Another new adventure. The eighth adventure for our group. In search of glory, fame, and justice, the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. Training has been completed, and the party has decided on a course of action - They've selected an adventure to embark upon. The party has decided to help the citizens of Deepwood in their quest to vanquish a Blue Dragon from their backyard. The Adventurers departed Whillip on the 1st of Mavis. Setting sail for Westgate, the party is committed to their course. Sharpen your blades and hitch up your horses - Adventure calls and danger beckons! Most recent journal posting is at the top of this page. |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 12 Nov 2011 Where we left off last session
23 Jularva [Mort] The double croc attacks continue, ultimately destroying the raft and causing all of us to fall into the water. Some of us swim, others like Solmar sink to the river floor. Allurean casts multiple sonic lance attacks and Zealot seems to turn invisible and swim away from the combat. The rest of us attack as best as possible while in the water. I see a croc bite Enola and her body go limp at the water’s surface. I immediately cast Close Wounds but she remains unconscious. Fortunately a Cure Serious Wounds spell awakens her. One croc swims away, while we as a group kill the remaining croc. [/Mort] [Mort] Afterwards, Azura heals the most injured with his vitality aura, while I use Tempus’ sacred healing to succor the rest of the group; at least all but Zealot, who is a coward. We take the time to rebuild the raft and continue down the river. [/Mort] [Mort] Once again, we are attacked by Green Spawn Leapers but this time in a coordinated attack with a Razor Fiend Dragon-kin. This battle is the first time I see Enola leap in battle apparently empty-handed! Tempus’ spirit can influence even the ranger! Turns out she wields an invisible two-handed sword. Allurean casts orbs of sonic energy at the dragon. We eventually kill the Green Spawn Lizards and Razor-Fiend, with Allurean finishing them off with a scorching ray spell. We decide to save the Razor-Fiend body by shrinking it and storing in Skif’s sack. Finally we reach the airship! [/Mort] 24 Jularva [Mort] The flight back to Whillip is uneventful except for a group of Pegasi flying near the airship. [/Mort] 26 Jularva [Mort] We land at the pier, and I look forward to reporting to by Tempus brethren again. [/Mort] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 29 Oct 2011 Where we left off last session
22 Jularva [Mort] We are all resting outside the temple, fortunately the demon is limited to the interior of the pyramid has converted back to statue format. Zealot, the missing crew member remains unconscious, clutching a magical amulet and wearing a ring. The Captain indicates Zealot looks like he always did. After healing the group, including Zealot, he indicates a feather fall spell was activated when he fell out of the ship. Once on land, he headed to high ground, the pyramid, to try to spot the ship’s location. He succumbed to the snake poisons just past the entry of the pyramid. [/Mort] [Mort] Solmar’s analysis is that our party is under-powered to defeat the demon alone. I reluctantly agree with his assessment. He suggests we return to the Kuo-Toa to ask if any increase in activities in the area have been noted. Perhaps we can alert our Helm and Tempus Church superiors of the threat, and be part of a stronger task force that defeats the demon. “Tempus allows us to learn from defeat to grow into the heroes we each strive to be!” Solmar also observes the anti-magic field seems to be directly above the pyramid; the Captain concurs. (I guess Tymora didn’t cause the anti-magic field, she just insured our ship’s path headed towards it…) [/Mort] [Mort] Mage Ripper swarms approach and begin to attack the camp. Solmar awakens me, and find the party already in battle stance. The adjacent steam river and cliffs inhibit the two swarms approach. It looks like the Captain and Allurean will readily defeat the two swarms, with sonic (fire)ball spells and his attacks. I return to camp when the second two swarms approach. Ultimately these swarms are more annoyance than threat for a party of our abilities. I do get to use by Ring of Blades spell; and Zealot proves he is cowardly, running to any corner in which he thinks a swarm won’t attack him, although he did strike out at least once. Allurean after the battle indicates she tried to swap my and Zealot’s position with a spell. I had thought her spell was specific to herself and her familiar. We agreed in the future that she would announce her attentions clearly immediately before casting the spell. [/Mort] [Mort] We continue hacking through the forest and in a few hours come to a bare opening adjacent to the river. Once we step into the clearing, we are attacked by some draconic creature. Azura and Enola identify it as a Greenspawn Razorfiend, some evil spawn of Tiamat herself! It’s tactic seems to be hit-and-run attacks from the cover of a swiftly flowing river. Enola hits it with arrows while in the stream. I attempt to cast Enlarge Person on Solmar but it is ineffectual due to his Warforged nature. All but Zealot (the coward turns invisible and hides somewhere) engage in battle. (“Tempus favors the audacious!”). We kill the beast before it can escape. Azura uses his magical dragon claw to clamp onto the body, then magically anchors himself mid stream in the river as the beast appears to exceed 6000 pounds! We drag it ashore and Allurean casts a spell to shrink it to a small size. We plan to place the entire body in Skif’s magical backpack, but before then show the Kuo-Toa that we’ve killed the beast which constantly threatened their community. (“A well fought battle shows Tempus has favored us.”) [/Mort] [Mort] Solmar suggests we spend the time building a raft as it’ll be faster than hacking through the forest. We do so, and after a few hours on the river floating we arrive at the Kuo-Toa fishing campsite around 6pm. Glib (one of the Kuo-Toa fishermen we met earlier) eventually shows up later in the evening, and we show them the body of the dead beast. They rejoice in our battle prowess and ultimately the Chieftain hosts a feast in our honor, as well as giving us a chest full of gifts. During the feast, the Chieftain tells us all has been quiet since his grandfather’s time (approximately 100 years ago). With this knowledge, Solmar suggests in our return to Whillip we report the pyramid’s existence to our superiors. The concern is this could be a strong sphere of influence for Tiamat; one that should be known and perhaps destroyed. [/Mort] 23 Jularva [Mort] On the morning of the 23rd I cast Gentle Repose on the dragon body and Allurean again shrinks it to pocket size. We begin continuing to raft to our ship. Around 9am we enter a swampy area and four swarms of Swamp-Striders surround and attack us. Three of the four swarms are quickly dispatched (like mosquitoes to ordinary folk), but suddenly Zealot cries out in pain and the raft begins to break apart. Turns out the coward, Zealot, jumped into the water to avoid the swarms. To his dismay, there is at least one giant crocodile than almost ate him before he jumped back onboard. I am sure we will make little work of the last swarm and crocodile(s). (Zealot better hope other true warriors like Solmar or Azura are hurt as he will get no healing attentions from me!) [/Mort] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 15 Oct 2011 Where we left off last session
20 Jularva
21 Jularva
22 Jularva
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Real-world date: 01 Oct 2011 Where we left off last session
19 Jularva
[Mort] The Captain and the crew spend all day readying his ship to take off. After an early dinner, the Captain comes out dressed for combat, including talon decorated armor and glowing red amulet on his chest. He announces his experience as a past adventurer, and that his crew demands the return of their fallen comrade’s remains. He even offers to pay the ship rental costs for any delays. Ultimately Solmar agrees to assist the Captain while the crew and Skif remain at the ship. [/Mort] [Mort] (I’m incredulous of this about face by the Captain. Just the other day he seemed indifferent to the crewmen’s death. And he awaits until pending darkness to initiate the trip? I think he’s found something here, perhaps he knows of the Red Pyramid? I wonder now if the ‘crash’ landing was truly Tymora’s displeasure or the Captain’s doing as an excuse to land? No self-respecting Captain would allow his crew to dictate when and where the ship takes off, especially after hearing about the dangers we just faced. And agreeing to pay of the ship rental; he must be anticipating greater gains somewhere in this forest! He will have to be watched for treachery. ) [/Mort] [Mort] Safe passage appears via row boat across the lake and into connecting river. We continue even as darkness presses in upon us. Most in the boat have some night vision, but I quickly can only see about 100ft or less surrounding us. Allurean yells "Gain cover, we are under attack" and jumps out of the boat. We all hear a guttural voice speaking Abyssal, yelling from both banks "Kill them all". [/Mort] [Mort] All but Solmar and Enola jump out of the boat into the river. Carnage Demons erupt from both sides of the river bank. All prepare or engage in battle but Solmar wisely takes the time to anchor the boat to some adjacent trees (he seems to be a thoughtful leader). The Captain roars out a morale boosting war cry and jumps clear across the river to the far bank. (I note that the Captain seems more skilled at combat, at least in regards to weapon strikes, than any of us in the party.) I cast divine vigor on myself and wade into battle, attempting to protect Allurean when more than one Carnage Demon approached her. The Carnage Demons are little challenge to our group and each of us kill some off until all are dead or run away. [/Mort] [Mort] We continue within the boat for a few more hours then land in the area where we believe the body might be located. Allurean casts a spell which provides her wings and scans the nearby area without luck. The Captain suggests following a nearby trail, by I recommend a search line through the area, each of us about 15ft apart. (Seems strange he wants to explore a trail, when a body falling from the sky could land anywhere.) After a few more hours, and morning has arrived, we find an apparent crash site but no body. Footprints indicate movement towards the trail, leading to the pyramid. There’s some confusion as to whether the crew member survived the fall and moved towards the pyramid perhaps for assistance! (Impossible!) [/Mort] 20 Jularva [Mort] We come upon a small fishing village near the trail, used by some Kuo-Toa. We are greeted by the head fisherman, Glib, and told Zealot, the crew member, walked into the village, received some healing, and headed towards the pyramid. (Perhaps Zealot and the Captain are involved in some plot?) They allow us to rest in their huts as they swim off to their secure island home deeper into the lake. Before leaving, they mention some a large green flying lizard beast which preys upon them. We see no evidence of such a creature. [/Mort] [Mort] We rest during most of the late morning, early afternoon, of the 20th, and then proceed down the trail towards the pyramid. We hear some rustling in the heavy side brush and Greenspawn Leaper lizards jump out at us. They have a defense mechanism of releasing poisonous gas when hit, and their bites are corrosive. Allurean initially tried an orb of acid spell which the creature was immune to; her next attack with an orb of sonic energy hit true and with substantial damage. I heal those injured via sacred healings of Tempus, and we proceed. [/Mort] [Mort] We arrive at the pyramid site, and see it surrounded by heavy lava ash and a hardened molten lava field. The pyramid is on a ledge or platform beyond the fields. Enola passes through each area safely, but Solmar falls into a lava pit. I cast air walk and hover above Solmar to pull him out. Solmar grabs a hold of me, and I start walking him up from the tunnel to the ledge. Some type of Burrowing Root monster attacks Enola and the Captain as they stand in the ash field. I had planned to shuttle the remainder of the party to the ledge prior to the attack. Allurean has her familiar approach the ledge, then casts a spell which swaps their positions. The attacks of Enola and the Captain split the Burrowing Root monster into two creatures. They eventually kill one while the other burrows a retreat. [/Mort] [Mort] I complete the shuttling of the remaining party members, and while in the air see a hidden cave behind the steaming waterfall from the ledge. Behind the waterfall is a cave with Kuo-Toa bodies and some treasure. I return to the group with the treasure in hand. Otherwise I use the sacred healing of Tempus to heal myself, Solmar, and the remaining party members. [/Mort] 19 Jularva
20 Jularva
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Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 17 Sep 2011 Where we left off last session
18 Jularva [Mort] The lake where the airship landed is in a sheltered valley between mountains with peaks of 10,000 and 15,000 feet. Skif notices a red glow at the end of the valley and the smell of sulfur suggesting volcanic activities. Enola pulls out some form of spyglass and finds a red pyramid structure adjacent to the flowing lava. [/Mort] [Mort] In reviewing the ship's damage a crew member is found missing and assumed dead. The captain has his remaining crew repairing the ship, so a crew member asks if we would attempt to retrieve the body. Allurean agrees to remain with the ship to defend it and assist with repairs while the rest of us row to shore. [/Mort] [Mort] During the crash landing Kyrin had changed to bird form. She flies off into the nearby forest and believes she’s found the spot where the crew member fell. We find a cliff trail that seems to head the direction we need to attend to. A cave is noted on the side of the trail and suddenly a Chraal (ice elemental creature) erupts from the entrance. The Chraal breathes a cold cone at us which envelopes the whole group [/Mort] [Mort] By the Blessing of Tempus, battle has begun! Skif provides support by summoning creatures to fight his battles, and then surprisingly walks up the cliff wall to cast healing spells or fire the occasional crossbow bolt. Enola appears to be the archer extraordinaire she proclaims to be. Kyrin casts supporting and magical attack spells from her bird form. Solmar charges forth to battle as I would expect a guardian of Helm would perform. Azura similarly charges in as I expected of a barbarian warrior. He also invokes his draconic aura to protect himself and those near him from the cold. I invoke Tempus’s spirit and feel his divine blessing (vigor) energize me. I yell “Be fierce and take up joyful arms in the name of Tempus” and charge forth. [/Mort] [Mort] The creature, in addition to it’s breathe attack, has a deadly claw, bite, and rend attack cycle. Solmar, Azura, and I take the brunt of the creature’s attacks. Additional it is extremely resistance to damage from our attacks, significantly blunting their effectiveness. Kyrin and Skif cast healing spells on Solmar, Azura, and me while we try to cut it down. I step back to allow Azura to attack, and cast Doom on the creature. I also cast Close Wounds when Azura almost drops in battle and Bull Strength on Solmar. Kyrin’s summoned fire elemental seems to attract the Chraal's attention to the exclusion of the rest of us until it dies. The battle continues but the Chraal breathes out another cold blast and I fall. [/Mort] [Mort] I awake to find Solmar and Skif tending to me and the Chraal dead. Tempus has granted me continued life to learn and battle on. Solmar and Azura have shown their worthiness of Tempus grace and I grant Tempus’ divine healing to them and any of the others. [/Mort] [Mort] Solmar deems the risks in this area great and unknown to us. We’ve attempted to recover the crew member and placed half the party at dire risk; he recommends we return to the ship. I agree. On our safe return to the ship, Kyrin announces her plans to depart back to the woods. Her desire towards adventure has been sated after the defeat of the dragon. She is not prepared to risk herself further. One of Tempus’ proverbs comes to my mind, “It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep.” Of course Kyrin likely has actually shape changed into both creatures; I for one will continue to be the lion. [/Mort] 19 Jularva [Mort] By 6pm the next day, 19th of Jularva, the ship repairs have been completed. [/Mort] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 20 Aug 2011 Where we left off last session
13 Jularva [Solmar] Skif wants to search the ruins of Armon's manor for any valuables. Kyrin is praying for a new animal companion. Her wolf companion was killed recently. Skif receives a message by way of a 'sending' spell. Apparently, the previous charter (for the skyship Artarius) ended early. The administrator at JFK Enterprises would like to know if we would like them to send the skyship immediately? Skif's answer is - Yes. [/Solmar] [Solmar] It's getting late, eventually the town goes back to sleep. Skif starts searching the ruins. He finds Nothing of value. [/Solmar] [Mort] I had been resting in Whillip for three days after having been gone for the past ten months. I scheduled my next training and meditation sessions for next week and purchased or reserved all materials needed for my sessions. A young acolyte approaches me and says that I’ve been requested to present myself before the Shield of the God Conrad Heider, a leader within Tempus’ Whillip church as well as my mentor. [/Mort] [Mort] Conrad accepts my obeisance and listens to my report on my travels. We have a light lunch together and he tells me of current events in Whillip and with the Temple. He then informs me that my training must be delayed, that Tempus has put forth another assignment before me. The assignment is unclear, just that it would be auspicious for a representative of Tempus to be on board the Artarius airship. Conrad has purchased an open ended round-trip ticket and expects me to be on board the vessel tomorrow. My audience ends, and I prepare for my trip. May my battles bring honor and pleasure to Tempus! [/Mort] 14 Jularva [Solmar] Morning comes. I heal myself. Repairing some minor damage inflicted in combat with the werewolf. I take to watching the villagers, their behavior is most interesting. Around mid morning Ishtal (the priestess of the temple) goes over to Edvard's house. She returns to the temple. Then Edvard goes door to door throughout the village. [/Solmar] [Mort] I board the Artarius by way of row boat out into the harbor - A flying ship! I make the acquaintance of a beautiful Star Elf sorceress named Allurean. Allurean is an exhibitionist and fortunately has the perfect body for it! She has taken over a divine quest first assigned to her brother, Crucifer. He failed in the quest and died, and his last known associates were the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights adventuring group. She also describes herself as a war captain, with detailed description of past battles and war strategies. Tempus would be proud of these exploits! Does Tempus wish me to assist her in the quest, or perhaps fight in her continued battles? For now, I will observe her conduct. [/Mort] [Solmar] Around noon, I attempt to take down the dead body (of Trammil); Edvard stops me. He indicates that taking the body down could make matters worse in the town. I relent, leaving the ripening body dangling in the sun. Just after dinner time the townsfolk gather at the temple. They go in and there's a spirited discussion going on. I stand watch outside. [/Solmar] [Solmar] During the watch (Skif and I are on watch), one of the wolf man hybrid creatures and a wolf approach the camp (appx 3:15 am). The werewolf is carrying a sack over it's shoulder. I indicate that they should stop and identify themselves. The werewolf speaks. He say: "It's just us. You spoke to us at the vale of the silvery moon. We promised a reward for helping us negotiate with the townsfolk." I indicate that I will not accept payment for that. Skif says "I will!" They leave two sacks of gold for arranging the meeting with Ishtal. [/Solmar] 15 Jularva [Solmar] Morning of the 15th. Skif receives another sending. Captain Veyatar has just departed Whillip on the Artarius. He should be here in two to three days. A large (dire) wolf approaches Kyrin in the morning. Kyrin approaches and makes friends with the wolf. The Druid now has a new animal companion. Around mid morning the townsfolk gather. They take the body down out of the tree. They take it into the temple to prepare it for a funeral. Afterwards, most of the townsfolk go about their business. Ishtal finishes funerary preparation. She casts some spells on the body. Skif appraises the gold in the sacks. Thirty pounds of ore in each sack. [/Solmar] [Solmar] During the evening of the 15th there's another town meeting. Not as spirited as the previous meetings. [/Solmar] 16 Jularva [Solmar] Morning of the 16th. It's cloudy and the weather looks ominous. I sharpen my weapons, clean the exterior of my frame, and perform some minor maintenance. Nothing happens during the day. The townsfolk have another meeting in the evening. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Kyrin's new animal companion is named 'Sliver'. The townsfolk have another meeting after dinner. Skif sits in on the meeting. They're discussing whether or not they should allow the werewolves to continue living in the village. Some villagers are still holding out. They're convinced that the werewolves must be evil. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I decide to practice stealth against the camp watch. I attempt to move silently and hide as Skif stands watch. Unfortunately, I don't do very well. [/Solmar] 17 Jularva [Solmar] Morning of the 17th. I practice my swordsmanship. I'm much better at that. Around noon, we see a flying ship slide into view. Moving very slowly, it glides over the glade where we've set up camp. Finally, we can get out of Deepwood! [/Solmar] [Mort] Captain Veyatar informs me that we will be stopping over a woodland village called Deepwood, to pick up his charter sponsor. I go above board to observe, and I must say the docking/boarding is a fiasco. The ship missed its mark in the open clearing; instead of looping around and trying again the group seems to have insisted in pulling the ship to the proper spot. What should have taken 10 minutes seems to drag on for hours. Within the first 10 minutes a Gnome in armor shimmies up the rope ladder and introduces himself as Skif of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, a cleric of the Wild Wanderer. I invite him for drinks and exchange stories while the rest of his group mettles with the ship handling. [/Mort] [Mort] Skif’s stories of undead, dragons, and abominations have the ring of truth to them. The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights certainly seem to have been blessed by Tempus! Perhaps they and not Allurean are the reason I am on this ship? Skif’s remaining companions are finally onboard, and the ship turns towards Whillip. Solmar is a dour paladin-knight of Helm. Unsurprisingly he seems cautious of me upon introduction. Perhaps he has fought against Tempus’ priesthood in the past? I look forward to seeing his exploits based on Skif’s descriptions. Kyrin is a druid recently allied with the group. Azura is a Goliath dragon shaman who carries a huge great hammer. Finally Enola is another beautiful elf, who confidently pronounces herself as the world’s greatest ranger. May Tempus provide her a chance to validate her bravado! [/Mort]
18 Jularva [Mort] On the second day of our return trip a crate on the ship is seeping out with a congealing, blood color, moving blob. Skif yells out that it is Bloodrot; an evil undead creature that divides into multiple creatures on piercing or slashing attacks. The creature is quickly divided by some arrow attacks by Enola, while Solmar and I confront the creature with our respective shield bashes! Skif casts searing light and Kyrin multiple flame strikes at the creature(s). I quickly cast create water to ensure the ship’s burning boards are extinguished. The creature(s) is quickly defeated. The group investigates the crate and finds a number of others marked with similar shipping information but no name. The decision, as this was a charter ship, is to dump over the ship edge the remaining unopened crates. [/Mort] [Mort] Later that day the ship suddenly descends downward rapidly. The Captain is screaming out commands and the crew running frantically around the ship. We end up crash landing in a mountain lake. The Captain informs us that ship lost its magical energies (a dead magic area) and that we were “lucky” to land after the crew deployed sails manually. While the ship’s magic seems to have been restored, the Captain informs us that at least two days of repairs will be necessary. Did my being here cause this? Has Tymora’s ire of my family caught up to me again? [Mort] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 06 Aug 2011 Where we left off last session
13 Jularva [Solmar] As the battle commences, we hear Azura's shout for help. We head back towards the temple, but it'll be a couple rounds before we can assist. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Enola and Azura have already attacked. Here's round 2 of combat with the 'Wolf Man'.
[Solmar] Round 3 of combat with the 'Wolf Man'.
[Solmar] Round 4 of combat with the werewolf.
[Solmar] Round 5 of combat with the werewolf. We should prepare to cut it off or move to intercept it...
[Solmar] Round 6 of combat with the werewolf. It's outside now, and our odds of stopping it are dropping rapidly
[Solmar] Round 7 of combat with the werewolf. He's headed for the treeline at a far faster rate of movement than we can muster.
[Solmar] Round 8 of combat with the werewolf. I can't see the werewolf any longer.
[Solmar] Round 9 of combat with the werewolf. It's amazing, but Enola claims that she can still see the beast.
[Solmar] Round 10 of combat with the werewolf. Surely no one can spot the werewolf now. It's dark, the beast is well away into the heart of the forest.
[Solmar] Round 11 of watching Enola kill an invisible, quickly retreating werewolf.
[Solmar] After the battle and retreat, we speak with the acolytes at the temple. We believe the werewolf may be headed for the 'Vale of the Silvery Moon'. One of the acolytes tells us that she can lead us to the clearing. We gather up our gear and head off into the woods. It's soon apparent that we're following the werewolf's path. As we travel through the dense and dark forest, Enola points out a few places where her arrows found their mark. In one spot there's a large spattering of blood, and it looks like the werewolf was wounded significantly. [/Solmar] [Solmar] After nearly an hour Kyrin appears. She tells us that there's a group of wolves confronting the werewolf in a clearing up ahead. We make haste and proceed to the Vale of the Silvery Moon. As we arrive on the edge of the clearing, we see a pack of five large wolves attacking the huge wolf man. We're not sure whether we should interfere. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Round 1 of combat between the wolves and the werewolf.
[Solmar] Round 2 of wolves and werewolf.
[Solmar] Round 3 of combat between the wolves and Armon Bistle - the werewolf!
[Solmar] The party talks with one of the remaining werewolf. These werewolf have been protecting the town for decades. The members of the pack live in and amongst the village folk of Deepwood. Two months ago they were hunting a buck in the forest when a very large wolf killed the deer with a single bite. It claimed leadership by right of might. Trammil, our pack leader challenged it. This new beast easily defeated Trammil; leaving him severely wounded but still alive. It took over the pack and began making odd demands. It led the pack to a cave, and forced the group to begin mining gold from a vein inside the cave. The pack mined the gold as instructed, but they hid the gold from the new pack leader. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Now they've figured out who this new wolf was. The strange thing was that his scent didn't correspond to that of anyone in the town. It was Armon who framed Trammil and slew priestess Ishtal (By now I've completed my detection of evil. None of these wolves / werewolf are evil). According to this werewolf (we still don't know who it is), werewolf are usually evil creatures who enjoy tormenting and torturing others. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We take Armon's body back to town (Skif has already removed all his items). We've agreed to speak to the priestess on behalf of the werewolf. The pack wishes to remain in Deepwood. They wish to remain here and continue protecting the village and its residents - their kin - from any and all threats. [/Solmar] [Solmar] As we travel back to the village we see the glow of a large fire. As we get closer, we realize it's Armon's manor! News sure does travel fast in this town. There are townsfolk about, keeping the fire under control. They're not trying to put out the fire. They're just making sure it doesn't spread to other structures or the forest. We meet Ishtal and speak with her at the temple. With Armon's body in tow, we cast another speak with dead. We ask the recently departed: "Did you kill Ishtal?" The answer: "She was alive when I left the temple." Another question: "Did you attack Ishtal?" This time the answer is clear: "Yes, and I would have killed her if Trammil hadn't shown up. It didn't take long to finish him off before I had to leave". [/Solmar] [Solmar] We conclude our discussion by revealing the presence of the pack in the town of Deepwood. We explain that they're not evil. That they've been protecting the town for decades. That they live in and amongst the village. We explain that they wish to discuss the future of the pack with her and the mayor. If the priestess will afix a symbol of parlay on the temple's steeple, the pack will send an envoy to initiate talks. We head back to the clearing. It's been a long day. We cast healing spells and identify some magic on Armon's items. The amulet that Armon was wearing detects as powerful evil. Perhaps this was the source of evil that corrupted his soul and filled him with greed and murderous thoughts... [/Solmar] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 9 Jul 2011 Where we left off last session
11 Jularva [Solmar] The party is in Deepwood. It is dinner time. The party has decided to summon the Artarius (the flying ship chartered for our return trip), captained by Huzzach'ta Veyatar and his crew. Skif casts the 'sending' spell in order to contact Torik the administrator at J.F.K. Enterprises. The response received is "The Artarius will depart Whillip" in 5 days." [/Solmar] [Solmar] I suggest that we should ask Armon Bistle about local folklore, tales of 'wolf men'. I ask Skif to check the gold to see if it's real. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Enola must feel guilty about attacking me. She 'gives' me a +2 long sword. I say 'Thanks Enola' [/Solmar] [Solmar] After arriving at Armon Bistle's manor, Darby (the houseman) says that Armon has retired for the evening and wishes not to be disturbed. We question Darby. Skif has cast a 'zone of truth spell', so if Darby lies, we'll know it. We ask Darby about local rumors regarding 'wolf men'. He claims that he's from the city, and doesn't know anything about local folkstories. He recommends that we speak with Kititch, the Jyles, Bastone, and Hearth families in the village. We thank him and leave without any satisfactory answers. [/Solmar] [Solmar] When we get to our camp, I inform Kyrin about the results of our visit to Armon's manor. I suggest that Kyrin transform into an owl in order to watch the manor and it's goings-on. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We (Azura, Skif, Solmar and Enola) head over to the Hearth's. We knock on the door and a young woman answers the door. I introduce ourselves, and indicate that we're investigating the recent incident involving a 'wolf like' monster. We ask if she knew Trammil Nimman? She indicates that she knew he was one of the many hunters in the village. Apparently, he lived by himself, and seldom had visitors. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We leave the Hearth's and head over to the Jyle's. This small farm seems to be abandoned. No one is home. There are no animals. Nothing else seems unusual or out of place. We return to our camp for the evening. I set up a perimeter and begin the watch. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Kyrin returns from the Manor. She indicates that she didn't notice anything unusual. I'm very suspicious of this town. I get the feeling that they're covering up; not telling us everything. We're having a hard time getting any answers. Usually the soft skins are all too willing to share gossip and rumors about their neighbors. In this town they're very reluctant to talk about their neighbors. Not willing to repeat gossip or provide information without a lot of direct questions and insistent probing. It's abnormal. Too private for such a small town. This is the sort of behavior associated with a town with a secret. Kyrin changes into a dog, and visits the Jyle's farm. When she returns, she tells me how she went around the farm seeking out various scents and trails. She detected the scents of some wolves but didn't think that was too unusual. We are in heavily wooded area. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I stand watch alone for the rest of the night. The soft skins are tired. They sleep late into the morning hours. [/Solmar] 12 Jularva [Solmar] In the morning, Enola casts her 'lay of the land' spell in order to get a better feel for the local topography. She discovers some caves in the local vicinity. Not the ones we previously explored. These are to the south of the town. These might turn out to be important, but it's too early to tell right now. Skif informs me that the trade bars are 'legit'. [/Solmar] [Solmar] After morning activities, we prepare to cast 'speak with dead' on the body of Trammil Nimman. Skif has prepared the spell, and we've spent some time discussing the questions we'd like to ask. We stop at Edvard Kititch's place. We ask him about the Jyle's farmstead. He indicates that he doesn't know why it might be vacant, but he'll ask his wife about it. [/Solmar] [Solmar] With a slight change of plans, we decide to return to the Jyle's farmstead and do a little more investigating. We go to the house and try the door. It's not locked. We go inside and search about. There's no one home, no signs of a struggle and no sign's of a hasty departure. At the same time, it doesn't appear as if they went on any sort of extended trip. They didn't clean up before they left, and the plants need some watering. They're missing for no known reason. Enola's snake catches a scent and we decide to investigate. According to Enola, it's a wolf scent. The scent is strongest outside, but there's some scent inside? We lose the trail near the forrest's edge, and nothing comes of our investigating. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We head back to the town's main entrance and the 'hanging tree'. Trammil's body is still dangling on display as some sort of gruesome warning to those who may think they can slay the townsfolk with impunity. It seems a wasted message as whoever killed Trammil did so without consequence. Skif casts his 'speak with dead' spell and we interrogate the corpse. "Who or what killed Ishtal?" It's a rather direct question, but it's also the best question we could come up with. The answer comes out of the slack jaw of Trammil's corpse. "The pack leader usurper". We've got a couple more questions left. "What is the name of the pack leader usurper?" The answer is "I don't know, that's what we were attempting to determine." Our last question is a bit more insistent. "Who else in town is a member of this pack?" The answer; "I will not expose my pack mates". At this the mayor exclaims: "So there is a pack in my town!" [/Solmar] [Solmar] We return to our camp area to talk about the 'Pack'. There's a group of people who can change into wolves living in this town. They've organized themselves into a 'Pack', and the leadership of this pack has been subverted by an 'Usurper'. The usurper has slain Ishtal and disrupted the normal balance of power and harmony in the town. We decide to split up the party into two groups. One group will consist of: Solmar, Enola (and her companion snake) and Skif. The second group consists of Azura and Kyrin (in dog form). We're going to go all around the town looking for wolf scents. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We spend the day sniffing the outhouses, crotches and picket fences of this seemingly tranquil little town. When we get to Edvard Kititch's house, his wife Lilly explains that the Jyle family (her parents farmstead) went on a hunting trip deep into the woods, and she's been watching the home. Together we spend half the day scouring the town's back doors, garden paths and back streets. Unfortunately, we come up empty handed. With all these scents (and there's plenty), we're unable to correlate any sort of causal or connecting schemes. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Around noon it starts to get really hot. Most of the soft skins decide to take shelter from the heat. It doesn't seem all that hot to me. I decide to continue investigating. Kyrin (as a dog) seems unaffected by the heat. She comes with me. We do some more scenting. Following scent trails and her keen sense of smell, we discover very little in the way of useful information. The pack obviously lives in and among the town folk. From the crisscrossing and interwoven scents it's quite apparent that everyone in this 'pack' must know each other. It's hard to imagine that they don't know who the 'usurper' is. It must be a stranger or someone from outside the village. [/Solmar] [Solmar] As we go door to door, I introduce myself as Solmar of the 'H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights' of Whillip. I explain how we've been given leave by the mayor to conduct an investigation. As I'm talking with the townsfolk, Kyrin (as a dog) is sniffing crotches, corners and linen closets. We discover a few empty cabins and a lead on some marital infidelity, but no signs pointing to the outsider or usurper. No one seems to be hiding an outsider in their closet. [/Solmar] [Solmar] When we return to camp, Edvard Kititch is there. He wants to know whether we've learned anything. I answer in the negative. Nothing of value to report. He suggests we check out the claw marks on Trammil's corpse. A short trip to the hanging tree reveals claw marks of unusual proportions. Whatever attacked Trammil was much larger than any man sized 'wolf man'. All indications so far have shown standard sized wolf tracks. Only a couple of stories about an immense wolf man. [/Solmar] [Solmar] The night passes uneventfully. There are no wolves howling tonight. No signs of trouble. The night is peaceful and the soft skins sleep deeply while I knit. I wonder if the monastery has installed that new wood burning furnace? [/Solmar] 13 Jularva [Solmar] On the morning of the 13th we head over to the temple. We're going to reincarnate Ishtal, the priestess of Mielikki. Her death was unjust, and a speak with dead (by the temple's acolytes) has determined that she wishes to be reincarnated. When we get to the temple, the acolytes have prepared her body for the ceremony. Various prayers are said, ceremonies completed, and Skif casts his spell. Ishtal is reincarnated as an Elf (the same race she was previously). [/Solmar] [Solmar] Ishtal is surprised that Trammil is dead. She indicates that he was trying to protect her. She isn't feeling well, and wishes to rest and pray. I don't like the idea of leaving her alone. She excuses herself, retires to a private chamber, and locks the door... I persist in asking her questions. Despite the fact that she's locked herself into an antechamber; "Are you the leader of the Pack?" She doesn't answer immediately. Seconds later she responds (through the door); "What pack?" She sounds sleepy. With no further answers or conversation, some party members decide to do a little investigating. Azura and Enola decide to stay at the temple. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Skif, Kyrin and Solmar leave to check out some of the buildings that we haven't investigated. Finding nothing unusual there, we decide to head to the 'Vale of the Silvery Moon'. Maybe we'll find some answers there. One of the acolytes agrees to show us to the vale. We start heading for the trail that leads to the Vale. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Moments after we start down the trail (as related later), A very large wolf man comes bounding out of the woods and into the temple. Enola and Azura are taken by surprise. The creature charges into the temple. It rushes towards the back of the temple, towards the room where Ishtal is resting. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Enola and Azura are finally able to react. Round 1 of combat with the 'Wolf Man'.
