only damage it.  Eventually, I hear Allurean cast some sonic attacks (3 sonic rays), and the quivering interior walls stop moving. I and the others are able to escape.  Allurean and Imago tell us the creature is known as a Tunnel Terror. [/Mort]

[Mort] After healing our wounds and collecting our gear, we continue until we find additional shafts leading down.  This shaft once again leads to the fast flowing underground river so we ignore it and continue.  Periodically as a tunnel has slime in it, Azura and Imago will continue their ‘fire & ice’ cleaning procedure.  It’s during one of these times, that a behir attacks us! [/Mort]

[Mort] A behir is a 40ft, 4,000lbs armored snake with a dozen legs, claws, horns, an electricity breath weapon, and a mean attitude.  This one seems also to have damage resistance, spell resistance & rebounding effect, and immunity to acid & electricity. [/Mort]

[Mort] Chartruz finds out about the spell rebounding effect as her clap of thunder spell returns upon herself!  I cast mass electricity energy resistance on the group and step forward to attack the behir.  The behir let’s lose its breath weapon, a line of electricity that strikes all of us.  It then speaks, saying “I surrender” (how convenient).  Enola forestalls any debate with some arrow strikes, and Solmar says “How do we know your surrender is sincere?"  (I think it’s an obvious delay gambit perhaps to recharge it’s breath weapon.)  We all continue our attacks, and Imago sensibly says “If you surrender, lay down on your belly!”  It instead rolls it's body into a sphere and rolls across us (all our attacks missing it.).  It restores itself to its normal size and attacks us again. [/Mort]

[Mort] It seems area spell attacks are effective against it, including my flame strike spell, and Azura’s cold breath weapon.  Imago has a scorching ray spell rebound back onto himself.  Eventually, through brawn and spell, we get the creature hurt sufficiently such that I administer the killing blow with my axe! [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 21 Jul 2012
Game-world date: 11 - 12 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Navigating the passage ways - Skeletal Remains"

11 - 12 Jun 1005

[Mort] The cube pseudopods miss Solmar and I, but it knocks down and paralyzes one of our horses.  Imago throws his dragon balls of fire and electricity and the magical effects don't rebound.  The cube is excreting some paralytic gas but all of us restrict the effects.  I cast Blade of Blood (absorbing the additional damage to inflict more onto the cube) and hit once with sword and a shield bash.  Azura smashes it with his hammer. [/Mort]

[Mort] The cube must be severely wounded as it attempts to push through Azura (Who is positioned behind the cube, on the other side of Solmar and myself).  Solmar and I each hit the cube with our shields with Solmar finishing it off.  Afterwards I use Tempus' sacred healing to heal the entire party.  Even after being healed, The horse seems to still be in shock; it's exhibiting a palsy like symptom post attack. [/Mort]

[Mort] Investigating these tunnels is and will be tedious!  We've found drain holes to lower levels but because of the horses we are forced to stay on this entry level.  We still want to shrink the horses and place them in the magical bag with the leprechaun.  We decide to avoid an infected water cross-passage via belaying across a rope line.  Solmar's ability to walk on the ceiling and Azura's dragon claw that can stick reliably to the wall makes the crossing easy - well except for when Allurean's four inch heels slip on the rope and she tumbles into the water sputtering curses.  What a woman!  She comes up drenched and beautiful, refusing to remove her heeled shoes.  Imago a little too quickly dries her off with his Prestidigitation spell. [/Mort]

[Mort] In one of the tunnels we find some partial skeletal remains.  Solmar concentrates his divine connection to Helm and tells us they resonate evil.  He pulls out his holy mace-axe, summons its positive energy, and smashes through the bones.  No noticeable reaction.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Another huge centipede attacks us, shooting its lightning bolt through the party. I get bitten and knocked down; before I can get a strike in it's been killed.   Azura's hammer, Enola's arrows, Imago's scorching rays, and Chartruz's magic missiles.   I hope we've vanquished the entire nest as they are more nuisance than threat to our group (at least singularly). [/Mort]

[Mort] We find more skeletal remains in a tunnel.  It's a calcified humanoid remain with a decrepit looking sword in its hand.  Imago confirms its a magical sword.  When Imago touches the sword a Haunt appears and begins to strangle him. The Haunt is a ghost-like fighter figure, seemingly hurting and draining Imago of his agility.  We make short work of the Haunt - Azura's hammer, Solmar's holy mace-axe, a searing light spell from me, and Enola's arrows.  I restore most of Imago's agility with two restoration spells. [/Mort]

[Mort] Another irritating centipede attack - another set of claws for the magical bag.  I think that makes 5 or 6 now.  How large is the damn nest and what have they been eating to survive here? [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After nearly two weeks in this ruined land, the party discovered the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After defeating a guardian spider, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. While most are benign, and strive only to survive in this harsh environment, some are intent on making meals of the party. The predators in this environment have evolved to resist magic and standard attack forms; making for very deadly opponents. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end. Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 07 Jul 2012
Game-world date: 10 - 11 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After more than a week in this ruined land, the party discovered the remains of a road which led them to the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After a well fought battle with a guardian monster, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz . As soon as they entered the sewers, they were attacked by an extremely powerful spider. The creature seems determined to make the party into it's next meal. The battle lasted minutes! and in the end, the creature simply slipped away to the shadow plane - evading the party's best attempts to destroy it. The party is near exhaustion, low on spells and uncertain where to go next... Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Descent into the Sewers of Oblivion"

10 - 11 Jun 1005

[Mort] After the spider retreated we decide to rest; Solmar, Chartruz, and the horses in the tunnel while the rest of us returning above ground. [/Mort]

[Mort]  During our rest period, Solmar & Chartruz see 2 Giant bloodworms approach.  bloodworms are immune to all but bludgeoning damage, can spit acid, drain a victim’s blood and have resistance to magic.  Solmar defends the horses with his shield while Chartruz fires off a round of magic missiles. [/Mort]

[Mort] I climb half way down the roped incline tunnel then jump the remaining distance.  Unfortunately I fall prone in the water.  Allurean & Imago climb down, with Imago casting an orb of acid which dissipates upon hitting a bloodworm (we believe they are immune).  Chartruz casts Clap of Thunder, then dodges Allurean and Azura as they both come tumbling down the tunnel; Azura having slipped and fallen into Allurean.  By the time we all recover our footing, Solmar has killed one of the bloodworms. The surviving bloodworm bites me and all of us but Enola surround it.  It makes a desperate move to depart but our attacks defeat it.  [/Mort]

[Mort] We complete our rest cycle and begin exploring the sewer tunnels.  We find a vertical shaft (drain) to a lower level but quickly realize the horses won’t descend the that shaft.  The lower tunnel floor is filled with acidic or parasitic water similar to many other tunnels here.   Since only our boots are waterproof, we attempt to avoid these tunnels if possible.  [/Mort]

[Mort] I ask Allurean if Chartruz would scout ahead but I think the tunnels have spooked them both.  Chartruz wishes to remain within sight of the party.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  We encounter a huge Sewer Centipede.  These centipedes move fast, shoot lightning from their antennae, are immune to lightning, and are resistant to magic.  The Sewer Centipede fires a lightning bolt through the party, I’m knocked down and unconscious.  When I am awakened by Solmar, the creature is dead with a plethora of arrows in its chitin.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Wandering the halls, we are attacked by a Gelatinous cube from behind.  (The same creature we had avoided in a smaller tunnel – it must have sensed us and sought us out for sustenance).   Enola fires a multitude of arrows at it with Imago enhancing her arrows with sonic damage.  I cast searing light on it, but the spell rebounds from it and almost strikes Imago!  The cube attacks with multiple pseudo-pod arms with one or more striking AzuraAzura is knocked unconscious and absorbed into the cube’s body.  Before any further damage can accrue, Allurean casts benign transportation between Chartruz and Azura allowing Azura to escape.  Chartruz flies incorporeally out of the cube and casts magic missile, but to no effect.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Chartruz attacks with clap of thunder with success.   Allurean wakes Azura up while Enola hits the cube with a fire arrow and catches it on fire.  Azura stands up and heals himself for his next stand against the creature.  Solmar is hit with a pseudo-pod blow, while I step forward and strike with the battle axe but to no effect.  Solmar similarly attacks and hits but to no effect. [/Mort]

[Mort] The cube strikes Solmar twice and with the second strike I foresee Solmar’s possible death or incapacitation.  I quickly cast close wounds preventing the second blow’s damage from occurring.  Unfortunately, I’m hit with a pseudo-pod blow as well and can feel myself severely injured.  Enola continues to pepper it with arrows.  I defensively cast slay living but only wound instead of killing the creature (being fortunate to have bypassed its resistance and spell rebounding effects).  Imago throws a dragon ball at it hitting it for sonic and fire damage.  Allurean swaps Chartruz and Azura allowing Azura to have his full sequence of hammer swings at it, to great damaging effect.  Solmar takes the momentarily respite to heal some of his wounds. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After more than a week in this ruined land, the party discovered the remains of a road which led them to the ruins of Lingice-Enz. The party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz. Countless battles ensue as the party probes the depths of this strange sewer complex. Filled with crawling, slithering, flitting and skulking creatures, the sewers are alive with many creatures. Some are intent on making meals of the party. As the party limps from encounter to encounter, they search for the book, for clues, for some way to bring this quest to a speedy end.
Will the party find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 23 Jun 2012
Game-world date: 10 Jun 1005
Written by: Todd playing Allurean and Chartruz

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After more than a week in this ruined land, the party discovered the remains of a road which led them to the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After a well fought battle with a guardian monster, the party has descended into the sewers of Lingice-Enz . As soon as they entered the sewers they were attacked by an extremely powerful spider. The creature seems determined to make the party into it's next meal. When we last saw the party they were engaged in furious combat with this dark shadow spider. Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Flies to the Spider - A dangerous encounter with a Dark Shadow Spider"

10 Jun 1005

From the shared retrospect of Allurean Ji-Axiom and The Gracious Infanta on the Verdian Shores,
Chartruz Illumia Sabr d’Meilleur Loq, of the Feywilden Boscage, of Her Chosen Blood.