[Solmar] As the battle commences, we hear Azura's shout for help. We head back towards the temple, but it'll be a couple rounds before we can assist. [/Solmar] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 25 Jun 2011 Where we left off last session
10 Jularva [Enola] Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin [/Enola] [Skifander] We finally killed the bloody vampire for good, exposing it to sunlight and destroying it completely. We had just finished up with finding some items it had left in the sarcophagus when it disintegrated into dust, then arrows start zinging out of the cave entrance! It’s Enola and she’s still trying to kill Solmar – which means that she’s still somehow possessed by the dead vampire! This is really, really bad… none of us have had a chance to rest up and heal yet, and she’s poking him full of holes again! Maybe it was the confined room we were in before, because she had a rough time hitting Solmar before… but not now! Her arrows are striking him with deadly accuracy and effect, and our leader is about to die! [/Skifander] [Enola] Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin [/Enola] [Enola] Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin Kill the paladin [/Enola] [Enola] Kill the paladin Kill the pal... (Thud!) [/Enola] [Skifander] Azura activates his healing aura and Solmar is able to move and talk again after a few minutes. While he’s healing up, we tie up Enola and throw all her stuff except for her basic clothes in my bag. I don’t think I can do anything to break the enchantment on her from the vampire… I just hope it wears off soon. We start to make plans to head back into town to rest and recover, but then Solmar decides that the vampire spawn that’s still in the cave needs to be dealt with… right NOW! He starts spouting some claptrap about how we’re “putting the world in danger” by going back to town… and yes, most of the time I’m on his side 100%, but there’s no way we can deal with that creature right now – we’re out of spells completely and at less than half-strength. [/Skifander] [Skifander] Solmar keeps pushing it, and now he’s saying that there’s other undead we also need to kill in the cave… namely the two other wights that ran away when we turned them. I think I’m angry at him for the first time. Finally, I have to make him understand that we’re in NO shape to stay, and if we encounter the vampire spawn we’re probably going to all die. He argues that he’ll stay and stand guard, attacking the vampire spawn (or whatever else crawls out of there) when it comes out of the cave. I have to break it to him that he’s about as mobile as a tree stump… and if he stays on his own, the vampire spawn could get past him with no effort at all. Solmar finally relents, but only after making us all promise that we’ll come back to clean out the cave after we’re all rested and whole again. [/Skifander] [Skifander] We finally head back into town. [/Skifander] [Skifander] And find a murder mystery waiting for us [/Skifander]. [Skifander] The first thing we see is a dead man hanging by his neck from a tree right outside of town. None of us recognize him, but we’re soon told by the town “mayor” Edvard Kititch that his name is Trammill, one of the local woodsmen. Edvard says that Trammill had turned into a huge wolf and murdered Ishtal, the priestess of Nature! And then he was run down, beaten and hung by the townspeople while proclaiming his innocence the entire time! This is all way too much… do the crazies just decide to come crawling out of the walls when we get to a place?! We’re all exhausted and threadbare, and now Edvard is looking at us to solve yet another of his “sleepy little town’s” problems! For the first time since we left Whillip to go find the Dragon, I can truly say that I’m ready to get back to the city for awhile. [/Skifander] [Skifander] We all discuss the possibility of Trammill being some kind of shape shifter or having an item of magic that would allow him to take wolf form. We don’t have any evidence to support either theory, so we decide to go check out the nature temple and maybe find some clues. Also, some of us are still inflicted with the vampire’s curses and need to be cleansed. For the first time in a great while, we run into some good luck… Ishtal had the sense to keep her temple stocked with potions and scrolls of healing and the like. She was a smart girl… she knew they were an isolated village, so she made sure to have plenty of extra supplies around. It’s too bad she’s dead… I was hoping that she’d maybe join us on our way back to Whillip. Since Mutt and Crucifer are dead and we lost most of our firepower, we could really use someone else in case we get into any more scrapes. [/Skifander] [Skifander] We only wind up using what potions and scrolls we need to heal us up, and leave the rest. Since Ishtal’s dead, they’ll need the healing magic more than ever. It feels great to be back to full health, but I’ll still feel a little vulnerable until I get my spells back. While we’re healing up, Edvard tells us what happened with Trammill and Ishtal… at least, as much as he knows and can figure out. He admits that no one really knows the exact events except for the two dead people. There’s also a book in the temple written in some strange writing that no one can decipher. So it looks like I’ll be praying for some “Speak With Dead” and “Comprehend Languages” spells in the morning. [/Skifander] 11 Jularva [Skifander] After a night’s rest, we’re back up to snuff… spells and all. And praise be to Baervan, Enola is no longer under the influence of the damned vampire! She says that she remembers everything in perfect detail, but she simply didn’t have the ability to stop herself while she was being dominated. Looking back, I guess we were really lucky that the vampire told her to keep attacking Solmar rather than just pick us all off – because in that room, with everyone running around like crazy, Enola would’ve probably been able to kill at least one or two of us before we could take her down. I hate to think if Crucifer or Mutt were with us and got dominated like that – we’d probably all be dead right now. Or undead! [/Skifander] [Skifander] Going over to Armon Bistle’s place, we finally get paid for slaying the Dragon – he pays us in gold trade bars, which is a little strange… well, at least I think so anyway. Why would he have all that material wealth out here in this little isolated town? Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. But then again, this entire place is dripping with crazy, so I guess he’s just normal around here. We tell him about the fight with the Dragon and with all the undead, and he seems shocked that there was so much evil down there. I don’t know… there’s something about this guy that I simply just don’t like. Crucifer was wrong about Bistle actually being the Dragon and luring adventurers here to kill them and take their loot, but I think he was right to suspect him of being crooked. [/Skifander] [Skifander] We go back to the temple and the dead priestess tells us that Trammill did indeed turn into a huge wolf – but he wasn’t the one who killed her, he was trying to protect her. She didn’t know the identity of the person who killed her (dangit!), but they were in wolf form like Trammill and much larger – almost the size of a horse, she says. For the last question, I ask her if she’d like to return to life if possible, and she surprisingly says yes. Solmar says that he’s going to go to the villagers and let them know that we’re going to help them find the true murderer and keep them safe. It’s a good idea, as they’re all running scared and the last thing we all need is another lynch mob stringing up innocent people. [/Skifander] [Skifander] The book is a kind of ledger, showing some sort of schedule for gold mining in the nearby caves. I read out the names that are listed in the book, and find a place called “The Vale Of The Silvery Moon” where all the gold is being brought and buried. Edvard recognizes the names from the book and says this bears investigating, as he is aware of the Vale’s location. We tell him that we’ll help him investigate, but we first need to honor our promise to Solmar by finishing up killing all the undead back in the Dragon cave. [/Skifander] [Skifander] Heading back to the cave, we’re much more confident about the layout and contents so we plan to move through at a much quicker pace. However, after getting to the cave and discussing the plan further, we decide to move through slowly and check for traps, secret doors, etc. Going slowly pays off though, as we find a secret room that holds the dracolich’s phylactery! We eagerly destroy it, celebrating the true eradication of powerful evil from our world. We begin making our way back to the main room where we encountered the vampire spawn and their master, and soon find a misty cloud hanging limply in the air… no movement, no sense of life at all. We recognize it as the type of gaseous cloud that the vampire and its spawn would transform into, but this one had lost all its luster. After checking it out thoroughly, we were satisfied that it was dead… somehow. [/Skifander] [Skifander] We finally make it back to the main bad guy room, and the vampire spawn is there waiting for us. Fortunately, we’re prepared for its tactics and it soon flees… turning into mist and streaking out of the room. We give chase and eventually overcome it, using our superior numbers and recently gained knowledge of these creatures to destroy it. We leave it hanging loosely in the air, inert… just like its former companion. We go back to the main room and find some old and probably very valuable spell books lining the shelves of the old vampire master’s room. Feeling confident with our job well done, we head back into town… [/Skifander] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 11 Jun 2011 Where we left off last session
10 Jularva [Solmar] The battle is far from over - or is it? Who knows how much longer this can go on. This vampire is regenerating, casting spells, turning allies into opponents and continuing to resist our every effort. The battle continues. We must destroy this monster before it escapes to wreck havoc on the innocent. We are responsible for releasing it from it's ancient prison. [/Solmar] [Solmar] The 17th round of combat with the vampire and Enola!
[Solmar] The 18th round of combat. I start to notice signs of fatigue among the soft skins.
[Solmar] The 19th round of combat. We need to stop Enola from attacking me.
[Solmar] Round 20 of combat. Enola is still attempting to kill me, and the vampire doesn't seem ready to drop.
[Solmar] Finally we have some reprieve. With Enola out of the picture, we can concentrate all our attacks on the vampire. Round 21 of combat.
[Solmar] Round 22. With Enola out of the picture, I now have free reign, and the slippers of spider climb. I will now take the fight directly to the vampire.
[Solmar] The 23rd round of combat. I am now in melee with the vampire.
[Solmar] The 24th round of combat. We are badly beaten, but not defeated yet. This vampire must be destroyed!
[Solmar] The 25th round of combat. With the vampire prone on the floor, everyone should be able to attack the vile monster.
[Solmar] In the 26th round of combat. Now we have the vampire surrounded. If it attempts to flee again, we will pursue it to the ends of the world.
[Solmar] The gaseous cloud coalesces and begins to move away from the party. Although it's moving quite slowly, it eventually outpaces us, as Skif takes the time to check for tracks. The gaseous cloud proceeds down a hallway we haven't explored. It moves into one of the rooms we've avoided. Once again, Skif takes the time to check for traps. He's been here before. He disarmed this trap on the way in, but we never entered the room. We enter the room. As the door cracks open, a stale waft of decay sweeps over us. This room has been sealed for some time. We immediately spot a large sarcophagus. Surely this must be the vampires coffin! [/Solmar] [Solmar] Skif confirms that the room isn't trapped and we all enter the room. Without opening the sarcophagus, we gather around it. I stand ready to attack anything that emerges. I take the time to detect evil. After a couple of minutes there's no doubt. The aura of evil emanating from within this sarcophagus is the same one that enshrouded the vampire. Kyrin and Azura lift the sarcophagus. I have a plan. [/Solmar] [Solmar] It's heavy but they're strong. Still ready to attack anything that might emerge, I direct the pair to carry the sarcophagus outside. By now the sun has risen. We carry the stone coffin away from the entrance, to a spot well away. Far enough away that the entrance to this cave complex cannot be seen. Kyrin and Azura set down the sarcophagus. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I hastily prepare a wooden stake from a torch. Handing the stake to Azura, we stand ready to attack the vampire if it should show any resistance. As dawn's light shines brightly all around us, I open the sarcophagus. Before we or it can act, the vampires reconstituted form crumples to dust, completely destroyed. The purifying rays of the sun have utterly destroyed it. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I take the time to do another detect evil. No trace of the corruption remains. Deepwood, the area of the Giant's Run mountains, the whole world is rid of this menace once and for all. Skif spots a pile of treasure inside the sarcophagus... Before we can recover all the treasure, a threat emerges from the cave entrance. We'd completely forgotten about Enola! Looking quite haggard, and still posse sed, she has sought us out. Still intent on slaying Solmar, she approaches the party. [/Solmar] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 28 May 2011 Where we left off last session
10 Jularva [Solmar] Our battle with the powerful, evil, servant of Velsharoon continues. This despicable, incarnation of evil was sealed into a tomb by a former priest of Torm, but we foolishly opened the crypt, allowing it to escape! [/Solmar] [Solmar] The 9th round of combat with the vampire.
[Solmar] The 10th round of combat with the vampire. Enola is still under it's control.
[Solmar] The 11th round of combat with the vampire and Enola!
[Solmar] The 12th round of combat with the vampire and Enola! I can't recall ever having been engaged in combat for this long before. This vampire is a mighty opponent. I pray to Helm that we defeat this scourge of evil.
[Solmar] The 13th round of combat with the vampire and Enola!
[Solmar] The 14th round of combat with the vampire and Enola! A swarm of rats can still be heard outside the doors.
[Solmar] The 15th round of combat with the vampire, Enola, and the swarm of rats (which entered the room last round).
[Solmar] The 16th round of combat with the vampire and Enola!
[Solmar] The battle is far from over - or is it? Who knows how much longer this can go on. This vampire is regenerating, casting spells, turning allies into opponents and continuing to resist our every effort. The battle continues. We must destroy this monster before it escapes to wreck havoc on the innocent. We are responsible for releasing it from it's ancient prison. [/Solmar] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 14 May 2011 Where we left off last session
10 Jularva [Solmar] Our battle with a group of vampire continues. These despicable, evil creatures were sealed into a tomb by a former priest of Torm, but we foolishly opened the crypt, allowing them to escape! [/Solmar] [Solmar] Round 4 of combat with the vampire and his spawn.
[Solmar] Round 5 of combat with the vampire spawn. The vampire has fled down the corridor, while the party remains trapped behind a wall of force.
[Solmar] Round six of combat with the vampire spawn. (The DM has taken us out of initiative order, and we proceed without individual initiatives. Apparently the vampire spawn is unable to harm us, and we can't damage it, while it's in mist form). The party takes turns attacking the stone wall. It resists the damage, but it's slowly giving way. Eventually the wall of force dissipates. We rush down the hall, searching for the vampire. Desperate to prevent it's escape into the countryside. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We charge down the halls, looking for the vampire we've released. We must capture or destroy the vampire. Failing that, we must return to Deepwood, seek assistance, warn the townsfolk, and prepare some sort of defence. A vampire is on the loose, and we are responsible! We dash around the nearest corner. We're back at the trapped globe room. The door to the room is closed - This means the vampire went through here. I instruct Skif; "Skif, pull the lever!" Hustling now, I provide additional guidance. "I'll wait here until everyone has crossed the room." We don't want to trigger the trap which held us for hours. The party crosses the room without incident, and I follow. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We make our way towards the entrance as quickly as possible. Skif tries to check the path as we proceed, but our pace is quickened, the danger of delay more pressing than the danger of traps we've already trod over. As we emerge from one particular chamber, and begin to descend a set of stairs, we encounter two salt mummies and an unknown creature. I have surprised the creatures. Moving forward I strain against the darkness to make out these servants of darkness. As I get closer to the creatures, I realize the one further away is actually the vampire. I shout; "It's the vampire!" [/Solmar] [Solmar] With little rest or time for healing, combat begins again. Round 1 of combat with the vampire and his allies.
[Solmar] Round 2 of combat with the vampire and his allies.
[Solmar] Round 3 of combat with the vampire and his allies.
[Solmar] Round 4 of combat with the vampire and his allies.
[Solmar] The 5th round of combat with the vampire and his allies.
[Solmar] Our 6th round of combat with the vampire and it's allies.
[Solmar] The 7th round of combat with the vampire and it's allies.
[Solmar] The 8th round of combat with the vampire and it's allies.
[Solmar] The battle is far from over. This vampire is regenerating, casting spells, turning allies into opponents and continuing to resist our every effort. The battle continues. We must destroy this monster before it escapes to wreck havoc on the innocent. We are responsible for releasing it from it's ancient prison. [/Solmar] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 30 Apr 2011 Where we left off last session
10 Jularva [Solmar]After some discussion, exploration, experimentation and consideration, I bow to the unexplained, inexplicable pressure (Why do the softskins so frequently put themselves in situations of high risk?). We will continue. Despite the fact that I am convinced it is unwise; we will go on, we will continue towards the final chamber. Kyrin has explored this subterranean area as a small earth elemental. She is unable to pass through sections of the earth. The stone is quite dense, and no amount of burrowing would allow us to pass. Even as an elemental, she isn't powerful enough to pass through the solid stone which seals off the final chamber. If only we had some form of teleport... We have already lost several companions on this quest, and the most recent included two of our spell casters (Are we doomed to repeat our past mistakes? What odd sense of fate compels us to risk our lives for the sake of expediency? Will this be the last critical decision I make?) [/Solmar] [Solmar] We head towards the 'globe room'. That trapped room, where we fought the bodak, and lost two of our party. We bring rocks with us. The largest we can find. We hope to build up a barrier to block the trap doors from sealing us in. We don't want to be trapped again in this room. Trapped in a room that nearly saw the demise of all in our party. While Azura and I are piling up rocks, Skif announces that he has found something - "Hey guys, I found this lever." Thinking that it might have something to do with the trap door, Skif manipulates it. The secret door on the opposite side of the room opens. So do the secret rooms that held the wights. No wights appear, and we've found a lever which opens the secret door. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We stop piling up rocks and decide to check out some of the globes. We didn't smash all of them on our last pass through this room. I instruct Skif to climb atop Azura and attempt to saw through the cable holding the globe to the ceiling. We select the globe that contains mundane objects (a key and a potion flask); just in case our plan goes awry and the globe breaks anyway. Skif saws through the cable and the globe is released and unbroken. Azura unexpectedly smashes the globe and we recover the potion and key. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Skif and Azura move to the remaining globes. Skif cuts down each globe, hands them to Azura, and I set them on the ground. The remaining globes contain dangerous or unknown contents. While we feel that we can defeat the creatures trapped inside (some contain shadows), but we don't wish to waste our time fighting such monsters at this time. Once all the globes have been cut free, Skif climbs down and he stores the globes in his leprechaun bag. (Why does this creature serve Skif so willingly? It seems that he is imprisoned within the bag. Forced to serve as Skif's servant. Will he ever has his freedom? How long has he been imprisoned within the bag?) [/Solmar] [Solmar] As we prepare to cross the globe room, I take up a position as the rear guard. If someone is going to end up trapped in this room it may as well be me. I don't need air like the softskins. I wait as they all cross the room. Nothing unusual happens. The lever Skif manipulated must have disabled the trap. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We continue down the corridor. With Skif in the front, he's checking for traps every ten feet. As he reaches the nearest corner I cross the room and join the party in the far corridor. Skif looks down the corridor. Finding no danger, he proceeds. According to the softskins, it's getting really hot in the corridor. I also feel the heat, but it doesn't make me uncomfortable.. The heat is probably due to volcanic activity and the bubbling mud pits that Mutteran told us about. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Skif continues searching and we continue to move forward. With no apparent traps, we are nonetheless cautious. Everyone has weapons at the ready, and as we approach the next turn in the corridor, some of the party complain about a lack of light. As they are groping about, Skif decides to cast a light spell on Kyrin's headband. The headband begins to shed light in a large radius and those who previously complained are no longer concerned. [/Solmar] [Solmar] It is now much hotter. So hot in fact, that we are becoming concerned. Exertion or an extended stay in these conditions may exhaust some party members. I am so far unaffected by the heat, but the others are beginning to show some signs of heat stress. Azura breathes a cone of cold into the air and against the wall. Unfortunately, it dissipates quite rapidly and offers no noticeable relief. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Skif spots a xorn crossing the corridor ahead. As it moves out of view, he notifies us that the xorn are up ahead. The xorn is visible ahead of Skif. At the other end of a stone bridge. The bridge crosses a natural cavern filled with boiling mud. The bridge looks unsafe, and the mud would most certainly cause great damage if anyone fell into it. Skif proceeds cautiously across the stone bridge. Checking intently for traps, he spots a pit trap in the middle of the stone bridge. He indicates where it is and decides to disable it. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Kyrin moves forward slightly and we notice the light on the headband go out. At first we think the spell has expired, but Skif says it shouldn't have. Azura tosses his magical grapple towards Skif. It strikes Skif with a dull thud, but doesn't grab onto his back pack. Azura meant to anchor the grapple to Skif, but the rope and grapple lay slack on the stone bridge. Something odd is going on... As Kyrin moves back into our midst, the light from her headband comes back on. We now realize that an anti-magic field stretches across this chamber. Surely there must be some sort of trap ahead. Something dangerous. Skif returns to our group before proceeding any further. We tie a rope to his waist and he advances to cross the bridge. Once again he points out the location of the pit trap. [/Solmar] [Solmar] As Skif reaches the other side of the stone bridge, he spots two xorn eating coins, precious metals and various treasure objects. He alerts us to the xorn, and we quietly cross the stone bridge. We untie the rope from Skif's waist and make ready to attack. Enola moves forward to attack, but I wish to offer the xorn a chance to leave peacefully. I grasp her shoulder and whisper the word "Wait". Unable to read my intentions, she fires her bow but misses? Perhaps she missed intentionally. Perhaps she meant the shot to be a warning. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Round 1 of combat with the xorn:
[Solmar] Round 2 of combat with the xorn. So much for my idea. I wanted to offer the xorn a way out of combat, but everyone else attacked. What they see as food the party covets as treasure.
[Solmar] Round 3 of combat with the xorn.
[Solmar] Round 4 of combat with the xorn.
[Solmar] Round 5 of combat with the xorn.
[Solmar] Round 6 of combat with the xorn.
[Solmar] After the combat ends, we gather up the remainder of the treasure. This is the last of the treasure remaining from our combat with the pseudo-dracolich. When we beat the pseudo-dracolich, the xorn swooped in and carried off the treasure. Here is the last of that treasure. We take some time to detect magic, catalog the items and store them in Skif's bag. (What will happen if Skif dies? Will we be able to recover items from within the bag? Will the leprechaun be free?) [/Solmar] [Solmar] In front of us is the large metal door described by Mutteran. It seems that was so long ago. In truth it was but a few days ago. The large metal door radiates powerful magic. I attempt to detect evil, but nothing is detected beyond the door. There is a large symbol of Torm on the door. (The symbolism is powerful. Some powerful servant of evil resides within. Dare we disturb it? If we do, we risk defeat and the evil within may escape). Kyrin and Skif cast a few preparatory spells, including haste. These should help us with any battles to come. I attempt to open the door by channeling positive energy into the symbol. The door cracks open ever so slightly. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Along with an audible release of stale air, some sort of noxious gas vents out at the top of the door. Skif opens the door and we see a woman seated at a desk. This doesn't seem to be the being described by Mutteran, but he's not around to confirm or deny our suspicions. The woman at the desk says "It's been such a long time since I've had visitors. Please come in." Skif hesitates slightly, while I complete a round of detection. I shout out - "She's Evil Skif!" [/Solmar] [Solmar] Round 1 of combat with the evil creature.
[Solmar] Round 2 of combat with the evil creature.
[Solmar] Round 3 of combat with the vampire and his spawn.
[Solmar] The battle is far from over. With a vampire on the run, and vampire spawn at our backs, can we escape from this invisible barrier, defeat the vampire spawn, and catch up with the vampire before it's too late? [/Solmar] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 16 Apr 2011 Where we left off last session
9 Jularva [Solmar] Time to make a decision - I indicate that we must smash a globe to retrieve a key. Perhaps that will lead to an exit. Walk over to globe containing key and ring. Draw sword. Globe smashed. Contents spill out. As the ring and key are released, I hear a voice in my head. The ring is speaking to me? "I am a ring of invisibility, but I also grant the wearer one wish per year, in exchange for one hit point. You may never remove me, and you must decide who will wear me before you leave this room." I don't know whether I trust this ring. We're in a trapped room, the air is running out, and there is a statue of Erythnul ten feet away. Before I can say anything, Enola" target="_blank">Enola reaches down, picks up the ring, and puts it on. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I indicate to others that the ring spoke in my head. I tell them that it said it was a ring of invisibility that grants a wish in exchange for a hit point. I also indicate that I don't trust it, and it may be a trap. We suggest that Enola use wish in order to get us out of this room. She asks why. This is puzzling. When softskins are given a wish they hesitate to use it, even when their own lives are at risk. I pick up the key and proceed over to the area where Mutteran indicated there was a secret door. I ask Skif to help me look for a key hole. Skif's search reveals a slight indentation. He points it out to me. I touch the key to the indicated area and the door opens. Both doors open and the room is filled with fresh air. The softskins all breath oddly. Making gasping and sighing sounds. I calculate that there was still several hours worth of air in the room. Why do they seem so relieved? [/Solmar] [Solmar] As the doors open, we are surprised to see eight wights. We've fought these creatures before. They're evil undead remnants of slain Humans. There touch is quite dangerous to softskins. It drains away some sort of vitality or life giving essence. Oddly, the wights have no such affect on me. Does that mean that I'm not really 'alive'? Before we can act, the wights attack. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Surprise round. I have numerically designated the wights in order to more accurately calculate combat odds and strategy during the coming melee:
[Solmar] Round 2. Unfortunately, the wights were able to surprise us. We must be more vigilant to surprise attacks in the future.
[Solmar] Round 3 - Our turn undead attempts are working, but it isn't affecting as many wights as we would expect.
[Solmar] Round 4 - While Skif and I continue to turn the undead, the rest of the party has some success in attacking the undead creatures.
[Solmar] Round 5 - Our attacks are causing damage, and the turning is reducing their numbers. I calculate continued success.
[Solmar] Round 6 - The wights are on the run and nearing defeat. Our success is all but certain at this point.
[Solmar] Round 7 - The final round of combat.
[Solmar] We discuss options for moving forward in our quest. I suggest we leave, regroup, rest, and look for reinforcements, possibly in the town of Deepwood. There were former adventurers living in town. Perhaps we can find some reinforcements there. I believe the evil trapped in this hillside tomb is more powerful than the bodak, and that guardian killed two of our party members. I point to the statue, and indicate that this omen of evil resembles the creature spied by Mutteran. Others agree that it seems to match the description provided by Mutteran. Mutteran told us that an animate creature with a humanoid form, was walled away at the end of this tunnel complex. Hidden behind great doors and a sealed with symbol of Torm, this thing must surely be the great evil that the Deepwood priestess spoke of. I indicate that this thing is likely more powerful than any creature we have so far encountered during this adventure. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Arguing against my recommendations are Skif and Kyrin. They seem to think that leaving the tunnel complex at this point would expose the town of Deepwood to greater danger. They seem to imply that anything inside might be able to escape. I ask if they're talking about the undead thing at the end of the complex? It's still sealed behind the symbol of Torm and the powerful double doors of the final chamber. Skif also believes that a stronger evil remains in town. Oddly, he argues that a stronger danger to Deepwood remains in town, but he wishes to stay here. He seems insistent that we conclude this phase of the adventure before returning to the town. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I recommend that we stop our forward progress, now that the doors to this trap are open, we should at least take the time to recover. Most agree, as I move to return to the outer chamber, Skif insists that we shatter the remaining globes to recover treasure. What is is with these softskins? Some would risk their lives for the sake of a shiny bauble when all evidence indicates that the efforts might result in death. These globes contain unknown danger, and this room is a known trap. The globes have been here for countless years. Skif insists that we retrieve their contents before we take the time to rest or recover. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I move out of the room. Azura and Kyrin follow. As we stand before a previously undetected chamber, Skif and Enola remain behind in the bodak room. I am concerned that they might end up trapped in the bodak room. As I contemplate a way for them to safely leave the chamber, Skif starts attacking the remaining globes. He smashes all but four of the globes. He recovers the following treasure: A wand and key; 11 gems and key; 7 gems and key; potion (in a metal vial) and key. While this treasure may be valuable, recovering it at this time was an immense risk. Considering how vulnerable to damage these softskins are, it amazes me that they take such inordinate risks. As Skif scrambles to collect the loot, Enola leers greedily at the gems on the floor of the chamber. In the mean time, Azura and Kyrin have examined the small secret room. It seems to be a dead end. A small cul-de-sac designed to hold the wights which attacked us. I believe these undead were actually placed here to kill anyone who might attempt to free the evil trapped at the end of this dungeon complex. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Skif finally relents. He stows away the gems, coins, and sundry items recovered. Hastily they leave the bodak chamber. Thankfully, the doors to the bodak chamber remain open and no additional party members are trapped in the bodak room. Gathered just outside the deadly chamber, we discuss a rather gruesome detail. I recall that the victims of a bodak become bodak within twenty four hours. Others remember the information as well. We then discuss the fate of our deceased companions. It is most unfortunate that they will become undead. They will seek to kill others. We cannot allow this to happen. The softskins seem visibly agitated at this discussion. I suggest we burn their bodies. Both Mutteran and Crucifer had written wills. Skif retrieves his dimensional portal. He calls down to the Leprechaun trapped inside. He demands that it retrieve the stored documents. Moments pass as we read through the last wishes of Mutteran and Crucifer. After confirming the desires indicated by their wills (Neither wished to be returned to life in any way), we agree that their bodies must be destroyed. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We strip their bodies of all remaining items and move numerous items to storage on the Astral plane. As a final preventative measure. I separate their heads from their bodies. I ask Skif to store these items in his bag. He stares at me with a look of 'horror' on his face. I look about but see no indication of attack. Skif fails to reopen the dimensional portal, and I am forced to hold the cranial units. Other party members carry the lifeless bodies of Crucifer and Mutteran. Mutteran looks so different now. In death the form has reverted to its true shape. Mutteran's secret is revealed to all. He, she, it, is not a Human, Elve, Dwarve or Kobold. A creature with a grayish tint and slightly wrinkled flesh. Mutteran was a true shapechanger. Dynnera revealed this fact to me long ago, but swore me to secrecy. I never revealed the fact to others. Only Enola and I knew the secret. Questions are asked. I offer brief answers, and no one seems too surprised by this revelation. We proceed down the hall. [/Solmar] [Solmar] As we retreat towards the outer chamber, we stop in the abandoned conference room. Here there is a good supply of combustible supplies. As I gather wood and debris for a funeral pyre, Skif and Kyrin utter prayers and words of condolence in praise of our fallen comrades. This will not help them. They're dead. It seems to have a soothing effect on the other softskins. I see Kyrin and the usual stony Enola leaking saline fluids from around their visual organs. I haven't lit the fire yet, so this display can't be related to the presence of smoke. This ceremony has placed the softskins in a vulnerable state of melancholy. I set fire to the pyre. While the smoke forces the others to withdraw, I remain behind. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Now that the fires are burning, I place the cranial units on the pyre. The flesh turns black and peels away from their calcite framing structures. I wonder... Where is their life now? What has happened to the spark that made them living? What happens to the energy that made them unique? Is it here in the room with me? I look about, but see no evidence of any intelligence or supernatural presence. The smoke is quite thick now, obscuring even my vision. I stomp on glowing embers which threaten to widen the conflagration. My frame is vulnerable to incineration, so I take precautions and move towards the exit. As the last of their remains turns to ash, I exit the room. I move to the outer chamber and rejoin the living softskins. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Here we have assembled to rest and recover some vitality. The softskins seem recovered from their melancholy mood. Kyrin offers to heal me. I am thankful for the regenerative magics she expends. I feel rejuvenated, and others are likewise healed. I inform them that no bodak will rise from the ashes. We block the doors to the tunnels and inner complex. We have another conversation regarding our next course of action. I still think that we should return to town. Others think we should continue our exploration after resting. I recommend that Skif pray for divine guidance. He agrees to pray for an augury. After he has rested we will call upon the unseen but powerful gods for guidance. [/Solmar] [Solmar] The softskins settle down on packs and bedrolls. Despite the short amount of time since we entered the inner complex, they all seem physically exhausted. With odd expressions on their faces, they shut down their sensory organs and begin their rejuvenation cycles. They call it 'sleeping'. While the time passes I consider our predicament. To continue our quest we must be at full strength. We must not allow distractions such as the promise of treasure to distract us from the dangers ahead. I remain convinced that the creature spied by Mutteran must be powerful indeed. I knit while I correlate the day's sensory input and tactical decisions. My attempts to form a cogent plan are constantly interrupted by odd and disturbing memories. [/Solmar] 10 Jularva [Solmar] Just after midnight, my companions conclude their rejuvenation cycle. They rouse themselves, stow their gear and make ready to set our course. The party is fully rested and no injuries plague our physical forms. Skif indicates that he is prepared to make a divine inquiry. Casting an augury spell, he asks the question I have formulated (negotiating the exact phrasing took some effort). "Should we return to Deepwood prior to eradicating the evil that remains in this dungeon complex?" The answer imparted to Skif is less than conclusive, and somewhat ambiguous. "Deepwood is in need of your help". Kyrin immediately assumes that this means we should eliminate the evil that remains before returning to Deepwood. Skif agrees; the others say nothing... I reluctantly agree to continue forward - Towards the evil entombed at the end of this complex; if we can find some way to eliminate travel through much of the remaining complex. Perhaps Kyrin can find some way to move us through the earth. Some way to create a short cut into the creature's tomb. Some way to bypass some of the rooms that lay between us and our ultimate goal. [/Solmar] [Solmar] We unseal the doors leading to the inner chamber and the rooms beyond. Nothing is waiting to attack us. We move forward to the place where the corridor has collapsed. An examination of the collapsed corridor shows the earth composed of much rock, but it isn't solid rock. If it were solid rock, it probably wouldn't have collapsed. Thankfully the conditions of the earth are such that an earth elemental would be able to move through it. It may be possible to summon an earth elemental, or change into earth elementals, or cast a burrowing spell. We continue to discuss the possibilities. We must bypass the trapped corridors and rooms between us and the evil that remains... [/Solmar] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 02 Apr 2011 Where we left off last session