[Allurean] I’m sitting on a piece of stone, jutting a few inches out of a shallow puddle of fetid water and picking spider webs out of my hair. So angry I can’t even speak. This gods-damned day needs to just go away. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] The battle with the shadow spider lasted about two minutes. It ran us around in a square within the interior of the sewers, looping over the same ground and doubling back again. We didn’t do much damage to it, and it didn’t do much damage to us – just annoyed the Hells out of us by spitting webs all over the place and running away. And of course, just as it looked like we were getting the upper hand, managing to get it partially cut off so we could converge on it and hack it to death, it disappeared. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] As of now, I’ve wasted most of my spell allotment for the day within stepping into this gods-forsaken place for less than five minutes… with nothing to show for it. If this type of spiderus interruptus is indicative of what this cesspit has in store for us, then I’ll quickly be saying screw that piece of dung book and finding the nearest bar. At this point, I’m disgusted, busted, and can’t be trusted. [/Allurean]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After more than a week in this ruined land, the party discovered the remains of a road which led them to the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After a well fought battle with a guardian monster, the party has descended into the s
ewers of Lingice-Enz . As soon as they entered the sewers, they were attacked by an extremely powerful spider. The creature seems determined to make the party into it's next meal. The battle lasted minutes! and in the end, the creature simply slipped away to the shadow plane - evading the party's best attempts to destroy it. The party is near exhaustion, low on spells and uncertain where to go next... Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 09 Jun 2012
Game-world date: 09 - 10 Jun 1005
Written by: Todd playing Allurean and Chartruz

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After more than a week in this ruined land, the party discovered the remains of a road which led them to the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After a well fought battle with a guardian monster, the party stands ready to enter a subterranean shaft. A possible portal into the bowls of the earth. Is this the entrance to the rumored sewers of Lingice-Enz? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Deadly descent into the depths of Lingice-Enz"

09 - 10 Jun 1005
(Note from DM: The game date and real-world date are the same. This usually marks an auspicious point in our campaign. I wonder what will occur during this particular meeting?)

From the shared retrospect of Allurean Ji-Axiom and The Gracious Infanta on the Veridian Shores,
Chartruz Illumia Sabr d’Meilleur Loq, of the Feywilden Boscage, of Her Chosen Blood.

[Allurean] So after we kicked the giant tentacle mummy squid’s ass, we found a ton of cool crap in and around the sand and muck surrounding it. Apparently the thing just swallowed a lot of aggression, because it didn’t seem to eat anything – we found plenty of desiccated former people and animals buried all around the creature, but they didn’t seem to be chewed up or shat out. Not that I’m an expert on undead and those kind of creepy-crawlies, but don’t they have to eat flesh or brains or something to keep going? I’ll have to check with Mort about that – he knows a lot more about undead than we do. Speaking of tall, dark and rusty… I need to remember to ask him why he calls himself a Terrible Sword when he uses an axe. Overcompensation?? But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me back up a bit… [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Oh, and on a side note, we think that it is SO fun when he catches us watching him in combat and he puffs up like a girallon and gets all “TEMPUS SMASH!” on everything within reach. Simply adorable! [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Side note #2: We think we may have just possibly found the entrance to 'Licorice Ends'. Finally. Yay us. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] The quickly-smelling-like-a-charnel-pit dead thing was definitely guarding this big hole in the ground behind it, so it’s a good bet that it goes somewhere important. And to no one’s surprise, it leads to… a sewer. Even before Azura decides to rappel down the steep shaft to the bottom about 60 feet down, we can all smell the unmistakable and familiar odor of rotted meat and vegetation, methane, animal offal and Sehanine knows what else down there. You’d think that after 40 years of warfare that I’d be used to just about any type of putrescence known – but my tummy still does a massive flip-flop when a strong wind blows a faceful of the rancid smell at me. Oops, sorry… I’m jumping ahead again. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] So anyway, I realize that it’s not just the smell of the giant open cesspool that’s making me queasy. All that corruption in the beastie must have manifested inside us somehow as it was smacking us around, because I start to feel like something’s trying to crawl its way sideways out of my gullet. I normally like getting all shaky and sweaty and weak in the knees, but not like this! I look around at everyone, and it seems like most of them aren’t any worse for wear… except for Mort, who looks like he’s getting a bit gray around the gills too. He poo-poos my concern for a few minutes, saying that it’s just the post-fight quivers we get as the adrenaline drains away  – but when I fall to my knees and start heaving up bloody hunks of breakfast, everyone stops short. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] After a few minutes of examination, mixed with a little trial and error, we figure out that we need a combination of Remove Curses and Cure Diseases to get rid of the affliction. I’m starting to feel really light-headed and can barely stand, but luckily for me, Azura is a great leaning post – and he’s so sweet, wrapping his arm around me to keep me upright. He always has that musky, tart dragonscale scent to him… it’s a little intoxicating. Mort roots through his items and finds a scroll of Life’s Grace, which he believes will work as a Remove Curse and/or a Cure Disease – hopefully both, as it’s a much more powerful cleansing spell than either of those two separately. Fortunately, Solmar still has the ability to channel a Cure Disease, and readies it in preparation for the Remove Curse that I have to summon from the Spellpool (I’m definitely bringing the orphans some treats when we return to Whillip!). [/Allurean]

[Allurean] A few seconds later, and the brilliant energies of the new spell bloom in my mind like a moonrise playing over the desert. After the castings are done, Mort and I feel some strength return, but we’re definitely not ready to jump back into the fray yet – it’s probably going to take a day or two of rest, recovery, recuperation and restoration. Make that Restoration, with a capital R… because we’ve both lost a considerable amount of fortitude and mettle – and in this place, that’s something that none of us can afford. So everyone except for Mort and I decides to thoroughly search the area around the dead Crawling Apocalypse (as I’m now told that’s the mummy squid’s official appellation) while he and I set up the tents. Afterwards, we both stretch out on the sand tubes and chat a bit, but it’s not long before we both pass out. Apparently, the others decided not to wake us for dinner or our watches, because the next thing I recall is Mort shaking my shoulder gently and saying that it was time for breakfast. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] I’m not hungry, but I make myself eat because I know I’ll hate myself in a few hours if I don’t. I spend the rest of the morning activities as usual, re-tracing my tattoos and casting the daily protection spells for Char and myself. Azura comes running up and plops down next to me, chattering excitedly about the stuff they found around the squid (I just can’t make myself call it a “Crawling Apocalypse” – such a dread, grandiose name for something that looked like Dagon shat it out).  We’re soon joined by Imago… who I’m embarrassed to say I’m still a little uncomfortable around. He’s a nice enough guy, even for a gnome – but he weirds me out. He’s a decently-powerful sorcerer, but he… well, he doesn’t really seem to DO anything with it! We’ve been traveling together for a few months now, and been in dozens of scraps – which he handles OK… but I’m always waiting for him to do something EPIC – and he won’t, or can’t. I don’t know which. He treats his magic more like a wizard, and it’s kind of unsettling. Char says it’s because he’s more monk than mage – at least in his head. Whatever the reason, I just want to shake him sometimes and scream “Don’t bottle it up like that! Not little doses! LET IT LOOSE!” But hey, it’s his decision. And I don’t want to be kicked in the vag for yelling at him. [Allurean]

[Allurean] Anyway, we’re sitting around discussing the stuff they found, which included some really swank and hot jewelry. Normally, I’d be all over that… but something about it sitting in the sand under that putrid pile of grossness makes me shudder, and I decided to leave it be. All the stuff is catalogued and we throw it in the mega-pouch with Llvarniq. As usual, everyone looks at me when it comes to identifying the magic items, and as usual, I throw up my hands and say: “I only make-a da boom-boom, mon.” [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Oh, and Mort’s Life’s Grace spellscroll almost had enough strength to kick the disease out of his system, but not quite all of it. He still needed to cast another Cure Disease after we were up and moving. The Restorations followed, and BAM… back in business! [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Wait… they’ve got to be kidding me. They want me to recall a spell from my guild to shrink the cart? What if we get down there and it’s full of baddies and we need ONE MORE FIREBALL to kill them before we’re all slaughtered… and I’m out of juice because we didn’t want to leave the frakkin’ cart out here in the sand? These are one of the things that separates warriors (which they most definitely all are) from soldiers (which they most definitely are not). In a war, you do NOT leave firepower on the table when you have no idea of the enemy’s strength – or who the enemy even is, for that matter! I honestly do have plenty of respect for their battle prowess, as I’ve seen them in action enough now to get a grip on their combat worth… but the way they plan, and execute those plans, is completely wonky. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] We get to the edge of the opening, and see a very steep incline that leads down – and it’s absolutely chock-full of webs. Imago creates flames from his hands and starts burning the webs away, and soon the tunnel is clear. It’s decided that Azura make his way down there first (Why? Don’t ask me! Solmar should always go exploring first in virtually any and every situation, as he’s immune to almost everything – but hey, I’m just along for the ride here). [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Azura hits the bottom and starts to yell up about something on the ceiling when we hear him let loose with a scathing torrent of – what we’ve figured out over time – are curse words in his Giant language. Char looks at me and I nod, and she zips down there to give him some light. She shouts up, “He’s webbed, but I can’t see anything except a moving blob of darkness!” I come sliding down the shaft quickly, almost zip-lining while holding onto the rope, as the shaft is a lot steeper than it looks once you step into it. Enola comes next, and slides right up next to me – there isn’t a whole lot of room here to move around! I hear Imago casting a Fly spell up there… hopefully on Solmar or Mort, since they’re both going to need the added mobility down here. But no, I see him gliding down the shaft horizontally… kind of skimming the ground. Mort and Solmar come barreling down afterwards, and now we’re all hemmed up like a bunch of broccoli. Aces. Somebody could come along know and kill us with a spoon and some harsh language. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] I can’t fry the web with Azura wrapped up tighter than a Dwarf’s pooper, so I draw my Thinblade and start hacking at the gooey mess. The web is unlike any I’ve ever seen before – and way stronger and stickier than the usual giant spider or drider web. Azura is cursing and twisting madly, trying to get himself free, but the super-web is holding him fast. Imago adds sonic damage to Enola’s bow, and she prepares to shoot some flaming arrows into the web (I hope Azura doesn’t take offense!). I hear Mort drawing his axe and he yells, “Dammit, get out of the way if you’re just going to stand there!” I briefly consider sheathing my sword up his ass as I scowl at him. Imago crawls past Enola and myself, and reaches up to touch the web with his flaming hands just as Enola plunks a couple of fiery arrows into the web near the anchor points. Imago then freezes, as the web has somehow paralyzed him. Char yells out “I see it!” and flings a Faerie Fire spell into the darkness, trying to hit the spider. I see a brief glow as the spell hits the floor and quickly fades. Not shocked that she missed, as the aura of darkness is huge around the creature, and it could be hiding anywhere inside there – plus, we have no idea how big it is. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Chartruz is firing away with Faerie Fires as fast as she can get them off, peppering the black blob at random spots. So far, no luck! I grab Imago and pull his stiff ass behind me and next to Mort, clearing up some room for Enola and I to move easier. His flaming hands have started clearing away the webs, tho… but hopefully Azura will be able to break free before the flames reach him. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Ummm… nope.  Ouch. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say that particular swear word before, but it’s apparently a good one, as I hear Char start giggling on the other side of the web. She yells out that she thinks the spider is up on the ceiling above her. I briefly consider switching with her so I can call up a Dispel Magic and… ohhh, that’s right, I can’t do that because I used my 3rd-level Spellpool allotment to SHRINK THE FREAKING CART. Blarg. There are a couple of twangs at my ear, and two more flaming arrows sink into the web. Between the arrows and Imago’s flames, we’re cutting into it pretty deeply now. Mort yells “COMING THROUGH!” and hacks into the web with his axe. The web falls away and we see Azura standing there cleaning the sticky goo out of his eyes, ears and mouth. And just exactly at that time, the spider unleashes another web, this time catching Azura, Enola and Mort. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Luckily, the sticky mass stops about 3 inches from my face, but all three of them have disappeared from sight, smothered in the webs. Azura yells out that Enola is paralyzed, like Imago. I start popping the web with acid splashes to eat it away, because I really don’t want to hurt either of them, and the only fire spells I have are big bada-boom ones. Then, there’s an excited squeal from the other side of the web as Char screams out “I GOT IT!” and right after: “It’s rabbiting – taking off down the hall! Should I follow it?”  I yell out “YES!” The last thing I want to deal with is leaving something alive and it coming back to bite us on the ass later. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] We eventually get everyone out of the web, with thankfully just some minor burns to deal with. The paralysis wears off after a few minutes, and we re-group. We learn that this is a Dark Shadow spider, and it’s very powerful – Azura was lucky that it didn’t decide to ambush him with bites and claws rather than just web him up, because it has some really nasty poison to deal with. As Solmar brings up the rear, he mentions that there is some treasure piled up at the end of the shaft… apparently the webs that filled the tunnel on the way down here were filled with stuff! We take a look at it, and realize that there are some magical auras around a helm (strong abjuration) and a very odd looking ball that comes with a matching glove. The ball seems to be made of a very shiny black stone, and the glove is leather. I have no idea what they do, of course… but that doesn’t stop the looks – again! [/Allurean]