9 Jularva [Mutteran] The bodak, sensing perhaps a weakness in our defense, begins moving aggressively towards the tunnel opening, crossing through the middle of the room. The fire elemental and fiendish dire bat both strike at the vile creature, but neither are able to penetrate its defenses. It stops approximately halfway through the room, cocking its head to one side and looking as if it’s sizing up our group. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Enola, frustrated by the hallway of webs separating her arrows from the creature, curses under her breath in Elven and draws her invisible blade, hacking at the sticky strands but making little progress. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] The bodak suddenly whips it’s head towards me and glares balefully. The temperature in the room seems to drop sharply, and even though I’m unable to see the dark evil lashing out from the undead thing’s eyes, I can feel it deep in my bones. I feel faint, briefly, but recover… and stare back at the bastard with a sneer on my lips. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] This is the first time I’ve seen Skif’s ability to move through things such as webs, and it’s an amazing sight – it’s as if he’s almost gliding over them, and the webs, in turn, seem to part out of his way. Even though he’s moving slower than normal due to his eyes being averted from the bodak, he’s at my side in an instant and we pass a brief glance and nod between us. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Solmar, his makeshift blindfold wrapped around his head like an odd tablecloth, calmly but loudly asks, “Where is the creature? Someone guide me to it quickly!” [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I announce firmly, “11 o’clock… 30 feet straight ahead!” [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Azura lets out a bellow of rage and begins thrashing wildly against the web’s tight embrace. This is one instance where his size is playing against him; as every inch of him is covered by layers and layers of the sticky substance. He makes no progress, and seems to be wrapped even tighter as he slumps against the wall, gathering himself for another attempt. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] The fire elemental slides over the floor and comes into contact with the edge of the web. There is a low *whumf* of expanding air and the elemental’s body flares quickly, igniting the web. It begins burning steadily, but not very quickly. [/Mutteran] [/Mutteran] The bat pivots in the air and glides around to the back of the bodak, snapping its head forward in an attempt to sink its fangs into the rotting flesh… but is once again unsuccessful. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Crucifer, stuck behind the webs with Enola and Kyrin, eyes me with a sour, exasperated look and, for an instant, it appears as if he’s going to turn on his heel and leave. He then resignedly pulls his Elven thinblade and joins Enola in clearing the webs. With both of them hacking away, they start making some real progress. [Mutteran] [Mutteran] I turn back to the room and begin chanting, summoning the arcane once again. I feel the heat and flame coursing through me and catch the bodak’s eye as the fiery burs… [/Mutteran] [Crucifer] The paladin asks “What was that noise?” [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] I think to myself "Certainly not the sound of your plodding backside striking down the stinking pile of evil not five steps before you, tinker-toy.” I watch him struggle uselessly against the webs and consider he’s lucky he can’t see how ridiculous he looks. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] Then, the heretofore useless Half-giant rips free of his bonds and plunges directly into the flames caused by the druid’s fire elemental, letting out what is probably a giantish oath. Of course, if he hadn’t blindfolded himself, he might’ve been able to avoid said flames... but I must say that it’s quite amusing to see he and Solmar groping about like a pair of newborn kittens. The oaf finally stumbles out of the fire and is almost taken out by the bat, which is now banking haphazardly around the room in what seems like a confused state. Then, wonder of wonders, the lump actually collides into the bodak and is able to gain a grip on the creature. His shouts of “I GOT IT! I GOT IT!” are grammatically improper, but true nonetheless. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The Gnome is on his hands and knees in the corner, looking as if he’s attempting to pick the mage’s pockets. He warbles, “I think he’s dead!” Fat little hands fly over the body, and then I realize that he’s actually wasting a healing spell on a dead person! He then pauses and blankly states, “Guys, I think he’s really dead.” As if the mage was faking it? Sehanine save me from these dirt clods. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] There’s a screech of metal and wood against rock as our resident golem takes advantage of the slack in the webs provided by the giant’s escape and slips his bonds. He shouts, “WHERE IS IT NOW?” and gets no reply, since the only ones who could see the vile wretch are either dead or busy slicing through webs. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] Speaking of that, I get an overwhelming and horrid whiff of dirt, reptile shit and sweat as the archer steps past me to attack more stringy magic. It both annoys and amuses me that she actually believes she is a true Eladrin… although as she’s proved to be barely sentient, I doubt she’s even aware of that name. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] There is a sudden rush of air and a popping sound from the main room, and the fire elemental is no more. I’m unsure whether the bodak destroyed it, or it got bored from being useless and decided to kill itself. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The other elf female, who smells even stronger (a feat I believed impossible) of dirt and sweat – with the added pleasure of being mixed with wet animal fur – invokes Corellon’s name as a curse against the bodak for banishing her elemental, then sets about assisting with the clearing of the hallway. Between the fire at the front and our efforts at the rear, the web is quickly disappearing. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] Unfortunately, the bodak agrees. It strikes at the still-smoking half-giant, who pivots out of the way. We see that the strike was but a ruse, however, as it needed the lump out of its way to cast another web spell... this time inside the room and directly between us and it. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The Gnome calls upon his patron for two boons, and receives them. Firstly, he is able to move through the webs as if they don’t exist... and secondly, a bolt of Searing Light erupts from his hands and strikes the bodak squarely in the chest. The undead wretch is staggered for the first time, and is obviously in dire peril. From the looks of it, another bolt would perhaps finish it off. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The ineffectual bat, now back to its senses, proves its ineffectualness once again by being unable to even make a mark on the bodak. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] There is a loud clatter and a thump, and I spy the half-giant wrestling vigorously with the bodak. It seems our resident man-child’s love of sport has come into play, and he’s planning on pinning the bodak when he gets the chance. With a joyful laugh, he cries “I STILL GOT HIM!” I won’t fault the lad for lack of education – I mean, after all, he’s a GIANT – but his continued ignorance of the rules of the every-day spoken word is simply unforgivable. I’ve spoken with newts who’ve had better control of the language. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The webs are nearly cleared, but in my haste to get past them, Top O’ The Mourning slips in my grasp and I nearly drop him. A burning pain throbs at my wrist as I feel a tendon or ligament pop free. I straighten up and begin tending to the injury, ignoring the webs. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] Which, as it turns out, was the proper choice. The flames reach the grease spell that was cast by the bodak, and the hallway is suddenly full of flame rather than web. The rest of the sticky, ropy strands are consumed in the flare-up and we three are now free to enter the main room. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The second web cast by the bodak proves to be much less effective at slowing us down, as there are several paths around it that are easily taken. The Paladin takes advantage of the opening to close in on the still-grappling bodak and giant-oaf, who’s direct contact with the vile creature has begun to sap his vitality. The name of Helm is invoked and golem heals Shaman – not fully, but granting substantial health. Before being sent to this world, I had no idea a construct could serve a deity, much less channel the divine. I’m still not convinced that it’s not a ruse: Either the Paladin has been transformed via magic into this wood & metal shell… or it carries a healing item that’s able to mimic divine energy. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The Gnome, instead of finishing off the bodak with another spell, gropes around the room as if looking for something important. He winds up against the north wall, where it’s obvious he’s pinpointed the grapplers by hearing their struggle. He seems about to launch himself at the pile, but holds back for some reason (As an aside, I truly believe smaller creatures, due to their lack of brain size, are substantially inferior in the mental sense to most humanoids. And no Gnome, Halfling or Dwarf I’ve ever encountered has ever proved me wrong). [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The bat, sensing a large opening, lunges forward and buries it fangs deep into flesh. Unfortunately, the large opening it sensed was the half-giant’s ass, and there’s a sharp cry of pain as blood spatters into the air. I can’t help but smugly point out to myself that the lump is constantly trumpeting his size as an asset… but in this fight, it’s worked against him at every turn, and now his ass is et. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] Swearing fluently in common now, the oaf shifts his solid grip on the bodak in order to retrieve some goodberries that the Druid conjured a few days ago. However, instead of eating them and sealing his wounds, he holds them in reserve to maintain his hold on the bodak. We’ll see if that proves, as I believe it will, to be a very stupid decision. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] With the hallway still engulfed in flame with no indication of how long it will last, I have no choice but to fly through the fire if I’m to engage with the bodak. My armor and cloak protect me well against the fire, and I’m barely singed as I make it through and fly into position. The pressure in my head and chest is blissfully released as I unleash against the evil wretch. However, at the last possible second, the Shaman nearly loses his grip on the bodak and has to spin around to gather himself on top of the creature to re-attain his hold. And it is at this time that my eldritch bolt strikes… where the bodak was not an eyeblink before – a space now occupied by the lump! The Purple rams into his rib cage, causing the Shaman to gasp in unimaginable agony as fey energy flays at his skin and rattles his bones. His pained bellow rebounds off the walls, echoing down the hall. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The archer steps up and, in quick succession, three deadly arrows fly towards their target. Two miss badly and strike wildly off the stone floor, ricocheting dangerously around the room. One strikes home, but the bodak is a very tough creature and it does no damage. She’s visibly upset at her poor showing, and her face sets into a grim smile that promises her next attack will produce a very different outcome. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The bat, apparently feeling shame and remorse over its attack on the Shaman, attempts to immolate itself in the remains of the fire, but unfortunately doesn’t succeed. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] In a surprising show of physical strength, the Druid breaks out of the second web… although it’s obvious to everyone who can see her that it took almost everything she had to do so, and is almost out on her feet. She looks into the center of the room and sees the ongoing grapple, shouting “I see it! I can see it!” after successfully identifying the bodak as the only thing in the room that’s not a member of her party. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The Paladin once again reaches into the grapple and heals the Giant-kin. After taking a large bat bite in the rear and an eldritch bolt in the ribs, the Shaman is severely short on health – which matches his wit and usefulness, indeed. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] Suddenly, the bodak’s head slips free of its confinement and pops up from the grapple, scanning the room for victims. It focuses its evil gaze upon me and I feel nausea churning in my bowels as my mouth goes dry. After an interminable, silent battle of wills, I withstand the barrage and begin preparing for my next attack. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] There is a whizzing sound as another three arrows speed from the ranger’s bow, but again, she is not on her game today. As before, the first two missiles find nothing but stone floor, while the third strikes the creature… but not hard enough to actually cause it concern. I’ve only been with the party for a short time, but they speak of her prowess in an almost reverential awe. So far I haven’t been that impressed, but then again, I was never one for reverence. [/Crucifer] [Crucifer] The Gnome pops up out of nowhere in the middle of the grapple, channeling his healing into the undead wretch and disrupting the negative energy flow within its innards. It is a bold move, and not one I’d expect from such a scraggly mudbug. The bodak writhes in agony and throws its head back in a silent scream. I smile inwardly, take a bead on its pustulant forehead, and… [/Crucifer] [Azura] This thing is stronger than it looks, and a lot slipperier too. I’ve been able to hold it down pretty good, but every time I try to pin it, it wriggles free. If I didn’t have my eyes covered, I’d have this thing down in about three seconds, but if I did that, I’d wind up just like our two mages. Oh sorry, our two DEAD mages. How stupid do you have to be to not cover your eyes in a battle where the monster only has to look at you to kill you? Well, I may be slow sometimes, but I’m not stupid. [/Azura] [Azura] I twist the bodak around and let fly an icy blast, coating his head in frost. I can’t really tell if it did much damage, but it’s about all I can do besides hang on to it. At least since Solmar and Skif joined me in the middle here, I don’t feel like I’m the only one fighting this thing. Solmar gets a great grip on the beastie and puts it down hard. He says “Cover it's eyes so it can’t kill any more of us!” [/Azura] [Azura] Another arrow shoots past, but only one this time? Oh, because it’s Kyrin not Enola. She’s so pretty. Agh wait, concentrate on the bodak! Oh no, not that bat again! I swear, if it bites me again I’m going to shove my fist so far down its throat I’ll be able to tickle its ass. Shouldn’t it be gone anyway? Mutt summoned it and he died, so doesn’t the bat leave then? Shut up, stupid! Keep your focus on the bodak! [/Azura] [Azura] There’s Enola now, three twangs. She’s so fast that it almost sounds just like one long twang, but then the arrows fly! I love to watch her shoot, and she’s so cool about it – I know some of the party think she’s arrogant, but I just think its confidence. Two of her arrows sink into the bodak’s gray skin and do a little damage, but the third one bounces off. I can’t believe how tough this skinny, frail little stain of an undead is! [/Azura] [Azura] Skif lunges forward again, his hands glowing with another cure spell. That REALLY hurt the bodak last time, I thought it was going to wriggle free there for a second, but I got it back under control. Skif slips and misses the bodak’s shoulder as he stumbles past our grapple. His hands are still glowing though, I think the spell is still active until he touches somebody…but I’m not sure. [/Azura] [Azura] The bodak rises a little and tries to spin in my grasp. I flatten my body against it and try to pin it down so we can tie it up or something before we kill it. It manages to just squirt out from under me the second before I pin it down, but lucky us, Solmar is there! He gets the bodak around the neck and drives it down into the stone floor, pinning it solid. There’s a screech and the bat flies down to snap at the bodak again but misses by a mile. I wish that thing would just go away, it’s just a pain now. [/Azura] [Azura] Enola shoots again, and one of her arrows plunks deep into the bodak’s side, making some green/gray ooze squirt out. I almost retch because it’s the worst thing I’ve ever smelled in my life. I break free of the grapple and stand up to get out of the stench. Solmar doesn’t have to worry about things like that, but if I stayed down there, I would’ve yakked all over everybody. [/Azura] [Azura] Kyrin says something in that crazy/beautiful sing-song language she speaks when she’s casting a spell or talking to her wolf. Enola glows with a red haze, and Kyrin says “You’re much stronger now, use it well.” But she doesn’t get any chance to use her magical strength, as Skif places his hands on the bodak and releases the healing spell. The body goes limp, and we all stand up and look at it. Solmar says something about making sure it never kills again, and starts hacking away at its neck. The rest of us go over to Mutt and Crucifer’s bodies, and we start discussing what to do with them – looking at their wills and all that. [/Azura] [Azura] Enola, who was still standing in the hallway when she was firing her arrows, walks into the room with all of us, and as she does, a huge iron door comes slamming down, cutting us off from the way we came in – and there’s no other way out that anyone can see. I don’t know how they figure this out, really, but they start talking about how the room is “sealed” and we’re going to run out of air eventually. [/Azura] [Azura] Skif and Kyrin go over the dead bodies again, making sure that they’re really dead, I guess. Or maybe they’re worried that they might come back as undead like the bodak or like the giant snakes did before. I suggest that we stick them in the magic bag until we get back to town, and Skif then discovers that his magic bag isn’t working anymore…and he has no idea why. In fact, nobody does. He also tells us that the bodak was a special kind of undead construct called a “Spell-Stitched” which made it a lot tougher and much more dangerous than a normal bodak. There are runes carved all over its skin and it had spellcasting powers which, while not really powerful spells, did a good job of splitting us up and delaying our attacks until its gaze attack could kill some of us. It was definitely created by someone really powerful, like a dread necromancer or a lich or something like that. I think it was at this time that we started realizing that we were in some real trouble, because if we have something that powerful after us, not everyone is going to make it. [/Azura] [Azura] Skif also starts searching around the area where Mutt saw the “secret door” when he was looking around with his Wizard Eye yesterday. It just looks like a regular wall to me. Solmar says that everyone should start searching for a way out, so I join in and we all get down on our hands and knees looking for a crack or something. I’d rather just go back open that iron door. I could do it, easy. The statue over against the wall there starts getting a lot of attention, and everyone is talking about how it’s a worshiper of Velsharoon or something like that… some evil god. Shocker! Since we detected both evil and magic in the room, they try to activate the statue by pouring some of Crucifer’s blood on it. I’m a little uncomfortable with cutting up and throwing around his dead body, but at the same time, I don’t want to suffocate in this room, soooo… but it doesn’t work, so we’re back to square one. [/Azura] [Azura] Kyrin starts casting spells to shape the stone of the walls and let us out, but the walls “heal up” almost as fast as they open up so that’s no good. I could listen to her cast spells all day long, it’s such a beautiful sound. I ask if Crucifer or Mutt had any magic items that could get us out of here, so we go over their inventories. We don’t find too much to help us out of the room, but they have some nice items and we distribute them around to those who don’t have as good of items. We also decide to heal up after the bodak fight, and Kyrin passes out a bunch of goodberries since Skif’s spells are almost gone. She then goes off and sits in one of the corners to meditate. Here’s the stuff we got from the dead guys: [/Azura]
[Azura] We decide to check out the orbs now, since we can’t figure out what else to do. Oh, we also tried to use some weapons on the iron door and stone walls… but that didn’t work any better than Kyrin’s spells, which is fine since nobody thought they would anyway – but we had to give it a try. *shrug* [/Azura] [Azura] Skif drinks a Potion of Clairvoyance that Crucifer had and starts looking into the orbs. He also tried to look through the walls and door, but couldn’t see anything. The popular vote now is that we’re cut off from the Prime Material Plane completely somehow, but we don’t really know for sure. All of the orbs have stuff in them, like keys, wands, coins, gems... except for one of them which is heavier than the others and seems to have some sort of mud or something in it. I think we’re going to have to break some of these orbs to figure out this trap we walked into. I also think that everyone knows that too, but no one wants to be the first to say it, I guess. And now we’re just all standing around staring at each other, because no one wants to make things any worse. I just want to break something. Anything. [/Azura] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 19 Mar 2011 Where we left off last session
8 Jularva [Mutteran] We settle our camp into the curved hallway. I spent a good hour during camp setup investigating the stone corridors with my magical eye. The stairwell platform leads into three separate sarcophagus rooms; two seemingly destroyed by fire and water. Smaller corridors extend beyond each sarcophagus and generally loop into each other. I see three main rooms – A dining room, empty but for chairs and a large table; large room with night globes hanging from ceiling wires, in it is a Bodak! I recall Bodak are undead with a deadly gaze attack ability. The final room has bubbling hot mud on each side of a stone walkway, and on the walkway is one of the Xorn munching on some treasure! I am unable to see past the Xorn as my vision is obscured somehow. I inform the party, and convince Crucifer and Azura to perform a hit/run action. I dimension door the three of us into the corridor adjacent to the Xorn with Crucifer and Azura. Our intent is to hopefully to have Crucifer charm the Xorn and get it to stop eating treasure; otherwise we will exit before risking more injury. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: I’m dazed from casting dimension door but get us to the desired location. Crucifer tries to charm the Xorn. Azura readies his weapon if attacked. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: Crucifer proclaims, “Hello friend, do you speak Common?” and motions the Xorn over to him. I tell them I’m ready to cast my spell. The Xorn instead of approaching us leaves by walking back and sinking into the ground. I cast a second dimension door and return us to the party. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Having seen physically beyond the Xorn, I attempt the magical eye again. This time, I determine the passageway continues to the iron door described by Deep Wood’s priest! The door is closed and a magical seal of Torm seems still intact! I look behind the door and see a library room with an apparent human sitting at a reading table. It can’t be human, but I can’t recall any specifics of this creature. I let the group know my findings. We camp through the night, and at some point the illusionary wall disappears from the cave's entrance. [/Mutteran] 9 Jularva [Mutteran] I double check the iron door and see the treasure on the floor in front of it; as if in offering to the creature beyond the door! We agree to head toward the treasure going through the East ruined room. Kyrin casts light on her staff while Crucifer keeps his sword lit. Azura yanks open the stuck door to the sarcophagus room after Skif and Solmar could not open it. During this commotion, Solmar is attacked by an arm coming out of the nearby wall (a Wraith!). A second Wraith attacks and misses Kyrin. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: The Wraith moves into the ruined sarcophagus room, and hits Azura (Draining a point of Constitution). Azura rages and swings his hammer, but the Wraith is incorporeal and the hammer passes through it with no effect. Skif steps forward and quicken casts summon monster to bring forth a Lantern Archon. The creature throws light at the Wraith and casts aid on Azura. I cast magic missile and damage a Wraith. Enola hits the Wraith with 2 arrows. Another Wraith comes out of the wall and hits Kyrin. Kyrin cast cure serious wounds on the Wraith, inflicting damage from its positive radiance. Enola’s snake, Fang, freaks out and panics, moving away from the Wraith. Crucifer invokes an Eldritch Blast on the 2nd Wraith. Solmar’s shield attack also misses due to the Wraith’s incorporeal being. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: The 2nd Wraith moves into the wall and then strikes out at Kyrin. I cast fiery burst at the 1st Wraith. Azura hits the 1st Wraith with his hammer. The same Wraith hits Azura and drains more Con before melding into the wall like the other Wraith. Kyrin casts lesser restoration on Azura. Solmar moves into the room with the ruined sarcophagus. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 3: Enola's readied action is triggered when the Wraith reaches out at her; she strikes it with an arrow. Crucifer triggers his eldritch blast but it fires through the Wraith's incorporeal body. Skif's readied action is the casting of Searing Light, but it also flows through the Wraith’s body. The Archon’s readied action misses with its light spell. The 2nd Wraith misses Enola. Kyrin casts lesser restoration on Azura again. The 1st Wraith hits Azura for more Con damage. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 4: Azura's readied action is triggered and he strikes the 1st Wraith seemingly killing it. Enola’s readied action hits the 2nd Wraith with her arrow and kills it. No further Wraith attacks occur. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We continue following my map. However, we find the corridor leading the iron door, and treasure, totally blocked by collapsed walls and ceilings. We will be forced to fight the Bodak. In approach to the nearest corridor bend, we strategize our approach. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: I start casting summon monster III (Fiendish Dire Bat). Azura and Solmar blindfold themselves to prevent death by the Bodak's gaze attack. Skif casts haste on the party and quicken casts a Lantern Archon which immediately succumbs to the Bodak’s gaze attack. Crucifer blindly shoots his eldritch blast down the hall. Enola presents an arrow to Kyrin and Kyrin casts daylight on it. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: Skif quicken casts light on his bolt and readies the bolt. Enola fires an arrow at the Bodak but misses. I complete the summoning of a fiendish dire bat and cast a Fireball into the room (it barely affects the Bodak). Solmar moves forward blindly. Crucifer invokes an eldritch blast at the Bodak. The Bodak casts a grease spell on the floor where Solmar stands. Kyrin starts casting a summoning spell. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 3: Azura throws his hammer into the room but misses the Bodak. Enola hits it with 2 arrows. Crucifer casts an eldritch blast at the Bodak. Skif shoots it with his acid arrow (no damage). I rush into the room without averting my gaze, and survive the gaze attack; I maximize an orb of fire at it. The bat moves up misses the Bodak. Kyrin completes his fire elemental summoning and has it stand near the Bodak. The Bodak moves to the back corner and casts web impacting Solmar, Azura, Kyrin and Skif. I yell the Bodak’s location multiple times to the group hoping they can kill it shortly.. Azura rages and moves 10ft closer (but still 5ft in the web). Solmar tries to move out of the web but remains 5ft inside the web. [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 05 Mar 2011 Where we left off last session
8 Jularva [Mutteran] Round 2: Enola hits the second snake with three arrows. As Solmar tries to move past, the snake lunges at him taking a bite and starting to constrict his body. Solmar slam attacks the snake killing it, then moves forward towards where the Dragon lies. Skif moves forward and readies an action to cast haste once the party nears him. I move forward, adjacent to the large doors, but positioned against the wall. I then throw the silence coin farther down the corridor to allow our spells to be cast. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 3: The Dragon bellows “Get out of my house!” and flings open the double doors, moving into the hall. Azura had braced himself against the door, so the door didn’t crush him between it and the wall. Enola hits the Dragon with 2 arrows. Crucifer activates his phase resistance protection, yells “For Lord Oberon and Lady [garbled]”, and invokes an eldritch frightful blast. Skif’s readied action triggers, casting haste on Crucifer, Skif, Azura, Solmar, Kyrin’s wolf Zareb, and myself. Azura steps away from the door and breathes fire on the Dragon (he previously swallowed a fire breath potion). Azura also initiates his rage mental state. Zareb flanks the Dragon, but in doing so the Dragon bites the wolf; in return Zareb bites it. Kyrin casts a flaming sphere spell at the Dragon but to no noticeable effect. I hit the Dragon with a maximized orb of fire and then move out of its range of breath attack. Skif quicken summons a Rhek (which misses) and casts searing light at the Dragon. Solmar moves forward to smite the Dragon, yelling “Kyracolidis, your days are numbered!” [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 4: Skif quicken casts a second Rhek (which hits the Dragon), while his original Rhek misses; he then casts spiritual hammer (which misses). The Dragon steps toward Solmar and hits him with his full attack sequence – bite, claw, claw, wing buffet, wing buffet, & tail. Azura hits the Dragon with his great hammer, but in doing so provoked a Dragon bite. I strike the Dragon with another orb of fire. Kyrin starts summoning a Dire Ape. Crucifer does a flying charge with his sword channeling his eldritch blast at the Dragon. Zareb misses. Enola hits the Dragon with one arrow. Solmar hits the Dragon with three attacks yelling “Bow before the might of Helm” and it collapses. To our collective horror, four Xorn meld out of the stone, grab armfuls of treasure each, and meld back into the back wall. Crucifer yells “Xorn bastards!” while Solmar proclaims “Earth Elementals came out of the wall, scooped up some treasure, and exited”. By the end of the round the Xorn have stolen all the treasure! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Crucifer heads towards the nearest door to chase the Xorn. Kyrin casts a cure serious wounds spell on Solmar. Azura carefully removes a scale from the Dragon. I move into the room and use my magical eye to see behind the door; the Xorn are quickly moving beyond it. From that 20x20 room with glistening surfaces from water condensation, they move onto stairs leading to a landing with three doors. They move beyond the doors and I discontinue watching them. Meanwhile Solmar, Skif, Azura, and the others are determining how best to butcher the Dragon to preserve its hide. Solmar performs a coup de grace to ensure the Dragon is dead. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: Suddenly Enola feels a cold chill run through her body. One of the killed snakes has had its flesh turn rotten and fall off its skeleton! It now is moving towards Enola, transformed into an undead creature with glowing red eyes. Azura charges the snake and hits it with his hammer and begins to rage for a second time. I throw an orb of lesser fire at the undead snake. Enola says “It tried to freeze me so it must die” and hits it with 3 arrows. Skif hits it with an acid arrow. Solmar moves forward and strikes the snake with his sword. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: The Undead snake bites Azura but fails in its constriction attempt. Crucifer, back at the door, opens it and confirms the stairway and empty landing with three doors. Enola hit the snake with all three arrows again. Kyrin casts a cure moderate wounds on the undead snake, and then gets bitten by it. Skif attempts another acid arrow but instead accidentally shoots himself. Azura kills the undead snake with the second strike of his hammer. We begin to hack and burn the body of the second snake before it also can turn into the undead. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: A large bellow erupts and we slowly turn around to see the Dragon’s corpse is now animated as a skeleton, with only rotten flesh remaining on its body (Damn additional ‘loot’ is now lost to us!). Solmar and I now recognize the undead creature as a Proto-Dracolich a ‘newborn’ dracolich yet to gain all its powers. I yell “The Dragon is now a proto-dracolich; it now has paralysis abilities.” Enola hits it with two arrows. I cast a fireball at it. Crucifer invokes an eldritch blast but the attack dissipates from its body. The proto-dracolich moves forward and bites Skif, knocking him prone. Azura moves forward and hits it with his hammer, but not before the proto-dracolich bites him. Solmar moves forward and misses with his shield bash. Skif starts defensively casting a summoning spell while prone. Kyrin moves forward. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: Solmar yells “Kyracolidis, we are going to destroy you again, then find your phylactery and destroy it too!” The proto-dracolich ignores Solmar, and does a full attack against Azura (bite, 2 claws, 2 wings, 1 tail). Fortunately most of the damage is blocked by Azura’s stoneskin protection. Kyrin hits the proto-dracolich with his staff of striking at maximum effect, but misses with his second blow. Enola hits it with 1 arrow. Skif’s dire raccoon is completely summoned, and hits the proto-dracolich. Skif begins casting another summoning spell. Solmar hits it with his shield. Azura this time fumbles his hammer attack but without ill effect. I hit the Dragon with an orb of lesser fire. Crucifer invokes a curse of despair spell but fumbles the attack. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 3: Dragon conducts a second full attack against Azura, easily depleting the remaining stoneskin spell. Skif’s second dire raccoon appears but all his summoned allies miss. Skif casts cure light wounds on Azura. Azura fumbles his attack again. Crucifer invokes a curse of despair (-6 strength) on the proto-dracolich. I hit it again with an orb of lesser fire. Kyrin misses with his staff. Solmar hits with his sword. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 4: My fire spells are depleted except for one remaining fireball (too many people around the proto-dracolich). I cast magic missile but the spell dissipates on striking the proto-dracolich’s body. Crucifer invokes a second curse (-4 abilities). Enola hits with three arrows. The proto-dracolich makes a third full attack sequence against Azura. Skif casts cure serious wounds on Azura. Azura hits the proto-dracolich with his hammer and it collapses. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We quickly sever the head and place it in Skif’s magical pouch. I believe once a body is animated, it can not be reanimated, and so far that is true. Skif, Kyrin, and Solmar begin healing everyone in the party. We all agree to rest before further investigation, as there is no doubt we will continue on at this point! Our biggest concern is this phylactery and how close we might be to it. Skif searches the entire area for traps as well as evil manifestation. No traps, but a moderate evil aura projects from behind one of the doors. After some debate we decide its best to camp in the corridor near the illusionary wall entry. While settling camp, Skif joins in Crucifer’s opining about Armon. In this case Skif suspects Armon knew about the phylactery and wanted us to kill the Dragon (and be killed in the process) to create a true Dracolich. Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 19 Feb 2011 Where we left off last session
7 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] Round 1: As the Dragon breaks brush cover, I yell to Solmar, “It’s the Dragon. Are we treating it as the Kobolds or the Stone Giants encounter?” Solmar responds with “Attack it!” (Damn him, nice obfuscation. Does Helm teach any subtle tactics! If the Dragon was uncertain of our intentions, now it knows!) Enola resolves the question by striking the Dragon with 3 dragonsbreath arrows. Kyrin calls down a pillar of flame (flame strike) at the Dragon. The Dragon breathes a line of lightning 80ft in length which fortunately only strikes Kyrin. It then unfurls its wings and flies away. Skif hits the Dragon with an acid arrow while in flight. Azura also strikes it with an arrow. I move near Azura and ready myself to cast stoneskin on him should the Dragon turn towards us in flight. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: The Dragon continues its flight away from us. Enola swift casts the guided shot spell and strikes the Dragon with two arrows from at least 600 ft away (her ego from hitting at this range is about 600ft wide! Of course I don’t complain as she consistently remains the most effective and dangerous fighter in our party). I ask Skif to cast fly on me so I can try to track the Dragon with my magical eye. Upon casting, I immediate rise 60ft up and see the Dragon. Azura taunts the Dragon in Draconic, citing it and its ancestors as a line of cowards. Kyrin switches into eagle form and starts to track the Dragon’s flight path. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 3: This time, Enola misses with her three arrows due to the distance and lack of line of sight. I start tracking the Dragon with my magical eye, in a leap frog site to site manner. Solmar investigates the Owlbear area. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Eventually the Dragon folds its wings, dives into the forest, and burrows into the ground without any sign of passage. I can no longer track the Dragon with the magical eye. I quickly yell to the group a description of the area, and Kyrin locates it. She makes sure her scent (as an eagle) is readily apparent in the area and returns to the group. Nothing of interest was near the Owlbear; I begin butchering it for food and load approximately 20 meals worth onto the wagon. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We finally arrive at the Village of Deepwood at 5pm. It’s a small village barely carved out of woods, although with a mixture of architectural housing; from shacks to cabins to a mansion. We are greeted by Edvard Kititch, the Mayor of the village. Edvard is pleased we’ve come to deal with the Dragon and encourages us to camp in some designated open areas. When I balk at said accommodations, he suggests I speak with Armon Bistle, the village benefactor in this matter. (For a village desperate for a resolution to its Dragon issue, I’m disappointed in his graciousness. The red carpet should be rolled out to us!) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Armon’s house is the garish mansion out of place in this village. A formally dressed servant named Darby answers the door, and invites us into the main parlor. Armon himself joins us shortly and welcomes us to the village. He offers us dinner and accommodations within the house. Armon indicates we are the first adventuring group to answer his notice, and that the Dragon has been menacing the nearby area but not the village itself. No ex-adventurers live in the town, but that Ishtal Gladonia, a Priestess of Mielikki, is the granddaughter of an adventurer who lived in the town and could possibly have additional information. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I ask about the financial arrangements of our transaction. Armon indicates he needs proof of the Dragon’s demise or eviction in order for us to receive payment. He also indicates payment will be in coin! (I wonder where he keeps the money!) During this conversation Solmar call upon his detect evil and gets two readings – Armon is faintly evil and something near his chest (amulet?) projects a strong aura of evil! At the same time, Crucifer invokes his detect magic ability and that same area on Armon has the presence of strong transmutation! We leave Armon to talk with the village priestess and indicate we will return for dinner. On the way Solmar and Crucifer inform us of their investigations, and Crucifer expresses his suspicions – “Armon is the Dragon luring adventurers here to build his treasure hoard!” Crucifer states his intention to not accept any food, drink, or shelter from Armon. Solmar confirms that Edvard did not detect evil. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We arrive at an ivy covered brick building that is the Village Temple. Priestess Ishtal Gladonia, an elf, welcomes us to her church. Skif calls on his detect evil ability to confirm she is not evil. After verifying our intention to defeat the Dragon, she informs us that she facilitated a higher reward than normal via Armon with the hope that we’d resolve an additional problem. Ishtal tells us her own tale. [/Mutteran]
[Mutteran] Additional details after questioning from our party:
Solmar thanks Ishtal and indicates that we will consider her request. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Before returning to Armon’s for dinner, we stop off at the alchemist shop. We end up buying 12 healing balm poultices for an exorbitant price. (I think Solmar is trying to foster good will amongst villagers.) Dinner at Armon’s is excellent, however Armon is very elusive regarding his past (e.g. “from far east & west” versus specific country or town). Kyrin raises the importance of trust between contracting parties, then asks Armon directly about the strong presence of evil emanating from his chest area! (I almost choked on the wine when I heard her! She is very direct.) Armon responds that it has nothing to do with our contract and should not concern us. He also indicates that a party companion (Me!) is of evil persuasion. (I doubt any of us trust Armon, but what is his game? It is interesting that a) he or someone else has similar divination abilities and has used them on us, and b) my cloak would set my alignment closest to Armon’s personal tendencies. If not for the feather bed in the room, I might join Crucifer in sleeping outside…OK, not really, luxuries are worth a little risk!) Dinner ends shortly thereafter and we all go about setting for sleep. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Skif summons a small Earth Elemental to investigate the ground underneath and adjacent to Armon’s mansion for possible tunnels, but nothing is found. The party discusses what spells we should take to maximize our chances against the Dragon. I plan to cast two circle dance spells in the morning to get a sense of the Dragon’s location; otherwise I’m planning on having some defensive spells at hand. Before sleeping, I sweep Armon’s mansion with my magical eye. I see nothing out of the ordinary. Spying on Armon, I find him at first reading in his study and eventually retiring to his own room. [/Mutteran] 8 Jularva [Mutteran] In the morning I cast circle dance twice, about 700 yards distant from each other. Each spell informs me that the Dragon is unharmed (Damn, somehow it’s been healed!) and very tired. It is also directionally southeast from my current location. Since Ishtal’s bluff/canyon lair is also southeast, I will recommend to the party that it’s the best place to start looking for the Dragon. Enola casts her lay of the land spell and has a vision of the major terrain landmarks in the area. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] About mid day we arrive at a dead end box canyon, with the foundations of an old abandoned village crumbing within it. Kyrin and her totem wolf pick up some unnatural scent. While investigating the area, Skif yells over that part of the canyon wall is false, hidden by an illusion! Once he points out the area, we all can see some form of burrow hole in the canyon wall. Kyrin casts speak with plants on some nearby brush and it tells her that the Dragon is ‘Down that hole’ right now! I use my magical eye to scout ahead. Twenty feet beyond the entry the tunnel turns from base rock to constructed flagstone and arches. The tunnel slopes downward and turns approximately 60 ft in total length, into an open room with a stream of water on one side. A secondary room exists with open iron-bound doors. In this smaller room is the Dragon, apparently asleep on a pile of treasure! Some doors and additional corridors exist, but we need to act NOW to take advantage of the Dragon being asleep! The entire area is without natural light. (Hmm… DM encouraged this brevity; not a good sign for the other unsearched areas J…) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We quickly develop our plan of action. Those without dark sight (Crucifer and I) will be in the middle of the party and led by sighted individuals in front and behind. In fact Azura will carry me so I can focus my magical sight on the Dragon. I will alert the party should it awaken! I cast stoneskin and bulls strength on Azura, and mass electrical energy resistance on the whole party. Kyrin casts bulls strength on Solmar, and aid on Azura. Skif casts silence and light on separate copper pieces. I hold the silence coin in one hand, and put the light coin in my mouth (a make shift bullseye lantern effect when I open my mouth). We head down the tunnel. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Moving is slow due to our huddled party (to stay within the silence radius), lack of sight, and Skif checking for traps. (I do not like the lack of sight and hearing; fortunately I can feel Azura moving and my focus on the Dragon distracts me from this odd predicament.) We are no longer walking on a decline so we must be in the main room now. Suddenly I feel something strike my hand but I quickly move it away. I can barely hold on to Azura as I feel his shoulder and body underneath sway and turn; he is swinging his hammer! Something is wrong, so I open my mouth for light. Two Giant Constrictor Snakes must have surfaced from near the stream and approached the party. Skif is looking angrily at me, so I suspect what struck my hand was actually him reaching out for the silence coin. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: Enola hits the closest snake with three arrows. Azura has already hit the same snake with his hammer. I cast fiery burst, no verbal component, killing the closest snake and injuring the second. Kyrin throws three magical pebbles which in flight enlarge to boulder size. Unfortunately she misses the surviving snake and the boulders land well beyond it, possibly outside of the silence area! [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 05 Feb 2011 Where we left off last session
5 Jularva 1004
[Mutteran] We decide to attempt dimension door into the lab; everyone jumps into the bag but Skif, Crucifer (flying 5ft upwards) and I. Kyrin raises some concern about breathing in the bag and subsequently exiting it, but eventually jumps in (She's smart too - Some people are just lemmings.) I place us on the raised platform near the sarcophagus, bookshelves, and chests; even in my disorientation the smell in the room is rank and overpowering. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: Moments after I teleport in, a Mummy rises from the sarcophagus and screams "You are destroying the clan I put so much effort into building". The mechanical arms/tentacles attached to sarcophagus then begin to flail around, striking anyone within reach. Two of the arms hit Crucifer before he withdraws 15ft in the air and out of reach of the arms. Skif quicken casts light and calls for Solmar to be retrieved from the bag. To avoid the flailing arms, I perform an immediate teleport to stand between a chest and pillar. I then cast an orb of fire against the Mummy. The Mummy's wrapping seem particularly affected by fire (perfect). Solmar attacks the sarcophagus with the arms. Kyrin casts barkskin on herself. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: I cast another Orb of Fire but miss the Mummy. I try to duck behind the chest for protection. Skif recalls Kyrin from his bag. He then quicken casts a summoning of a dire raccoon which then succumbs to fear paralysis of the Mummy. Kyrin hits the sarcophagus with her staff of striking (using it as a double weapon). Crucifer strikes at the Mummy with his sword but misses. Arms attack and hit the raccoon and Skif. The Mummy shoots out a ray of light from the purple gem in its crown and it hits me for some damage. The Mummy then drops into the sarcophagus, pulls the shroud around it, and a familiar 'bamf' sound occurs. It has disappeared. Solmar continues to strike the sarcophagus. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 3: Kyrin casts stone shape to tilt the sarcophagus table towards the edge. At the same time Azura and Solmar grab and throw the sarcophagus onto the floor. It shatters on impact and the arms stop moving. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We start investigating the platform and larger room. Crucifer activates his 'phase resistance' to heal himself. I walk over to Kyrin and Skif and cast obscure undead senses on the three of us just in case the Mummy returns (I should have remembered before we even entered the room!). Skif casts a cure light wounds spell on me. Crucifer invokes detect magic but nothing of interest is found. The bookshelves are lined with books on gears and some makings of undead books which I immediately destroy. The chests are full of mechanical parts. (I hope to study the books and parts during the evenings.) Skif finds some secret compartments in the chests with some mundane valuables in them. Kyrin summons an eagle and has it land on the floor to possibly trigger any traps or reactions in the lower room. I cast web in the lower floor area and cover at least half the area up to the platform. Kyrin throws a glitterdust stone into the web and a large creature shape is glowing within the rubble. We suspect another automaton and choose to avoid it. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Finished with the looting, I use my magical eye to determine that the Mummy is located in the Kobold throne room. Once everyone is in the bag, I cast dimension door to a nearby corridor. The second encounter with the Mummy is anti-climatic. One fireball kills it and a bunch of Kobolds while Kyrin and his totem wolf companion kill two Kobolds. Our preparations proved unnecessary (Skif casting haste, my casting reflective shield on Crucifer to position him above the Kobolds to increase the fire damage, my summoning a Hell Hound for the fight). (Solmar raises a concern about my summoning the fiendish Hell Hound even though he knows it is under my complete control and for what purpose it's been called. In fact I wish to debate with him, but not at this time, the merits of not choosing a celestial creature. The celestial creatures must be annoyed by a summoning and it perhaps impacts their daily lives/goals – isn't it better to inconvenience a fiend? Causing a fiend to defend the innocent or work for a good cause could perhaps provide a conversion opportunity – Eludecia is living proof a fiend can be converted! Even without conversion, shouldn't we force fiends to do good deeds?) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We've had enough of exploring these aqueducts! We return to the Hostel to rest before continuing to Deepwood and our true mission here. Madge, brings out a bone relic that heals the wounds of our party. He also doesn't charge us for use, and damage, of his Hostel. Before evening closes, Solmar presents Eludecia with the magical gloves we recovered from the Mummy. She cries in relief for their return and thanks us. That evening I begin studying some of the books from the laboratory (I plan on making this an evening activity until I've gone through them all.) [/Mutteran] 6 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] We start our trek through the forest to Deepwood. By mid-afternoon we pass the fork that would lead us to the ruins of the Dwarven Monastery. We continue and have an uneventful day and night. [/Mutteran] 7 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] 2:46pm - While on the trail, a large rustling sound and swaying of branches can be heard adjacent to the trail. Enola decides to pull out her bow and shoots blindly into the woods! Of course being the marksperson she is, her arrows strike true. An Owlbear breaks through the brush line. Skif shoots it with his crossbow. Despite the coverage, Enola strikes whatever is out there! Crucifer says it's an Owlbear. Skif shoots it. I cast magic missile at it. Kyrin changes into a wild boar shape and charges it. The Owlbear is killed. (I think Solmar has a double standard in regards to spellcasters and warriors. Perhaps not being a spellcaster himself causes this prejudice. He challenges my planned casting of the Hell Hound; however he raises no alarm at Enola's indiscriminate shooting into the woods? What if it had been a Centaur, Wemic, or some large woodland creature instead of the Owlbear? And she's a Ranger, Protector of Woodland creatures?) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] My contemplation ends abruptly because something even larger breaks the brush line, its a Blue Dragon! It shouts "That was my Owlbear!" (My immediate thoughts: 1) Damn, look at the size of those claws and fangs!, 2) Too bad, I was starting to like Kyrin, 3) Do we flee or fight since negotiating is likely out of the question,, and 4) if we survive this initial encounter, we might have a better chance of tracking it back to its den.) [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 22 Jan 2011 Where we left off last session
4 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] Our party relaxes at the Hostel waiting for Aishapra’s return to receive payment for Eludecia’s rescue, and planning our morning assault into the Kobold tunnels. Solmar is convinced the Beholder door is a puzzle mechanism. We determine that each eye stalk had a separate gem type for an eye, in the following order: Obsidian, Emerald, Amber, Sapphire, White Opal, Garnet, Moon Stone, Black Pearl, Blood Stone, and some undetermined gem (my magical sight is black/white in the dark so the color remains unknown). Most of the party turns in for the night, although Enola and Kyrin remain on guard with Solmar. [/Mutteran] 5 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] Just after midnight Aishapra approaches Solmar. As she approaches, Solmar uses his divine Detect Evil ability to confirm she is not evil. Aishapra asks for the skeleton to be returned to her and Solmar indicates that Eludecia is alive and recovering. Solmar inquires why Aishapra has always appeared at night and her response is to avoid people and potential spies employed by angels and demons alike. Aishapra then asks to see Eludecia prior to providing payment. When Solmar indicates she’s resting in the Inn's common room, Aishapra walks in. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] When Eludecia sees Aishapra she exclaims in distaste, “Sapharia!”. Solmar recalls that Sapharia was the name of a lieutenant directly under “Khe’tch” the Balor Demon, and immediately starts blowing his signal whistle. Sapharia meanwhile responds by stating “The Kobold services have waned greatly since Yin Yensine's death.” She then tells Eludecia, “Enjoy your freedom for it will be brief. I need to finish up my end of bargain with the Kobolds.” Sapharia transforms into a 9ft tall demon with 6 arms and a snake body, and suddenly 24 Dretch are summoned to the common room. At the initial sound of the whistle, Skif is alerted to danger and wakes me up. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: The Dretch surround Solmar and his initial attempt at a shield bash misses. Kyrin swings her staff but also misses a Dretch. Sapharia disappears from the scene with a loud ‘bamf’ and the swirling air distortion familiar to any Teleport or Dimension Door spell. Enola strikes with 3 arrows at two of the Dretch. I’m able to get into position behind Enola where I can readily target the Dretch with a Fireball. I cast a maximized Fireball spell in the middle of the common area and 17 of the Dretch immediately drop! (Finally a really destructive spell, it has been a while!) While missing the present party members, I unfortunately disintegrate some tables, chairs, and other minutia while significantly damaging the wooden walls and floor of the Hostel. Fortunately the Fireball is an instant burst of flame and doesn’t cause materials to ignite! Skif moves up behind me and quicken casts a Summon Raccoon spell. The summoned creature immediately bites a Dretch. Solmar is hit by a Dretch. Azura moves from his room towards the battle. Kyrin casts Barkskin on Solmar and then shifts herself into a tiger shape. Eludecia proclaims, “For all that is beautiful in this world be banished to the Abyss” as well as “Do not despoil this plane with your ugly mug” then kills two of the Dretch with single strikes from her clawed hands. Solmar hits with a second shield bash against a Dretch. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: Skif moves across the damaged floor but the floor beneath him collapses and he lands on the top of the bar of the basement floor. The top of his head remains level with the ground floor. Enola continues shooting arrows and kills another Dretch. Azura attempts to cross the floor and falls through, creating second hole. He however is tall enough to awkwardly throw his great hammer at a Dretch killing it. Kyrin, as a tiger, hits a Dretch. I move myself adjacent to Eludecia and catch another Dretch in my Fiery Burst magic (the floor did not collapse when I walked across it). Eludecia kills another Dretch. Solmar kills two Dretch and proclaims, “Thus is the justice of Helm”. The Dretch have been defeated! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Eludecia uses her divine healing powers to heal our injuries. Madge comes up from the basement and asks “What happened?” Solmar tells Madge a Demon horde attacked us, led by a Marilith. Madge, being an old adventurer himself, takes the damage in stride and immediately begins repairing the floor. Solmar assists him throughout the rest of the night. The rest of us decide to return to our sleep before tackling the Kobold lair. We invite Eludecia to join us tomorrow, but she states she must continue to recoup for her injuries and meditate on her next efforts. Before falling asleep, I use my magic sight to confirm the Beholder door and laboratory room remain undisturbed. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] In the morning we regroup before heading to the Kobold tunnels again. I use my magic sight to check the well entrance, the throne room, and the Beholder door and laboratory room. The well entry, door, and laboratory are undisturbed, but near the throne I can see a pile of small Kobold heads and a separate bloody message in Draconic, “… And this is what happens when you fail your superiors…” It looks like six Kobolds now guard the throne entrance. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We proceed down the well entry and stop to investigate the trap lever used by the Kobold fishermen. The lever is carved in the shape of an Aboleth. Skif discovers a trap associated with the lever and disables it. He also recovers a gemstone that was part of the lever mechanism. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We investigate the corridor we hadn’t previously explored. Skif finds some journal pages in Draconic. The journal waxes poetic about the beauty and power of Aboleths, Beholders, and other Aberrations. There also appears to be a drawing of the Beholder door with words adjacent to each eye stalk. Solmar has a gleam in his wooden eye regarding an important puzzle piece being found. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We approach the throne entrance and Solmar takes the lead. The Kobold guards indicate we are not welcome here and that we’ve caused enough death. Solmar tells them he remains their de facto leader if none has been chosen, and to step aside to avoid being hurt. He tells them “…Yin Yensine’s treasure is ours by default” (All Right Solmar, you tell them!). The guards do not move, so we attack. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1: Enola kills 1 Kobold with her arrows. I kill 2 Kobolds with a Fiery Burst spell. Skif pulls out and loads his crossbow. Azura throws his hammer and kills a fourth Kobold. Kyrin transforms into a large wild boar killing a fifth Kobold. Solmar charges and attacks the last Kobold. Meanwhile six more Kobold guards charge into the room. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: Crucifer flies forward behind Solmar and targets the Kobold sword shattering it with an Eldritch Blast. Crucifer says with a mocking laugh, “There you go, Solmar, now it’s an even fight.” Enola kills two Kobolds with her arrows. Kyrin continues her attacks as a boar. Azura moves forward towards the battle. Skif fires his crossbow but misses a Kobold. I cast Fiery Burst and kill a Kobold. Solmar kills a Kobold. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 3: Crucifer flies into the throne room and shouts, “Sapharia show yourself, enough of this playing you demon bitch!” Skif hits a Kobold with a crossbow bolt. I kill one Kobold with another Fiery Burst. Enola kills the last Kobold in the throne room with her arrow strikes. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] My random thoughts:
Wow, that last encounter proved how efficient a group of adventurers can be when acting in unison. Of course Kobolds, when not ambushing us, don’t pose much of a direct threat. I only hope we can show similar efficiency as we approach our true mission of defeating the dragon. [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 08 Jan 2011 Where we left off last session
4 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] Having escaped from the watery tunnels into the normally dark tunnels, I grab a scroll I’ve been saving and cast darkvision on myself. Meanwhile, in the water trapped tunnels, Skif begins searching for the trigger mechanism. Pyrceval breaks into song to inspire competence. Azura holds onto the Celestial Porpoise while it swims to the stone blocking the exit (the Porpoise disappears at the end of the spell). Continuing to hold his breathe, Azura starts battering the block with his great hammer. Crucifer continues his Eldritch blast attacks but through his sword. Solmar walks toward the inner stone blocks. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I change into Kobold form and walk on the ceiling towards where we first walked into this trap. I see some Kobold fishermen as I approach and yell to them, “Tell me about the water traps down the corridor or else”. They cower, and one says, “We’re sorry but we had to do it”. He then reaches behind him and pulls some lever in the wall. I hear loud scraping and screeching noises and a whoosh of water rapidly flowing into open tunnels. I tell the Kobolds, “Stand here or die”, then I yell for the group. I also change back to Mutteran form in front of the Kobolds (While Solmar, Enola, and Skif are aware of my nature, I haven’t exposed my Changeling abilities to other party members). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] The group gathers and we further interrogate the fishermen. They have standing orders to trigger the ceiling traps should any non-Kobolds explore the area. They usually keep the trap closed for one day then reset it and remove any remains or gear from those trapped. Solmar demands justice from the Chief, but indicates that these fishermen were just following the Chief’s order and should be spared. He agrees that any Kobold attempting to stop us from reaching the Chief can be killed. To be certain the fishermen do not interfere further, Pyrceval sings a song of fascination which affects them. (I’m glad Solmar sees that the Chief has played us false. I was concerned he’d want further evidence.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] The tunnels are empty of Kobolds, and Skif scouts a short distance ahead of the party. At the curving entry into the king’s chamber, he sees the king sitting alone on his throne. Before proceeding further, Skif casts haste on the party. To trigger any ambushes, Pyrceval casts a major image of Solmar walking into the hall towards the Chief, shouting, “Chief Blast, it is time to pay for what you have attempted to do to us. As the leader of the tribe it is time for you to pay!” Chief Blast looks up and despondently says “I’m dead either way. I have failed.” The party walks forward cautiously and surrounds the Chief. Chief Blast continues explaining “Our tribe was commanded to always protect the hall when Yin Yensine made the deal with a demon who put the silver skeleton there.” Deducing we had survived on hearing the stone blocks raised prematurely, he sent the rest of the tribe into the warrens for safety and awaited his fate. Under additional questioning Chief Blast indicates:
[Mutteran] Solmar demands the immediate execution of the Chief for his misdeeds. I am interested in using him as a live ‘Canary’ to test Yin Yensine’s magical defenses. Solmar insists, and I defer, saying we should at least use his body for tests (it’ll be dead already anyway). Pyrceval surprisingly steps in and says we should not kill the Chief, and fascinates the Chief with a song. Solmar draws his sword anyway, and Pyrceval bodily intercedes between Solmar and the Chief. Suddenly three arrows plunk into the Kobold’s body and he dies. Enola lowers her bow and her expression of impatience obviously reads, ‘Discussion Ended, Move On!’ (With her bow in hand, I doubt anyone would 'quarrel' with her!) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Pyrceval is outraged, but surprisingly channels his ire solely towards Solmar instead of Enola. (I suspect because Enola’s impetuous action is not unusual; Solmar on the other hand atypically disregarded another party members express interests.) Pyrceval states he is immediately leaving the party, and can not be dissuaded. He leaves, heading toward the well exit. As he leaves, we hear him strumming a new ballad, and hearing vague words regarding “…Solmar the Unjust Knight…”. (Pyrceval must have always had reservations about joining our group, as I can’t imagine the Kobold’s death was the true reason. He hasn’t seemed that ‘queasy’ about dealing death in the past. Of course I’m sure he didn’t like Solmar’s total disregard of him. Regardless, I think it was a convenient excuse.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Skif determines the Chief had a magical chain shirt and a mundane gem embedded in his empty eye socket. Crucifer confirms that the gem encrusted magical throne was in fact a permanent illusion over a base rock formation. Solmar asks that we leave the Chief's body on the throne before we leave the tunnels. He also asks that we write a message in the Chief’s blood, I write in draconic, “This is the fate of those that consort with Demons. Let the next leader make better decisions! Signed Solmar servant of Helm.” With these acts, Crucifer proclaims his satisfaction with having joined the party. He states earlier decisions to avoid conflict had raised concerns about this group being ineffective or unwilling to do what is necessary! (Solmar seems to have taken this quite personally – immediate executions and gory messages. I guess he feels Helm authorizes him to be sheriff, judge & executioner. I have no personal qualms regarding the Chief’s death – he should have been concerned about dealing with us and not a so-called demon from decades ago. Likely Yensin just conjured up an illusion of a demon. And if not, perhaps Solmar acted impetuously by signing his message! I only wish Solmar (and Enola’s) actions had not forced Pyrceval to leave our company.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Crucifer detects two magical gems (transmutation and abjuration) placed in the archway towards the laboratory. Skif studies the archway and extracts the magical gems without triggering their effects. They are safely stored in his bag. Azura has a magical dragon claw (fancy grappling hook?) and attaches it to a rope and the Chief’s dead body. Azura tosses the body through the archway without triggering a magical effect. We proceed and Azura collects the body. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] When Skif opened his bag, the Leprechaun indignantly demanded, “What the hell are you doing; its hard enough to hide all this stuff from the Gith!” We suspect the influx of flowing water was not appreciated. He then says, “You deal with the Chick” and adjacent to him is the restored Succubus named Eludecia! She relates a story of being captured by a demon she had betrayed when becoming a paladin. In its Wraith it killed her, turned her bones to silver, and placed a ring of regeneration on her. That way she would remain in a dormant life state within the Gelatinous Cube as her flesh would constantly be renewed and destroyed. She asked us to release her from the bag. We obviously were concerned about the validity of her story. She agreed to patiently wait for her release, subject to Madge Madgerson, the Dwarven hostel owner, vouching for her previous actions (she was on pilgrimage to the Dwarven monastery when captured). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Before Skif closes the bag again, I present to the Leprechaun Madge’s adventuring journal I had purchased. I tell him while still endeavoring to free him from his enslavement; I hope this book could possibly entertain him. He thanks me. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We finally arrive in an antechamber to the end corridor leading to Yin Yensinee’s lab. The end corridor has a carved wall which looks like a Beholder (central eye is oversized and looks like it might open; 10 eyestalks, each capped with a gem). The antechamber is filled with trash, and we suspect an Otyugh lives within it.
[Mutteran] We return to the surface and the hostel. Madge does confirm Eludecia’s story (a memorable one about her body turning purple after drinking some of his special beer). Upon confirmation, we release Eludecia from the magical knapsack. Further discussions with Eludecia reveals:
[Mutteran] We asked Madge about Yin Yensinee, but he only recalls what we already knew. Yin Yensinee was the tribe’s leader upon his arrival in the area. Yin Yensinee was good with setting traps, but died shortly after he (Madge) arrived in the vicinity. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (Before we attempt the passageway again, Skif should cast his Stone Tell granted ability; perhaps the stones will tell us how to avoid the Beholder trap or what Yin Yensinee did to disarm it. DAMN, we should have thought of that while we were still there today!) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At the inn we observe and overhear a heated debate from another adventuring party. It seems to be made of a Dwarven fighter or cleric and leader of the group, and Elf in a cloak with creeping movements underneath it, a Halfling, and a Human. The Elf wants to seek out the Blue Dragon, while the Dwarf decides otherwise and leaves with the rest of the party. (For our own mission that is good; I’d hate to have spent soooo much time traveling here to find another adventuring group hot on our heels, or even a few days ahead of us!) Crucifer introduces himself to the Elf, who then introduces herself as Kyrin, a druid seeking to slay the dragon. On hearing of our own intention to confront and possibly destroy the dragon, she confidently says “Very well then I will accompany you”. Kyrin wears some type of magical plant armor, carries a long staff and bow. The others mention she is quite comely so I await the sparks from Enola. Kyrin states that this particular Dragon has yet to encroach upon her home in the Forest of Starmantle. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Most of this discussion occurred in the lower bar; the upper bar was being entertained by Pyrceval in ‘Perl’ form. Perl was performing an original ditty entitled ‘Solmar the Unjust Knight’ to some applause. On hearing this, Solmar leaves the lower bar and storms upstairs (at least it looked to me like an emotional rise had been reached). Shortly thereafter I hear silence, and a few minutes later Perl strikes up another more traditional tune. Solmar returns without saying anything. (Azura later confirms that Solmar threatened to ‘out’ Perl as Pyrceval. I think Pyrceval is lucky given how blood-thirsty Solmar has acted lately that Solmar didn’t just treat him like the Kobold Chief).[/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 11 Dec 2010 Where we left off last session
4 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] After our audience with the Kobold King, Quik lead us to a side corridor where the Skeleton Idol resides. Quik then says we must proceed on our own, saying “I’m not worthy yet.” He warns us that traps are in the area but doesn’t identify or disarm them (In hindsight, our confidence overcomes us. Why should this have been acceptable? We should have stopped and demanded an appropriate guide aware of traps.) Crucifer begins to detect magic continuously (damn, wish I could) while Skif slowly starts to search for traps. Alcove statues do appear to have been moved then affixed to new locations. Skif discovers a collapsing stone ceiling trap and Pyrceval uses his ‘immovable’ magic dagger to prevent the trap from triggering the collapse. We enter a 50ft tunnel covered with murals of mind flayers engaged in various types of attacks. While exploring the tunnel, a trap must have been triggered causing four large stone blocks to fall from the ceiling. Two prevent a return to the Kobold main chambers, one is blocked by Pyrceval’s dagger, and the other drops down partially blocking the alcove at the start of the tunnel. Additionally a grinding sound echoes through the tunnel and torrential rush of water flows down the corridor, covering the ground to a depth of one foot in a matter of seconds! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round3 Note: Round by Round details started at Round 3 (That's when the water started flooding these chambers): [Mutteran] Round4: [Mutteran] Round5: [Mutteran] Round6: [Mutteran] Round7: [Mutteran] Round8: [Mutteran] Round9: [Mutteran] Round10: Crucifer Detects Magic on the silver skeleton – it is not inherently magical but a ring on its hand is magical. I remain paralyzed and immediate teleport into the side passage (gnat attack continuing - Frighten check DC12). Solmar invokes Detect Evil on the Skeleton and knows evil is in the area. The water in the passage is now 9ft high. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round11: [Mutteran] Round12: [Mutteran] Round13: [Mutteran] Round14: [Mutteran] Round15: [Mutteran] Round16: [Mutteran] Round17: [Mutteran] Round18: [Mutteran] Round19: [Mutteran] Round20: [Mutteran] Round21: [Mutteran] Round22: [Mutteran] (Once my sanity fully returns, I am seething with anger (at the Kobolds and us)! We have been played the fool again by the Kobolds! There is no excuse for not either disabling the traps (if under their control), or identifying the location and nature of the traps if not. Unlike the dangers near the well entrance, their duplicity goes beyond just Quik’s possible stupidity or incompetence! They planned to have us die by their traps or the Gelatinous Cube, and to benefit from our riches in addition to continuing to annoy the hostel patrons. They’ve had no attention all along to agreeing to a treaty. So be it! I moving forward shall treat them as the vermin they are; they should be exterminated at our earliest convenience!) [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 27 Nov 2010 Where we left off last session
4 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] The party agrees to go to the Kobold aqueducts since Deepwood has yet to be threatened by the Dragon. Our intentions regarding retrieval of the ‘Silver Skeleton’ will have to develop as we understand the situation. Crucifer as an aside, whispers to me that one contingency is his charming of the Kobold chief. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Quik leads us down the well ladder. It seems welded to the floor of a large reservoir room with slow flowing water. Two Kobolds are fishing off a small ledge. Quik jumps into a raggedy boat built for one and rows to a side wall where the water flows out of the room. Solmar stands in the water and indicates the water is about 4ft in height. Suddenly something tries to grab Solmar around the ankle.
[Mutteran] Quik starts down the corridor. I follow and tell him to stop to get light for our group. He indicates there are none. We regroup and get a lantern lit before following Quik (I carry the lantern; Pyrceval has his light spell; Skif can also cast another light spell if needed). Quik leads us down a straight aqueduct corridor, created through Dwarven engineering, including stone statutes. Other alcoves and statutes are of lesser skill and are either extensions or modifications done by the Kobolds. Eventually we arrive at a throne room, where a one-eyed fat Kobold is sitting on a gem encrusted throne. Guards are posted at the entry of the doorway but let us through to the chief. Conversations ensue. Solmar donates the found gold coins and statuette treasure. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran]
[Mutteran] (Before our audience with the Chief ends, Crucifer informs me that the throne detects of moderate illusion magic.) I whisper to Solmar that he should ask directly about the Dragon but he whispers back “No”. I also suggest to Solmar that “we should get a lieutenant” to accompany us to the idol, but he thinks Quik might be for the best. [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 13 Nov 2010
25 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] During the evening, I speak to the Leprechaun in Skif’s bag (with Crucifer closely observing). I restate my intention to free him from his enslavement, and ask in the meantime what I can provide him in exchange for the services he provides (i.e. the daily access to my spellbooks). The Leprechaun asks for either a woman or something else to stop his boredom. I promise to do what I can for him. No encounters during the night. [/Mutteran] 26 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] Enola casts Lay of the Land spell again to prepare our way on the trip. No significant markings of note. We fortunately have no encounters during the day. At camp after dinner, I begin to study the gnomish wagon mechanism. The axle enters an enclosed gear box that I would need access to review the internal gears. Replacing a broken axle appears to not require the opening of the gear box. I try my magical sight, but the vision is blocked; perhaps its lead lined. I don’t want to risk damaging the wagon in transit by opening the gear box, so my investigations are likely at an end for now. No encounters occur overnight. [/Mutteran] 27 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] During our morning traveling, ~10:13am, Skif’s pony apparently stumbles with a hoof injury. He signals a halt and begins to check on the hoof while standing on the western side of the pony. Solmar walks forward to assist, and it turns out Skif spotted at least two humans on the eastern trail side in a rock outcropping with bows. Solmar informs the party and asks Enola to fire some warning shots. Enola shoots three arrows within about 2 feet of an ambusher while Solmar warns them off from attack. The ambushers scurry away without incident. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At lunch I cast the Circle Dance spell to determine the direction and condition of the Elven Mage, but I receive no information. Damn, he must either be magically protected from detection, on another plane, or succumbed to Enola’s arrows (if only she used poison on them). I’ll try again later in case he’s in some extra-planar space. Solmar also suggests that that Skif’s ‘hoof ploy’ becomes a standard message that he’s located something while scouting. No encounters throughout the day or evening. [/Mutteran] 28 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] At dinner I cast the Circle Dance spell to detect the Elven Mage but again without success. Damn it! No encounters throughout the day or evening. [/Mutteran] 29 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] Enola casts Lay of the Land spell and notices we’ll need to travel through some dangerous canyons. As we approach those canyons, we can here the sounds of a large rock slide. No encounters throughout the day or evening. [/Mutteran] 30 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] Crucifer flies down to the party around 11:04am, identifying that a steep, twisting ravine has been partially blocked with a rock slide. Sitting on top of the slide is a giant humanoid. Some stone cairns are positioned across from each other prior to the slide. Crucifer, exuding purple eldritch power, is spotted and challenged by a deep echoing voice, “Can I help you?” Crucifer responds in an intimidating manner saying, “I lead a powerful adventuring party, step aside or lose your mortal coil!” The creature, which turns out to be a Stone Giant, picks up a nearby tree trunk in his hands and says, “We’ve been watching you seven”. Crucifer less eloquently says “Shut up”. Skif indicates that at least three more Stone Giants are nearby, and Enola notices that the stone cairns are rigged to trigger an avalanche. Solmar initiates conversation regarding “peaceful travel”. The Giant extorts a toll to repair the trail of 200gp/person and Solmar quickly agrees. I volunteer to act as intermediary being the party administrator, and suggest half payment at start of work, half upon completion. The Stone Giant demand full up-front payment and also indicates the toll includes our animals. We ultimately agree to pay the 2,800gp toll. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At least five Stone Giants appear to work in the removal of the slide. It takes about one and a half hours for the path to be cleared. Towards the end of the effort, one of the Giants runs his hand over the slide rumble and smoothes the stone as if using a Stone Shape ability. We depart soon thereafter. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] As we setup camp for the evening Crucifer continues to challenge Solmar regarding the decision to pay the Stone Giants toll. He seems flabbergasted that we didn’t engage them, to the point of saying to Solmar, “I must shake off this stink of cowardice”. Solmar defends himself in three ways:
Solmar comments that this was an unusual circumstance and that each encounter should be treated by its own merits (I chime in that it was likely the first time we’ve negotiated away from a battle). Crucifer's angst subsides, although he does grumble about being used to working solo, and indicates he will abide by the party decision. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (I have to admit I enjoyed someone other than myself challenging Solmar. It is unusual when the other lemmings in the party speak up. I likely egged on Crucifer’s ire by saying, “a cowardly Paladin and his cowardly war horse”. To bad Pyrceval didn’t chime in with song! That said; I have to say I agree with Solmar about avoiding that trap encounter, if not for the same reasons. I found his arguments about ‘rights’ weak, but I recognized our tactical disadvantage. I would love to avoid all martial conflicts. I believe Crucifer’s militancy can be tied to his own tactical advantage of being able to fly. Finally wealth obtained but not spent is useless. Let’s use our assets to our advantage and avoid dangerous conflict! I’m starting to like Crucifer, now if only he’d swoon over Enola like Jusarian did and distract her negativity from me! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] No encounters for the remainder of the day. To amuse myself, I walk up to Solmar’s cowardly war horse and say ‘Boo!’ to see if it triggers its playing dead talent. No such luck and it sneezed on me! Hmm, I’ll have to escalate this testing routine. [/Mutteran] 1 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] Enola casts Lay of the Land spell without any significant landmarks. No encounters during the day or night. [/Mutteran] 2 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] No encounters during the day or night. To test Solmar’s cowardly horse again, I cast Fiery Burst adjacent to it. It jumps but does not play dead again. When I wake up this morning I find all the horses standing adjacent to the cart where I sleep (underneath the cart, while the rest of the party is in the Rope Trick space). Fortunately no excrement reached me during sleep. Hmm, I look over to Solmar but he maintains his normal facial expression. [/Mutteran] 3 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] Enola casts Lay of Land spell, and sees a building at an intersection where the hostel of Sacred Stone might be located. At 9:23 am, a column of 40 Riatavin soldiers marching towards us; at 50 yards the column splits to each side of the trail. Solmar hails them, and finds out from their leader, Corporal Frelong, that they have been dispatched to remove the Stone Giant threat along the trail (I was surprised that Crucifer didn’t comment about Solmar’s past rights argument.) He indicates there are no issues along the trail and we should arrive at the hostel of Sacred Stone before nightfall. Corporal Frelong has in fact heard rumors of a nearby Dragon but has seen no evidence of it. We continue along the trail. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At 4pm, we arrive at the hostel of Sacred Stone. One corner of the building is made of a huge boulder with smoke coming out of it. We meet Madge Madgerson, the Dwarven proprietor, and purchase bunks to sleep tonight, food & drink, and stabling for the horses. Madge is an ex-adventurer and seems pleased at our arrival. The odd stone making up the corner of the building is a sacred stone from the nearby ruins of a Dwarven Monastery. The stone has been carved to act as a chimney for fires. The hostel has a main and lower floor, but the lower floor is built for Dwarf size. Skif heads down to mingle in the lower bar while the rest of us share some drinks with Madge and collect some information. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran]
[Mutteran] During the evening, Solmar attends to the horses. When walking adjacent to the compost pile he sees a Kobold run from the pile to the nearby well. As he gives chase, another Kobold fires a crossbow bolt past his shoulder. The first Kobold escapes into the well, but Solmar captures the other by knocking it unconscious. Madge confirms his well is connected to the aqueduct system. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We interrogate the Kobold, named Quik. Quik doesn’t speak Common so I speak to him in Goblin and Crucifer translates for the party. The Kobold tribe lives in the Aqueducts and the chief’s name is Blast. The tribe is hungry as some collapsed tunnels seem to have limited their fish supply. While water still flows, the fish are missing. Quik indicates the tribe worships a silver skeleton that can move but doesn’t talk. He is aware of a Blue Dragon living in the North, and that the silver skeleton predates the Blue Dragon’s appearance in the area. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] On behalf of Madge, we attempt to broker an agreement. In exchange for limiting their presence at his hostel and agreeing to not attack his guests, Madge will offer the Kobolds weekly access to his compost area as well as a barrel of ale each month. Quik is excited about the offer but informs us only Chief Blast can agree to it. We let him go but tell him we expect him to return in the morning with an answer. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Before settling into my bunk for the night, I approach Madge about buying any books he might have. He offers me his old adventuring journal. I intend to spend the rest of the night reviewing his adventures. Perhaps I’ll learn more about the area or certainly his life, and in the morning activities I plan to present the book to the Leprechaun as a gift. Not as good as female companionship, but hopefully something that can distract him from his ordeal. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At Midnight a female Human, approaches Solmar while he is watching the hostel grounds. She introduces herself as Aishapra - Proclaiming herself an agent of Hezrial (some Celestial Angel). The Kolbold’s “Silver Skeleton” is actually the bones of the Angel’s lover Eludecia, and he wants them returned to him. She will return tomorrow night, and offers Solmar 10,000 gp for the remains return. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran]At 2:00am Solmar notices continued Kobold activity near the compost pile. [/Mutteran] 4 Jularva 1004 [Mutteran] At 6:00am Quik climbs out of the well with Chief Blast’s answer, “Chieftain says you can come talk to him - Only he can make deal.” While Quik awaits our answer, we discuss whether to proceed to Deepwood as planned, or deal with the Kobolds. Solmar then tells the party about his night encounter with Aishapra. Solmar, or was it Pyrceval?, recalls a legend about a succubus (chaotic evil outsider) Paladin with the name “Eludecia”. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We decide to seek divine inspiration. Skif casts augury asking whether it would be beneficial to immediately investigate the Kobold aqueduct. He gets a mixed response of both weal & woe. He next casts the more powerful divination spell with the question, “Should we return the silver skeleton to the agent of Hezrial known as Aishapra?” The response he receives is “Overcome the danger and gain a powerful ally.” (That’s why I like arcane magic and relying on yourself rather than divine magic. Could the answer have been a little more direct? Perhaps Skif is not in “good standing” with his god, thus the skimpy answer; unlike Quinton I rarely see him proselytize or pray prior to casting his spells.) [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 30 Oct 2010
25 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] Round 1: I throw an Orb of Fire and badly miss over Earth Elemental #4's shoulder. Pyrceval casts Mirror Image and has four images appear around himself. Earth Elemental #1 hits Solmar. Azura breathes a cone of cold on Elemental #4. Elemental #3 hits Enola. Skif quicken casts a Summoning of a Rhek and has it attack Elemental #2 while he casts Fly on himself. Crucifer invokes an Eldritch Blast at Elemental #3 with the hope that some gradual fear component affects it. Elemental #4 strikes Azura twice, and takes residual damage from Azura’s cold shield aura. Enola hits Elemental #3 with 3 arrows but for insignificant damage. Solmar steps away from his combatant to drink a potion of Shield of Faith. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 2: Crucifer invokes another Eldritch Blast at Elemental #3. I cast Stoneskin on Azura. Skif flies over to Solmar and quicken casts Cure Serious Wounds on him, followed by an Aid spell. The Rhek misses Elemental #2. Elemental #1 hits one of Solmar’s horse which immediately falls to the ground (turns out Solmar’s horse tactically, or cowardly, plays dead for the remainder of the combat. I think its “war” horse moniker should be officially removed). Enola hits Elemental #2 with a dragon breath arrow causing it to burst into flames; she hits Elemental #1 with a dragon breath arrow but it doesn’t burst into flames. Azura hits Elemental #1 by throwing his hammer, then using his magic to have the hammer immediately return to him. Elemental #1 steps toward Azura and hits him, knocking him back 10ft and prone. Elemental #2 extinguishes the flames on it and hits the Rhek twice. Pyrceval begins inspiring courage with a song. Elemental #3 hits the remaining images of Pyrceval. Solmar dismounts and hits Elemental #1 but for no damage. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 3: I Sudden Maximize a Fireball engulfing both Elemental #1 & Elemental #2, and killing the Rhek in the process. Crucifer casts Eldritch Blast at Elemental #3. Elemental #3 melds into the ground; Crucifer suspects his fear effects impacted the Elemental. Elemental #2 misses Skif. Enola hits Elemental #1, #2, and #4 with dragon arrows but none catch fire. Azura breathes another Cone of Cold on Elemental #4. Skif summons a Rhek who attacks Elemental #2 to no effect, while Skif pulls out his crossbow. Pyrceval uses his ring of Cure Light Wounds to heal himself. Solmar hits Elemental #2 to no effect with his sword and little effect with shield. Elemental #4 hits Azura twice taking residual cold damage. Elemental #1 hits Solmar once. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 4: Crucifer casts Eldritch Blast at Elemental #4 and flies toward him. Pyrceval casts Invisibility on himself. Enola hits Elemental #2 with dragon breath arrows but it didn’t catch fire. Elemental #1 critically hits Solmar. Elemental #2 hits the Rhek twice killing it. Solmar cures himself with his lay on hands ability. Azura heals himself with his Touch of Vitality ability, and initiates a Barbarian rage. Skif quicken casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Solmar and readies his crossbow I cast Fireball on Elemental #1 and #2 again, #2 seems more impacted by the spell. Elemental #4 hits Azura and knocks him back prone. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 5: I cast my third Fireball on Elemental #1 and #2. Elemental #1 misses Solmar. Pyrceval takes no action. Enola hits Elemental #2 twice with dragon breath arrows and it catches on fire, and once against Elemental #4 (no fire damage). Solmar hits Elemental #2 three times for insignificant damage. Elemental #4 attacks Azura as he stands up within its attack threat range. Skif casts Searing Light against Elemental #2 and kills the Elemental, then quicken summons a Fire Elemental which hits Elemental #1. Elemental #4 misses Azura. Crucifer swoops down into Elemental #4 range and gets hit, then invokes via touch a Curse of Despair (Hopeless) on the Elemental #4. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 6: Skif hits Elemental #1 with an acid arrow, and his Fire Elemental misses with its attack. Crucifer invokes another Curse of Despair (Ignominious) on the Elemental #4 then flies up out of range. Seeing Elemental #2 disappear as typically done from a summoning spell, Enola scans the field looking for a mage; she finds one on a nearby ridge line! She swift casts Guided Shot and then hits the hidden mage with two arrows. Pyrceval spots the mage and cast Blindness at it. I look for the expected mage but couldn’t spot it; I then cast Magic Missile on Elemental #4. hits Elemental #1. Elemental #4 hits Azura twice and looks as if a strong breeze could finish him off. Elemental #1 hits . Azura misses Elemental #1 with his attack. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 7: Pyrceval drives the cart around to get close to Azura, jumps off the cart to get within touch range, and has Elemental #4 miss him. Pyrceval then casts Cure Serious Wounds. (This is the bravest act I’ve seen of Pyrceval to date!) Crucifer invokes an Eldritch Blast at Elemental #4. Skif quicken casts Spiritual Hammer but misses Elemental #1 but hits it with an acid arrow; his Fire Elemental misses it. I cast Dimension Door to the vicinity where the mage was, and see an apparent study approximately 25 ft away – floor and back wall 15ft high but no side or front walls, with study furniture. Inside the study stands a well dressed Moon Elf facing towards the back wall. I’m disoriented from the Dimension Door and can not act. Enola moves her horse up towards the ledge, jumps off the horse, runs forward. She takes a quick shot at the mage but misses with her arrow. Without turning around or apparently casting of a spell, the study, Mage, and remaining Elementals all disappear. The disappearance included a ‘wooshing’ sound of air displacement slightly different than that of a teleportation spell. Enola saw some tracks but they quickly end with no further signs to follow. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We group up and begin healing those that are wounded especially Azura before his battle rage ends. Confirming a mage attack against our party only seems to raise more questions. (Paranoia abounds. I think it unlikely that this was a random ambush and not specific to our group; equally unlikely is this mage tracked us all the way from Whillip. I wonder if this could be a preemptive attack from a competing adventuring crew, but why only a single mage? That mage must have some significant magical items or he didn’t act alone. Casting a single summoning spell to be capable of four huge Elementals would require a mage capable of casting a 8th level spell!) [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 16 Oct 2010
16 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] We meet at lunch and agree that Crucifer can join the party. Immediately after lunch we start our journey again. It looks like Crucifer isn’t affected by heat and can in fact fly without need for rest. Hopefully the heat will abate by tomorrow as without Belt it will be more difficult to protect the party and all animals with the Endure Elements spell. We had no encounters during the day or evening. [/Mutteran] 17 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] We decide to forego the Endure Elements spell, as it would be difficult to protect us all. Early in the morning a caravan passes going north. I attempt to scry into the covered wagon but see nothing but darkness. Solmar engages them in conversation and learns they were attacked by bandits about one half week ago. The caravan easily fought the ambush off. We travel until 2pm, but the heat remains exhausting and dangerous. We’ve decided to switch to night travel and rest during the hottest part of the afternoon sun. I also discuss with the group the casting of Rope Trick instead of Leomund’s Secure Shelter. The Shelter doesn’t have temperature controls and has become stifling. Rope Trick can fit the whole party, but Solmar and whoever is on watch will remain outside. The extradimensional space of the spell will protect the party from the heat. For as long as I can endure the heat, I will camp out under the cart instead on my spell. I will switch spells tomorrow morning! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] During rest & dinner, Crucifer asks about how the Leprechaun is associated with Skif's knapsack. Skif doesn’t know (the item was a gift to him by Quinton), and allows Crucifer to talk to the Leprechaun. It turns out the Leprechaun was forced into permanent bondage by the mage that created this magical item. He doesn’t seem to recall how long he has been bound to it, but he would eagerly accept release from his enslavement. Crucifer promises to do what he can for the Leprechaun, and asks Skif if he would accept an exchange in similar magical items in the event a method to free the Leprechaun is possible. Skif agrees. I tell Crucifer I’d be willing to assist in this endeavor. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (I find myself appalled with my own disregard for the nature of Skif’s knapsack and the Leprechaun’s slavery to the item. My ignorance is no excuse as I’ve experienced first hand the evils a powerful mage can perform. The practical benefits of the knapsack blinded me from rational consideration; I likely should have assumed a nefarious arrangement! I must make some arrangement with the Leprechaun for use of the item or make arrangements to carry/store my items elsewhere. ) 18 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] No issues throughout the day or evening. We have begun to travel in the evening and early morning to allow the mid-day heat to occur during our rest period. I am now casting Rope Trick when we camp. [/Mutteran] 19 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] At 10:00 am we arrive at a small farming village and in the distance we see our next landmark - the land bridge. Since it was an hour or two prior to rest, we decide to camp early. Solmar speaks with Bjord, a local farmer, who offers the use of his barn to our group. In exchange, I offer him a gold piece for the respite (food and shelter). Late in the evening after resting, we continue our journey, with Bjord having provided us extra supplies of vegetables in our cart. [/Mutteran] 20 -25 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] After crossing the bridge early on the 20th, we continue our travels. The weather seems to be slightly cooler although it is still extremely hot. We slowly begin to adjust our travel again to a day schedule, assuming the heat will soon break. We are also arriving in the hills/mountains of Snowflake and expect colder temperatures. There have been no issues of note throughout our travels. [/Mutteran] 25 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] The monotony of travel is broken up around 1:48pm in the afternoon by… [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 02 Oct 2010