[Allurean] As we’re playing around with the new magical stuff, we get a return visit from the same spider! Apparently it hasn’t had enough of us kicking its ass. Mort sees it coming first and yells out “Buff time!” while casting his Recitation spell. Char moves up and throws a faerie Fire spell again to try and get lucky again, but no dice. I decide to do some massive AoE damage, since I can’t target the thing – so I launch a sonic ball at the big nasty, and hear a satisfying sizzle. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Everyone launches into motion, getting prepared for a big brouhaha with the spider. Well, kind of. Imago moves out of the line of sight from the spider and casts a spell I’ve never heard of before, called Shadow Pocket – apparently, it helps him hide, or something. *shrug* Azura clicks his brand-new magical bracers together and activates a shield spell that will help protect him. Mort follows up his Recitation spell with Elation… and have I mentioned how much I absolutely LOOOOVE buffs?!  Enola shoots three arrows into the darkness, but no hits on the beastie as we hear the clatter of arrows ricocheting down the hallway. Solmar advances and sets himself for an attack from the spider – which, if it’s smart, will be a charge right at Solmar, using the darkness as cover. There’s just enough room to pop another sonic ball down the hallway before it gets too close, and apparently I catch more of the spider this time, because we all hear a high-pitched, pained squeal. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] I’m sure it’ll come for me now, so I move back down into the hallway where we were webbed last time… and sure enough, I see a massive glob of webs shooting towards me. At least this way, the webs aren’t affecting anyone else and they can hopefully start beating the Hell out of yon beastie! The pile of stickiness hits me square and fills the passageway, just like I planned – and luckily, even tho I’m stuck fast, I’m able to fight off the paralyzation effect. Char races down the hallway past the spider, in preparation. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Ahhh , I see the method to Imago’s madness now, as he moves through the darkness to advance on the spider, using its own darkness bolstered by the shadow spell to sneak up on it. Brilliant! Well, almost brilliant. I guess the spider has some ultra-mega senses, because it turned and snapped at Imago without any hesitation – then turns and wheels on him as Imago moves past it. There’s a flurry of claws and teeth as the spider goes full force after our little monk… but a split-second later, Imago calls out that he’s OK, that the spider hit nothing but dead air! Whew, better him than me, because that thing would completely shred me. Mort says “The Hell with this!” and casts Divine Power – which is apparently a huge combat boosting spell for him. I hear him say “Let’s go, Solmar!” and the sound of charging, clanking feet going down the hallway away from me. The Solmar’s hollow voice rings out way down the hall, “I missed it – I think I ran right past it. It may be coming towards the intersection, so keep your eyes open.” [/Allurean]

[Allurean] I hear Imago cast Mage Armor, which I’m sure he did defensively, since the monster was right on top of him! It sounded like the spell worked just fine, tho – so that’ll make him even tougher! [/Allurean]

[Allurean] Then I hear Enola cursing again… I think she got webbed in here with me! Damn it, I thought I was able to divert the attack to catch only me. I’ll have to apologize to her about that – y’know, if we live. [/Allurean]

[Allurean] I’m able to spit enough sticky webs out my mouth to cast Benign Transposition with Chartruz, and now I’m behind the beastie… ready to go boom-boom!! [/Allurean]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After more than a week in this ruined land, the party discovered the remains of a road which led them to the ruins of Lingice-Enz. After a well fought battle with a guardian monster, the party has descended into the s
ewers of Lingice-Enz . As soon as they entered the sewers they were attacked by an extremely powerful spider. The creature seems determined to make the party into it's next meal. When we last saw the party they were engaged in furious combat with this dark shadow spider. Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 26 May 2012
Game-world date: 08 - 09 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the town of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, dangerous monsters and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! This dangerous
    wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Entrance to the Sewers of Lingice-Enz?"

08 - 09 Jun 1005

[Mort] At camp, Enola notices we are near something called slumber sand.  Even while she tells us of it, Imago falls asleep and the rest of us start yawning. We quickly move our camp with Azura carrying Imago in his induced slumber.  Away from the slumber sand, we resettle our camp and survive the night unmolested. [/Mort]

[Mort] In the morning, Solmar (via ashworm) and Chartruz start exploring underneath the sand.  We appear to be one mile or less from some main ruins.  The ruins show a city totally destroyed by some massive and strange magic.  The desert also seems to have aged all of us –gray hair accents, additional skin wrinkles, etc. [game effect: -1 Str, Dex, Con].  [/Mort]

[Mort] As we travel into the ruins, flaming meteors begin to scour the desert again.  These meteors last longer and seem larger than the original occurrence.  Allurean and Azura dive under the cart while neither look to protect the horses or dodge Tymora’s wrath!  We continue into the heart of the ruins after the meteor barrage has ended. [/Mort]     

[Mort] In the ruins is a huge sand pit with a gargantuan creature with a multitude of tentacles and seemingly mummy wrappings.  Behind this lair is an open hole with remnants of that indestructible stone; perhaps a sewer entrance finally!  Unfortunately we have to fight a Crawling Apocalypse to get to it (Its features include disease infliction, damage resistance, taint, immediate corruption or depravity infliction, and possible paralysis by fear) and an open hole behind it. [/Mort]

[Mort] Allueran casts a spell and flies into the air.  I cast recitation and approach the creature on foot.  Solmar approaches it and gets hit twice and knocked down.  Imago, Chartruz and Azura are all paralyzed.  Not an auspicous start to this battle!  [/Mort]

[Mort] I cast elation and climb above the wall to see the creature.  Solmar heals himself and wades into battle (Tempus's blessings to him!)Allurean casts some sonic scorching rays and then some sonic lances at it, including a maximized version.  Enola also becomes paralyzed by the creature.  The sacred item spells on our various items seem to have the most consistent impact on it, especially with its high defensive armor.  Azura begins to move, and starts throwing magical boulders at it (with sacred item on them).  The creature begins to flail its eight tentacles at any and all of us (fortunately never concentrating on a single one of us). [/Mort]

[Mort] Allurean starts to split a ray of enfeeblement spells (twice) to diminish the creature’s strength.  Azura hits it with his full touch of vitality ability harming it just like most other undead.  Unfortunately both Azura and I are diseased in our efforts to kill the beast.  Solmar and I are also gaining taint through its strikes, more taint than our present taint protections can withstand. I cast a flame strike on the creature, and Allurean eventually kills it with the sacred item spell on her gloves. [/Mort]

[Mort]  After the battle, I trigger multiple sacred healings to heal our wounds if not the taint and diseases.[/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party struck out into the desert. Here they encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome and the challenges of a deadly tainted realm. After more than a week in this ruined land, the party discovered the remains of a road which led them to the ruins of Lingice-Enz
. After a well fought battle with a guardian monster, the party stands ready to enter a subterranean shaft. A possible portal into the bowls of the earth. Is this the entrance to the rumored sewers of Lingice-Enz? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 12 May 2012
Game-world date: 05 - 08 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the town of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, dangerous monsters and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! This dangerous
    wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"This way to Lingice-Enz"

05 - 08 Jun 1005

[Mort] Solmar while riding the ashworm confirms the roadway underneath the sand.   Allurean sees a buried marker of some gray/white granite (obelisk).  After uncovering it from the sand, Chartruz reads the writing – one side says "Lingice-Enz – 26 quentin", the opposite side "Far Away – 300 quentin" a third side "Toulowuise – 26 quentin”).   Solmar investigates the base and the marker does not seem to have been turned or disturbed.  I suggest burying it in case that other adventuring group discovers it behind us but it seems beyond our abilities.  We cover it slightly then continue on in the direction of Lingice-Enz.  [/Mort]

[Mort] We encounter a cliff that has broken the ‘indestructible’ road.  We suspect an earthquake caused the damage and large vertical drop.  Imago casts fly on Azura and he shuttles the party as well as the cart and horses across cliff drop.  We continue and see a herd of wild camels by an oasis with body of water.  As we approach, something erupts out of a nearby dune – a dunewinder (easily camouflages against real sand dunes; fast speed and burrowing ability; body covered with sharp bristles coated with venom; a bite reach of 15ft; a fire breathe attack). [/Mort]

[Mort] The dunewinder attacks one of the camels before they all scatter into the desert.  I cast Elation while the rest of the party starts our attack!  (Tempus blessing on my party as they never shy from combat;  even if Enola consistently strikes from a distance with her arrowsHer training is lacking.)  In the course of battle the dunewinder bites Azura knocking him 10ft away and prone and poisoning him.  I approach to attack and Tymora’s ill fortune strikes again – I’m hit and then when I swing my axe I feel a slight slipperiness on the hilt and the axe flies out of my hand behind me.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  The party continues to fight valiantly and I start casting inflict critical wounds on the creature.  Unfortunately I see the Dunewinder mouth down on me and I am knocked down prone and unconscious.  I next see Solmar standing before me with the glow of Helm’s divine grace surrounding him.  Thank you Solmar for healing me amidst the battle!  Allurean then switches me with Chartruz with her benign transportation spell.  She looks upon me with beautiful eyes and yells, “Get Up!”  (What a woman!)   Imago eventually kills the dunewinder and I heal the party.  [/Mort]

[Mort] No attacks in the desert for two nights and a day (perhaps the dunewinder had killed everything in its vicinity).  The only things of note during this time was the desert sand for a period of 2 hours turned “sticky” (very annoying), and we saw a forest of petrified trees.  We eventually find a second marker (obelisk) with a reference to Lingice-Enz being 10 quentin away. [/Mort]