16 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] Distribution of the monetary and magical items continues to be the main discussion at breakfast. The party - even prior to eating breakfast, heads over to Rodger’s Emporium to have Solmar use his diplomatic skills to negotiate the sale of the Orc tribe attuned magical items. Rodger - after listening to Solmar’s plea, offers 25% of the gold piece value for each item, and 100% of the regular value for any other magical item. Solmar looks prepared to speak when Azura and Skif proclaim “Great we’ll take it” and “Wow that’s a lot of money”. Solmar can show emotions, as I’m sure I saw a disgusted or irritated look for their lack of negotiating presence. We agree to the price, and indicate we’ll return after breakfast with various items for sale. (I had hoped for a price closer to 50% but the ability to sell immediately and all at once sways the whole party.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At breakfast we argue about the best way to distribute items based on Pyrceval and Azura joining our adventure in transit. Solmar argues a new concept related to risk/reward metric for the duration of the adventure regardless of when the material wealth is found. I represent our past position of distribution based on participation at the time the party gained the material. (The usual rest of the group are lemmings allowing the discussion to continue and ultimately ready to be pulled by the nose by Solmar.) Fortunately, Belt chimes in, asking why we would consider a change in policy from that used after our Firestorm Peak adventure. Solmar acquiesces once Belt speaks up and asks for party vote. Majority agree with Belt’s recommendation (I quickly make sure to call it ‘Belt’s idea’ as otherwise Enola’s contrarian nature would automatically have her vote against any of my ideas. I will certainly miss Belt, at least in regards to how he was at least an opportunity to balance out Solmar’s ill-reasoned recommendations at times.). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Items are distributed according to various interests; including auction bidding on items such as the Charisma Cloak, Ring of Protection, and multiple Amulets of Natural Armor. An individual full share netted approximately 60,000 gold pieces, with the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights fund receiving a double share – assuming Rodger has sufficient funds! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We are interrupted during breakfast by a Star Elf who approaches our table asking if we are the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. He’s scrawny and tall, but does have an amazing cloak made of shadow (Skif becomes fascinated with it). He introduces himself as Crucifer, a warlock with fey bloodlines and commitments. It seems that Quinton had mentioned our quest to him, and Crucifer has been following us ever since ‘seeking the heart of a true dragon untouched by magic or sword’. He also indicates seeking Solmar at his barracks before leaving. I test him by saying ‘So you spoke to Solmar’s mentor Gunther?’ Crucifer at least replies with the correct name of Garivek. He indicates he has many wondrous powers; including the innate ability to fly without need for rest. He agrees to temporary ally with the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights on this quest and to follow the tenets and constraints of our Concordium. We ask him to return at lunchtime, where we’d provide him our final decision. We also indicate that we would be leaving town immediately after lunch. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (I am suspicious of Crucifer. Why travel to such distances to band with our group? He certainly dropped enough names, but did he really talk to Quinton and Garivek? He should have received an introductory letter or better yet had Quinton do a Sending to one of us with his personal introduction. I’m interested in seeing him participate, especially with Belt leaving, but his story doesn’t ring true.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] The party heads over as a group to Rodger’s Emporium and surprisingly Rodger has no issues with paying for all the items – in adamanite coin. We return to the Inn where Belt takes his portion and prepares to leave the party. Belt casts a Sending to Captain Veyatar of the Skyship Artarius about transferring the Skyship reservation to anyone from the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights which conveys the password of ‘Perl’ to him. The captain responds by confirming this message, and requesting written acknowledgement be mailed to him. Belt thereafter bids us the blessing of Fharlanghn and leaves us. [/Mutteran]
[Mutteran] With Belt’s absence, Solmar indicates a party officer position (Administrator) must be filled. Since Skif and I are the only remaining eligible party members, seems stupid to go through an official drawn out process. Skif says he doesn’t want the responsibility and I’m willing. Solmar demands “due process” so we get to hear ‘diva’ Enola pontificate about not trusting either Skif or myself. Ultimately all but Enola vote for me, so I’m the new administrator for the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. (I miss Jusarian; hopefully Crucifer will look askance at Enola and refocus some of her unjustified ire beyond just me.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Last minute activities in town:
[Mutteran] (Three observations regarding our interactions with Rodger the mage):
Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 18 Sep 2010
12 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] The dawn broke early, and during our standard morning rituals, we could already feel the heat beginning to assault us once again. Skif, Skif, and Enola went about casting Endure Elements on all of us and the horses to escape the oppressive and dangerous sun. I know that Enola and Belt have both stated that the heat wave, while unusual, isn’t an unnatural occurrence… still, I have my doubts. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] The day passes uneventfully through the mid-day meal and dinner, with both Skif and Solmar taking time to immaculately groom the horses while some of the others (myself included) engage our new traveling companion Azura in conversation, discussing his background and a more detailed view of his varied talents as a silver dragon Shaman (I find his innate abilities intriguing, although I’d never succumb to that type of slavish devotion to gain power). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We prepare for the evening’s rest after the evening meal, and we take our turns at night watch out of the Secure Shelter as another night on the road passes, thankfully, without incident. [/Mutteran] 13 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] The heat wave continues unabated as we prepare for the day’s travel. Morning prayers are spoken, we receive our protection spells against the elements, and after a brief and quiet breakfast, our intrepid band once again heads South. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We ride undisturbed throughout the morning and early afternoon, and stop for the mid-day meal… which passes quickly and without much conversation. I can feel the wear of the road beginning to take its toll on my companions, and myself also. Even though it was necessary in almost all respects, I think we may have spent too much time in Whillip and grown accustomed to soft beds and rich food. The attitude of the party is one of anxiousness and a growing frustration that the trip is taking too long, and I fear that the extended time on the road is sapping their resolve – which makes me nervous. When people get frustrated, they tend to get sloppy... and the last thing we need when we may have to face a dragon is a bunch of dulled blades. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At approximately 2pm, we encounter a party of three adventurer-types approaching from the South. We hail them and engage in a brief discussion, trading information and experiences. They are Drelden Blackmoore, a Human cleric of Ilmater, Quinpeth Lyresta, an Elven mage, and Brool, Half-orcish warrior of Torm. They seem to have a more mercenary bent to their travails, as they look sour when we inform them that Gamorette’s bounty has been collected, yet make neither comment nor commendation on the defeat of his evil. I find that to be a bit strange, as from my experiences, worshipers of Torm and Ilmater don’t often seek personal rewards for their services – but who knows, maybe they’re questing to raise funds for an orphanage or some such thing. We continue the discussion, and they inform us that they hail from the West and had initially come to this area after hearing word of a Dragon in these parts. They tell us that they haven’t encountered anything recently on the road South, while we regale them with our exploits with evil Gnomes, undead, elementals, Wemics, bulettes and hungry rocs. The groups part ways amicably, wishing each other good fortune. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We continue South unabated, and stop for the evening’s rest. I’m very happy to have two nights in a row of undisturbed sleep. Well, virtually undisturbed. Even though he doesn’t snore in the literal sense, Azura’s huge, deep breaths while he sleeps are almost as loud. Maybe I can research a personal silence spell sometime… [/Mutteran] 14 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] We wake and prepare for the day’s journey, and immediately two things are brought to our attention: One, the heat feels like it may be abating somewhat. Although it’s obvious that the protection spells are still necessary today, we all feel a slight tinge of relief that the heat wave may soon be over. And two, even though it was mainly unspoken, everyone had various doubts about the party we encountered yesterday. After we get back on the main road, Enola backtracks them as we head South. She discovers nothing out of the ordinary and we’re left with the conclusion that they are who they said they were. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At approximately 10am, we come to the Trade Road crossroads. The signpost shows Riatavan to the West and Lheshayl to the East. After consulting our map and a brief discussion, we all decide to head into Lheshayl, which is a 1-day ride from the crossroads. At approximately 3pm, we encounter a small caravan on the road heading from the direction of Lheshayl. We move off to the side of the road to allow the three large covered wagons to pass, giving and receiving a brief greeting. To my surprise, we see no other travelers the rest of the day before stopping for the evening’s rest. As we set up camp, we can see the faint glow of civilization to the East, which seems to pick up everyone’s spirits. Three nights in a row of blissful quiet?! Thank the Gods! [/Mutteran] 15 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] As we awaken and begin the morning routines, we can all now definitely feel a break in the heat. It’s slight, to be sure, but noticeable. With that, and the prospect of making it into the city today, everyone is in a much better mood. Even Solmar seems to have more spring in his step! After a quick breakfast, we eagerly hit the road and make it into Lheshayl approximately two hours later. Pyrceval decides to switch into the Perl persona on the way, and in a few minutes work, the he is now a she. It’s quite an interesting process to watch, and I’m amazed at just how few changes in the physical sense actually happen – a few adjustments in the way his flesh is moved around and hoisted up, a little color on the face and a more feminine affectation in the way he carries himself – and we have ourselves another female in the party. Of course, the true reason he pulls it off so well is his acting, which is flawless. I’m still sometimes a little skeptical of Pyrceval’s usefulness in our fights, but I have to admit, he’s very entertaining to have around. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We reach Lheshayl… and what a disappointment! I was expecting a city, not this… cow-town! Or more correctly, a horse-town. After flagging down a hayseed… er, citizen, we find the Lazy Eye Saloon (which is, to none of our surprise, the biggest building in town) and proceed to shake the dust from our boots and gather some intel. As its mid-day, we order food and drink and reserve rooms for all of us for the night, which will cost approximately 15 silver each. We pay the owner of the saloon 20 gold… which makes his aforementioned lazy eye swivel around in its socket happily. After that, he’s more than willing to give us the layout of the town and whatever information we seek. During lunch, plans are quickly made for Solmar and Belt to visit William, the town sheriff, while Skif and I will check out the House of Healing, run by Old Man Griswold. We’re told that Lheshayl is famous for its transit beasts, so Enola and Azura decide to check out the horse-pens for anything interesting, while Perl persuades the innkeeper to set up and play for coin, in appreciation of his generosity. We’re told that there’s a mage in town by the name of Rodger who runs a magic Emporium. However, the innkeeper calls him “Crazy” Rodger and indicates a fairly low opinion of his “wondrous powers” – I’ll see that for myself, thank you! I’m also very happy to learn that there’s a bath-house in town called The Rose Stop, and plan to spend much time and coin there if its worthy of either. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Just as we’re finishing lunch, a group of four adventurer-types (two Humans, a Dwarf and an Elf) enter the saloon and head straight for our table. We notice right away that they’re all wearing holy symbols to Fharlanghn as they stride purposefully up to us and, in a grave tone, request to speak with Belt in private. Belt agrees to a meeting, and they all move into a back room for privacy. We begin speculating on the situation, but in a surprisingly short time, Belt and his colleagues return. All of their moods have changed dramatically – the four travelers, who arrived grim and desperate, now look considerably relieved... while Belt now looks pained and distraught. He informs us that an emergency has arisen in the church, and he must attend to it personally - and immediately! That odd chorus of clunking sounds was our collective jaws hitting the floor. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Belt, obviously in distress and agitated, further shocks us by insisting that he take his share of all party monies and items with him now! He states that he’s leaving in the morning and can’t wait for the group to return to Whillip and do the usual routine of separating items and coins, bidding and whatnot – that his funds may be needed by the church and he has to make them available right away. The others in the group, perhaps too stunned to realize what’s going on, numbly assent. Well, I’m sorry for his trouble… but Hells no! We have NO idea what we’re dealing with here when it comes to identifying the DOZENS of magic items we’ve picked up since we left Whillip, as the one mage in town who apparently can identify them may be a raging loony – and who knows what he may charge us! Solmar and I heatedly discuss the ramifications of Belt’s demands, with he apparently not worried about whatever costs we incur as long as Belt is able to get his fair share before he leaves in the morning. Madness! I argue that no one in the party is any more important than anyone else, just as their reason for departing the group shouldn’t matter. If I got a wild hair up my rear and decide to leave in the middle of an adventure, the last thing I would expect the group to do would be to go out of their way to accommodate my demands. Besides, Belt is swimming in gold right now, so I see no reason why he can’t wait for us get back and make a deposit to his account. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] As the shock of Belt’s imminent departure from the group begins to subside and emotions ebb, we realize that there should be party rules and strictures to abide by in these types of situations – so we consult the party charter and find that this specific type of circumstance isn’t really covered. It’s decided that we need to first check with (Crazy!) Rodger’s Emporium to determine if he can indeed identify all the items we have – and if so, to make sure his prices are equitable. If we all agree that it’s in the party’s best interests to identify and split things up here in town before we leave, then so be it. If not, then I can see another heated discussion in our near future… [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We finally finish at the inn and all go our separate ways. My curiosity (and impatience!) gets the better of me and I tell Skif that I’ve decided to check on the magic Emporium first rather than the House of Healing. Skif wanders off and I hustle over to the shop. My first reaction when I walk in is that it seems more an apothecary than a magic shop – there are hundreds of bottles, glasses, jars and other types of containers everywhere… almost every shape and size and material I’ve ever seen, and some I definitely haven’t! I meet Rodger, who seems a bit eccentric but rational and friendly enough. Of course, I would expect the smelly hicks in this town to have no appreciation for the arcane arts or their purveyors – which they’ve proved by placing a “crazy” tag on someone whom they don’t understand, and probably fear. Pelor save me from ignorant prejudice! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Rodger indicates that he’ll be able to identify all of our items with no problem, and at a price of 100gp per property per item, which is considerably less expensive than having the items identified back in Whillip, even with my Guild discount. Of course, that’s if most of the items don’t have several magical properties within them – otherwise it could get very expensive, very fast. I give him a list of items and reagents I’m seeking, hoping that his prices are as good for everything! I pick up some flash pellets, golden desert honey, possibility dust, and primal essence – unfortunately all at the standard prices (not even a bulk discount!), but I can cross off almost half the items on my list. An unexpectedly good haul, as I was thinking this place would be a bust for me when we rode into town. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I see Skif on the main road as I leave the Emporium, and we decide to head to the Rose Stop together. I decide to go all out, and lavish in the luxury. A hot, floral bath… a massage with warm, fragrant oils… my nails trimmed and polished. Powdered and scented, almost an hour later, I feel almost normal again! Skif awaits me in the front room, still dripping from his bath experience – which he tells me was basically being hosed down and scrubbed with a washcloth. That may be enough for him, but not me! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Afterwards, back at the inn, I find that Solmar and Belt met with Sheriff Bill, to review the papers we found on the party of evil Gnomes. All three of them sign an official statement, bearing witness that the seal was broken in the sheriff’s office so it could be read. It turns out to be an official trade agreement between the cities of Teziir and Murann, signed by the governor of Teziir. They surmise that the courier was probably waylaid en route by the Gnomes and stripped of all his belongings after they murdered him. The sheriff considers the document worthless now, since the seal has been broken. Belt suggests the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights could return the document to Teziir in order to have it re-sealed, possibly acting as couriers to see the agreement through safely to Murann. Nothing is decided at this time, however. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Enola and Azura went to check out the town specialties: horses, other beasts of burden and travel means. They initially looked for exotic mounts, but were disappointed. However, the town’s stablery boasts at least a dozen different types of horse mounts, some very impressive. Cormyrian Destriers, Calimite Light Horses, Lhespirans, and other quality types catch their eyes, and they spend a goodly amount of time trying out the different breeds for speed, hardiness and size. Impressed, they make their way back to the inn to advocate picking up some new mounts. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Skif finds the Healing Hut to investigate their set-up and to possibly make some purchases. He is redirected to the nearby Supply Hut, where he picks up several new sticks of incense to be used in his prayer rituals and spells. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] As the rest of the group was out and about, Perl began playing and swaying in the inn. His/her “fascinate” ability seeps into the small crowd and soon suggestions are planted for several patrons to eat more, drink more and to go fetch some of their friends to come experience the best show they've seen in a long time. Unfortunately, in a mudhole town such as this, the best tips don’t amount to much… and even after a few hours of song, dance and frivolity, the tips don’t add up to more than a couple dozen copper pieces. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We sit and discuss the details of our separate ventures, and everyone is intrigued by the possibility of new, stronger, faster horses – which would definitely lead to a shorter time on the road, and I’m all for that! All of us except for Perl head over to the stablery and begin shopping in earnest. We meet a Gnome named Bingleshang Woo who entices our coin with the promise of a cart that won’t slow down the horses due to “special modifications” done to the wheels. None of our group have the mechanical knowledge to grasp exactly how it works, but after running the cart around town several times, it’s agreed that the cart is indeed a marvel. Flushed with our impending good fortune, the group loosens our purse-strings and we purchase the cart… along with a new Lhespiran war pony for Skif and Calimite light warhorse for Azura. We also find out that a blacksmith in town named Meeker creates high-quality horse barding, which both Solmar and Skif are interested in, but by the time we’re done with our purchases, his shop is closed for the evening. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We head back to the inn just before dusk, tired but in much better moods after the purchases. The plan is to pick up Perl and all head over to the Magic Emporium for identifying the items, but Perl says that “she” is staying at the inn to continue playing, as the crowd has gotten considerably larger and much more lively. We then hustle over to the Emporium just before nightfall. Rodger is true to his word about the pricing… although there are doubts to the specificity of his word. After a few trial and error identifications, we get a system and a rhythm down, and go through the entire pile. There are a LOT more items than I previously thought! We list them all and write Rodger a bank note for his services. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] As darkness takes the town, we get back to the inn just as the innkeeper begins shooing people out for the night. Perl attempts to convince him to allow the evening’s festivities to continue – as it seems like people are still having a good time and that usually means the tips will grow… however, the owner isn’t having any of it, and shuts it all down. We then all trudge up to our rooms, and flop into our beds – a busy day! [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 04 Sep 2010
11 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] No encounters during the day. We camp at night and have an encounter at 11:38pm (10 Boneclaws come out of the night). Round 1:
Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 21 Aug 2010
3 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] I start burning the bodies to ash once all their valuables are removed (and magical items detected). One of the Gnomes had a sealed envelope with a seal of Teziir (town mark). Solmar seems indecisive regarding opening now, until Skif offers to cast divination to confirm any potential harmful effect; unfortunately he is out of the material components to cast the spell. I say, “I want to say you are a ‘wuss’ for not opening but you were right about the Gnomes.” (I hope Skif gets bored and just opens the damn letter; explain the broken seal as a travel casualty.) We decide to camp early at this location. [/Mutteran] 7 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] In the morning, we begin our travel back to where the cart was left. We are agreed that the cart will be abandoned for speed in travel; we must return however, due to the horse barding and magical shield left by Solmar along with the cart. We pass the Wemic party butchering the remains of the Bulette. We’d love to barter for some Bulette armored plates, but they wouldn’t fit into Skif’s backpack. No encounters occur that day or evening at camp. [/Mutteran] 8 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] No encounters. [/Mutteran] 9 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] It’s intolerably hot already and its only 6am in the morning! My robes are drenched in sweat; I can’t imagine what my companions in armor feel. With this type of temperature, Enola and Solmar determine travel will be near impossible. We decide it would be better to look for shelter and water instead of traveling further on the trail. Enola casts ‘lay of land’ and confirms a sizeable stream approximately 4 hours off the road. In the third hour of our retreat, Skif falls down, exhausted from traveling in the heat; Solmar picks him up and places him on his shoulder similar to how a father carries a child. We make it to the stream of water at 2pm. I lay at the edge of the stream with only my face above water – ahhh, I feel blessedly cool! I refuse to move again until we must make camp – let Solmar guard us from any other creatures seeking relief from the heat. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Azura has some amazing innate magical powers. He can project various auras similar to a dragon’s aura. It this case, he offers healing for those within 40ft of him; at least those individuals that are more significantly hurt than healed. (I wonder if I could distill some of his blood – with his permission of course (necessary for the amount I’d likely need to experiment with). I’m no Glan Sarin!! This endless travel has me wishing for the creature comforts of Whillip and the Mage’s Guild laboratories. I now wish we’d taken the airship to/from. I must think of ways to limit my needs for monetary necessities so that my focus can be on magic itself.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Belt, Skif, and Enola determine that each have a sufficient number of Endure Element spells, so that all of the party and our horses can be protected by the spell starting tomorrow. Should this heat continue, and Enola predicts similar weather tomorrow, these spells will allow us to travel as we would normally. In fact, perhaps the heat will reduce the chance of encounters on the trail! [/Mutteran] 10 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] At 12:38am, three large Earth Elementals approach and attack the camp. Round 1:
[Mutteran] Round 2:
[Mutteran] Round 3:
[Mutteran] Round 4:
[Mutteran] Round 5:
[Mutteran] Once we break camp, Enola, Skifander, and Belt cast Endure Elements on all of us and we begin traveling. If you can imagine, the heat is even worse than yesterday! Thank the Gods for this spell! We find the hidden cart, barding, and shield today, and distribute additional supplies into Skifander’s backpack. We decide to camp at the same site. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] During mealtime, Pyrceval begins playing on the magical lute previously owned by one of the Gnomes. An apparent vision of a human barbarian walks up to our camp. He introduces himself as Bargrum, and tells us a story. How he and his comrades fought and died in combat with a Red Dragon. He mentions mountains, traps, and an immense hoard chamber. The dragon from his story was at least 100ft in length and spewed fire in great gouts. After telling his tale, this long dead warrior disappeared in a vaporous cloud. Neither Pyrceval or Azura recognize any of the characters from this story. [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 24 Jul 2010
3 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] Adjacent to the road, we hear voices. The party quickly moves through the underbrush and we see four Gnomes fighting a humanoid creature, with one of the Gnomes grappling it. We can tell it’s some kind of undead creature! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Seeing four Gnomes attacked by an undead creature, we engage: Round 1
[Mutteran] The combat continues. We continue our attacks: Round 2
[Mutteran] The Gnomes appear to be an adventuring party (two fighter types - One with a God of Mask emblem (possible cleric), one thief type; One bard type (carrying a lute)). They indicate they are traveling South in the same direction we are going. One of them in fact is a cleric since he references needing a ‘raise dead’ spell tomorrow for their companion. Meanwhile, Solmar continues to stress that they are evil and to be wary of them. I argue that we’ve worked with evil individuals in the past, but agree that we have no need to welcome travel with them (although Skif differs of course). The party agrees to wish the Gnomes well and depart separately. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (Solmar seems to rationalize that working with the Duergar, who are evil, was ok since a greater purpose or goal was involved; none is present here. I think it is how one acts in the moment or series of event that should determine whether you are ‘good’ or ‘evil’- of course I don’t have divine precepts to confine my actions. I think individuals could certainly take advantage of the ‘greater purpose’ rationale to explain away a lot of actions.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Around 11:00 am the Gnomes pass us on the trail while riding three phantom horses. Since that is a fairly high level spell which generates only one steed per spell, the bard must be a powerful arcane caster or they have a magical item aiding them. They quickly overtake and pass us on the trail. We continue on the trail until it is time to camp. [/Mutteran] 4 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] We wake up at 3am by Skif yelling that his backpack is gone. He sleeps with the pack as a pillow and had it when we went to sleep! (WHAT THE HELL^%#^&*@! My nightmare from the Roc encounter has come true! My spell books, and all the unclaimed magical items we’ve collected, reside in that pack! Something got past our watches, my alarm spell tied to the shelter, and in/out of the shelter without anyone noticing. Why the hell do we have watches anyway!? Can Solmar a Paladin of the v-i-g-i-l-a-n-t Helm for gods sake, ever spot something before it bites him or us in the ass!? For gods sake he never sleeps and he still can’t see/hear a damn thing! We’re lucky our throats weren’t slit while Mr. Vigilant was twiddling with his yarn or pavilion! [I start having uncontrolled shakes, almost as if I was trapped in the portable hole again. I begin muttering to myself…]) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Skif casts a locate object spell, but the backpack is not within range. Enola indicates no tracks are present in or out of our camp. Solmar and Belt raise suspicions that perhaps the Gnome group is the cause for our loss. (One good thing about Solmar being a construct – he does not display the flesh-living ‘I told you so’ tendencies; he’s only self-righteous towards his religious calling.) Pyrceval starts playing a ballad about the loss of magical items, but for some reason it has a calming effect on me anyway (…damn Bards…) After calming down from my hysterical fit (ok, if not calm, then perhaps ‘barely under control’), I start casting fiery burst over and over again at the camp fire remnants, saying 'After I get my hands on whoever stole the pack I will piss on their bodies and burn them to ash'. (If I had enough money I would pay for their return from the dead so that I could see them suffer and burn again). I just start chanting ‘Burn, Burn, Burn….’ Skif indicates he can cast some divination spells to determine who might have stolen our stuff. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Skif prays for his augury spell, which confirms that seeking the Gnomes would be a positive action towards recovery of the backpack. Skif then casts a second divination spell based on our current mode of travel to determine how to catch up to the Gnomes. His divine inspiration indicated ‘Travel as quickly as you can south along Giants Run Road’. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] There is no way we’ll catch the Gnomes if they continue traveling on their phantom steeds. Our only hope is after a certain distance they feel safe or need to stop and rest. The party agrees to hide the cart and horse barding for faster speed on the trail. Skif hides each in separate areas off the trail. Enola will check for tracks on the trail every hour or so, and we’ll stop if checks are missed. I ride behind Pyrceval and use my third-eye to leap-frog my sight down the trail. I hope to possibly pinpoint the Gnomes location. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Around 2pm we encounter a Wemic party; Belt and I approach and ask if they saw the Gnome party. They saw the group early in the morning down the trail on their phantom steeds. We continue for an extra hour of travel but the horse's fatigue forces us to stop. [/Mutteran] 5 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] At 9am a creature is running at tremendous speed towards us, even faster than the Gnome's phantom steeds. It is the same undead creature we had killed! This time, Skif and I identify it as a revenant. It passes us by without giving us any consideration. It looks like we have another source to track. (Damn. All undead should be destroyed as a warped function of life, although Solmar insists on distinguishing between evil and non-evil. What little I know of Revenants is that after their purpose is served, they are destroyed. Perhaps I can tolerant its delayed destruction. Especially if it is after the Gnomes (…burn, burn, burn…comes to mind)). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At 3pm, the body of a Goliath (~7’8”, 300+ lbs), clad only in a loincloth, is spotted on the side of the road. Skif casts some cure spells on the creature and Solmar confirms it is not evil. The Goliath introduces himself as Azura and says he doesn’t know what hit him. Enola indicates that the Gnomes tracks surround the area where we found him. All his possessions have been stolen by the same Gnomes we chase. He says he is a barbarian dragon shaman with spell like abilities. His mission is to meet all true dragons, and had heard rumor of the same blue dragon we seek. He professes to have no allegiance to any evil dragons. As a party we allow him to travel with us. I continue to use my sense eye to scan ahead of the trail. Camp that night is uneventful and without any extra shelter! [/Mutteran] 6 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] At 10am we encounter a large Wemic party (couple dozen hunting groups have converged). While we are present, a bulette erupts from the ground and seems trapped by the Wemic and thudhunters. We decide the Wemic need no assistance in their battle, but unfortunately a second bulette erupts from the ground in front of our party forcing us to battle: Round 1
[Mutteran] Curiously, the bulette didn't attack during the first round. Combat continues: Round 2
[Mutteran] The final round of combat: Round 3
[Mutteran] As the Wemic have killed the other bulette, we have no other reason to stick around. We pursue our quarry. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At 2pm we lose the revenant’s tracks. We backtrack half an hour and discover the revenant had left the trail. We discover a short distance away four dead Gnomes and the collapsed revenant body. Amidst the carnage is Skif’s backpack and Azura’s oversized belongings. [/Mutteran] Campaign Masters note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 10 Jul 2010
29 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] After the battle we loot the Orc band of its equipment and magical items and apply healing to the injured. Enola and Solmar attempt to find the Orc warband’s camp by Enola investigating their tracks. We decide to follow the tracks until they cut into the rough marsh area. (They are generally heading West in the same direction we travel.) Enola and Fang (her snake) find the Orc camp. Other than tents and miscellaneous items, there is nothing of worth in the camp. We stop for camp shortly thereafter and have an uninterrupted sleep. [/Mutteran] 30 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] No encounters throughout day and night. [/Mutteran] 1 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] 10:00am on the trail, a Roc dives toward us. I lie prone in the sagebrush; Belt casts Mass Aid on Solmar, Enola and himself; Pyrceval sings his song of courage; Skif announces he’ll cast Haste, and the rest of the party prepares for combat.
[Mutteran] I use my sense eye item to track the Roc into the nearby mountains, but then lose it. The last location was at least 7 miles away! We are at a loss regarding how to recover Jusarian’s body (and items). There is no telling how far the Roc may have flown, nor the travel conditions to its aerie. The party agrees to continue along the road and decide in the morning (with one of my circle dance spells) whether Jusarian is still alive. I argue that he is likely dead and suggest we prepare ourselves for that eventuality. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (Last night I privately spent additional time trying to evoke the magic from Gamorette’s amulet. I try skin v. non-skin contact; speaking Orcish, invoking Grummush’s name; saying a prayer to Grummush in orcish, and damaging myself with various instruments to see if the wounds heal (and subsequently healing myself with my belt. Nothing seems to work! I fear the item may only work for an orc or true follower.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (A shiver runs down my spine as I consider the recent Roc battle. Although our group is mighty, it reminds me that there are many more powerful creatures in this world that can easily harm or kill us if we are unprepared! I am concerned that if we encounter the dragon on it's terms, more than just one party member could be lost! We must have some advanced reconnaissance on either the dragon’s movements or den itself!) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (I then break out into a cold sweat! What if the Roc had taken Skif ?#@$%&! My spellbooks would be lost to me! (Ok, and a valuable party member lost – but again, let’s focus on what’s really important – the spellbooks. J) On return to Whillip, I must find a spell or item to keep my spellbooks in 'My' possession. I also must find a way to afford duplicate spellbook copies, although the time to recreate said books is likely prohibitive. One disadvantage of working with others is accommodating their impatient schedules. Damn, there is too much to do in Whillip – 1) Advance my training and spell knowledge, 2) Ambush and kill Arach-Nid, that bastard, before he gets me; 3) Find a way to address my perennial lack of monetary resources; 4) etc., etc.. Of course all of this presumes I survive our current trip!) [/Mutteran] 2 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] Enola casts Lay of the Land, while I cast the Circle Dance spell on Jusarian, There is no response from Jusarian – he is definitely dead. Belt and Solmar say prayers to their Gods for Jusarian and we sadly move on. Along the road, we encounter eight Wemic and ~8 Thudhunters. Solmar and I approach to exchange information.
3 Junta 1004 [Mutteran] Adjacent to the road, we hear voices. The party quickly moves through the underbrush and we see four Gnomes fighting a humanoid creature, with one of the Gnomes grappling it. We can tell it’s some kind of undead creature! [/Mutteran]
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 26 Jun 2010
29 Mavis 1004 The conclusion of our party's battle with an Orcish war band. Encountered on the road south, we became embroiled in combat when these Orcs made clear their intention to raze Gormvere village. Solmar did his best to dissuade them, but Orcs can be a bit stubborn. [Mutteran] Round 3
[Mutteran] Round 4
[Mutteran] Round 5
[Mutteran] Round 6
[Mutteran] Round 7
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 29 May 2010
27 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] After the battle we heal up and return to sleep. We break camp as usual and get a full day’s travel on the trail. [/Mutteran] 28 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] Enola casts her 'Lay of the Land' spell and confirms a nearby fishing village off a side trail , approximately one day extra travel each way. We agree it is worth the extra time on the trail to purchase additional provisions (yes, provisioning first!) or possibly meeting up with a trading company representative to gain our reward for Gamorette’s death). We find the side trail after a few hours travel and head towards the fishing village. We arrive at Gormvere village in the evening. The village consists primarily of homesteads with a cluster of six main buildings. After receiving some directions, we head towards Daisy’s Inn. At the inn we procure rooms, food, drink, and find the Vamos Trading Company has a representative in the village (Constable Mitchell). It being too late to see the Constable, we enjoy dinner and retire for the evening. [/Mutteran] 29 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] In the morning, we approach Constable Mitchell as representative of Vamos Trading Company. We present Gamorette’s body as evidence to be awarded the offered reward. Constable Mitchell surprisingly casts speak with dead and confirms the body is Gamorette (I didn’t see which divine God he reveres). Subsequently, he pays out the reward of 10,000gp to the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights bank account. He also mentions a Bulette has been active in the area. We buy six barrels of food for our travels (10 days meal per barrel) and immediately start on our trip again. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At 3pm, we encounter a war band of Orcs and some very large war dogs blocking the trail (and we notice at least two Orcs scouting in the nearby trees). We approach cautiously, but without hostility, and we see that the leader of this band is the same we had spoken to days ago in the hills. We tell the leader that we were successful in defeating Gamorette. When he asked for the body, we informed him we’d taken it to Gormvere to collect the Trading Company bounty. The leader turns to one of his commanders - who cast the Locate Object spell (which I confirmed via spellcraft). They discuss and then the leader confidently cites in Orcish; “Ok boys I guess we need to raid a village”. I quickly yell to Solmar what was said, and ask him what we are going to do. (Damn it! The entire group is perfectly in fireball range if we act now! I can feel the surge of heat within my body just asking to be released. I especially love the sound of fire when it first bursts into life). Solmar chooses to avoid an immediate preemptive strike, and tries to negotiate us getting the body or death confirmation for them. The leader ignores him and the war band begins to move forward. I yell to Solmar for a decision, and he yells ‘Attack!’ (Ah, free rein to begin the barrage; its unfortunate that the warband has now separated into two main units.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Round 1 (Ultimately a large party consisting of 19 Orcs, 5 very large dogs/wolves, and multiple spell casters.)
[Mutteran] Round 2
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 01 May 2010
24 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] The conclusion of our battle with Gamorette; the renegade Orc and his band of bandits. Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4+:
[Mutteran] After the battle we heal each other and pull the bodies together to collect materials and cast detect magic on them. Pyrceval also performs a bardic knowledge check. Gamorette possessed the following magic: hide armor (strong abjuration), spear (faint transmutation), 7 crystals, 2 potions, and amulet (protects him by making his skin thicker – holy symbol of Gruumsh – red unblinking eye – carved from a single scale of a red dragon). The Orc Berserker had 2 potions, 4 crystals, chain shirt, and cloak. The Bard had a necklace, 4 crystals, studded leather. The Orc warriors had 16 crystals total, and four cloaks. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Pyrceval requests temporary ownership of the spear. I end up with temporary ownership of the amulet. Solmar, Belt, and Skif all defer due to religious reasons (abhorrent to their respective Gods); Pyrceval, Jusarian, and Enola due to their elven heritage. (I understand religious constraints and certainly personal hatred or antagonism, but it doesn’t make sense to me to hate a race unto itself? It is the actions of the person not their appearance that should drive your opinions…) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I ask the group whether we plan to eliminate the remaining Orc rebels (anticipating a spell to be learned if we chose to pursue them). Solmar suggests that the head of the renegade band has been cut-off with the deaths of Gamorette, the Bard, and a fighting Lieutenant; most likely the remaining Orcs will return to their normal fold of life again. [/Mutteran] 25 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] No encounters. [/Mutteran] 26 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] We see a giant eagle thousands of feet up in the air during day travels (seems to be circling us). At evening it heads West towards the mountains. Solmar proclaims that an omen of good fortune. [/Mutteran] 27 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] At 3:46am in the morning, three large air elementals appear by camp. One tries to hit me while perched on the roof of our shelter, but I immediately teleport into the shelter before it strikes. Skif summons multiple celestial hippogriffs to protect us, and fires his crossbow. Pyrceval opens the door to the shelter and invites all to proceed before him. He does add his songs of courage to the party. Belt maneuvers out and maximizes his size, attacking and killing the nearest Air Elemental. Jusarian attacks with arrows as does Enola. I subsequently cast Many Jaws spell to harass the enemy. Enola kills one air elemental with her arrows. Belt attacks and kills the last one (he has taken care of two of the creatures). [/Mutteran] DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 17 Apr 2010
24 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] At 10:00am we encounter five Bezekira (Hell Cats). Only Enola can see the creatures even after they’ve attacked. (Enola, using her ‘see invisible’ ability, says they are glowing with light). Skif takes a massive charge strike from the hellcat (bite, front claws, and raking rear claws). Pyrceval and Solmar and I each take significant damage from attacks. The battle concludes with two dead Bezekira and three running away.
[Mutteran] After combat, we cast our various healing spells and continue traveling into a riverbed ravine. We haul the two dead Bezekira bodies in the wagon and in the evening I skin them. Their skin retains its translucent qualities even after death, perhaps making it useful once cured in some capacity. We eventually make camp at a sandbar in the evening. [/Mutteran] [Skifander] ... “Why can’t we just be together? Don’t you love me?” I don’t mean to, but I can feel the frown pulling at the corners of my mouth. The petite strawberry blonde smiles her knowing smile. “Of course I love you.” She gently brushes my cheek with the back of her hand, so lightly, I’m not sure if she actually touched me. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. ... [/Skifander] [Skifander] ... “But if I let you just have me, then how will you beat your many rivals? How will you keep your companions safe and away from danger? Who will detect the evil that lies in wait? Nay, you will strive to hone your skills like no other Gnome in memory. And when you are confident that Skifander Sun is the very best at what he does, THEN, and only then may he relax his guard and thus he may have his way with me. Until then, you must make every attempt to catch me unaware.” ... [/Skifander] [Skifander] ... “Just one kiss before you go?” She bends down slowly as her lips begin to pucker. Her perfume smells like horse and sweat. Her form begins to waver. I lean out of the bed with my lips stretching towards her, despite the acrid odor coming from her. I think to myself, for a kiss I’m willing to ignore her body odor for a few seconds. The coarse hair of her backside scratches my face. ... [/Skifander] [Skifander] I pull back and open my eyes to find… An Orc standing over my bed? [/Skifander] [Mutteran] At 10:52pm, Skif wakes Belt and I, indicating that a false alert occurred with the alarm spell, due to some raccoon running through camp (the rest of us must have slept through the actual alarm). I just settle back down to sleep since the alarm spell can’t be reset, when Jusarian yells out “Orc attack”. Enola wakes up, and between Skif and Enola, they yell that an invisible Orc is standing inside the shelter with us! Even worse, there is a large Orc shadow stretching across the door frame. Gamorette is standing outside of door blocking our exit. (Damn it! What the hell kind of watch are Jusarian and Solmar performing, to let an Orc sneak into the shelter! I’m seriously thinking we forego watches, all sleep in the shelter and have Solmar stand adjacent to the door to get us up when the attacks occur.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] The battle is underway, and the renegade Orcs seem to have the jump on us with a coordinated surprise attack.
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 03 Apr 2010
22 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] We travel and make camp without issue. [/Mutteran] 23 Mavis 1004 [Skifander] ... Standing guard and nearing the horses, a wash of lilac on the breeze assails me. It must be coming from the other side of the hut. Could it be her? My pulse quickens, and my face gets hot. It’s not daylight; it’d look like I’ve been drinking or blushing like a heart struck peasant girl. I dart out into the trees away from the scent to find cover and to circle around. I dart from tree to tree, wondering how she could have gotten so close to our camp. Did she follow us all the way to these mountains?... [/Skifander] [Skifander] ... I see her form through the tree branches as I make my way back towards camp, her strawberry blonde hair fluttering in the wind. My loins burn with passion. She’s between two trees, her attention on something in her lap. I will finally have her! Her back is to me as I sneak up on her, ever so quietly. As I reach up to grab her broad shoulders, I notice she’s sitting in a hammock and that her hands are moving two knitting needles together. My maleness presses into her rough lower back, as I reach up and grab her metal hard shoulders and attempt to spin her around. She is mine! She doesn’t budge. But she turns around and I scream as the horrid vision of its face quivers and starts to fade. ... [/Skifander] [Skifander] I sit up in bed panting, my hands shaking with cold and numbness, my stomach burning and gurgling, ready to heave up last night’s meat. Gods! Solmar in a wig? [/Skifander] [Mutteran] While on early morning watch with Solmar and Skif, our encampment is attacked by five Tall Mouthers. They are creatures with six long arms reaching 15ft or greater, and a body consisting of one large mouth, lots of teeth, and not much else. These creatures seem to have a hatred for Halflings and raccoons and scream profanities constantly.
[Mutteran] We eventually break camp and continue traveling. A large boar breaks through the underbrush as we travel past it, so it is put down. We decide to not butcher it for food since it make have been rabid. No other encounters occur during the travel, and we camp and await our nightly battles. [/Mutteran] 24 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] Nothing disturbed our rest, so we start traveling in the morning as normal. [/Mutteran] DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 20 Mar 2010
17 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] Enola sought to find tracks after the attack, but found nothing during the night. In the morning, she found tracks, but they ended abruptly (perhaps our opponent used some form of teleport spell?). Enola casts her 'lay of the land' spell to gain more information. We see that a farm is nearby and Solmar wants to confirm the farmer’s safety. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Approached the farmer who - after nervous introductions, mentions he loses a cow once a week (a little abnormal). Mostly east/south pastures are where the attacks occur, which happens to border the ravine. Enola begins to speak with animals - to his cattle. Enola discovers that the Goblin shaman, assistants, and Guulvorg have been attacking the farm. We leave the farm but after discussions, agree we should investigate. Our horses and cart are left in a barn while we investigate the last attack. We also leave Belt in the barn, as he continues in his damn fasting and refuses to eat. He lies down in the cart to ‘mediate’ and receive his ‘divine’ visions. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At the site of the farm attack three days ago, Enola is unable to find tracks. We suspect a hideout in the ravine, and I offer to use my ‘sense’ eye to scout in advance. I don’t see anything with my magical sight, so we approach the ravine. Enola and most of the party head into the ravine, and she does find four day old tracks. We follow for half a day, but then choose to turn back when no later dated tracks are found. We encounter Kobolds on the way back to the farm that inform us that Teziir guards have killed the Guulvorg. The Goblin Shaman was not killed. We inform the farmer that the beast is dead and we plan to continue our travels in the morning. He agrees to allow us to stay on his farm during the night. [/Mutteran] 18 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] During the day, we encounter a caravan of 12 wagons. Solmar engages with the guardsmen and informs them of the rumor of the Guulvorg’s demise. The caravan guard indicates they avoided some Orc raiders by going along the west side of the nearby mountains, instead of the normal Giant's Run Road. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At night, three air elementals set off the shelter’s alarm spell!
19 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] This inane starvation contest between Belt and Jusarian has finally ended. I and others continued to prompt Belt to eat, but his obstinacy remained constant. Belt asked 'why I direct my angst against him instead of Jusarian?'. I mention his inattentiveness or inability to participate in the last battle, unlike Jusarian. Belt indicates he is fine, and looks forward to more divine visions. I start to turn away, when surprisingly Jusarian ends the ‘bet’ and proclaims Belt the winner. (Jusarian is obviously in better condition than Belt so I appreciate his magnanimous ending of the bet. Truth be told, in addition to Belt’s condition I also thought Belt would see reason before Jusarian; obviously not!) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] At mid-day, we hit the Giant’s Run Road marker and begin traveling south into mountains. [/Mutteran] 20 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] (I speak to Solmar privately, suggesting that Enola has not been competently performing her spokesperson duties. He or I have needed to speak for the group too often. I told him I wasn’t ready to make a formal request for vote of removal, but would like him to speak to her as leader, or begin to take over spokesperson duties (or delegate others). He agreed to speak with her.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (Unbeknownst to all, Solmar spoke to Enola; indicating Mutteran felt she was not adequately performing her duties as spokesperson.) [/Mutteran] 21 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] In the foothills, an Orc with a spear stands in the path. Enola notices smoke in the distance – about 20 or more Orcs are encamped in the hills; a hunting or war party more than a local clan. The Orc asks if we’ve encountered Gamorette. When we say no, he heads over to the other Orcs and starts kicking one of the Orc trackers. He seems to want to catch Gamorette to prevent another Orc-Human conflict. We depart without issue. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (Unbeknownst to all this evening, Solmar spoke to Enola asking if she is prepared to fulfill her duties as spokesperson. She indicates she has been but Mutteran could have the job if he things he could do better.) [/Mutteran] 22 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] In the morning, we have a party discussion regarding whether Enola is fulfilling her duty. Most of the party indicates Enola has been performing the duties as expressed in the Concordium for the Spokesperson. The group agrees that the Spokesperson speaking responsibilities are essentially two-fold :Secondary in command should the leader be unavailable, and party representative when an official request is received. In any other circumstance there is no requirement for the Spokesperson to speak and any party member may lead the interactions without fault. With that clarification, I withdraw my concerns. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (This distinction seems silly and dim-witted. We should call the position Second in Command instead of Spokesperson if they will rarely speak for the party. With these constraints, I agree Enola has performed her duties, but it certainly is not how Solmar conducted himself as Spokesperson in the past. I’d much prefer A) less confusion, since now anyone in the party will speak in these informal settings (although usually Solmar or myself), and B) I’d rather Enola have the practice of conversation so that she is prepared for the more critical official interactions in the future. There is a reason she is 'So Damn Good' with her bow! She likes to be alone in the distance, concentrating her ire on the enemy. I can’t imagine she’s spent much time mingling with others and conversing. Why should she when she can strike them dead at 150 paces?) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] While on the trail, five Chimera approach us:
[Mutteran] As the chimera approached, flying from a distance away, one was killed before reaching us, another abandoned its attack. The remaining three landed around us. The Chimera nearest Belt breathed out a line of acid, striking out at Belt, Jusarian (dodged it), Pyrceval, Skif, two horses and the cart. Otherwise the party’s quick response killed the beasts before any significant damage could be done. [/Mutteran]
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 06 Mar 2010
13 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] Skif returns Enola’s sight to her in the morning, while Belt casts speak with dead on Gregor. Gregor does not want to return to life and is indifferent to his remains or possessions. Solmar calls for a vote regarding the House Guard status and we decide to escort them back to Teziir and end their services thereafter (our adventuring is too risky for their level of experience). We build a pyre and burn Gregor’s body (I’m unable to cast my fiery burst abilities since my fire spells have been expended). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Traveling back to Teziir will cost us about four additional days travel (2 days there, 2 days back). During the night a mid-category Air Elemental attacks the party; turning into tornado form near Solmar. Jusarian and Enola attack with arrows to some success, but my magic missiles appear to fully strike it. Solmar attacks it with his sword, but the creature lifts Solmar spinning in air. Belt runs into the dust cloud created by the creature to initiate melee combat. Solmar falls to the ground from 15ft high once the creature is killed. [/Mutteran] 14 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] Teziir patrol encountered mid-day. Nothing to report, although they seem eager to report our information related to the Guulvorg and Goblin Shaman. At the outskirts of Teziir, we encounter a fortune teller (Madame Elderone) and her assistant camped adjacent to the road. For 1 gold piece, the assistant offers to have our fortunes told. Jusarian is first to accept the offer, then myself, Skif, and Belt. Solmar and Enola decline the offer. While Jusarian is in the tent, I attempt to scry within using my Third Eye Sense, but something blocks my magic. Fortunes:
[Mutteran] We arrive in Teziir immediately prior to dinner. Jusarian appears enchanted with a female elven bard in the Merchant’s Inn, named Perl. (I guess he’ll seek the attention of any elven female.) After one of her ballads he practically empties his money pouch to her as a tip. He is definitely enamored with this one and invites her up to his room. I went back to the map-maker/sage but he only had legendary rumors regarding a Dwarven monastery ruin – damaged by either stone giants or an ancient dragon. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Jusarian loudly proclaims his love for Perl and recommends she travel with us – Perl subsequently sits at our table and casually removes her outwear disguise – she is actually a male Half Elf named Pyrceval! Jusarian professed his undying love to another MAN! (I for one don’t understand the discomfort? Does gender really matter?) It’s the first time we’ve seen Jusarian shocked into silence! Jusarian runs out of the room with a soul-wrenching scream and isn’t seen for the rest of the evening! [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Pyrceval offers a round of drinking on him. He professes great knowledge of the local area and that he likely has spent to long in Teziir already. He indicates the road beckoning to him and the more dangerous or adventurous the better. (I suspect he and Belt will be kindred spirits to some extent.) He asks to join us in our adventures; indicating he can regale and comfort us in our travels as well as provide adequate fighting and even spell casting support. We decide to defer our decision until the morning, but certainly Enola has a predatory grin on her face! [/Mutteran] 15 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] In the morning, Jusarian slinks into the common room ashamed to face the rest of us. Eventually, he returns to the party table as we decide to permit Pyrceval to travel with us as a provisional party member with similar rights. A decision to join the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights will occur post the immediate adventure. I tell Jusarian privately to don’t let this incident shake his confidence. It does look like he is somewhat back to normal, as he begins to needle Belt regarding their fasting challenge. Belt continues to express his faith; praising Fharlanghn for his strength. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We leave Teziir and restart our travels. [/Mutteran] 16 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] No encounters of note. [/Mutteran] 17 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] A large air elemental appears in the middle our camp early in the morning (could it have been summoned?). I immediately teleport out of the shelter and notice in addition to the air elemental, a source of light from behind the trees in the opposite direction. Solmar warns the party of the same.
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 20 Feb 2010
13 Mavis 1004
[Mutteran] Enola, Belt, and Solmar are on watch when the Guulvorg rushes our encampment. Enola yells out “Wake Up, Guulvorg attacking!” and begins shooting her arrows. Belt trips the built-in alarm spell associated with our shelter on his way to protecting the horses. He also triggers his enlarge ability for extra reach. Solmar readies his weapons and moves toward the expected encounter. The rest of us awaken between these two events and ready ourselves for battle with the Guulvorg. [/Mutteran] [Skifander] ...A faint scent of lilacs and musk are carried on the evening breeze. I can just separate her perfume from the sharpness of the green pine. I breathe in slowly, but fully, so that my nose doesn’t whistle… so deep that my eyebrows start to tingle making me a little dizzy; it is definitely her. My heart is pounding, telling me to run, but I move slowly over the dead pine needles and branches, no crunching or snapping to give me away, hugging each trunk before I chose my path. The light of her campfire gives her away as I approach with the breeze in my own face. It carries the smell of burning oak and possibly the fat of fowl. Her silhouette shows her sitting on a rounded stone, bent towards the flickering of the flames. I can hear the crackling and bubbling of the bird as well as smell her sweet perfume. I melt into the shadow of the tree as she begins to turn her head. I hear the distant sound of a bell ringing, coming from behind me. She looks in my direction but passes over me and then returns to her cooking. I rush the remaining 15 feet, knowing that the fire will hide any sound I might make. I’m caught, frozen with one foot on the rock she’s sitting on, one hand in her hair as I reach to grab her shoulder, as we both look down at my belt that is ringing like an alarm bell. She stands up quickly, as if frightened, backing out of my reach. The bell is ringing louder now and her form starts to waver. She smiles her crooked, knowing smile and raises her hand to say goodbye… I reach out to grab her before she fades… and start to scream... [/Skifander] [Belt] On seeing the Guulvorg, I strive to place myself between it and the rest of the party. While doing so, I make sure to activate Mutt’s alarm spell as well as enlarge myself, to take advantage of the additional reach of my arms. The wrath of Fharlanghn is about to be received by this creature who harms travelers on the road! The creature charges me and I expect to battle fist versus claw & bite when it suddenly stops short and its tail arches out to strike me from out of my range! The blow is tremendous, but Fharlanghn has made my body strong. How many more such blows I can withstand is unknown, although certainly the charge must have helped its strike. I call out to Solmar to quickly attend the battle! [/Belt] [Skifander] The word “Noooooo” rumbling in my throat makes me open my eyes. I can see the fire outside, through the door and hear someone say something like 'gullivore'. I hop out of the bunk and stare down at my belt (1- Damned unholy belt! We almost had her! 2- I know… I touched her hair). Through the window I see Belt run to the horses. He yells something… (1- Ugh! 2- Lilacs are still in my nose… 3- Get out there and kill something!). I shake the smell out of my nose and run through the door and around the hovel. I see the fanged lizard (1- Wow, that’s a big one! 3- Summon our friends quickly! 2- Right!); I begin to insta-summon a raccoon. [/Skifander] [Mutteran] The initial Guulvorg battle encompassed many rounds of combat, ultimately leading to its retreat along with its secret ally, a Goblin wizard or shaman. The Goblin wizard strategically attacked from the opposite camp side once most of us were engaged with the Guulvorg. The Guulvorg was even tougher than advertised, as it was immune to cold, resistant to fire, has 120ft darkvision, can make simultaneous attacks, automatically attempts an improved trip with a successful bite attack, and has 15ft reach with its tail. Highlights:
[Belt] I use my divine calling to cure myself of some of the wounds I’ve taken and step within reach of the Guulvorg to strike two fisted against its body! I think to myself, ‘by Fharlanghn's righteous wrath’ and my blows swing true. The beast then bites me, and I seem to be engulfed in teeth, blood, and Goblin stink. I cannot control my limbs or thoughts and the ground rushes toward me… [/Belt] [Belt] (The weights of any cares seem to be lifted off my shoulders. I’m in a valley with wild flowers and knee high grass which seems to extend in the far distance with some hills and mountains to climb afterwards. I look forward to this long journey. As I make my first steps forward, I get a sense that my past travel is somehow incomplete. I feel a pressure on my shoulder and…) I awaken to find Skif leaning over my body, hand bloodied by touching my wounds, completing a prayer to his Gnomish God. When he sees my eyes open, he seems to nod then begins pulling out his crossbow and leaves my field of vision. [/Belt] [Mutteran] The Goblin wizard retreats under its protective invisibility spell. Although the party could hear him step away, we couldn’t locate him. Meanwhile the Guulvorg begins a straight line retreat. Jusarian, Gregor, and I immediately follow. (My biggest concern being its regenerative healing powers and the possibility it could return full strength again.) I cast my last fireball spell at it, but although hurt it remains standing (Damn, my only options now are magic missile for long range or some close range spells like acid breath). Jusarian & Gregor must have moved up while it was distracted and attacked it. Before I see it run off, it takes another swipe at Gregor. He collapses adjacent to Jusarian but without any healing, I continue my pursuit (the Belt of Healing has to be consciously used and Gregor refused to be attuned to one anyway). [/Mutteran] [Belt] I see that the Guulvorg remains and Solmar, and Gregor battle it. I cast two simultaneous Fharlanghn's vengeance spells at the creature, but at this time I remain to weak to go forth in melee against it. Hearing of the Goblin wizard, I attempt to help in that battle, but first use a combination of Belt of Healing (created by Mutt) and my own divine prayers to heal myself to withstand some melee. The Goblin wizard has left the scene but I use a create water spell and my own body to attempt to discover if he lurks hidden nearby. [/Belt] [Mutteran] The Guulvorg jumps into a ravine and out of my sight line. I reach the ravine and immediate teleport to the other side (fewer obstacles). It is significantly down the ravine by now and disappears past a sharp turn. (Damn not having night vision!) I dimension door to the sharp corner but the ravine splits into two or three branches, and I can’t see any evidence of the Guulvorg. (This is the first time I wished Zeddishous was here for his wings and tracking ability.) I must give up pursuit and only hope we’ve injured the Guulvorg sufficiently to perhaps dissuade it from another attack. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] On my return, I find out that Gregor succumbed to his wounds and could not receive divine healing. (He was very courageous but equally foolish – disavowing magic and having limited armor protections?) I suggest possibly deferring the speak with dead spell until we arrive at town, but Solmar decides it would be appropriate to cast immediately. We will get what rest we can, and Skif or Belt will cast speak with dead to determine Gregor’s wishes, as well as remove blindness on Enola. Depending on the results, we may head back to Teziir to speak to the patriarch of Helm’s church. [/Mutteran] DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 06 Feb 2010
08 Mavis 1004 ~0800 [Belt] There is a trade caravan that we meet from the West as we head out. There appear to be injured in their midst. They let Solmar know that there are Hobgoblins and stirges which litter the area. Skif’s bleeding heart reaches out to the injured in the travel caravan and he goes to heal each of the four injured people. [/Belt] [Mutteran] We pass a trade caravan heading West; six wagons with various carpet and furniture items. A number of the caravan personnel were hurt and Skif chose to heal them before we departed. [/Mutteran] 08 Mavis 1004 ~1600 [Belt] The party comes across a group of 50 bombardier beetles as they were crossing through the road. Skif halts the party and then goes back to watching the creatures as they take an hour to cross the road. The party makes camp only to be held up by the soon approaching encounter. [/Belt] [Mutteran] Skif stops our travels and returns to indicate a group of 50 giant bombardier beetles crossing the path about 200 yards away. We do not pursue and decide to camp now instead of continuing to travel the extra hour. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Stopped for camp an hour short to avoid a large group of bombardier beetles crossing road ahead. Should be gone by morning. [/Solmar] 08 Mavis 1004 ~1800 [Belt] Three Goblin’s appear on the ridge and Mutt has now gone to talk with them in Goblin. They are asking for water as they have been without for five days. In exchange for the gods providing them water (through the casting of a spell), they offer us information. A creature called the guulvorg has been harassing and causing the local Goblin community harm, and it speaks Goblin. Rumor has it that this is it’s territory, and will devour all of the Goblins unless it is appeased. [/Belt] [Mutteran] Three Goblins approach the camp. I call out in the Goblin language and discover these scouts are part of a tribe following the migrating bombardier beetles. They request water and Belt casts a create water spell for them. We continue to converse, in Common now, and discover that a guulvorg has been attacking the goblins. Guulvorg is a huge magical beast looking like a black furred wolf. The Goblins have decided to surrender their territory and move elsewhere. Before leaving, I offer a gold piece for the Goblins animal claw necklace (worth only 10 sp). [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Camp approached by several goblins begging for water. Belt and Skif created water for them. They warned us of a guulvorg in the area, preying on their tribe. [/Solmar] 08 Mavis 1004 ~2359 [Belt] The party wakes up to the sound of flapping leathery wings. Belt tells Solmar, “There are a bunch of wyverns coming this way.” While the party slumbers in peace, Enola’s arrow passes through the creatures body, critically striking key vital organs. Solmar runs forward to grab his lance and yells “TO ARMS!!!”[/Belt] [Belt] Skif runs through the house and summons a pair of mighty celestial owls to attack these wyverns. One of the owls manages to charge the injured wyvern and claw at it. Enola then finishes off her wyvern as she manages to unleash three arrows which strike the other major organs of the beast, dropping to the ground in a pile of its own dragon blood. The celestial owl continues his attack on the mighty wyvern before succumbing to a falling death. It was Belt who called upon mighty Fharlanghn to bring it’s vengeance upon the wyvern. [/Belt] [Belt] As the remainder of the party continues to move around, Belt charges the wyvern that fell his celestial friend, who maximized his movement to strike into the wyvern's chest. Enola also kept on firing arrows into another wyvern, only to be challenged by Jusarian and his taunt “Let me show you how this is really done.” His arrows strike at the creatures wings and seems to hamper the now injured Wyvern. He finishes his taunt with “I don’t miss Enola.” An obvious ploy to flirt with Enola, it would seem. [/Belt] [Belt] The wyvern killed an emu only to have the party smite the Wyvern as it attempted to flee with the dead emu. Belt, Solmar and Gregor managed to kill the wyvern. At the same point, Mutt threw some fire into the remaining wyvern, burning it to a crisp. The remainder of the night passes will little issue. [/Belt] 09 Mavis 1004 [Solmar] Attacked last night by 4 wyvern. Killed or driven off, but not before an emu died. Mutteran insisted on butchering the emu and dead wyvern. Why all the hassle about what he eats? Food is food, isn't it? A nuisance I am glad not to be plagued with. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] Last night, three wyvern attacked our horses and remaining emu. We quickly dispatch them. I was able to recall a possible way to preserve the wyvern poison for possible apothecary use. I separate the tails and seal the cut ends; hopefully we can benefit from it. I also butcher the remaining meat for wyvern steaks, wyvern stew, etc. [/Mutteran] [Belt] A blessed easy day of travel with no encounters and no interest. [/Belt] 10 Mavis 1004 ~0530 [Mutteran] Enola casts her Lay of the Land spell again and informs us we should reach the town of Teziir prior to night’s end. Jusarian and Belt for some reason get into a macho ‘who’s tougher’ contest regarding who can go without food and water the longest. (Men will be boys - I’ve been in depravation situations and would never actively choose to place myself willingly in a similar circumstance.) [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Jusarian proclaimed at breakfast to be initiating a fast to toughen himself up. Belt questioned the wisdom of his decision, and Jusarian challenged Belt to see who could maintain a fast the longest. More food logistics unnecessarily complicating our trip. [/Solmar] [Belt] An encounter strikes just after Jusarian brags about not wanting to eat. Belt has decided to take on his challenge on who will be healthier by not eating. The knights who just got underway, come upon the slaughter of goblins. After healing six survivors of the Guulvorg, they now accompany the knights to the town of Teziir. [/Belt] [Mutteran] We encounter the remains of the goblin tribe. They were slaughtered on the road except for six survivors. Belt and Skif heal them and they indicate the guulvorg attacked the tribe. We invite them to travel the remaining way to Teziir. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Encountered goblin tribe from 2 days ago. Massacred. Only 4 survivors. Reported attacked by guulvorg. Accepted our offer of escort to outskirts of Teziir. Reported incident to Teziir patrol later. [/Solmar] 10 Mavis 1004 ~1000 [Belt] A patrol from Teziir comes to meet the party on the road to inform them that the Goblins will not be accepted in the town. [/Belt] [Mutteran] A Teziir patrol stops us and asks our business. Enola indicates that we are traveling through, but wish to spend the night in the town. The patrol leader permits us passage but indicates the goblins won’t be invited into the town. (As normal, Enola asks no further questions - …breathe, breathe, roll your eyes, breathe, breathe ...) [/Mutteran] 10 Mavis 1004 ~1200 [Belt] We have come upon Teziir where a group of creatures have set up a camp of a variety of creatures: Hobgoblins, Goblins, Giants, Orcs and some Humans who have all been misplaced. As we come into town, we find lodging at the Merchant’s Inn for 4 silver per day. I have been ready for a quick time to wipe the dust from my shoes and enjoy a chair. [/Belt] [Mutteran] (Walking through Teziir, I browse through the ‘Glittering Prize’, a gem and jewelry merchant shop. I elect not to purchase anything, but make sure I can recall how to return to this place sometime in the future.) [/Mutteran] 10 Mavis 1004 ~1300 [Belt] Skif and Mutt go to the humanoid encampment and Mutt figures out there are Storm Giants there. Borazon and Barillion (She has enormous breasts, I wonder if she would crush me?). They live in the Dragonmere Lake/Sea outside of town. [/Belt] [Solmar] Arrived in Teziir at highsun. After billeting in a local inn, I sought out local Temple of Helm to report in and establish official relations. Met with Patriarch Thyxlus Jon. Exchanged pleasantries, and after conveying state of church in Whillip, he gave me a sealed scroll tube to be delivered to Garivek after current mission is complete. I spent remainder of afternoon clearing the well at local orphanage. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] We arrive at Teziir to find a large encampment of humanoids outside of Teziir. Our travel is unhindered and we are allowed into town, with the goblins heading off to the humanoid camp. We find an Inn for the night and split off before dinner; Enola to find maps; Jusarian to gather intelligence, Solmar to visit the local Helm temple, Belt, Gregor and the House Guard watching our belongings, and Skif and myself back to the humanoid camp.