[Mort]  At camp that night, four Giant Cactus (taint, instant corruption or depravity, spikes attacks, damage resistance) approach our camp.  Imago starts casting resonating bolts (instead of his normal dragon ball attacks) to great effect.  Allurean casts a maximized twin-ray of enfeeblement spell and essentially neutralizes one of the creatures.  It leaves and the rest are quickly dispatched but not before more afflictions.  I have depravity effect (fear of giant cactus), Azura dead eye (murky vision).  [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome, and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! According to some clues they recently uncovered, the ruins of Lingice-Enz were supposed to be three days south of their recent position. Unfortunately, clues were misinterpreted, and the party wasted precious time wandering the
wastelands. After a few days, they located the remains of an ancient road and a stone marker which indicated the location of Lingice-Enz. Will this road lead them to the ancient ruins? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 28 Apr 2012
Game-world date: 04 - 05 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome, and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! According to some clues they recently uncovered, the ruins of Lingice-Enz were supposed to be three days south of their recent position. Unfortunately, the new clues have not led them to Lingice-Enz, the party misinterpreted the journals they found, and now they're back to wandering the desert. This dangerous wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Out of the Desert - Into the frying pan"

04 - 05 Jun 1005

[Mort] For once an uneventful day of travel through this tainted desert.  Towards evening the desert makes way into some grasslands.   We camp and in the night are attacked by tainted Dire Jackals.  A bite of the these Dire Jackals cause both taint (which are protected by our jade stones or lightning struck oak), and immediate corruption (as if a victim of moderate taint; we find out our protections do not protect against this).   These Dire Jackals also have some green beam attack, and seem immune to sonic attacks to the disappointment of both Imago and Allurean. [/Mort]

[Mort] There were at least four Dire Jackals – minimal threat to us but for their corruptive attacks.  Imago, Allurean, the ashworm and I all kill one (mine with axe and Allurean’s scorching ray spell triggered). Imago, Enola and Solmar all had corruptive effects – Imago with ear scabs, Enola with bleeding gums, and Solmar with bleeding gums and stone bones (+2 Str but -4 Dex). I heal the party’s wounds but must wait until tomorrow to address the corruption. [/Mort]

[Mort] In the morning I try a restoration spell on Imago, but the corruption is not removed.  We have to hope that the effects aren’t permanent!  Being outside of the desert, Enola once again tries a lay of the land spell and this time it functions – she is able to find remnants of a road running from grassland to desert with an apparent intersection between it and a larger road thoroughfare.  We agree that should be our next search quadrant.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Once we're out of the desert proper, we are attacked by a gargantuan Sand Golem (significant damage resistant, and an attack that causes sand to begin suffocating its victim unless they spend time clearing their lungs.)  I’m able to cast elation and recitation either before battle or early in it to assist the party.  Imago confirms with his orbs of acid that magic acid affects it; Allurean casts celerity and triggers multiple orbs of acid at once; Chartruz uses her wand of magic missiles but the Sand Golem is unaffected; Azura is attacked and forced to clear his lungs; Enola attacks with arrows but with only minimum damage to it; I try a flame strike but to no effect on it. [/Mort]

[Mort] This battle is a challenge!  Azura, Solmar, and I all engage in glorious melee combat!  It takes a few extended rounds of combat but our combined force both melee and spell overwhelms the Sand Golem!  Afterwards we continue towards the road. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome, and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! According to some clues they recently uncovered, the ruins of Lingice-Enz were supposed to be three days south of their recent position. Unfortunately, the new clues have not led them to Lingice-Enz, the party misinterpreted the journals they found, and now they're back to wandering the desert. This dangerous wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 14 Apr 2012
Game-world date: 29 Mav - 04 Jun 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the town of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, dangerous monsters and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! This dangerous
    wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Wandering about in the desert"

29 Mav - 04 Jun 1005

[Mort]  The desert creatures continue to test our resolve during the night. Similar results to every encounter to date; this time with five death dogs and a platoon of zombies.  Azura, Imago, Solmar, and I step forward to meet the enemy in glorious combat.  Enola kills a death dog from afar with her arrows.  Allurean casts two sonic fireballs and eliminates approximately half of the zombies.  Solmar presents Helm’s holy symbol and channels divine wrath against five zombies, immediately destroying them.  I kill a death dog and zombie in melee, the zombie triggering the sacred item spell on my shield.  Enola kills another two death dogs but not before being bitten by one.  A zombie tries to touch Azura’s hammer and its sacred item spell is triggered.  (For some reason he disgracefully switches from hammer to longbow.  It is bad enough Enola tempts Tempus ire each combat; I at least recognize its the inferior training she received although I cant disrespect the efficiency she displays in that type of battle.)  Enola kills the two remaining death dogs while one escapes us.  Imago kills the last three zombies, two with his ‘dragon balls’ and one with an orb of acid spell. [/Mort]

[Mort] After the battle I heal the group of any injuries and check out Enola’s bite wound.  Based on the skin irritations along the bite tear I suspect she is inflicted with some form of disease.  Solmar steps over and touches Enola, removing the possibility of any disease.  We continue into the desert.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Approximately mid-day, the desert suddenly erupts into fire everywhere!  Chartruz flies above and informs Allurean that the flames are 60ft tall and perhaps a mile in every direction centered seemingly on us!  The horses are beginning to panic and the cart is smoldering. [/Mort]

[Mort] Solmar and the ashworm burrow into sand to avoid the fires.  Allurean yells to all to approach her, that she’s ‘recalling from the order’ a mass resist energy spell to protect us.  Within less than half a minute, she’s cast the spell and protects the entire party but for three horses and the cart.  The party empties the cart contents into the magical backpack, and Imago then cast fly onto AzuraAzura picks up the cart and flies it to the southern edge of the fire since we have no way to immediately repair it.  As the party rides south (in the fire), I use my touch of healing power to constantly cycle through the unprotected horses as they are burned.  (I likely could have done the same with all of us but how excruciating the experience would have been!)  We break the fire’s edge and wait for all to regroup and be healed.  (Im surprised the horses minds are still intact from the constant burning for minutes on end.) We don’t encounter any other dangers during the day or that night (perhaps they also got caught up in the burning desert field).  At camp we discuss that we seem past three days of travel and haven’t come upon additional ruins.  Solmar reviews the discovered trade documents and notes that a road was mentioned.   We agree to continue south another few days travel assuming our horses in sand likely travel slower than perhaps a camel driven caravan on a road. In the morning, I recast sacred item on Azura’s hammer and my shield, and make whole on the cart. [/Mort]

[Mort] Allurean erupts into vehement cursing just minutes after we’ve broken camp in the morning.  This ill-favored desert’s latest effect has been to temporarily drain the spells from our mind (and any active spells without a permanent or discharge duration)!   Throughout the rest of the desert trek today I can hear Allurean mutter her contempt for this desert. [/Mort]

[Mort] An unfortunate terrain feature causes us to detour from our due south trek for a few hours.  The desert here has a huge number of what I assume are lava flow gouges in it.  We could squeeze through the various passages but the cart would have had to be carried.  We detour around and continue the trek.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  As usual, the desert creatures attack at night with two Yeth Hounds flying into camp baying loudly.  Enola, Chartruz, the ashworm, and three horses all flee the sounds of the hounds.  Azura secures silver caps to his hammer to affect the creatures.  Allurean kicks me awake then backs up and crouches underneath the cart to avoid the combat (I dont think she even owns a weapon?  Ill need to suggest that she prepare herself in case spells are drained in the future.)   I stand up and immediately get bitten by both Yeth HoundsAzura hits a Yeth Hound, but in return it trips him as part of its attack.  Solmar does a smiting charge with his holy mace/axe and does a great amount of damage to one of the Yeth Hounds.  I pull my silver handaxe and attack one of them.  The combination of the attack and the positive sacred item energy kills it.  The other Yeth Hound flies away, but not before Azura gets one more hit on it.   Within a few minutes, the rest of the group has returned to the campsite. The rest of the night passes uneventfully. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome, and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! According to some clues they recently uncovered, the ruins of Lingice-Enz were supposed to be three days south of their recent position. Unfortunately, the new clues have not led them to Lingice-Enz, the party misinterpreted the journals they found, and now they're back to wandering the desert. This dangerous wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 31 Mar 2012
Game-world date: 26 - 29 Mav 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, dangerous monsters and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! Battle has just begun, and the creature has blasted our heroes with a flesh flaying breath of scouring sand. This dangerous
    wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Cowardly Sand Dragon"

26 - 29 Mav 1005

[Mort] I then cast recitation on the group, but before we can affect any damage the Sand Dragon burrows back into the ground.  I cast elation on the group in case it returns, but it does not.  Azura and I heal the party and the living horses and we continue into the desert. [/Mort]

[Mort]  Once again at camp, early pre-dawn, we are attacked.   Four huge Spiny Teleporting Tarantulas attack us, using their dark vision for sight, combined with poison, blazing speed, and an ability to teleport away from danger.  I seem to be a popular meal as two of the spiders bite me repeatedly, ultimately triggering my stalwart pact reserve spell. Azura, Enola, Imago, and I all kill the spiders, and I cast neutralize poison on myself to prevent further poison damage. [/Mort]

[Mort] As we travel in the desert a sudden sand sinkhole or funnel develops beneath us.  Most of the group escapes but I, the horses and the cart all sink further and further into its depth.  Things look desperate when suddenly the desert is back to normal and we seemingly have just experienced a desert mirage.  [/Mort]

[Mort] We arrive at some ruins where we believe the “X” on the old man’s map appeared.  We investigate the perimeter but find no Human tracks in the area, only worm, dog, and spider tracks.  The ruins are uninhabitable.  Allurean has Chartruz investigate underneath the city and only discovers various basements and creatures hidden within them.  Chartruz does return with some records that after review seem to suggest Lingice-Enz might be three days journey south of this ruin.  We also note some reflective object in the distance northeast of the ruins.  We decide to spend the night among these ruins and continue south in the morning.  [/Mort]. 