Skif and I speak to some displaced Orcs. They indicate the outlaw band is lead by an Orc named Gamorette. He is a favored of Gruumsh with the god’s blood flowing in his veins. He can paralyze his enemies and spells directed at him are reflected back at the caster. [/Mutteran] 11 Mavis 1004 [Belt] The gods have blessed us with great travels and roads with camp…in the middle of the night. Skif learned how to knit, but amazingly in the midst of knitting, the horse took the knitting needles out of Skif’s hand and they have disappeared…Skif quickly went back to bed following his watch. [/Belt] [Solmar] Skif asked to learn knitting at camp this evening. Misplaced needles. I will need to find something else to occupy me during watches. I don't have the luxury of turning off my mind for a third of every day as the others do. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] No encounters, although rumor has it that Skif threw away Solmar’s knitting needles?!!! I’m confused about this contrarian action of Skif towards Solmar. [/Mutteran] 12 Mavis 1004 ~0900 [Belt] Non-eventful night. Back on the road. As we pass the farm at 0900, we continue onward, waving to the local farmer. We seem to be making great time on the road… However, at 1700, as we are looking for a place to rest and stop for the night we find that we come upon a caravan as they are heading toward Teziir made up of Half-Orcs and humans. [/Belt] [Mutteran] Passed a farm – we have a sufficient pantry to not need any fresh goods. [/Mutteran] 12 Mavis 1004 ~1700 [Mutteran] A caravan passes us (again heading West). Nothing of note. [/Mutteran] 12 Mavis 1004 ~2000 [Belt] As the party all gets ready to turn in for the evening at 2000, we find that there is a noise that appears to come from the bushes around us. I have a very bad feeling about this or it is pangs of hunger which is causing me anxiety and nausea? [/Belt] [Belt] Lil’ Skifander seems intent however, insisting that there are some sort of incorporeal creatures out in front of the camp. He even called out something about a Spectral Panther. It seems that a celestial monkey was sent into the bush to flush the creature, but it did not rouse the party that there was something a miss in camp. [/Blank] [Belt] Moments later, Enola’s keen Elven Sight picked out another Spectral Panther which was lurking behind Belt and was able to shoot several arrows at her target. [/Belt] [Mutteran] Two spectral panthers stalk towards our camp. Skif spots them early and after some long distance missile and spell acts they choose to divert to other easier prey and leave our party alone. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Spectral panthers prowled camp shortly before the others were to retreat into Mutteran's summoned hut. Quickly driven off. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Familiar disquiet began to set in last night during watch. Will quickly lead to inattentiveness if not corrected. What to occupy myself with during watches? Perhaps I should renew efforts to sing opera? [/Solmar] DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 23 Jan 2010
06 Mavis 1004 [Belt] As we leave the Hamlet of Hampshire, we discover that the gods have blessed us with a warm day (70 degrees) and I am sure that Fharlanghn blessed our road for good travels. Here is to believing that we will be greeted on the road with friends and adventure. [/Belt] [Mutteran] Skif’s create food and water spell is wonderful for survival and traveling light, but horrible for anyone with the slightest ounce of taste buds. We pass an emu ranch and Belt and I branch off to buy some livestock for fresh meat. We end up with 10 emu and a whistle to guide them. I take over the cooking duties for as long as the fresh meat continues (Damn I wish I had memorized the prestidigitation spell). [/Mutteran] [Belt] During the day, Mutt and I stop off at an Emu farm with the intention of purchasing some meat for our travels. Mutt purchases 10 Emu and I simply had to learn how to corral these large birds, so I purchased the whistle from the farmer, learning to herd the Emu. After several hours of learning the skills necessary to round up the emu, it took several more hours to catch up to the group which had continued at their simple pace. [/Belt] [Solmar] Mutteran complaining about blandness of food created by Skif. He and Belt stopped at a farm and purchased several large birds - emu. We are beginning to look more like a small merchant caravan than an assault force. [/Solmar] 06 Mavis 1004 ~1800 [Belt] Group of Dwarf hunters came past camp. They turn away after seeing the number of adventures who came to the ridge to see them. [/Belt] 06 Mavis 1004 ~2000 [Belt] Emu become skittish as Skif sights a creature across the plains to the South. There seems to be a beast that approaches the succulent Emu. Skif, our fearless scout, yells out “Spider 60 feet away from the EMU.” The party moves into action; the best course of action that I can come up with is to herd the Emu but I am unable to whistle correctly. The herding skill is difficult. Enola tells us from her intimate knowledge of nature that this beast “is a Harpoon Spider, it is the size of a large horse, with 10 legs covered in spines.” Eerily, the eyes on this creature resemble human eyes more than the normal arachnids. It is poisonous and can harpoon things 20’ away. [/Belt] [Belt] Arrows fly toward the beast, from whom I can only imagine was Enola. Two of the arrows stuck into the beasts hide as a black ichor comes out of the beast. Seconds later a shadowy figure comes up behind me and fires another arrow into the creatures belly. Belt has decided to defend the Emu and with two decisive blows, the creature falls to the ground lifeless. Belt however impaled his hand on one of the creature’s spines needing the healing of Fharlanghn to heal his wound and stave off any remnant of poison which might have entered his blood stream. [/Belt] [Mutteran] During the evening we are attacked by Harpoon Spiders. They are of no consequence to our group but are a danger to our horses and livestock. Harpoon Spiders have sharp spines that can shoot out from their body 20ft and are poisonous. They can also exude a sticky glue residue. [/Mutteran] 07 Mavis 1004 ~0100 [Skifander] (Mmmmm… I can sense her. Even before I round the corner of the building, the scent of her musky perfume sends a tingling up and down my spine. Darting from shadow to shadow of the buildings cast by the night’s moon, I catch a glimpse of her sitting at a park bench. A beautiful Gnomish maiden waits for me to catch her unaware. If she is unable to detect me, her flower she will give. This game we play nightly… slowly, painstakingly silent, I am but inches from surprising her and finally claiming my reward. Clanging of metal on metal… she starts and turns around to look at me, surprised at first. The distant sounds of fighting grow louder and her form begins to waver. She smiles knowingly, smugly as she raises her hand in goodbye…) [/Skifander] [Belt] During the watch, Solmar strains to see an on-coming group of humanoids. Dropping his knitting, he squints his eye slits only to fail to make out what the humanoids are. As the creatures come closer, it is evident that the humanoid is 8 feet tall wielding a shield and Morningstar. It appears to be a more intelligent version of an Ogre. Solmar, summoning all his might into his gears and switches yells, “INCOMING!!!” The creatures continue to pour in as the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights attempt to rouse themselves from sleeps comfortable grasp. [/Belt] [Belt] Luckily for the heroic Solmar, Gregor, wakes, stands and draws his menacing four longswords some 40 feet away from combat. However in between Gregor and his enemies stands a 20 foot vertical ridge. Our fearless leader, Solmar, strapping on his shield fails to bash one of the large beasts, as he waits for the remaining knights to come to his aid. [/Belt] [Skifander] Screaming noooooo!! In my head, I open my eyes to see Mutt hanging out of bed to open the door. Only shadows play against the cliff face and I can clearly hear the grunts and snarling of something unGnome-like. Solmar is fighting alone! (1- Quickly! Before he is cut down! 2- I can’t climb that cliff! 3- Then fly silly Gnome!). I insta-cast my traveling spell and fly through the door, straight to the top of the cliff where I see the captain being surrounded (1- He is alone! 2- I can’t go in there! 3- Then bring your friends!) and I attempt to summon Baervan’s companion. [/Skifander] [Belt] Belt runs through the camp and fails to climb up the hill. It seems that half of the knights are attempting to climb this vertical cliff, while Solmar stares down his foes with his steely gaze. Finally, Gregor’s four arms assist him in reaching the top of the cliff. A grin comes over his grizzled face as he realizes his prey is finally within reach. Skif comes flying (literally) out of the hut and begins summoning a creature. The rest of the party attempts to climb the cliff. Belt grows in size to assist his climb. [/Belt] [Belt] Gregor’s right arms slash widely at the creatures, while his left arms slash into the creature's legs, erupting a trickle of blood to course down it’s leg. With blood spurting into Gregor’s face, he is pummeled by the creature. Gregor curses the beast, “IS that ALL YOU HAVE?!?!” The beast grins at the challenge and blasts his morningstar over Gregor’s head. Gregor continues to taunt the beast, “You’ll need more than that!!” [/Belt] [Belt] The bravest of the Ogre’s steps into the middle of Gregor and Solmar, hitting them with shield and morningstar. We hear the crackling of bones and the denting of Solmar’s plating. Undoubting, unwavering, Solmar steps back into the breach hitting his flanking Ogre with shield and sword. [/Belt] [Skifander] Solmar’s back is to the cliff with three giant hairy monsters swing metal clubs at his head (1- What is with giant and hairy all the time? 2- Shut up! We have to help him! 3- Bring another!). I insta-summon another raccoon that takes a chunk of flesh from the beast’s thigh at the exact moment our first friend sharpens his claws against shin bone. [/Skifander] [Belt] A dire raccoon appears to serve Skif on top of the cliff attacking an Ogre, clawing at the Ogre’s ankle. Skif flies toward to the cliff yelling in his tenor voice “Go Raccoon!” Skif continues to climb at his flight, summoning another raccoon to his aid which appears next to Solmar, biting at the heel of one of the Ogres. [/Belt] [Belt] Belt finishes his climb to the top of the hill and moves within range of Solmar’s Ogre. By this time it is evident that Solmar’s luster and shine is diminished due the beating he has been taken by these large morningstars. Striking with his new enlarged fist, Belt cracks the nose of the large Ogre. At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, Gregor continues to rage against his Ogre, slashing two more damaging strikes to his Ogre. Gregor’s intense growl pierces the night as he become giddy at the sight of flowing blood that he has so long waited after his months in civilization. [/Belt] [Belt] The mighty raccoons dash in and out of the legs of these Ogres and assist the knights by biting and clawing at the Ogres. One of Skif’s faithful ends the Ogre’s pitiful existence. Skif shooting his crossbow, inspired by his two dire companions lodged a bolt into the Ogre’s armor. [/Belt] [Skifander] Boom!! A flaming ball smashes into the earth behind the monsters and the wave of flame chars the back of almost every baddie (1- The captain needs aid! 2- He’ll be fine, look the monsters are running away 3- We evened the odds for him). [/Skifander] [Belt] Suddenly a major eruption of fire explodes from the hands of Mutt. It instantly kills two Ogres. I have not seen this ever come from Mutt and it is interesting to see Mutt’s sudden offensive barrage. This leaves three other Ogres who end up fleeing for their lives. Belt flies away to chase down an Ogre. Archers continue to shoot into the darkness hoping their missiles find Ogre’s flesh. Of course, Enola is able to hit multiple opponents from 75 yards. [/Belt] [Skifander] I’ll go see if anyone needs healing (1- Go and find the knitting tools! 2- Not now, healing's more important 3- Soon…). [/Skifander] [Belt] As the dust settles with the Ogres, the party licks their wounds and attempts to let the soothing sounds of sleep roll over the party for the remainder of the night. [/Belt] [Mutteran] We are attacked by a group of 6 ogre-like large creatures, each with spiked armor and morningstars. Although Solmar and Gregor take sufficient damage, the Ogre’s are readily defeated (including my first opportunity to put some of new training to good use – a maximized fireball spell). (While convenient for our group, I find Gregor to be displaying a highly developed sense of hypocrisy – as any other civilized person. He refuses magical enhancements directly, but doesn’t defend his ‘beliefs’ if done without his approval. Oh well, now we just need to create some magical items that he can’t detect.) [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Attacked last night by 4 ogres. Quickly dispatched - one fled. Informed a Westgate patrol we passed today. [/Solmar] 07 Mavis 1004 ~0800 [Belt] The Party gets underway on to the road toward the Giant's Run Road. At roughly 1000 our famous scout, Skif sees a party of 20 Hobgoblins striking their camp. As we pass by the camp, which includes children in the group, we thankfully pass without incident. After a mere two hours of further travel (Damn this seems like the busiest road I’ve ever witnessed), the party approaches a group of armed men, flying the standard of Westgate, attempting to obtain information about the road. [/Belt] [Mutteran] We ignore a Hobgoblin encampment; it wasn’t a war or hunting party but some full tribe of families. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] A Westgate patrol stops us on its way back to Westgate. Enola speaks to them for about two minutes before our groups separate. I ask what information she received, but she elected to ask no questions. (Ok my momentary hope for her as speaker is dashed. Her confidence/arrogance will have us at a disadvantage in some circumstance. Even I as a mage know that relying 100% on magic is not safe.) [/Mutteran] 07 Mavis 1004 ~1500 [Belt] The wind begins to pick up as the party rounds a bend. The scattering of puffy, white clouds appear to be good traveling omens from Fharlanghn. The party comes upon a trail from the south and a group of humanoids, which appear to be goat-people carrying fishing poles. They fearfully ran back into the woods down the path to the south. [/Belt] [Mutteran] In the distance we encounter some goat-men fisherman but continue on our way. [/Mutteran] [Belt] The party finds a nice place to encamp with a ledge on the north side of the road. As we all get to the camp, Gregor kicks his dog as he tends to. A very different thing; it seems odd that no one in the party seems perturbed at the on goings of Gregor damaging his own dog. At 2300 hours, Solmar and Jusarian see flittering of small creatures around the camp. Jusarian identifies them as Stirges. [/Belt] [Belt] These giant mosquitoes all have landed on the horses and Emu, sucking away their blood and life. The vast number of Stirges are too many to dispatch as several of the giant insects get away having drained away significant blood from both the Emu’s, the horses and warhorses. I am curious if this will slow our process more as we are already moving at a leisurely pace down Fharlanghn’s open road. [/Belt] [Mutteran] At night we encounter 20 stirges – once again, no threat to the party but the horses and livestock need to be protected. [/Mutteran]
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 09 Jan 2010
02 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] Traveling on the skyship Crucible, we ‘land’ adjacent to Westgate. Jusarian suggests Westgate is a ‘tough’ town and that he isn’t really welcome here (…hmm, interesting…) We decide on multiple courses of action and split our party between Jusarian, Skif, myself, and the rest of the party. My group will try to collect information regarding Deepwood, the trade routes, Shilmista Forest, and Armon Bistle, our erstwhile benefactor. Solmar will lead the group looking for suitable wagons, horses, and general supplies for the overland trip. We agree to meet at a notable tower on a nearby hill towards the end of the day. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Arrived in Westgate. Purchased wagon for H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights use. Gregor purchased horses to pull wagon, and for use by his house-guard when wagon not in use. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] Solmar returns with appropriate supplies. The town had two primary stables, Thorzar Stables and Dazar Stables. Regarding the information my group collected:
[Mutteran] (I pull Skif aside that evening for a private discussion. I realize his consternation regarding my flip-flop pricing on magical items as I finalized my standard pricing. I also acknowledge how reliant on him I am both in keeping my true identity secret from the Thieve’s Guild as well as in carrying my spell books within his magical pouch. I relent as a quid pro quo arrangement – my pricing remains the same for all future transactions but in this case only at the next opportunity I will make his magical gloves at our original discussion price. In exchange I ask for his continued secrecy and protection of my spell books) [/Mutteran] 03 Mavis 1004 [Solmar] Investigated options for shortening trip by ship or boat. Ultimately too expensive for amount of travel time reduced. Following originally planned overland course. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] Enola takes such pride in her archery prowess that it is easy to forget her spell casting ability. She casts a spell this morning called “Lay of the Land” which gives her landmark and general condition information for ~50 miles. What a great spell! I immediately start thinking of how to combine her visual imagery with my third eye detection abilities if she would allow me the casting of ‘detect thoughts’ to see her surface thoughts. Of course she acts with aversion at the suggestion, but perhaps with some protections she could be convinced We could perhaps learn of the dragon’s lair without ever approaching it! Regardless, if given time and materials, I would love to create an arcane spell mimicking this one. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Traveling during the day is uneventful (a carnival wagon passes us by). That evening I cast my Leomund’s Secure Shelter for the camp. [/Mutteran] 04 Mavis 1004 [Mutteran] During the early morning hours a Firbolg and its giant bear companion passes near our camp. Skif is spooked about protecting the camp and attacks it with his dire raccoon summoning spell. After the loss of an unsatisfying snack by the bear (since the raccoon departs upon death), Solmar talks to the Firbolg and confirms it only wants to continue traveling down the trade route. [/Mutteran] [Skifander] Oh, by the gods! I picked a fight with a giant and his giant bear! Well, almost. Thanks to Solmar, we didn’t get beat up. Well sort of. My raccoon was sent back pretty quickly… [/Skifander] [Skifander] I was watching the horse with the white patch on it’s nose, listening to him breathe, watching his breath turn into smoke, when just above the background noise of the wind in the trees I heard the klackety klack of claws running towards me. The ground was trembling slightly, so whatever it was, it was big. I immediately signaled the captain, but he didn’t say anything back. So when I caught sight of the giant and his huge hairy dog, I freaked, thinking that I was on my own to defend the camp. I summoned a raccoon directly in front of them; when it attacked the dog, I ran towards the shack and sent a message to Mutt, screaming “Giant, uh, things!” [/Skifander] [Skifander] Amidst the hammering of my heart and the panic in my mind, a paladin emerged from the fog, nonchalantly walking towards the road (sideline thought: 1- road… something about the road). Slowly, so very slowly he walked out in front of the cottage and said something to the giant. Not sure what language he was speaking, because nothing registered above the noise of my anxiety except how slowly he was moving. How could he be so calm with two monsters from the abyss running towards him? (1- they’re on a road; think about it Gnome) [/Skifander] [Skifander] I heard a hiss of pain from my raccoon as the swipe of a set of claws raked the air signifying his summons was at an end. Whoa, not a fat dog, a giant red eyed bear (1- wouldn’t that be a cool pet to have? 2-Yeah but not as good as a blue dragon!). The giant said something about safe passage (1-You idiot! You almost started a giant war! 2- I did not! 3- He was being assaulted by monstrosities! We cannot be held to blame. We are only defending our comrades. 2- Yeah, and no thanks to Solmar; where in the hells was he? Why didn’t he say something?! 3- The knitting is to be blamed. 2- Knitting? 1- We must destroy the knitting tools! 2- Hmmm… maybe I can borrow them). The ground rumbled as the bear fairly flew past with the giant at its side (1- You made it mad. 2- Who cares; it’s leaving 1- Destroy them. 2- I will; if I have to). [/Skifander] [Mutteran] Travel once again is uneventful with only a group of dwarven hunters encountered. We reach the Hamlet of Hampshire and settle in the Inn for the evening. (We confirm the Firbolg is in fact in the barricaded barn resting as well). [/Mutteran]
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 12 Dec 2009
22 Apros 1004 [Solmar] Visited Findar's Stable and Smith to verify horses will be ready for travel. Also, Findar has uncovered intel that may eventually lead to acquiring fabricated horse. City of Fasriul in Luiren known for golem production, possibly including horse models. [/Solmar] 25 Apros 1004 [Solmar] Group Meeting: Passage has been booked for next regular skyship service to Westgate, departing 01 Mavis. [/Solmar] 30 Apros 1004 [Solmar] Group Meeting: Jusarian warned that he may face trouble in Westgate. Will try to maintain low profile when we pass through. [/Solmar] 31 Apros 1004 [Solmar] Observed Greengrass festivities. Much the same as other places and previous years. Mass slaughter of flowering plants to make way for new season about to come. [/Solmar] 01 Mavis 1004 [Solmar] Departed Whillip on schedule. New mission finally underway. [/Solmar] 02 Mavis 1004 [Solmar] Ship attacked by bats larger than a horse. Small group, quickly repelled. [/Solmar] DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 28 Nov 2009
"Final Preparations - Filling in the Ranks" 15 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
Meeting interrupted by an Elf male named Jusarian wishing to join the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. Responding to an advertisement put out by Enola. Claimed to know Skifander. When asked about skills, claimed to be a "man of many trades". (Unfocused/Undisciplined?) Combat trained to use both bow and sword. We told him to return for Godsday meeting so we could discuss. After he left, Skifander vouched for his trustworthiness. We decided to give him a copy of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knight's Concordium to review, and to start a probationary trial after next meeting. Enola will test his skill with the bow, I will spar with him, and Skifander will arrange a demonstration of his appropriation abilities. [/Solmar] [Skifander] (Several months ago, as the group began their training, Mutt asked us if we needed any magical items made. I was the first to raise my hand and say that I needed something to make me stronger. He said he could make something that costs between three and five thousand gold. I told him no problem, I had it in the bank. A month later, Mutt said that he was making belts for the group and would charge us two thousand gold each. I responded that as long as I got the strength item as we agreed, I could afford it (as a back up if my spells ever ran out)). [/Skifander] [Mutteran] At the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights meeting a Moon Elf named Jusarian requests to join the group. He describes himself as a ‘Jack of All Trades’ and is an acquaintance of Skif (i.e. part of the Thieve’s Guild). He expresses great self confidence (and despite reservations I like him). After inviting him to return in the Inn for a few days, we discuss his candidacy. We agree that we shouldn’t start our next effort with a probationary party member, but decide to hold skill trials prior to initiating a party membership vote. Gregor votes for immediate membership and disputes the group’s right to test Jusarian. His frustrations over our inactivity certainly color this action. Solmar takes umbrage over the suggestion of impropriety (is he displaying more emotion now?) Solmar and Gregor will test Jusarian’s melee skills, Enola his archery skills, and Skif his ‘urban scouting’ skills. We agree to reconvene in five days to make a decision (One fringe benefit of Jusarian would be the attention he would receive from the ‘lawful’ types in our group. Perhaps their unwarranted suspiciousness will not be directed solely at me. Dynnera’s voice chimes in, ‘Perhaps Jusarian and I can conduct some mutually beneficial business’). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Other meeting business includes:
17 Apros 1004 [Mutteran] (After the meeting both Belt and Skif ask for private meetings regarding magical item creation. The meetings are polar opposite in nature! Belt wishes for a possible magical item to enhance his vitality, and recognizes the general expensive needs of spell leaning and creation. He essentially offers to subsidize my efforts through the purchase of his item. He also offers me his private spell scroll to learn the spell. I thank him and tell him given sufficient time in Whillip I’m sure I could create the item he is interested in, or perhaps enhance one he already owns. Belt also offers to purchase the diamond dust spell component for the stoneskin spell for the party (Outside of our past adventuring dispute, Belt has been very supportive. Dynnera’s voice says ‘its only a matter of time')). [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Bidvar indicated that S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. new residence and offices are just down the street from Meat, Tea, or Inn. A man named Kraven at their office reported that S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. are away on a mission. Borrowing Zeddishous's helm won't be possible. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] (Skif’s meeting is problematic. Skif was interested in my creation of gauntlets of strength, however he feels it was ‘promised’ to him at 3,000gp instead of the final price of 10,100 gp. He has the temerity to say, “I’ll make you a deal. I won’t tell my contact any information about Dynnera, and you make me the Ogre Power Gloves for a discounted price.” I am livid and refuse to concede to his threat! (My first thought is, should I get him kicked out of the party for threatening a party member? I can’t imagine Solmar and Belt thinking this is ‘lawful’ or appropriate behavior. Dynnera’s voice says ‘Get rid of him and his contact – a two for one.’) I tell him I promised nothing, and that he should find someone else to create his item if he doesn’t like my price. (Oh, that’s right, he can’t. I can’t sell created items except to party members so he needs to get over this false expectation of ‘value’ items. If he doesn’t like my price he can wait until we find a pair and hope the auction price is palatable!) He returns his Healing Belt to me, saying he doesn’t want it anymore. After calming myself, I tell him at best I would accept three installment payments for the full price; he can pay the first installment immediately and the remaining two post any adventuring treasure. He declines the offer. He then informs me that he was bluffing and that he’d never ‘tell’ about Dynnera. (It's rare that I and Dynnera’s voice have the same reaction, ‘…sure you’d never…’) I suggest he take back the Healing Belt as it has been paid for and he does so. We depart. (Skif will have to bear watching now, as it seems obvious to me that his ‘lawfulness’ is only a well-played act.) [/Mutteran] [Skifander] (So now he says that it is over ten thousand for these gloves of strength. I’ve already purchased the belt, which I don’t need, and I only agreed so we all have matching belts. I have four thousand gold as my entire life savings. How can a Gnome get a hold of that kind of money? I’ve been working for the guild the entire two months and made only one hundred and sixty gold. There’s no way I can afford six thousand more gold, and I’m not about to take a loan out. Skifander Sun will never owe anyone again). [/Skifander] 19 Apros 1004 [Mutteran] I do some research at the Mages Guild and confirm that almost every part of a dragon is valuable: scales, bone, blood, meat, etc. (I also order flower deliveries for Enola for the remainder of the year from Veegots Plants (by continuing the flower delivery even when she’s not here, I think it will dissuade her from suspecting anyone in the party from being the secret admirer). In fact, perhaps Enola will think Jusarian is the secret admirer, and this was an added means to approach the party). I also buy a five bandanas (2 tone colors all with flame motifs) and a golden circlet to hold the bandana in place. I intend to have the combination hide the Third Eye magical item I have in place). [/Mutteran] [Solmar] I have concluded that selling of dragon parts might not be objectionable. Motivations are deciding factor. To accept a mission to kill a dragon for the express purpose of obtaining body parts for profit would certainly be morally unacceptable. However, we kill opponents in the course of our missions, and gather their belongings to sell. If we cannot persuade the dragon to leave the area of Deepwood, and must kill it, selling its body parts would not be very different from selling whatever objects might be in its hoard. Still, it is a precarious moral dilemma. I should consult Garivek. [/Solmar] [Skifander] (Something in my head exploded. I threw the belt at him and told him I wanted nothing from him. He’s a liar and a thief. I told him that I would expose his duality to my contact unless he agreed to the original price. He tried to explain the costs to me and why it was more than we had originally bargained for, but I did not hear any good excuse to break our agreement. I did hear that he needed money to pay for his own expenses; that part I understood. He said that I could owe him the rest, maybe pay him after I get my share of the dragon’s hoard, but I can never be in debt to anyone again. Besides I’m not the one that broke our agreement). [/Skifander] 20 Apros 1004 [Mutteran] (Before Jusarian enters the conference room, I prepare by casting detect magic. It confirms that his short bow, short sword, mantle (garment) and studded leather are all magical in nature. Belt has the Artarius on reserve in case we decide to charter it (he’s willing to pay for at least one leg of the party’s charter in the hopes sufficient funds are found with the dragon for the return trip)). [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Group Meeting:
Sparred with Jusarian. Agile - adept at dodging incoming blows. Relies too much on misdirection to land his own strikes, but effective when successful. Skilled enough to be an asset in a skirmish. [/Solmar] [Skifander] (Why should I take a loan? So he can grow rich? Is it my fault that he didn’t factor in the extra components?) [/Skifander] [Skifander] (After our talk, I put on the belt and walked back to my room. I lay on the big bed that doesn’t seem as comfy as it did yesterday, staring at the ceiling… feeling drained and hurt and violated. I should explain further how I am unable to pick something up and carry it without it impairing my skills, but I won’t. I should be angry and yelling and breaking things, but I’m not. I simply feel bad Mutt is so blindly obsessed with gold. He worships money. That is all he cares about. When we first met he pretended to worship the gods. Now I understand there is only one god he sees...) [/Skifander] [Mutteran] Things of note during this period (15 - 20 Apros) but not observed/known to Mutteran unless told:
21 Apros 1004 [Solmar] Jusarian opened Skifander's practice locks as we watched, with relative ease. We assume his skill at neutralizing possible traps would be commensurate. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Group Meeting:
[Solmar] Gregor protested interview process that we required of Jusarian. Claimed we were violating the Concordium. When asked what part of the Concordium, unable to support his claim, and switched instead to arguing that he did not have to interview to join group (Has he forgotten that he fought alongside us at the shrine outside Silverymoon, and subsequently traveled with us holding many conversations, all before being invited to participate in the conversations during the forming of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights? Or is he just prone to inventing falsehoods to accuse others when they frustrate him? I choose to believe the former for now, but I think I should watch that this does not become a trend). [/Solmar] [Skifander] (The question now; Can I travel with someone that I don’t trust? Worse yet, when we ALL must depend on him in a life threatening situation will he betray us for the sake of a measly coin? I am sick to my stomach thinking about it. It’s like I’m in the gang again… always having to watch my back… waiting for the next guy to knife me to get a better place in line, or steal my boots. While I don’t remember clearly why Arach-nid is after Dynnera, it makes me wonder if maybe she didn’t double cross him like Mutt did with me. If I really was in a gang now, following my old ways, I’d have no choice but to remove him. Thank all the gods I am not. I could never betray Mutt to that slimy spiderman. Our only hope now is to show him the true way of Baervan Wildwanderer. Perhaps then he will see the folly of his ways). [/Skifander] DM's note: Whillip's newest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights - are busy preparing for their first adventure. The training has been completed, but the adventurers still need to purchase equipment, balance accounts, finalize some administrative details, and look for another adventurer to fill their ranks. This new group of adventurers plan to strike out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice, they seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. Training has been completed, Solmar has returned from his personal quest of faith, and the party has decided on a course of action - They've selected an adventure to embark upon, and added one more member to their ranks (after the departure of Quinton). The party has decided to help the citizens of Deepwood in their quest to vanquish a Blue Dragon from their backyard. With their research completed, and a route of travel decided, the party is ready to venture forth in search of valor, glory and justice. Sharpen your blades and hitch up your horses - Adventure calls and danger beckons! |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 14 Nov 2009
"Final Preparations - Selecting the Adventure" 21 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Garivek feels I will be ready for Awakening Ceremony once Inaen arrives this week. Gave him money to procure ceremony materials. [/Solmar] 20 - 24 Janus 1004 [Mutteran] I visit #302 Goldsmith and Jewelry to see if they can make a matching chess board for the chess pieces I purchased from Gregor. They indicate #461 specializes in stonework. After the obligatory visit to Bidvar, I meet Preeny Saloni an ancient, blind Elf. She is a sculptor of stone but after touching the provided chess piece accurately identifies its makeup. We negotiate a stone pedestal and chess board to match the chess pieces, with the removable board inset into the pedestal and also a drawer for the chess pieces. For 200gp and in 2 weeks, I can have a cart deliver the pedestal to my rental home. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I go to the Bank of Whillip and withdrawal 150 adamantine pieces. [Mutteran] [Ortega Blanc] Opportunities in Whillip abound! I eagerly set up my personal account with a deposit of 150 adamantine pieces. Now I must find a partner for my exclusive Silverymoon flatware business. I visit Bidvar, at #52 "Where Now", to discover that there's only one appropriate vendor in all of Whillip! I head to #302 Goldsmith and Jewelry to present my proposal. (What a businessmen and negotiator Bidvar must be. It was tremendous feat to convince the authorities to such a unique business plan and to have long term exclusive rights. Someone I could learn from!) [/Ortega Blanc] [Ortega Blanc] My proposal is accepted at #302 Goldsmith & Jewelry! Of course I made the initial efforts at no financial risk to them; only administrative and labor efforts. We’ve agreed to three test import attempts, of increasing amount value (500, 1,000, 1,500 gp). I offer the merchant 10% profits. Thereafter, they can elect to receive 10% indefinitely without investment, or become 50:50 partners in both investments and profits. We agree to memorialize the agreement via contract from Pistoria L. A lawyer at #233. I retain my Silverymoon sample and unfortunately they have no similar sample to provide me for my future travels. [/Ortega Blanc] [Solmar] Inaen arrived today. Examined Holy Symbol, and conducted tests of faith on me. All seems satisfactory, and we will leave for Awakening Ceremony on Hafn'mor. [/Solmar] 25 Janus 1004 [Mutteran] Quinton announces at our morning party meeting that he is resigning from the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. In order to prepare for the administration of his church, he must receive some specialized training and discontinue adventuring. He wishes us good luck and as a parting gift offers Skif his 'Wondrous Pouch'. (I’m confused. It’s a magnificent gift but why to Skif personally and not to the party?) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] With Quinton’s departure, officer voting is required. Solmar and Belt are initially nominated and each receive three votes (I vote for Solmar). They each decline to withdraw their eligibility, but encourage all to vote for the other! On the 2nd round of nominations, Solmar, Belt, and Enola are selected. Solmar becomes party leader after receiving three votes (I vote for Solmar again). Solmar must resign his spokesman position, and the nominations are almost all of us – Skif, Enola, Belt, Gregor, and myself. Enola wins with two votes while the rest of us receive one (I vote for myself). Belt retains his position as Administrator (no voting required). (This vote was insane! Gregor… G-R-E-G-O-R! Solmar and Belt forced a schism within the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S., essentially due to dissatisfaction with Grenco’s performance. How long before they did the same with this group, as I do not see Gregor relinquishing the position without a fight. Enola must have been bored to actually second Gregor’s self-nomination! Enola as spokesman? Can she suppress her prickly nature and her derogatory comments? Time will tell. My preference would have been Belt or myself as spokesman. An inner voice, sounding like Dynnera, shouts “Nominate yourself”; however I (Mutteran) demur until another nominates me. I decide I would accept if others voted me in. Enola has the vote, I hope she is up for the challenge.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] After voting, Solmar confirms he departs Whillip for some sacred rites with his church superiors. He expects to return approximately one month from now. We agree to defer any decisions regarding which adventure to pursue until his return. I mention magical items again and Skif, Enola, Belt and I all desire Healing Belts (2,100gp). Enola’s will be an armband as she already owns a magical belt of some sort. All (including the House Guard) but Gregor agree to providing a hair sample so I can attune the magical belts. Additionally, we all agree the Orb of Mental Renewal (8,500 gp) should be a party item. Belt agrees to purchase the orb with his funds and will determine later whether he will retain ownership of it or have the party purchase it from him once it has funds. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Group Meeting:
26 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Left Whillip with Inaen and Garivek. At my request, Ther'anot traveling to next stop on Inaen's itinerary, and Inaen will rendezvous after Awakening Ceremony. [/Solmar] 26 - 30 Janus 1004 [Mutteran] Skif seeks me out for an introduction at the Mages Guild. He wants to discover more regarding the pouch Quinton gave him. I escort him in, but otherwise continue with my training. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] In nondescript appearance, I visit Sagacity to receive its research on famous Rangers. To it I add a portrait of Enola (drawn by myself), and following language from the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. Firestorm Peak adventure. (The S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. have been regaling Whillip with its tale.) “Preserver of our land from the spread of Taint from an evil outworldly realm, Destroyer of Deep Spawn and evil Alienist mage, Restorer of sacred temples from evil Elder Taint elementals”. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] In nondescript appearance, I continue to #520 Whillip Sheet Print & Book. For 54gp I purchase 3 book copies to be printed in hardbound cover and fine parchment paper. The book is entitled “Renowned Rangers of Whillip” and includes Enola’s portrait, brief description of the Firestorm Peak effort, and leave room for more additions. Upon completion the books are couriered as follows:
[Mutteran] I am amused by Enola’s reaction upon receipt of the book. She smiles and enthusiastically says, “I wonder if I’m in the book…” and flips through it until she finds her entry. (I think I found the right tone of gift – flowers just didn’t sufficiently recognize her ‘brilliance’ at least in her mind. Her conceit is only matched by her confidence, and for the most part her competency with her bow.) I must consider the nature of her next ‘gift’. [/Mutteran] 30 Janus 1004 [Mutteran] We ask Skif if he’s willing to cast ‘Sending’ to Solmar similar to Quinton in the past. He agrees, unfortunately we must wait for the next meeting as he hadn’t memorized the spell today. I also confirm with all that I will begin creating the magical items immediately after training. Skif and Belt transfer the necessary funds via banknotes, while Enola defers until the 2nd. (Enola impresses me during the meeting – she is direct and no nonsense in acting as leader in Solmar’s absence. Perhaps her ‘bluster’ is an act – in any evidence it seems based on this initial step that given responsibility she rises to the occasion.) [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Arrived at Borgan's former bunker late highsun. Spent afternoon building corral for horses. [/Solmar] [Solmar] (I'm unsure why I kept the key to this place after liberating myself. I have mixed feelings about this place. He kept me imprisoned here for an entire season, trying to convert me to worship Torm. It was a very unpleasant time. And yet, it was here that I first started to truly feel Helm's presence; that I first started to believe in Helm more than just academically. If Borgan hadn't imprisoned me here, would I even have the faith that I now do, or would I still be merely going through the motions and paying lip-service as I did before? Did Borgan actually cause my faith, however inadvertently? Should I have thanked him, rather than bringing him to the authorities to answer for his actions?) At any rate, I am excited for the Awakening Ceremony tomorrow. [/Solmar] 31 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Inaen performed the Awakening Ceremony on my Holy Symbol. Largely similar to Palikon's ceremony. I will begin the rituals to define Holy Symbol properties tomorrow after Inaen and Garivek depart. [/Solmar] 1 - 4 Febulus 1004 [Mutteran] Enola transfers funds to me, in order to pay for magic items. On the 2nd I complete my training (So does Belt and Enola)! Additionally, I am a full initiate to the Mages Guild. I now have full access to the Guild premise, can invite guests at will, and most importantly, I can maneuver within the Guild without a guide. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Within the Guild, I reserve a ‘safe’ room dedicated to those in the process of creating magical items. During a small portion of the magical investiture process, I enlist Belt to cast the necessary Cure Moderate Wounds spell onto the belt itself. I am successful! (I am awed at the ability to make permanent magic items. I thought controlling the magic flux in the world via my spells was amazing, but permanently harnessing it for myself and others provides me even more satisfaction.) [/Mutteran] 5 Febulus 1004 [Mutteran] Skif casts his Sending spell and Solmar confirms his safety as well as expected return remaining approximately 20 days out. I present to the group the completion of the first Healing Belt, my own of course, and indicate two others will be completed by the time we meet again. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Contacted magically by Skifander in the morning. Asked for status report. I indicated all's well. Good to know Enola is keeping things in order during my absence. [/Solmar] [/Solmar] Notable change to Holy Symbol. It will now fuse itself into my body, where it was formerly bolted on. [/Solmar] 9 Febulus 1004 [Solmar] With Holy Symbol attached, I no longer feel the need to wear clothing for protection from temperature variations. Ridding myself of unnecessary cloth coverings should allow for less restricted movement, and leaving my plating exposed should deflect blows more easily. [/Solmar] 10 Febulus 1004 [Mutteran] Skif casts his Sending spell and Solmar confirms his safety as well as expected return remaining approximately 20 days out. I complete Skif’s and Belt’s Healing Belts and present them the belts. Enola’s will be finished prior to the next meeting, and I plan to begin on the Orb of Mental Renewal. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] During a break in completing the last Healing Belt, an elder mage stops me and asks about the items I’m creating. He confirms that in fact a Mage Guild restriction is in place prohibiting the sale of magic items to any but immediate companions. I let him know I had heard differently and in fact was attuning the items to specific individuals. While please to hear of this restriction, he confirms the regulation is absolutely adhered to without exception. I thank him for his information. (My vision of selling attuned items at the Adventurer’s Guild has been shattered by this news. This is one law I cannot ignore. My companions will hopefully recognize the precious nature of the ’gift’ of magical items. While exorbitant in my charges (to make up for time spent and the inability to sell elsewhere) I hope they recognize the value of said costs when their lives are saved or made better. Their willingness to pay exorbitant costs at auction for found items should be no different than on items I create. Such is the monopoly the Mage Guild requires.) [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Contacted by Skifander again. Reported all's well. [/Solmar] 13 Febulus 1004 [Solmar] With Holy Symbol attached, I can now see in the back-most areas of the cave even without any fire, much as when I wore the ring that Ysoac eventually claimed. I sense that the spirits of the Holy Symbol's former owners will grant no more properties to the Holy Symbol until I have proven myself more worthy. Sometimes, it seems as if I can almost hear distant whispers when it is attached. [/Solmar] 14 Febulus 1004 [Solmar] Locked bunker, dismantled corral, and after verifying bunker entrance hidden, left for Whillip. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I much prefer how my polished mithral plating catches the sun to the look of the cloth coverings I formerly had to wear in cold weather. [/Solmar] 15 Febulus 1004 [Mutteran] Skif casts his Sending spell and Solmar indicates his churchly Rites are completed and he should be back in Whillip in time for our next meeting on the 20th. I complete Enola’s Armband of Healing and give it to her. I continue to work on the Orb of Mental Renewal. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Contacted by Skifander. Reported all's well and that I am in transit back to Whillip. [/Solmar] 18 Febulus 1004 [Solmar] Back in Whillip. [/Solmar] 16 - 19 Febulus 1004 [Mutteran] Preeny Saloni completes the pedestal & chess board and I pay her the balance of the funds due. I have a cart rental for transport of the pedestal and have it delivered to my pool house rental. [/Mutteran] 20 Febulus 1004 [Mutteran] Solmar has returned, more confident and different. He seems to no longer strive to mimic humanity at least in its culture norms; such as wearing clothing! He is naked and processes no longer needing clothing as he is protected from natural elements. I try to indicate clothing is used for more than protection, but ultimately drop the issue. Additionally, the replacement holy symbol he received at the Monastery of Hallowed Doctrine seems to have recently been fused with his body! The churchly Rites must have had something to do with his changes. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Solmar initiates adventuring discussion. After some discussion, its determined that the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights will accept employment of the town near the Deepwood and protect it from the blue dragon (Solmar and I the only ones voting else wise – he for the 'Book' and I for the 'Black Flame'). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I discuss with party the need to delay further in Whillip to learn spells. I know this is unpopular; in fact I hate spending more time here after training for so long. I spend some time detailing out how learning spells is as intensive as magical item creation, and minimally I’d like to learn seven new spells which should greatly enhance our chances in future encounters. I stress seven spells is quite conservative; there are probably 30 spells I’d like to have time to learn! I ask for an additional 2 months (60 days) within Whillip. A close party vote occurs, but ultimately there is agreement that we stay the extra days and the rest of the party will be planning our travels and researching the lands near this Deepwood. (I understand the frustrations of waiting in Whillip instead of proceeding immediately against the Dragon. I am tired of training/studying as well. I only hope they realize, after receiving some of the benefits of these new spells, that their earlier frustrations were worth it.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Solmar and Enola introduce a training opportunity for the party to consider; something called ‘Group Trance’. After ~2 weeks of training, lead by Enola as a full-blooded Elf, successful participants are able to gain necessary rest with only 4 hours sleep instead of 8 hours (similar to Elves). All but Gregor agree to the training at this time. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Skif suggests with Quinton’s absence, that we open the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights to new candidates. General agreement occurs, and Enola is directed as Spokesman to secure appropriate advertisement for candidates to seek us out at the Meat-Tea-or Inn. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Group Meeting:
H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights protested my lack of clothing when I first arrived at this morning's meeting. Seemed appeased when I pointed out that I do not have genitalia to be ashamed of as other races do. [/Solmar] 21 Febulus – 15 Apros 1004 [Mutteran] Two months goes by quickly for me. I complete the Orb of Mental Renewal and create two additional magic items that I think with greatly assist myself and the party in addition to my spell studies. Fortunately my spell studies advanced quickly to allow for the magical item creation.