[Mort] Traveling south in the morning, we encounter a yurt half buried by sand.  A crazy Gnome hermit seems to have made himself resident here.  We try to ask him questions about the Lingice-Enz when he beings a ritual or spell of some type.  He seems to go into a trance, then says "In search of a book you will go, a puppet or pawn though, in this game of cat and mice, you can't live twice, or... He pauses then continues  " times of old, brave fought bold, also the stories could be told, of the nations of old, and times of fire and death.  But the earth neither burns nor dies, and makes a haven for the lifeless fools whose destiny beckons to the jaws of death, go now seek what the meek dare to hold. "   After speaking he appears to fall asleep and can not be awakened.  [/Mort]

[Mort] We decide to wait here until he awakens.  His yurt contains nothing of interest but a small well for water. He awakens around 5pm and says his name is Gransis.  He doesn’t remember his chant nor burning his beard as part of the ritual.  He indicates Lingice-Enz is rumored south of here, but that the desert is only full of ruins and monsters.  He confirms that the other adventuring group did come here already.  Otherwise we don’t get much from the old Gnome. [/Mort]

[Mort] Continuing south, the desert air begins to thin and ultimately leading to complete lack of air.  Without air, none of us can speak to each other.  Solmar and Azura pantomime that the party should enter the magical pouch, but when Azura opens it he realizes air can't escape from it.  We end up, everyone but Solmar and the clockwork horse, rotating, sticking our heads into the pouch for air. This lasts in total for about two hours before the magical effect dissipates and air returns to this area of the desert. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. After trekking south along an old trade route, the party entered the own of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, ancient ruins, dangerous monsters, a crazy Gnome, and combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! According to some clues they recently uncovered, the ruins of Lingice-Enz lay three days south of their current position. Will these new clues lead them to Lingice-Enz, or are they just another false lead? This dangerous wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 17 Mar 2012
Game-world date: 23 - 26 Mav 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost book, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. Heading south towards the tribal town of Parlonis, the wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"Into the Desert"

23 - 26 Mav 1005

[Mort] No luck at the Open Sore about locating one of the guides used by that other adventuring group.   Enola, Allurean, and Azura head over to the local corral to check out Ashworms and get some information from them.  [/Mort]

[Mort] The corral owner, Maastrich, has three domesticated ashworms for sale.  He indicated they typically get bought then return on their own from the desert.  Ashworm are large sized creatures with chitn plates and a tail stinger, although these have had the stinger removed.  Trained ashworm accept basic commands (stop, go, right, left, down, up) and a herd of them will sound like thunder.  Ashworm have a pheromone that attracts dogs to them.  Masstrich also mentions two of his hands acted as guides for the other adventuring group.  He’ll have one of them, Katani, come to us at the Open Sore. [/Mort]

[Mort]  We stop by at the local trader’s shop and purchase additional desert garb, as well as basic food and water supplies for the cart.  Most importantly, he sells us 47 lightning struck oak rods to protect whoever holds a rod from taint.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Katani stops by the Open Sore and relays the following information to use:

  • Sand Dragons can detect vibrations and are attracted to ashworm.  He suggests grouping no less than 10ft apart and in no rhythm steps to avoid detection.
  • Lingice-Enz translates into “End of the road” in the current dialect.
  • The are multiple ruins in the desert.
  • The other adventuring group had some map they referenced but never exposed to others.
  • The adventuring group was six identical beings with a ‘funny’ accent, although one had a scar.  None of them slept, ate, or left tracks in the sand.  Some of them cast spells, including one with a necklace of skulls.
  • Magic is chaotic with potential random effects anywhere in the desert.  Some mage had previously tried to map the magic zones in the desert but without success.
  • A crazy hermit is rumored to live in the middle of the desert.
  • There are Bhuka, a goblinoid creature, and Half-Janni, living in the desert. [/Mort]

[Mort] We leave Parlonis around 6pm and camp away from the town shortly afterwards.  During the night we are attacked by Death Dogs, 2-headed hunters rumored to cause fear and with their howls and disease with their bites.   It seems a pack of 20 are attacking us.  Allurean use mark of enlightment and a ‘sonic’ fireball  to kill a majority of the Death Dogs.  The rest of us finish the rest of them off with little cause for concern. [/Mort]

[Mort] The next morning, I cast speak with dead on the old man Enola killed, but have little success.

  • Have you been in Lingice-Enz?  “I think so”
  • What does the entrance look like? “Which one?”
  • Is your map an accurate representation of where Lingice-Enz is? “No”
  • What does the latest entrance you used look like? “Hole in the Ground” [/Mort]

[Mort] Continuing into the desert, we find a quarry that seemingly goes a 1,000 ft down.  Chartruz investigates the quarry and finds stagnant water and various giant worms living near it.  We choose not to investigate.  Shortly after leaving the quarry, we come into our first desert magical effect.  For the next hour everything, including our skin, has a mirror surface to it.  [/Mort]

[Mort] That night, about five Gargoyles fly into camp attacking our group.   We make short work of them with our magic and battle prowess. [/Mort]

[Mort] During the next day in the desert, our vision is suddenly inverted (up is down, down is up).  My vision seems especially impacted (-20 hit for the whole time period), while others vision will vary (-10 or -20).  Almost simultaneously a Sand Dragon bursts out of the sand adjacent to us.   I attempt a Flame Strike on it, but the creature seems resistant to spells.  Enola misses with all her arrows (I think this is the first time I’ve seen her miss without some weapon mishap). The Sand Dragon breathes a cone shaped flaying wind effect on the majority of the party. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost tome of legendary power, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. An old trade road along the hills lead the party further south, to the lawless town of Parlonis, Here they sought more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. Departing the frontier town, the party headed out into the desert. Here they've encountered odd magical effects, dangerous monsters and they're currently in combat with the master of this domain - An immense Sand Dragon! Battle has just begun, and the creature has blasted our heroes with a flesh flaying breath of scouring sand. This dangerous
wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 03 Mar 2012
Game-world date: 20 - 23 Mav 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost book, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. Heading south towards the tribal town of Parlonis, the wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"The Town of Parlonis"

20 - 23 Mav 1005

[Mort] After the Wasteland Troll attack, Allurean and I discuss my battle axe’s ability to hold a spell.  I’ve stored blindness on it, but to date haven’t felt a need or circumstance to use it.  She offers to cast casts scorching ray into it. I decide a damaging effect spell would likely be more effective.  Our next day’s travel is uneventful, and the next evening we decide to have Allurean cast a sudden maximized hammer of righteousness force spell on my axe. [/Mort]

[Mort] A second abandoned caravan remains is found this day.  Imago and Enola discover some silver horseshoes and 30 silver rivets but nothing else.   At camp that evening, Enola at my request casts her lay of the lands spell, and confirms Parlonis is within her spell range.  It seems to be a town slightly smaller than Kester.  Her spell doesn’t detect any "dead areas" near us, but she senses none of the normal terrain features when facing the desert. [/Mort]

[Mort] That night a more dangerous encounter than I would have expected occurred.  Three huge sized Silent Dire Serpents snuck into camp.  These snakes radiate a magical silence around them and can project silence in nearby areas.  They also are sized to readily swallow a horse whole!  They seem to be resistant to our damage, have cold resistance, and have a poisonous bite.  They are attacking Enola, Azura, and one of our horses before any of us notice them! [/Mort]

[Mort]  Enola is bitten and the snake starts to constrict her.  She shape changes into a small snake herself but the size difference doesn’t help her break its grasp.  The snake attacking the horse bites it and starting to swallow it whole.  Azura awakens, rages, and forces the snake off him with his ring of brute force.  Imago and Solmar begin to awaken other sleeping party members as silence surrounds the campsite. [/Mort]

[Mort] The third snake bites and constricts AzuraAllurean casts her benign transportation spell so that Enola and an incorporeal Chartruz swap positions.  Once out of the snake’s range, Enola change back into her normal form and readies her archery attack.  Solmar, Imago, and I all begin attacking the nearest snakes to us. The snake that attacked the horse leaves after its successful kill.  I’m bitten and constricted by a snake but break the grasp with a surge of divine strength (my once/day divine strength boost).   Enola kills one of the snakes with her arrows, and Azura kills the last remaining one with his great hammer.  Enola fires at the retreating snake but it escaping into the night.  Poison from the snake courses through my body but Azura provides me a potion that delays its effect on me.  As we are near morning, I memorize neutralize poison in time to prevent the poison from impacting me.  Meanwhile, a few sacred vigor divine effects heals the party back to near normal.  [/Mort]

[Mort] After traveling half the day, we arrive at Parlonis.  It appears partially in ruins and mostly a shanty town, populated by desperate people.  Some holes in the mountain seem to be used as apartments.  We are watched with suspicion as we walk into town, towards one of the few stone building – a bar called the “The Open Sore”.  Solmar waits outside to watch the horses while the rest of us go inside.  The bartender is a seemingly partially civilized Wasteland TrollAllurean saunters up to the bar and offers a round  of drinks for all in the bar.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Imago tells me a retreating Orc has just picked my pocket.  (Enough is enough! I am tired of this boring trail, of this pending find a buried city without any known clue as to its location underneath the sand and tired of inept monsters creeping in to attack a noticeably larger and prepared group of adventurers.  And now to have some drunk Orc try to steal from me!  An anointed Servant of Tempus!) I call the Orc out to return my item or face me in single combat outside.  He pulls a poisoned knife and others in the bar reach for their weapons. [/Mort]

Azura’s dragon armor roars, but surprising that only clears part of the bar.  Azura puts one orc in a headlock.  Imago grabs back the ghostblight vial that same Orc had stolen from me.  Allurean threatens to burn the entire bar down if everyone doesn’t back down.  Two other Orcs take swings at Enola and IShe and I kill some Orcs and Imago smacks one unconscious.  An old man tries to pull out some potion but I swat the bottle out of his hand smashing it.  He says something in another language (Imago later says its ‘F**king Interlopers’ and rushes out of the bar.  Enola and Azura follow and the bar seems to have settled down.  They return with the old man having an arrow in his back; Enola doesn’t allow anyone to run from a battle if she has them in her sight. [/Mort]
[Mort] Allurean drops more gold onto the bar and the bartender seems unconcerned. She’s probably already paid more than this year’s income to him anyway.  The bartender’s name is Karlos.  He tells us the following:

  • Sand Dragons fly frequently across the desert.  The largest he’s seen is the size of the tallest building in Parlonis.  They can fly and dive straight into the ground burrowing beneath those it attacks.  The end’s of their tails are as sharp as swords.
  • Dustblight creatures live in the desert. 
  • Half-Janni, some humanoid cross breeds of Jann and other races, also live in the desert.
  • Most of the town inhabitants are descendents of prisoners who were forced to work the surrounding hills.
  • Everyone around here knows of the lost city of to Lingice-Enz and its “Treasure” somewhere in the desert.  The desert is known to be populated with ‘foul’ creatures (I wonder what a Wasteland Troll thinks is foul?)
  • Moss, the old man Enola killed, used to tell stories about having been to to Lingice-Enz.  He told stories of some hermit he met in the desert and that Lingice-Enz is actually some sewer complex. (We all give a dirty look towards Enola who ignores us as is her norm.)
  • There was another adventuring group in town about a month ago; staying for 2 days while they bought ashworms and guides for a desert trip.  The oddest thing of note is that they all looked alike, like sextuplets!  All word black garments.  He recalls two names as Skerrit and Riplin.  One of them wore plate mail with a large sword, another had a necklace made of skulls.  None wore any religious symbols.  None cast spells while in the town to his knowledge.
  • The guides/guards returned to town after three days without them.  One of the guides is ‘Ranker’ someone who shows up in the bar whenever he has money.  He was not in the bar today. [/Mort]

[Mort] While Allurean and I talk to the bartender, Enola and Imago go check out Moss’ shanty.  I also tell them to secure his body, as perhaps I can cast a speak with dead spell on it tomorrow.  They return indicating the body is secured, and they’ve found a partial map of the desert with an ‘X’ marked on it.  Perhaps our first real clue! [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost book, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. An old trade road along the hills lead the party further south, to the lawless town of Parlonis, Here they seek more clues about the nature of the desert, it's inhabitants, and the fabled city of 'Lingice-Enz'. This dangerous
wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 18 Feb 2012
Game-world date: 17 - 20 Mav 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost book, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with the sponsor for this latest quest, they set off to gather more information and start their adventure. Heading south towards the tribal town of Parlonis, the wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast inland sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest?' Stay tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

"The Journey Southward"

17 - 20 Mav 1005

[Mort] In the morning, Imago continues to ask more about the Gods looking to select one.  He then explains ‘Imago’ is not his true name, just a word for ‘Gnome’ in another language.  His culture seems to adopt a name based on some trait or characteristic and as an outsider he never received one.  He even has the audacity to suggest he call himself Tempus!  I begin to regret suggesting he might have been called to Tempus’ glory. [/Mort]

[Mort] In the morning I ask for Tempus’ guidance once again (Commune spell): 

  • Does the underground river connecting to Lingice-Enz sewer ever surface in or near the Dry Steppes? - No
  • Could the Sand Hunters lead us to the city or entrance to the city? - Yes
  • Could the Dustblight lead us to the city or entrance to the city? - No
  • Will Tekelut Thringus use the book for evil purposes? - No (I know he has the backing of the church of Helm, but perhaps they could have been tricked by him.)
  • Is there danger, from the book itself, just by possessing it? - Yes (Hmm, perhaps the book is tainted in some manner?)
  • Is their additional information about the city in Parlonis? - Yes
  • Is the competing adventuring group after this book of greater power to our own? - Unclear
  • Does the name Lingice-Enz translated into a current language provide a clue to its location? - No
  • Would Imago calling himself Tempus be a sacrilege to you? - Yes. [/Mort]

[Mort]  We decide to head towards Parlonis for possible clues.  I have to imagine if that other adventuring group has been in the area for a year or more, they’ve thrown money around the area or been noticed.  Mid day on the trail we see something large flying from the direction of the sun towards us.  Imago yells out that Dire Vultures approach us.  (Dire Vultures are larger more aggressive brethren of normal vultures who attack the living, and have a stench that can sicken those near it.) [/Mort]

[Mort]  We defeat the Dire Vultures easily primarily with Enola’s archery prowess.  Imago casts some spell to enhance the damage done by her arrows, and I cast Mass Aid to protect the party in case they land near us.  Allurean casts a spell that causes her eyes to gleam red (celestial aspect – eyes of fear) and seemingly rays of fire shoot from her eyes at the creatures. Imago throws some form of sling bullets, he calls them ‘Dragon balls’, and these three balls seem to contain a large amount of lightning energy within them. (Later he indicates he can embed his shocking grasp spells within this item.) [/Mort]

[Mort]  The rest of the day is uneventful.  During the next day’s travel we come upon an abandoned caravan with burnt remains of wagons and debris.  Imago and Enola investigate, and discover in a secret compartment an alabaster jar in the shape of a baboon.  The lid is sealed with wax.  A dry sloshing sound is heard inside when placed near your ear.  Imago detects a strong magical aura of necromancy and Solmar senses a strong aura of evil.  We defer opening it and place it in the magical backpack Solmar owns.  Perhaps in a secluded location we prepare ourselves for battle and open it.  Continuing our travels, the heat today becomes stifling.  Allurean casts mass resist elements on the group to allow us to continue.  At evening camp, I let everyone know I’ll cast two of the same spells each day thereafter to protect the entire party, including the horses.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  The next day’s travel is uneventful except for a large fissure crossing this hilly path we follow.  Hardened magma appears within the fissure but we don’t wish to test its strength with the wagon or Azura.  Tracks lead away following the fissure, but Allurean casts a wall of stone across the fissure and we continue without issue. [/Mort]

[Mort]  At camp, three Wasteland Trolls (half again the size of a human, with skin seemingly as tough as stone) attack us while Imago, Solmar and I are on watch.   We awaken our companions for battle!  Similar results to that of the Dire VulturesImago enhances Enola’s archery damage; Allurean casts some sonic blasting spells to knock down the Trolls.  Solmar charges into one Troll doing a body slam against it; Azura doing the same to another but with his hammer.  I kill two of the three Trolls by calling down Tempus’ glorious fire against them (flame strike). The rest of the evening is uneventful. [/Mort]

[Mort]  Another fissure blocks are path today, this time with flowing lava.  We find a nearby alternative route around it.  The day is uneventful.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  At evening camp some amorphous blob of truculent flesh approaches us.  Being on watch again, I yell “Arise all, Tempus has granted us another opportunity for battle!"  This ‘Blob’ (later we learn it is called a Corrupture) is more challenging but once again readily defeated by our group.  It looks to absorb creatures within it and dissolve them with its acid secretions.  It also could shoot out pseudo-pod arms about 15ft in length to attack creatures if it could not absorb them.  It seemed resistant to Azura’s cold damaging aura and to our slashing weapon damage.  It seems tainted as well, but we are unsure if that is natural to it or just due to nearby desert environment.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  I start the battle with a flame strike as it approaches, while moving to the side to draw it away from the party.  Enola starts her archery barrage, with Imago once again enhancing her damage attacks. Allurean starts to tactically swap positions between herself and Solmar with her benign transportation spell.  Azura tries his cone of cold breath weapon but to no effect.  Imago enhances Azura’s hammer damage as well.  I cast a 2nd flame strike at it while Azura and Solmar engage in battle.  The creature tries to trample Solmar and Imago but Imago’s Dragon balls kill it before that occurs.  As its body slumps to the ground, Imago notices some gold, a gem, and a helm within its dissolving body.  The gem has a faint conjuration magical aura or it, and the open faced bronze helm a magical aura of enchantment.  Solmar decides to wear the helm (no immediate affect known).  [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost book, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to start this new adventure. Heading south towards the tribal town of Parlonis, the wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay
tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 04 Feb 2012
Game-world date: 13 - 16 Mav 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back in Whillip. Their last adventure was arduous, dangerous and rewarding. Most of all, it was memorable. In search of glory, fame, and justice. They seek to right the wrongs of this land; to defend the weak, enslaved, and oppressed. With a long quest behind them, it's time to recover their bearings, rest for a bit, hone their skills, and steel themselves to take on the next threat in these lands. They've split up their treasure, paid their taxes, and now they're spending some time and money to prepared for their next adventure. Welcome back to Whillip brave heroes, welcome home!

"Let the adventure begin"

13 - 16 Mav 1005

[Mort]  Preparations are complete in Whillip, and Solmar seeks out his mentor for more information on the quest.  Solmar returns with a single use magical crystal.  He was told that if struck with silver, a magical chime would trigger allowing two-way communication with the quest sponsor, a sage/mage named Tekelut Thringus.  Mid-day the following day, we meet in the Inn’s conference room and speak with Mage Thringus (an old human with wrinkled skin, white short hair, and an injured or blinded eye) via some magical shimmering image:

  • A book, called Eivobrin’s Incanabula, was lost long ago but he’s aware of its approximate location.  He is working with the Church of Helm to obtain and secure the book.
  • Some form of magical interference prevents him for directly teleporting us to it; He is unwilling to divulge more travel information but encourages all equipment to be brought.
  • Eivobrin’s Incanabula is supposedly an artifact of great power;  a rare codex created by a famed sage/magic user named Newlonen Eivobrin.  It’s power was to be used in some war between good and evil based on a vision this mage had.  Fortunately, the war never occurred.
  • Mage Thringus, upon agreement to proceed with the quest, will issue two bank notes to the party and secure teleportation transportation to/from Whillip and his home location (Near Kester, in the Ohnest continent).   A mage named ‘X’ will facilitate the teleportation services.  A bank note work 25,000gp will be paid up front and the remaining 150,000gp upon delivery of the book.  The party may retain any treasure it finds other that the book.
  • Mage Thringus has had attempts on his life and believes a sinister agent is also seeking this book for nefarious purposes.  He believes another adventuring group has been searching the known area for the book for sometime but as yet has not located it. [/Mort]

[Mort] Any additional information will only be provided upon arrival, and after a certain enchantment is cast upon us.  The enchantment prohibits details of the Book’s location or description from being revealed.  Since we intend to accept this quest, Solmar directs Mage Thringus to cast his spell.  As a group we are required to chant a phrase twice to seal the magic.  We do so, and Mage Thringus indicates we should appear before him as soon as possible.  In the meantime, he will approve the first bank note deposit to the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights bank account.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  We are in agreement to leave the following day, especially after I confirm an audience before my mentor, Shield of Tempus Conrad Heider, for 8am the following day.  At the audience I explain to my mentor we are off to Ohnest for our next adventure, one partially approved of by the Church of Helm.  He offers a benediction over our party while we all hold hands, and the divine blessing will permit the next team benefit used to have double its effectiveness (we are uncertain if it’s the first single use by any of us, or the first use for each of us). [/Mort]

[Mort] We head out for X’s estate outside of Whillip proper.  X is a blind human in his apparent 50s, with a hand on the shoulder of a small boy (Ellis).  X welcomes us and they lead us to a cave entrance large enough for our horses and wagon.  This tunnel opens into a large room, apparently a library, and Ellis opens a secret door to another passage.  He does this twice before we arrive in what looks like an empty storage room, but with a circle/pentagram on the mosaic floor of the room.  X tells us not to move out of Mage Thringus’ corresponding circle until his protective wards have been removed.  X casts his teleport spell upon us once we are all in the circle. [/Mort] 

[Mort] We appear in a completely different room filled with columns.  One of the horses freaks out at the teleportation and of course immediately steps out of the circle!  The columns are actually Killer Columns and approach to attack.  Imago tries to coax the horse back into the circle with an apple; Solmar attempts to call out to it.  The horse returns to Imago.  I yell out for Mage Thringus and cast Bear’s Heart in case of attack.  No attacks continue, and a Halfling comes into the room in about five minutes.  He indicates we should remain in the circle and that Mage Thringus will come down to deactivate the wards.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Mage Thringus deactivates the columns and walks us through his laboratory to an interior conference room (no windows).  He seems very paranoid as he asks to repeat the enchantment phrase for a third time and to look at and cite some cards he had on hand.  The additional details promised to us are:

  • The book is in the ruined city of Lingice-Enz, in what is now a tainted desert in the Dry Steppe.  Thousands of years ago it was a thriving city designed by a famed architect, part of the thriving Baklunish empire.  He suspects the book is in a sewer complex of the city.
  • There is no visible surface sign of Lingice-Enz.  It is only known to be south of Kester.  Mage Thringus provides a map and indicates the city is somewhere within this smaller section of the Dry Steppes.  He has no way to magically detect or narrow the location.  Unfortunately the map is a 30-mile hex scale with likely  1,500-3,000 miles of desert to potentially explore!
  • The Dry Steppes is of varied terrain, and was a magical fallout zone between 2 ancient, magically powerful empires.  There are areas of the desert where magical effects vary – ranging from dead zones to amplified effects.  There is no physical marker for said areas, and the dead zones seem to suppress magic, not dispel it. 
  • The desert has the typical risks of heat, lack of water, and deadly monsters.  Desert monsters may include:
    • Ashworms – They are Neutral burrowing larger magical beasts that can be ridden as mounts.  They typically attack when hungry, and have a poisonous bite.
    • Dire Jackals
    • Dire Vultures – They exude a powerful stench.
    • Dust Blights – Evil wasteland hunters of a hybrid aberrations and humanoid appearance, composed of ash.
    • Giant Banded Lizards – Huge animals.
    • Porcupine Cactus – These cacti explode if disturbed.
    • Sand Hunter – Good, intelligent desert dogs that could be a potential ally.  They have red and tan markings, a long neck, and prehensile lips.
    • Sand Dragon – raid cattle in the nearby vicinity (noted at Wasteland Supplies)
    • Animated Sand Dune – envelopes people (noted at Wasteland Supplies) 
  • Mage Thringus is aware of a group of adventurers looking for the book.  They have been for over a year, but have some veil of protection surrounding them.
  • The Eivobrin’s Incanabula is a book that can be identified by a great closed eye ornament on cover and yellow pages.  The book is protected by deadly magic and should not be opened or read. 
  • The sewers supposedly explored a few times, with each attempt leading to tragedy.  Mage Thringus obtained a passage from a survivor, Stivonin Bearer, of one of the last attempts about six years ago:

“On the 12th day after entering this terrible place, the dampness, darkness, and fetid odors here impress a feeling of hopelessness and impending doom upon ones soul.