(I could spend months more leaning all the spells I’d like, I need to know, but time and costs prevent me. Time because I must continue to seek out adventure to advance in skill and knowledge. Time because I’ve learned it sometimes takes a group of brave individuals to combat evil; forcing me to compromise my own desires. Finally cost because I am once again poor after all the spells I’ve learned and items I’ve created. How do non-adventuring mages gain the spells they do? Since I must learn these spells, and only limited time is available to me I must remove the cost factor in the near future. An inner voice, sounding like Dynnera, says ‘Do not hold back, you have sufficient magic to take what you want. If you must have scruples, then pick your targets from those against us…’) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Turns out Bidvar's extensive contacts and knowledge exceeds the local sages regarding where our adventure is to take us. For 100gp we learn the following:
DM's note: Whillip's newest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights - are busy preparing for their first adventure. The training has been completed, but the adventurers still need to purchase equipment, balance accounts, finalize some administrative details, and look for another adventurer to fill their ranks. This new group of adventurers plan to strike out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice, they seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. Training has been completed, Solmar has returned from his personal quest of faith, and the party has decided on a course of action - They've selected an adventure to embark upon. The party has decided to help the citizens of Deepwood in their quest to vanquish a Blue Dragon from their backyard. So, get ready to venture forth in search of valor, sharpen your blades and hitch up your horses - Adventure calls and danger beckons! |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 31 Oct 2009
"Adventure possibilities - Ancestral Relic - Treasure Cave" 02 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Sent letter to Inaen petitioning for Awakening Ceremony. Garivek began teaching me how to utilize Ancestral Relic once Awakening Ceremony completed. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] Bidvar’s Whillip Sheet proclaims Gregor’s victory in the joust from yesterday and how he bested many more renowned champions. All are invited to attend Gregor at the Meat-Tea-or-Inn for a meet and greet. I’m sure Quinton will use it to good advantage. [/Mutteran] 05 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
Approx. 10 years ago, a Francis McMoore was hired by Baron Gentwell to retrieve the Horn of Iggwilv from Greyhawk. Returned with a forgery. Companions kept the Baron's 150,000 gp and vacated Whillip, leaving Francis to stand trial alone. Sentenced to 10 years in prison. Perhaps the Baron would still proffer a reward for the horn? [/Solmar] [Mutteran] Eric ‘the pimply faced boy’ seems to be successfully courting Tracy the barmaid. I invite him to dinner sometime but he demurs saying he’s busy. I ask him about Francis McMoore (prison related to the Horn of Iggwilv), but end up buying seven tickets to a play based on the McMoore trial in which Eric is acting. [/Mutteran] 06 Janus 1004 [Mutteran] I am anxious for the completion of training…. in some free time I approach Whillip Sheet Print & Book #520, in my nondescript merchant form, for my next present to Enola. There are no books of renown Rangers but the Ranger’s Guild (#186) does have a number of wall plaques to famous rangers. I must hire a scribe to record said legends and then the printing shop can create the book. [/Mutteran] 10 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
11 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Only family and personal attorney may visit Francis McMoore in prison. [/Solmar] 13 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Received letter from Inaen today. Confirmed he will perform Awakening Ceremony. Will return to Whillip next week. I must determine a site for ceremony. Must be a location with significant personal importance. [/Solmar] 15 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
[Mutteran] As Ortega Blanc, I speak to Bidvar about silverware merchants. It looks like #302 Goldsmith & Jeweler is the only outfit selling fine flatware. In my nondescript merchant garb, I also hire a professional scribe to discover and record Ranger legends; starting with those noted at the Ranger Guild. I pay 25gp and await his results on the 25th (1 week). I intend to meet him again at his place of work to collect his efforts. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Skif and I finally attend the play about the Horn of Iggwilv. Eric and Tracy do an admirable job with their parts, and we stay after to congratulate each. It is rumored that the playwright, Riak Trebli, may have been an associate of Francis McMoore. Whether play embellishments or not, some additional ‘horn’ trivial:
[Solmar] Attended a play about Iggwilv's Horn. Mutteran's friend in the production. Play presented in 2 acts:
[Mutteran] Gregor is late to the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights meeting so we suspend the meeting and head towards the docks. As we approach, he steps off a boat with a chest in hand and acknowledges being late to the meeting. We reconvene at the Inn, and he informs us of his endeavors related to the counterfeiter. Solmar has a currency test kit available and is able to determine which coins are real, which are not. It turns out approximately ½ the coinage is legitimate, and Gregor offers a donation to the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights party of a portion of his loot. He also found a complete chess set (~32 pieces) made of ivory, mother of pearl, and diamond chips. Each piece appears valued at 20gp each. Instead of breaking the set, I offer Gregor 640gp in exchange for the set piece. (A nice addition to my rental home – I’ll have to find a matching chess board.) [/Mutteran] 20 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
[Mutteran] Skif and Gregor both return to the caves Gregor discovered to see if Skif could locate the counterfeit molds. They do in fact return to Whillip with the molds. They were in a secret compartment in a chest embedded to the floor of the caves. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I mention to the group that I will soon be creating magical items at the end of my training sessions. I suggested that I create Belts of Healing for all interested…. Originally thinking it would cost ~1500gp but ultimately confirming the costs as 2,100gp and ~2 days of effort. These are charged belts, renewed daily, which depending on the charges spent would heal a range of damage to the wearer. Solmar seems disinterested due to his innate abilities, but others are interested. I indicated that any magical item I create is ‘attuned’ to a specific individual, so I would need a few strands of hair to embed into the magical item. As a compromise, any belts created for the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights should contain a strand of hair from all party members (perhaps even the House Guards); at least this way they would be immediately useable by any in the group. (I do this for at least three reasons: (1) to avoid Mage’s Guild wrath for some unwritten rule or prohibition regarding magical item creation or distribution; (2) limit resell ability and require additional magical assistance from me if someone wants to be ‘attuned’ to an item; (3) perhaps forestall theft attempts if this limitation was well-known.) [/Mutteran] 2 - 20 Janus 1004 [Mutteran] Unknown to Mutteran (unless informed verbally) but of interest:
DM's note: Whillip's newest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights - are busy preparing for their first adventure. There's training to be had, equipment to be purchased, accounts to be balanced, and plenty of administrative details to finalize. This new new group of adventurers plan to strike out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice, they seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. Training is nearing completion, and the job offers continue to roll in. Solmar is engaged in a personal quest to awaken the power of an Ancestral Relic. Gregor embarks on a solo adventure, opportunities to adventure continue to entice the group, while our party chaffs at the bit under the drudgery of mundane matters and requisite advancement training. |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 03 Oct 2009
"Training - Ancestral Relics - Jousting" 16 Novius 1003 [Mutteran] I’m surprised that Eric ‘pimply faced kid’ Mage Guild door attendee, while leading me to my training session, asks about my relationship to the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights and our Meat-Tea-or Inn. Turns out he is smitten by one of the wait staff, Tracy Nasally. I tell him I’d find out more about her relationship status and perhaps I could treat him to dinner at the Inn one night when she’s working to give him an opportunity to interact with her. (It would be great to cultivate some friendships within the Mage’s Guild, in addition to Eric being a really useful person to know.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] After training, I find out from Raven that Tracy is scheduled to work tomorrow’s dinner shift. She was unaware whether Tracy was in any relationship. I return to Eric and we agree to have dinner together tomorrow. I give him some advice since his confidence seems a little shaken. I also take the opportunity to ask him whether he knows anything about Demetrius the Sage and the ruined castle in the swamp. [/Mutteran] 17 Novius 1003 [Mutteran] Eric shares the following information about Demetrius and his quest (over the course of multiple days):
[Mutteran] Eric and I have dinner and wine at Meat-Tea-Or Inn. While enjoyable, he totally froze up around Tracy while she served dinner, to the point of almost making a fool of himself. I try to hasten dinner and walk him back to guild. I tell him I will act as his emissary with Tracy and see if she’d be willing to see him. (I think for a moment about changing into Tracy’s form and giving him some practice runs with me. I hesitate to reveal myself since I don’t know if he knows my true nature, or what type of relationship he might have with Arach-Nid.) [/Mutteran] 18 Novius 1003 [Solmar] Summoned to Meat, Tea, or Inn after training for H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights meeting. Quinton, Skif, and Gregor met with Demetrius on Hafn'mor. He wishes us to retrieve a “Black Flame” from a ruined keep in Fletchins Swamp. He will use it to make a new kind of potion. He will pay us with a box of gemstones worth “between 1,000 gp and 100,000 gp”. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Mutteran inquired about Demetrius at Mages Guild yesterday. Demetrius was a member until expelled for destroying potions laboratory multiple times. Considered scatter-brained. Has been attempting to create his potion for approximately 25 years. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Mutteran also obtained additional intel about the black flame. Does not cause physical burns, but instead consumes a creature’s life-force. Once a creature begins to burn from touching flame, no known way to extinguish. Was used by a cult (original builders/inhabitants of now-ruined keep) approximately 100 years ago to control the minds of followers. Cult eradicated by Whillip militia after killing then-reigning Baron's son. Keep recently reoccupied by a mage, but was destroyed during one of his experiments approximately a year ago. Mage's assistant (another former member of Whillip Mages Guild) still occupies keep's ruins. Destructive explosion created constant green light. Local Lizardmen now worshiping this light. [/Solmar] [Solmar] This evening's meeting called to decide if Quinton, Skif, and Gregor to conduct preliminary scouting mission into Fletchins Swamp before we decide whether to take Demetrius's job. Majority group vote was against. [/Solmar] 25 Novius 1003 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
30 Novius 1003 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
Contacted Garivek as instructed. To recover book, we would be teleported from Seer Ekhhs's manor to a village called Kester, on a continent called Greyhawk on the opposite side of the world. Garivek unsure if return teleport provided, or if we would have to procure ourselves. [/Solmar] 31 Novius 1003 [Mutteran] Over the past few weeks I’ve attempted to cultivate a friendly patron relationship with Bidvar. When I had inquired about learning all the city buildings he had been put off; he also happened to mention how his newssheet business was less prosperous than his directions business. I have now become a daily subscriber to the Whillip Sheet and make a point of spending 10-15 minutes (barring bad weather) a day chatting with him – similar perhaps to a patron at a coffee shop. Today’s news mainly revolved around a local burglary ring and three Raptorans rumored to be the culprits. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (I’ve also decided to cultivate a truce, friendship, etc. with Enola. Although her animosity towards me remains, I as Mutteran have no animosity towards her. In fact I actually appreciate her acceptance of me, for example relating to me as Half Elf (of course in a negative manner), without reflection on my past. If nothing else it will amuse me to accept the challenge of turning her coldest shoulder to something barely warm (if possible). In a neutral form I approach a local florist and ask that cut flowers be sent to her at the Meat-Tea-or Inn every five days for the next ~4 months (essentially making sure some fresh flowers are always present) with a note indicating it was from an admirer. The first delivery should arrive on the 2nd of Detenday.) [/Mutteran] 05 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
07 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Inaen arrived in Whillip. Accompanied by Ther'anot. Still acts as if I am just an object unworthy of his attention. Will fraternize with Inaen on Godsday. [/Solmar] 10 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Inaen and Garivek met with Palikon yesterday. Will be performing an Awakening Ceremony on Truth's Arrow later in the week. Invited me to accompany and witness. Exchanged intel with Inaen covering time since I left Waterdeep.
Much more small talk, but nothing else noteworthy. [/Solmar] 13 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Departed Whillip with Inaen, Garivek, and Ther'anot. Rendezvoused in Jaresk with Palikon, his father Nigelka, their local priest, and a family friend. Awakening Ceremony will be performed in cave where Truth's Arrow was pulled from dragon's foot - 3 days' journey by horse. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Inaen confirmed that Tekelut will provide return transport, contingent on first recovering Ievobrin's Incunabula Will inform H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights after returning to Whillip. [/Solmar] 14 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Queried Garivek about Truth's Arrow and Awakening Ceremony. Some objects, by long association with a bloodline, attract an affinity with the spirits of deceased family members. This has happened with Truth's Arrow. The Awakening Ceremony will formalize the bond to ancestral spirits, making Truth's Arrow into and Ancestral Relic. Palikon will then be capable of bestowing magical properties to Truth's Arrow. Specific effects cannot be planned, but are determined by what ancestral spirits deem useful for Palikon. [/Solmar] 15 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Arrived at cave at dusk. Obviously vacated for a very long time. Jaresk squad visibly excited about tomorrow. [/Solmar] 16 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Morning spent clearing an area in cave for ceremony. Awakening Ceremony performed by Inaen shortly after highsun, assisted by Garivek. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Started with tests of faith of Palikon to prove worthiness for Ancestral Relic (mostly formality, since Palikon had to prove himself before Inaen agreed to perform ceremony). Next, prayers to Helm asking permission for Palikon's ancestors to be granted access for channeling power through Truth's Arrow. Longest portion of ceremony spent attuning Truth's Arrow to power bestowed by ancestral spirits. Late afternoon when ceremony complete. Palikon obviously eager to return home and perform private ceremony to define specific properties bestowed by ancestral spirits. [/Solmar] 17 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Inaen and Ther'anot departed for Tulbegh. Will pass back through Whillip sometime in Janus. The rest of us began our journey back to Jaresk and Whillip. [/Solmar] 18 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Queried Garivek for more information about Ancestral Relics:
19 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Arrived back in Whillip. [/Solmar] 20 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Group Meeting:
21 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Met Garivek at Findar's Stable and Smith after training. Findar removed holy symbol from my chest. Garivek leaves town on church business tomorrow, but will study holy symbol as he travels. [/Solmar] 1 - 24 Detenday 1003 [Mutteran] Training could become boring except for the new abilities I’ve learned, and every 5th day my seeing how Enola reacts to the flowers she is receiving. I particularly liked the flowering cactus plant as it uniquely matches her prickly nature. For the most part she ignores the flowers, accepting them and then giving them to Raven for display within the Inn. I must consider my next ‘display of appreciation’. [/Mutteran] 25 Detenday. 1003 [Mutteran] Today’s Whillip Sheet discusses a scheduled book burning in Whillip. An instigator named Kyle Enexis has written a book/pamphlet professing that only one true god exists. Bidvar and I suspect that Kyle is a skilled publicist since everyone must first purchase a copy of his book for the burning; perhaps this was self-organized? [/Mutteran] 27 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Garivek returned holy symbol today. Confirmed suitability for Awakening Ceremony. Not new as I had assumed. Old holy symbol, used by many different priests and paladins. Talaruk merely adapted it for connection to my chest. Much more significant gift than I had realized. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Asked Garivek to teach me how to define Ancestral Relic magical powers after Awakening Ceremony. He agreed, but only after my training with Sir Davirechek completed. [/Solmar] 29 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Sir Davirechk declared my training complete today. Will petition Inaen for Awakening Ceremony and begin Ancestral Relic training with Garivek early next week. [/Solmar] 26 - 30 Detenday. 1003 [Mutteran] Training, training, and more training. I find out in the 30th Whillip Sheet that a jousting tournament (lances only) will occur tomorrow at the parade grounds. Champions from Whillip and other cities will attend, and the winner receives gold and a date with the Baron’s daughter. I inform the party and both Solmar and Gregor plan to enter the tournament. Some last minute arrangements are required as neither had jousting lances, but all equipment was finalized by evening’s end. [/Mutteran] 30 Detenday 1003 [Solmar] Mutteran brought a flyer announcing joust tournament tomorrow. Gregor and I will enter. Visited city fairgrounds and obtained more information concerning eligibility and tournament rules. Spent remainder of day obtaining tournament jousting lances and ensuring barding etc. in order. [/Solmar] 01 Janus 1004 [Solmar] Eliminated in 3rd round of tournament. Opponent and I simultaneously unhorsed each other, but opponent was rendered unconscious while I was not. Gregor took 2nd place. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] On the day of the tournament, Enola attends Solmar while I attend Gregor. I cast 2 regal procession spells to ensure appropriate heraldry representing the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights is associated with each of them. As only one attendee per contestant is permitted, Quinton, Belt, and Skif work the crowd with our H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights pamphlets and encourage our two compatriots. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] As with any sporting event, I found someone to provide me directions to the nearest bookie. Bets pay off as 100:1 if your contestant wins and 10:1 if they come in second. I place an adamantine piece (20gp) on both Solmar and Gregor. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Jousting tournament rules are as follows – Single elimination for combatants defeated by either points or being dropped from their horse. Up to six individual matches to occur, the seventh and final match representing the championship match. Each match consisted of up to 6 rounds of joust with a hit scoring you a single point, but dropping your combatant from their horse scoring 10 points and the end of the match. Final champion determined by total points from all matches unless the opponent was unhorsed in the champion match. (It seemed to me that a strategic, confident, and skilled tourney player would purposely aim for points early in a match and the decisive blow later to accumulate more total points.)
[Mutteran] After the tournament results, I met up with the bookie and was paid second place winnings (200gp for the cost of 40gp). I’ll have to make sure to treat Gregor to a fine dinner – hmm… I’d suspect he’d enjoy the Eagle’s Nest. Perhaps I’ll take him there for an evening. I desire a treat, or two! [/Mutteran] 16 Novius 1003 - 01 Janus 1004 [Mutteran] Unknown to Mutteran (unless informed verbally) but of interest:
(Miscellaneous – Adventure option payment confirmed by DM: Book actually set at 125,000gp and Dragon at 150,000 gp. ) [/Mutteran] DM's note: Whillip's newest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights - are busy preparing for their first adventure. There's training to be had, equipment to be purchased, accounts to be balanced, and plenty of administrative details to finalize. This new new group of adventurers plan to strike out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice, they seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. Training is nearing completion, and the job offers continue to roll in. Solmar and Gregor engage in a jousting match, and the party researches their options for adventure. Promises of wealth and glory dangle just out of range, while our party chaffs at the bit under the drudgery of mundane matters and requisite advancement training. |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 19 Sep 2009
"Hey everyone! Dynnera's in Silverymoon!" 10 Octov 1003 [Mutteran] I spend the day establishing myself in Silverymoon and laying down Dynnera’s trail. She now has an account at the Bank of Silverymoon, and sufficient cash from the Bank of Whillip to pay for her Sorcerer's Forge training and purchase a new spell book. At the Adventurers Guild, I’m told of a mission to obtain the ‘Heart of a T-Rex’; a flying ship leaves on the 5th of Novius for Refuge Bay. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Group meeting:
[Skifander] Wow… living at the Meat, Tea, or Inn is quite a change from the roach motel. I just hope that my underworld contacts don’t reject me out of hand for living like a lord. I’m not sure I’ll be able to get used to someone giving me a free meal everyday, let alone two; AND we get our choice of wine or ale to go with it. "Beggin' your pardon my lord, which vintage would you prefer with your crumb cake? The year is not to your liking sir rah? Begging your pardon, my lord, I will remove it from your presence at once." [/Skifander] Note from DM: Lee is laying a false trail for one of his character's alter egos. The Dynnera persona is wanted in Whillip, and it appears as if Arach-Nid is trying to locate Dynnera. Lee had Dynnera travel to Silverymoon in order to throw Arach-Nid off the trail, while simultaneously obtaining some necessary training. He doesn't want Arach-Nid to connect Dynnera with Mutteran, as that could result in a dangerous confrontation. 11 Octov 1003 [Mutteran] I find an expert dye maker that can permanently dye my magical cloak. I choose bright red for the exterior and as a reversal option, the interior will be dyed gold. The cloak will be ready in 48 hours. Unfortunately, the magical nature of the Robe of Arch-Magi prevents a similar dye job. (Perhaps having the opportunity to be detected in the next few days isn’t bad for my cover. Also, Dynnera would never wear such flamboyant clothing…now I only need an outer vest or garment to better disguise my robe in addition to the cloak.) [/Mutteran] [Skifander] So… let’s do a tally… not only did these guys rescue me from possible imprisonment or worse in Evereska; not only did I land a job that pays me more in one year than I’ve made in my entire life; not only did I find a like-minded, god fearing group of adventurers, but I get a big warm bed with a fluffy pillow to rest my head on any night I choose, a roof above me that doesn’t leak, a fancy privy just down the hall with a real tub, soap and linen, a fire downstairs that burns wood instead of dung, two square meals a day and meade that isn’t watered down. I keep thinking that someone is trying to play a joke on me, or that it’s all an illusion… that soon it will all go poof! and I’ll wake up on the cold stone floor in the orphanage. [/Skifander] 12 Octov 1003 [Mutteran] The Adventurers Guild has another mission that fits my plan; a special moss druidic component grown only at the top of Ice Peak in Icewind Dale. Successful return with the component is worth 15,000gp. I accept this mission and indicate I’ll leave upon the completion of my training. I’m told a ticket aboard the ‘North Wind’ is waiting for me. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] As the merchant, Ortega Blanc, I approach an Elven merchant specializing in silver flatware. We begin negotiations for a possible export business to Whillip. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] My training at the Mages Guild finally begins! [/Mutteran] 13th – 19th Octov 1003 [Solmar] Inquired at Findar's Stable and Smith about acquiring fabricated horse. They will make inquiries, and inform me if possible, as well as price etc. Submitted H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights advertisement to agency. Hope it generates leads for jobs. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] 100% focused on training. [/Mutteran] [Skifander] I spent every evening for 20 days combing the beaches around Whillip, looking for some sort of smuggling operation. I came pretty close to a dirt nap when I happened upon some Lizard men about an hour north. At first I only saw the two of them, so I didn’t flee the scene but instead summoned my raccoon friends. At first I wondered why lizards were trying to push me over the edge of the hill instead of just biting me, but once the raccoons beat them down I saw a group of seven or eight more, waiting below. After that night, I decided not to sleep in the wilds anymore. [/Skifander] [Skifander] I reported my findings to the Spider Mage and earned 80 gold for my troubles. While I really didn’t care how much gold I took home (one gold is more than I had to start with), I was under the impression he would pay me 10 gold a day for two weeks. My findings must not have been that impressive. He also asked about Dynnera and I told him the truth as best as I could remember. When I got back, Quinton told me I needed to be careful what I told Arach-Nid. Said he was a dangerous guy. So I set up a second meeting with him to let him know that Dynnera had gone to Silverymoon. When he asked how I knew, I told him that Quinton had told me, since I didn’t see her before she left so wouldn’t have known otherwise. [/Skifander] 15 Octov 1003 [Solmar] Group meeting:
Quinton entering partnership with investor to build his new temple. Will move site outside city limits, to an overlooking ridge. Could not obtain necessary permits from city to build within township. Would not identify investor until arrangements finalized. [/Solmar] 20 Octov 1003 [Mutteran] As Ortega Blanc, I finalize initial arrangements with Tabbis Marrentic, the Elven silversmith who works flatware. I purchased a sample set for 100gp and have rights to negotiate a trade arrangement for the next year. Each consignment shipment must be between 500 – 2,000 gp value (up to weekly shipments) with shipping costs included in the pricing. I am responsible for any import costs into Whillip and Tabbis and I will split the profits 50:50. He estimates an ~100gp profit on a 500gp shipment. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Continued training... [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Group Meeting:
Agents of evil known to also be searching for it. [/Solmar] 21st Octov – 2nd Novius 1003 [Mutteran] I requested a permanent darkvision casting but the price was exorbitant (7,500 gp) so I defer. I also sold some equipment and a magical bow that I no longer need or should utilize. My training is completed at the end of the 2nd, so I purchase the necessary travel supplies to support my trip to the Icewind Dale. [/Mutteran] 25 Octov 1003 [Solmar] Group meeting:
No other official group business. [/Solmar] [Skifander] I’ve been making a habit of visiting Whillip's orphanage since I don’t have training like the others do. There’s a young Gnome there that I’ve taken upon myself to look after, sort of like the big brother I never had. Schaignee is his name, but everyone calls him skinny; doubtful any know how to speak Gnomish, let alone Schaign himself. I haven’t asked him what name he prefers, but I imagine Skinny is a lot better than the names the kids made up for me at his age. He seems to be getting along fine with the other children, except there's this Human kid, much bigger than him, seems to enjoy punching him in the arm. Do I teach Schaign to fight dirty, or confront the Human child? No, best not to interfere. I could hint at Gnomish tactics easily enough and let him take the bait if he’s hungry to learn. We’ll see how it turns out. Schaign, or I guess I should start calling him Skinny, thinks my armor’s pretty neat. He keeps hitting me and then laughing. As long as he’s smiling, that’s all I really care about. [/Skifander] 30 Octov 1003 [Solmar] Group meeting: Quinton's investor is a Priest of Lathander. They believe that their respective deities are actually different manifestations of the same deity. New temple will be founded on teaching this, and will service followers of both deities. [/Solmar] 3rd – 4th Novius 1003 [Solmar] Received word today that Inaen will be passing through town first week of Detenday. Traveling on administrative business for the church to several cities in this area. I look forward to visiting with my former commander. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] Approximately mid-day (As Dynnera) I cast Regal Procession and make a noticeable exit towards the path that will lead me to Icewind Dale. I travel through the day and set up camp off the trail that night. I then cast a Summon Monster III spell and have 2 dire wolves attack and kill the horses and shred/disperse my travel equipment. For good effect, I have one bite me (to spill my blood on the ground) before being dispelled. I then use my Dimension Door spell at maximum range to ensure no footprints or trail is left as evidence of Dynnera’s survival. As Ortega Blanc, I return on foot to Silverymoon. Initially, I try to Dimension Door past the gate and walls but its magical protections prevent passage. I then use my Reflective Field spell to simply walk past the gate. [/Mutteran] 5th – 10th Novius 1003 [Solmar] Group meeting: No other official group business. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] As Ortega Blanc, I board the flying ship - Phalanx, and have an uneventful trip back to Whillip. As it is Godsday, I make my way back home after alerting the group of my safe return. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Group meeting:
Garivek will be visiting a parishioner on Forens. Wishes me to accompany. Suggests that perhaps greater involvement in church proceedings might aid in developing more personal contacts. Palikon the Bold of Jaresk owns a sword passed down through many generations of his family. Wishes to have the sword blessed. [/Solmar] 11 Novius 1003 [Mutteran] I quickly return to the Mages Guild and am able to order my final round of training to start on the 12th. [/Mutteran] 12th – 15th Novius 1003 [Solmar] Traveled to Palikon's home in Jaresk. Sword appeared finely crafted, but unremarkable. Palikon claims that his “great, great, great, great grandfather Mekaas” pulled the sword from the foot of a gold dragon as a favor. Sword had been lodged in the dragon's foot for 1,000 years. (Story likely exaggerated by many retellings.) Mekaas allowed to retain sword. Named “Truth's Arrow”, and has since been passed down to eldest male offspring of each generation of Palikon's family. Garivek would not perform blessing. Claims sword is already connected to strong magical energies beyond his caliber to influence. Wishes to consult with Inaen. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] My training commences… [/Mutteran] 10th Octov – 15th Novius 1003 [Mutteran] Unknown to Mutteran but of interest:
[Solmar] Group Meeting:
[Skifander] In the mean time, we’ve gotten a few job offers. The one I like the best is the one with the Dragon. I’ve always wanted to meet a Dragon. Tink used to say that Dragons are the second most intelligent creatures on the plane. Maybe the blue just needs someone to converse with him intelligently. Maybe we could make him our group mascot. Or maybe he just wants to share his treasure with us. I hear blue Dragons like to keep treasure hoards. Of course, if he’s evil, Belt will want to kill him. I hear Dragon armor is all the talk now a days. And blue IS my favorite color. I hope Solmar picks the dragon adventure. [/Skifander] [Skifander] Hmmm… speaking of which. I wonder where he’s at right now? I’d better go and make sure he’s practicing with his new sword. The better he is with his sword, the better I can sneak around. He better not be knitting again. [/Skifander] DM's note: Whillip's newest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights - are busy preparing for their first adventure. There's training to be had, equipment to be purchased, accounts to be balanced, and plenty of administrative details to finalize. This new new group of adventurers plan to strike out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice, they seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. Training is well underway, and the job offers are beginning to roll in. Dynnera lays a false trail in Silverymoon, then goes back into hiding within her multiple persona's. Promises of wealth and glory dangle just out of range, while our party chaffs at the bit under the drudgery of mundane matters and requisite advancement training. |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 05 Sep 2009
"Damn that Arach-Nid! / Solmar's sorrow" 1 Octov 1003 [Mutteran] Bidvar is being obstinate! I propose (at about triple his normal fees plus meals) a tutorial service where I could learn all of Whillip’s building locations. He outright refuses, saying I have to ‘know’ the name of the specific business before he’ll provide directions! I don’t see this as any different than the service he must have provided Korbo’s Transport drivers, but I stop pursuing the request (All I need is to have the news and direction-monger refusing my business!). I buy one of his newspaper editions and pay for some additional rumor information, but nothing of much use.
[Mutteran] I return to the Bank of Whillip and deposit a trade bar for my account. Bank of Whillip charges 1gp as a testing/weighing kit per entire transaction (for tradebars), but I avoid the testing fee, as the bar is stamped with their glyph. I note both on entry and departure that the ‘old man’ was perched on his bench outside of the Bank. As he didn’t display any particular interested in me, I presume the search for Dynnera proceeds elsewhere. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I return to the Inn for dinner to only find Gregor and his ‘House’ guard – Bede, Guthred, Ragnar, and Uthred. Dinner conversation is limited – I feign interest in his training efforts as Gregor acts bored unless he has his swords in hand. Since passing information to Gregor is like talking to yourself, I just indicate I’d see him and the others tomorrow. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Maximillan Mandelbrot, my mage trainer, happens to live almost directly across from my rented house. It is fortunate I took my normal precautions on approaching his house, as the bastard is going to turn me in to the Thieves Guild! I approached his house from one of the main throughways with the appearance and clothing of a servant or messenger. On answering his door, I indicate I have a message for him, ultimately revealing myself as Dynnera in disguise. Well certainly my racial profile seems to have been secret from him, although he reveals he ‘consults’ with the Thieves Guild on occasion, and must report my appearance to them. DAMN HIM! For all the extra stipend I’ve paid him you’d think he could at least not report me – Coward! Well, I guess I can give him enough credit that he’s not attempting to capture or stop me. I leave, wind my way back to my rented house, and have a drink! [/Mutteran] 2 Octov 1003 [Mutteran] In the morning I cast arcane lock on four of the entrances to my house – I’ll cover the rest of the building tomorrow morning. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I spent most of the day at the Mages Guild thinking what my next move might be. I speak to the training administrator but ultimately can’t decide what type of training to ask about. Damn, with my experience with Maximillian, I must assume I can’t trust anyone in the Mages Guild. (I’ll have to proclaim nerves or other excuses the next time I see him if he remembers me.) I decide to research training in the Library. It turns out that this 'Sorceror’s Forge' training is very specialized training only offered through the Guild or certain other associations (e.g. Elementalist Guild). My choices are narrowed to seeking this training outside of Whillip; at Ordulin the capital of Sembia, or Silverymoon. I choose Silverymoon as only by air ship travel could someone readily find me. I also had already booked travel to it as a false trail for Dynnera. It seems like I will actually take the trip after all. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] That evening I seek out Skif at that flea infested Mariner’s Fellowship House. I offer him dinner and we end up at the Eagle’s Nest Hotel for discrete dinner discussions and after dinner ‘entertainment’. Knowing he had interactions with the Thieves Guild, I need to know where his loyalties lie (similar to Maximillian). We discuss our recent activities, and it looks like Arach-Nid is his guild contact and perhaps Skif had inadvertently provided the clues to me as Dynnera (…breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out – I am no longer Dynnera (do not burn him to a crisp!)….). Skif professes no allegiance to the guild, and has no knowledge of a general alert to find Dynnera. Skif is next to see Arach-Nid on the 15th. I ask only that he be discrete in providing Arach-Nid information regarding me. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] (This raises more questions, Perhaps Arach-Nid is pursuing an unsanctioned personal vendetta against Dynnera? Unfortunately, I have no other contacts to make inquiries. I also think that should this continue, if I (Mutteran) am not safe, I must complete my training and then turn from the hunted to the hunter. While Arach-Nid is certainly more powerful than I, in the right circumstance of surprise I could take him. Didn’t I do the same to Glan Sarin to save myself from his dungeons?) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Enough of this toil and trouble. I wish to enjoy life now. From the Eagle’s Nest entertainment options, Skif selects a Gnome companion and I a Fire Genasi (gender was immaterial to me although she was female). Skif and I part ways to be with our evening companions, and within twenty minutes or so I am able to forget my worries for the evening. (I find myself liking Skif as I think he will partake of life’s pleasures when he can. The question now is whether he ultimately betrays me either consciously or through indiscrete discussion). [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Met with Raven to inquire whether S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. awarded any bonuses to inn employees for exceptional profitability during S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.' absence. No extra compensation yet awarded. Will suggest at next H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights meeting. [/Solmar] 4 Octov 1003 [Solmar] Met by Mutteran as I left City Guard Barracks to attend today's training session at Order of the Lance and Rose. Mutteran cannot train in Whillip due to complications from Dynnera's falling-out with Thieves' Guild. Planning to train at Mages' Guild in Silverymoon. I instructed him to come to tomorrow's group meeting before leaving so arrangements can be made for communication, etc. while he is out of town. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] I spent most of the next three days at the Mages Guild library studying a new spell for my spell book. I seek out Solmar and inform him of my decision to seek training in Silverymoon. He agrees that my plan seems prudent, and suggests I seek approval with HALLOWed Knights during our morning meeting on the 5th. [/Mutteran] 3rd – 5th Octov 1003 [Mutteran] On the 5th I receive agreement from the party to miss scheduled meetings during my training in Silverymoon. Quinton recommends we use a ‘sending’ spell at each meeting date such that I can confirm my status with the rest of the party. All but Gregor, Skif, and Quinton are involved in training, while Quinton has the three of them focused on promoting our new adventuring group. Additionally Quinton is spending his days investigating Whillip on a door to door basis. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] First semi-weekly H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights meeting early this morning. Mutteran announced his imminent departure for Silverymoon (left by skyship late afternoon). Quinton will contact Mutteran with brief magical communication at beginning of each semi-weekly meeting to verify status. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I proposed awarding a 1-time extra bonus of 1 month's salary to each of the employees of the Meat, Tea, or Inn, effective immediately. This was both to reward excellent effort during S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. absence, and also to smooth transition to new ownership. Unanimously accepted by H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights, and I instructed Raven to facilitate after meeting concluded. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Sought out Garivek for additional consultations. Grief over Thalidimar's death has not faded as other times I have lost companions. In fact, may actually be amplifying. Affecting my ability to train. I had shared a deeper level of camaraderie with him than ever previously, but didn't realize how deeply its loss would affect me. Need to explore why, and how to move forward. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Discussion led to comparison between warforged development vs. soft-skins. When created, all faculties of a warforged are fully functional immediately upon first awakening. We only require guidance on how to utilize our abilities, plus information necessary to understand and interact with the world. We are quickly instructed as necessary to perform whatever task we were created to perform, and then sent to where task is to be performed. [/Solmar] [Solmar] By contrast, when first born, soft-skins are not fully developed, especially mentally. Cognition abilities still take years to become fully functional. During this time, developing soft-skins are protected and instructed by more experienced units (usually progenitors). Multiple developing soft-skins often created successively, and reared together. In this environment, and given much longer time, soft-skin development can encompass much larger range of topics than typical for warforged. Development of interpersonal relationships (for reasons beyond tactical support) are usually an automatic and integral part of such training. So is the loss of such comradely bonds. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Garivek believes I am simply experiencing for the first time effects of forming and then losing personal relationship significant to me. He has given me suggestions for how to perform daily tasks while feeling this grief, but indicates I should simply allow it to run its course. He assures me that it is temporary. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I again wonder, as I often have while watching the children at the orphanage: how different does the world seem to soft-skins after learning their place in it so gradually? And what is it like to be taught by one's progenitors, while sharing the same experiences with others created by the same progenitors? [/Solmar] [Mutteran] I board the sky ship Artarius as “Ortega Blanc” a prospecting merchant looking to explore opportunities to exploit in Silverymoon. No difficulties arise while on board the flying ship and I am distressed over losing time from my studies (the ships library is inadequate). I spend the days on ship mingling with the other passengers hoping to firm up my merchant identity in their minds. [/Mutteran] 6th – 9th Octov 1003 [Mutteran] Upon arrival in Silverymoon, I immediately head to the Mages Guild, as Dynnera. I plan to establish Dynnera as best I can here. As Dynnera, I join the Silverymoon Mages Guild and schedule the "Sorceror’s Forge’. The training is available from 12 Octov to 2 Nov. As I am in the process of training, I am permitted to stay on the Mages Guild property overnight. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] That same evening I book a return trip to Whillip as Ortega Blanc on the sky ship Phalanx. It leaves on the 5th of Novius and reaches Whillip on the 10th. Additionally Dynnera is established as an Adventurers Guild member (1gp/lvl/year) and is given the name of a local realtor (Worrley Monplen) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Unknown to Mutteran but of interest:
DM's note: Whillip's newest adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights - are busy preparing for their first adventure. There's training to be had, equipment to be purchased, accounts to be balanced, and plenty of administrative details to finalize. This new new group of adventurers plan to strike out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice, they seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 22 Aug 2009 Game-world date: 30 Sep - 1 Oct 1003 Written by: Mutteran and Solmar
"Administrative Details and taking Precautions" 30 Septev 1003 [Mutteran] The negotiations being completed regarding the terms of the HALLOWed Knights Concordium, we elected individuals to leadership positions:
Gregor and Belt each nominated me for Spokesman or Administrator roles respectively, but I declined each nomination. I prefer to focus on supporting the party as a founding member than take on any leadership positions. Quinton accepts the party leadership role then espouses a very proactive approach to how he will both lead the party as well as spread its renown throughout Whillip and beyond. [/Mutteran] [Solmar] Final business for meeting was to elect the following officers: Quinton as Group Leader, myself as Group Spokesman, and Belt as party Administrator. Group agreed to meet at the Meat, Tea, or Inn for our next semi-weekly meeting. I hope we will operate more cohesively than the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] We are uncertain of our status with the SCREWOFFs and the possible transition of the Meat-Tea-or-Inn to this group. Ysoac indicates it remains under discussion but nothing can occur until the HALLOWed Knights is officially chartered and recognized by Whillip. Quinton and Belt plan on finalizing the Whillip paperwork on the 1st - Once the High Harvest Festival is past us. Solmar indicates he will be staying at the City Barracks, with most of the others remain at the Meat-Tea-or-Inn. I indicate I’ve yet to obtain private residence but will do so, and in the meantime I'll return each morning to the Inn. We end the meeting agreeing the next official meeting would be on Freeday (5th) at 7:00AM at the Inn. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] After a long day in the park, I head over to the Sizzling Sizzler (#117) for a steak and wine dinner. I engage the wait staff for suggestions on where to reside for the night but their best suggestion is hailing a cab from Korbo Transports (#93). The cabbie indicates pricing is 1sp per one-way trip or 1gp per day. After requesting an upscale residence for the evening, I am dropped off at the Eagle’s Nest Hotel (#144). [/Mutteran] [Solmar] After returning to the City Guard Barracks, I was invited to participate in the wedding of one of the Lieutenants tomorrow. Good chance for more cultural observations. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] It turns out that the Eagle’s Nest is a high class hotel/brothel. One of the usual patrons introduces himself, I don’t recall his name, and shares some cigars and drink with me. He encourages me to enjoy the finer things in life, especially the available ‘tender meats’. I part with him amicably and go to my room for the night. After an exhausting day, I can only read the Tome (of Clear Thought) for an hour or so then fall asleep. [/Mutteran]Higharvestide 1003 [Solmar] Lieutenant's wedding one of many held at Whillip Parade Grounds shortly after dawn. Higharvestide traditionally a very common holiday for scheduling weddings. Parade Grounds converted to festival after final weddings concluded late morning. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Sought out Garivek to discuss shortcomings from last mission with S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. He dismissed my concerns, saying mission accomplished satisfactorily. [/Solmar] 1 Octov 1003 [Mutteran] Unknown to Mutteran but of interest:
[Mutteran] I head to the Bank of Whillip (#159) and observe an ‘old man’ sitting on a street bench across from the bank. I enter and exit the Bank without issue and have the appropriate accounts set up in my name. The ‘old man’ remains at the bench. I further observe him seemingly paying inordinate attention to those entering and exiting the Bank. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I consider delaying Dynnera’s entry to the Bank, but I want this persona ended. If not for the jewelry in the safety deposit box, Dynnera wouldn’t need to make an appearance here – Damn! I decide to quickly walk towards the Bank as Dynnera and out of the corner of my eye I do see the ‘old man’ get up and leave his bench. Damn, I have to assume a