Today we found the remains of four of our compatriots, torn limb from limb, all the blood drained from their limp and lifeless bodies.  Several rats, some giant rats and various other vermin [were] feasting on the few remains of Ciaren, Nuborun, Eidorox, and Salandran.

We descended reluctantly to the 3rd layer of the sewers today.  At present there are only three of us left;  myself, Nygorin, and Tabrucos.  I plan on deserting my comrades if they do not listen to my pleas to return to the surface.

The parasitic infestation which infected me three days into this doomed adventure has caused my skin to all but fall away by now.  I can feel my skin moving under the power of the vile creatures which have made my skin their home.

How foolish we were to enter this forsaken place.  Five of us lay devoured by unbelievably horrid things, and then there were the unseen ones.  Nygorin has gone insane and run off madly, in the directions of some strange glurping sounds.  Six days ago Bjonet mysteriously disappeared.

Tabrucos and I have decided to leave this place it took so long to convince him.  He was the one who insisted on entering this hell in the first place, claiming that he has heard that great treasures lay further down, but what good are treasures to the dead?”

  • Other rumors related to Lingice-Enz that he hasn’t been able to validate:
    • Several mutant forms of fungus inhabit the city sewers.
    • An extra dimensional portal is somewhere in the sewer, leading to iron dragons and strange people in some place called New York.
    • There is a strange gas which poses a threat to all who enter the sewer.
    • There is a hidden labyrinth deep in sewers leading to mind flayer lair.
    • An ancient evil cult lives in theses sewers fanatically defending them against all intruders.
    • An “Old One” sleeps deep in sewers, waiting to be awakened by adventurers.
    • The sewers are inhabited by invisible creatures that stalk and kill its prey.
    • The sewers were built of some indestructible stone and remain structurally sound.
    • There are four levels to the sewers, with the fourth level empting into an underground river.
    • “Black Sand” is tainted (noted at Wasteland Supplies) [/Mort]

[Mort] Mage Thringus asks that we maintain secrecy;  don’t use porters, guides and do not indicate that we are working for him.  He does have agents in Kester that might possibly assist us if required.  We leave him heading West to Kester, a town of approximately 5,000 people.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Our first intention is to equip ourselves against taint as well purchase general supplies for the desert.  Kester has three main temples worshipping Moradin, Fharlanghn, and Pelor.  We visit each to purchase pure Jade rods for 100 gp each.  These rods can absorb up to seven points of taint each provided only one is held at once.  We purchase as many rods as we can find and plan to store extras within our magical backpack. [/Mort]

[Mort] At a store called Wasteland Supplies, we purchase varied desert equipment (5 sun lens to protect eyesight from the glare, 5 sand tubes for protection from sandstorms, and 10 armor bright applications for heat protection on various armor = 950gp total).  It still being ~mid-day, we ride out of Kester through the hills towards the desert, camping for the night. The next morning, I cast some divine divination spells in the hopes they will not be hindered as arcane magic has been in this area.  A Divination spell asking “Will a Commune spell help locate the ruined city?” returns a message of “Magical Flux cloaks denizens, dens, and divinations.”  Without much confidence, I decide to cast the Commune spell anyway, hoping to narrow some of the map parameters.

    • Is the city south of the 28th Latitude on the map? – Unclear
    • Is the city south of 29th latitude on the map?  – Unclear
    • Is the city south of 32nd latitude on the map? - Unclear
    • Will a Lay of Lands spell reveal a city entrance? - Unclear
    • Is there an adventuring group seeking the city?  [You’d think my deity wouldn’t potentially try to trick me by saying, Yes – Us…. not sure] – Yes
    • Is there another adventuring group (not us) seeking the city – Yes
    • Has that adventuring group found the city – No
    • Does the other adventuring group know of Hallowed Knights quest – Unclear
    • Is Imago a worthy candidate for Tempus devotion – Yes [/Mort]

[Mort] We continue another day in the hills, nearing the desert, but toward another town named Parlonis.  We debate the effectiveness of searching such a large desert expanse, without known surface indications or magical abilities, even if narrowed somewhat by Mage Thringus’s map.  One thought is perhaps gaining a domesticated sandworm to search underneath the ground.  I attempt a second Divination spell, this time asking “If Stivonin Bearer is alive, where can we find him?”  The response is “Stivonin succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Ull and is dead.” [/Mort]

[Mort]  I find the thought of randomly walking into the desert foolish – just 3 hexes of the map, 90 miles of desert, would be difficult to search, and then to think of ~3,000 miles?  And with no known visible indicator of an entrance? No wonder the other group has been searching for a year, and they likely are starting with the whole Dry Steppe area instead of the map we have! We must find other means of locating the city else I would return to Mage Thringus and tell him a better search pattern is needed.  Some thoughts I have to:

  • Review maps or local information about a nearby body of water where the underground river might surface.  Perhaps we can start at the low point and work up the city?
  • Ambush the other adventuring group for information.  If they’ve been here a year they must have caroused, spent gold  and wrecked the local economy, boasted of their deeds, etc.
  • Find the intelligent desert dwellers (preferably the Sand Hunters) and see if they can lead us to the city or provide some clues.
  • Hunt for a Sand Dragon and satisfy one of Alluerean’s quests.  Regardless, I think before we leave this desert we should get her that heart!  How often will we be in an area with confirmed dragon(s) presence? [/Mort]

[Mort]  I plan on casting a second Commune spell, perhaps with the following questions in mind and others depending on the answers:

  •  Does the underground river connected to the sewer ever surface in or near the Dry Steppe?
  •  Could the Sand Hunters lead us to the city or entrance to the city?
  •  Could the Dust Blights lead us to the city or entrance to the city?
  •  Will Tekelut Thringus use the book for evil purposes? (Just have to check with my deity.)
  •  Is there danger, from the book itself, just by possessing it? [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back on the road again. After accepting a charge to quest for a lost book, the party was teleported across the world to Kester; a small mountain town on the edge of a vast wasteland. After talking with their sponsor, they set off to gather more information and start their adventure. Heading south towards the tribal town of Parlonis, the wasteland mocks them. How will our heros ever wrestle the location of Lingice-Enz from this vast sea of tainted sand? Will they ever find the tome known as "Eivobrin's Incanabula"; or will they become another footnote labeled 'A group of adventurers sought the book, but never completed their quest'? Stay
tuned for the exciting and continuing adventures of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 21 Jan 2012
Game-world date: 11 Aug 1004 - 13 Mav 1005
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back in Whillip. Their last adventure was arduous, dangerous and rewarding. Most of all, it was memorable. In search of glory, fame, and justice. They seek to right the wrongs of this land; to defend the weak, enslaved, and oppressed. With a long quest behind them, it's time to recover their bearings, rest for a bit, hone their skills, and steel themselves to take on the next threat in these lands. They've split up their treasure, paid their taxes, and now they're spending some time and money to prepared for their next adventure. Welcome back to Whillip brave heroes, welcome home!

"and the days just fly by"

11 Aug 1004 - 13 Mav 1005

[Mort]  DAMN TYMORA and her continual displeasure and curse on my family and I!  The Mage's Guild informs me that neither of the enhancement enchantments were successful.  As consolation, they tell me that my amulet cannot be improved, but the released magical energies were diverted such that the amulet was not drained of all magic or destroyed!  If only this had been in battle, Tempus’ aegis would have sustained me.  I find condolence in a mighty drinking spree with Allurean that night!  At least Tymora’s displeasure does not extend to my companions; all of Azura’s magical items gain the additional powers he requested.  [/Mort]

[Mort] Solmar’s training ends first as he’s decided to focus on his martial skills.  I’m pleased that at least he retains his devotion to Helm if not remaining in the same capacity.  Solmar will begin to explore adventuring opportunities for the group. [/Mort]

[Mort]  As my training ends, I inform the others of the Stalwart Pact spell. A spell I will soon be able to cast.  If significantly injured, it triggers some significant temporary protections.  I cast the spell on all the party, and start canvassing the various temples in Whillip for the necessary incense (avoiding Tymora’s Temple, although Azura or Allurean seek it out).  We end up with sufficient reserve supplies for a number of additional castings.  Solmar also suggests two group training exercises upon completion of our individual training.  Crowded Charge  will allow us to charge through occupied participant locations; Group Trance will allow the entire group to treat four hours of Elven trance as if a full eight hours of rest was gained.  We all agree to these exercises.  Allurean also joins the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, not having found any particular leads that would prevent her from joining our adventures.  [/Mort]

[Mort]  Solmar introduces the group to his new steed, a clockwork warhorse!  It seems during training, Solmar was able to procure all the necessary parts and equipment to build said steed, and then had the Mage's Guild magically enliven it to a state similar to his (but less independent).  It looks to be a worthy steed for him and I hope there is an opportunity to see him charging on his new horse through enemy encampments.  Blessings of Tempus on him and his new steed! [/Mort]

[Mort]  All of our individual and group training completed, we meet to discuss what the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights should take on next:

  • Horn of Iggwilv (Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth):  Previous unscrupulous adventuring group named 'Whillip Wanderers' duped the Baron by returning a fake magical lantern.  Last known party member, Francis McMoore released from 10 year prison sentence on 10 Febulus 1004.  No further information on his or the actual lantern’s location.  Baron paid 150,000gp for the fake lantern.
    • Collectively we agree that minimal leads exist on where the Horn may be, and there’s no indication the Baron will sponsor another attempt at obtaining the item.
  • Obelisk & Lost Empire:  Notification indicated, "Marakh Oufakrahn – Advisor to Kargil Ninton, First Consul of Spandeliyon (of Altumbel of Aglarond), seeks a group of brave adventurers to embark upon a special mission for the Overking.  Kargil’s ears have heard rumors of a great magical device, an obelisk, located in a far land.  It supposedly lies amidst the ruins of a once-great empire, now a dense jungle.  The king wants more information about this rumored empire and the obelisk, if it exists. To discuss potential contractual details, make an appointment with the secretary of Marakh Oufakrahn at bldg#278 in Whillip.  Marakh is an official Aglarondan trade representative with offices in the Baron’s keep.  Only serious inquiries will be entertained.  Junior adventuring groups need not apply."
    • Solmar visits the Aglarondan trade office.  They consider the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights a viable group and will offer 20,000gp for a flight to their country to be introduced to the adventure. 
    • I don’t like the lack of information and trip requirement to learn more about the adventure.  What would happen if we rejected the offer once present before the Overload?
  • Demetrius the Sage:  Excommunicated (from the Mage's Guild) mage living near the Whillip Swamp investigating a Black Flame magical essence.  Before we consider his request further we learn he was recently killed in one of his experiments.
  • Legendary Book: Residing in an unstable magical area (effects ranging from dead magic to an enhanced spell effect state).   A sage/wizard desires this artifact and is willing to pay 175,000 gp.  Garivek, Solmar's mentor at the Temple of Helm, vouches for the good nature of the patron, who indicates a desire to keep the book out of evil hands.  Another group with evil intentions is reputedly seeking the book.  The patron will teleport the group to nearby the location.
As a group we vote to pursue the Book as our next adventure. [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back in Whillip. Their last adventure was arduous, dangerous and rewarding. Most of all, it was memorable. In search of glory, fame, and justice. They seek to right the wrongs of this land; to defend the weak, enslaved, and oppressed. With a long quest behind them, it's time to recover their bearings, rest for a bit, hone their skills, and steel themselves to take on the next threat in these lands. They've split up their treasure, paid their taxes, and they've even completed their training. After conducting some administrative tasks (swearing in of new party members, updating their charter, electing new officers) they conducted some research and decided to vote on which adventure they should go on. After considering the options available, they've decided to quest for a book called "Eivobrin's Incanabula". Stay tuned for more details on their upcoming adventure.

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 7 Jan 2012
Game-world date: 27 Jul - 11 Aug 1004
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    With their adventures in the accursed environs of Deepwood concluded, the party is back in Whillip. The adventure was arduous, dangerous and rewarding. Most of all, it was memorable. In their latest adventure, the party completed a long and deadly adventure that led to the defeat of an undead Dragon, a deadly Bodak, a powerful vampire and an evil werewolf. Our Heroes defeated the forces of evil and restored order to the village of Deepwood.
    Many grateful people now know the names of true heroes. Surely they will compose ballads and poems attesting to their honor and bravery. With this long quest behind them, it's time to recover their bearings, rest for a bit, hone their skills, and steel themselves to take on the next threat in these lands. Welcome back to Whillip brave heroes, welcome home!

"Training, Relaxing, Regrouping"

27 Jul - 11 Aug 1004

[Mort]  A Gnome named Imago shows up appearing as a poor itinerant monk, who offers his services to the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.  He indicates he’s a monk/sorcerer and I route him to Solmar for an introduction and an ability testing.  Allurean and Imago discuss some of their arcane abilities. [/Mort]

[Mort]  After a few days reflection, Solmar formally invites Azura, Allurean, Imago, and myself to join the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.  All accept but for Allurean; she defers based on the primacy of her quests for her deity.  If no leads are located, she would like to be considered at a later date.  Solmar also initiates party officer voting – Enola and Solmar retain their current positions, spokeswoman and leader respectively, while Imago is voted administrator. [/Mort] 

[Mort]  Once a member, I request a loan of 40,000gp to enhance the protections on my amulet; both protective and resistant.  All agree, and Azura and I turn in various magical items to the Mage’s Guild for enhancement.  I also offer my companions the casting of the Sacred Item spell on any of their items in preparation for battle with undead or evil outsiders.  Over the course of the next two weeks I will be casting the spell on various weapons, armor, and other equipment.  The rest of our days are individually spent either training or seeking out miscellaneous items within Whillip. [/Mort]

[Mort] Allurean, when not in battle, seems quite flighty and fun-loving.   She’s continuously talking about her tattoo artist Orc companions, furniture and clothes shopping, and some of the ‘seedier’ locations in and around Whillip.  I find it charming that she totally ignores Bidvar’s legal obfuscation of directions; Solmar however asks her to desist (at least in his company).  I enjoy spending time with her when not training.  [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back in Whillip. Their last adventure was arduous, dangerous and rewarding. Most of all, it was memorable. In search of glory, fame, and justice. They seek to right the wrongs of this land; to defend the weak, enslaved, and oppressed. With a long quest behind them, it's time to recover their bearings, rest for a bit, hone their skills, and steel themselves to take on the next threat in these lands. They've split up their treasure, paid their taxes, and now they're spending some time and money to prepared for their next adventure. Welcome back to Whillip brave heroes, welcome home!

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Real-world date: 10 Dec 2011
Game-world date: 26 - 27 Jul 1004
Written by: Lee playing Mortimer

    Where we left off last session
    With their adventures in the accursed environs of Deepwood concluded, the party is back in Whillip. The adventure was arduous, dangerous and rewarding. Most of all, it was memorable. In their latest adventure, the party completed a long and deadly adventure that led to the defeat of an undead Dragon, a deadly Bodak, a powerful vampire and an evil werewolf. Our Heroes defeated the forces of evil and restored order to the village of Deepwood. With the conclusion of this quest, none may say that they died in vain. Long live those who gave their lives. Long live those who strive to defeat evil in this land. Long live the adventures we have come to know as the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights - Let us take a moment to remember those brave adventurers: Gregor the stalwart marshal minded barbarian with four arms. Jusarian the Ranger, carried off to an inglorious demise by a humongous bird of prey. Mutteran the enigmatic and haunted shapechanger. Crucifer the passionate and committed warlock on a family quest. If it hadn't been for the sacrifice of these H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, and countless others allied in this fight, the valley of Deepwood would remain, a breeding ground for evil, injustice and corruption. Many grateful people now know the names of true heroes. Surely they will compose ballads and poems attesting to their honor and bravery. With this long quest behind them, it's time to recover their bearings, rest for a bit, hone their skills, and steel themselves to take on the next threat in these lands. Welcome back to Whillip brave heroes, welcome home!

"Whillip at long last"

26 Jularva

[Mort] A few hours are spent on the Whillip dock as the party, and I to a lesser extent, work through the minutia review of dividing treasures and payments to the tax collectors.  Ultimately, beyond some coins, I purchase an amulet that will enhance my protective armor in battle. I must work with the Mage’s Guild to convert this amulet to work with my other protective magic. [/Mort]

[Mort] Solmar invites those of us who are not members of the Hallowed Knights to return to their Inn for discussions about membership, and even offers a place to stay.  It seems that turnover after each adventure is high; very similar to some of the military campaigns I’ve participated in.  Only through personal diligence and effort in surviving strife will the blessings of Tempus be granted to us all! I am interested, but first I must report to my superiors at the Temple.  I tell Solmar I look forward to returning to discuss the matter. [/Mort]

[Mort] So much has happened in the few days since I’ve left the Temple!  I report in, and Shield of God Conrad Heider is able to see me immediately.  I debrief him of my activities with the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights and recommend he consider a strike force to investigate and destroy the Red Pyramid of Tiamat’s spawn.  I volunteer to participate in the strike force, but he directs me to pursue membership with the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, and for me to consider it an irregular tour of duty.  I am to report on my actions once a week when in Whillip. [/Mort]

[Mort] I return the magical, sacred banner of Tempus to the Shield of God indicating I’m not yet worthy or prepared for such an honor.  I am a front line soldier of Tempus not ready yet to be the general leading a mass of followers in the glory of Tempus. None the less, he seems pleased with me and offers his personal blessing on me [Game note: In the next lethal combat for its entirety, I’ll have +1 hit and the enemy will have -1].  He also offers to bless the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights as a group prior to our departing to some other adventure. [/Mort]

[Mort] At the temple, I reserve necessary space and equipment for my deferred training.  The schedule would require approximately 24 weeks to successfully complete my objectives.  [/Mort]

27 Jularva

[Mort] The next day I return to the Meat-Tea-or-Inn and inform Solmar that I’ve alerted my superiors to the threat of the Red Pyramid.  I also tell him when appropriate, I’d like to offer my services to the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights.  In the meantime, Allueran, Skif, and I head off to the Mage's Guild. [/Mort]

[Mort] At the Mage's Guild, we meet a Lizard Man mage that appraises and purchases magical items.  Allueran sells a number of magical items, and I ultimately sell my ring of healing.  He also confirms that the amulet I just obtained can be modified into a head piece, something akin to either a circlet or crown.  He also confirms that its magical properties can be enhanced at significant cost [Game note: Maximum enchantment increase being double the original magical plus up or +5 whichever is the lesser value].  Once a member of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, I will encourage the whole group to do similar improvements with their funds or borrowed party funds, using the items as collateral.  One must prepare in advance for victory! [/Mort]

Campaign Master's note:
With their adventures in the accursed environs of Deepwood concluded, Whillip's bravest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights are back in Whillip. The adventure was arduous, dangerous and rewarding. Most of all, it was memorable. In their latest adventure, They journeyed outward from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice. They seek to right the wrongs of this land; to defend the weak, enslaved, and oppressed. With this long quest behind them, it's time to recover their bearings, rest for a bit, hone their skills, and steel themselves to take on the next threat in these lands. Anchored over Whillip's harbor, the heavily damaged ship is preparing for a long dry dock session. The party is taking their time aboard the ship. Assessing their take of treasure, weighing their options, calculating the value of spoils from the last adventure. Once they leave the ship, they'll have to pay their taxes. A chore that none embrace. Welcome back to Whillip brave heroes, welcome home!

Real-World game date index
Adventure began Dec of 2011: [ 10 Dec ] Ran through 2012 [ 07 Jan | 21 Jan | 04 Feb | 18 Feb | 03 Mar | 17 Mar | 31 Mar | 14 Apr | 28 Apr | 12 May | 26 May | 09 Jun | 23 Jun | 07 Jul | 21 Jul | 04 Aug | 18 Aug | 01 Sep | 29 Sep | 13 Oct | 10 Nov | 08 Dec ] extended into 2013 [ 05 Jan | 19 Jan | 02 Feb | 16 Feb | 02 Mar | 16 Mar | 30 Mar | 13 Apr | 27 Apr | 11 May | 08 Jun | 22 Jun | 06 Jul | 20 Jul | 03 Aug | 17 Aug | 31 Aug ]

Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
Last Updated: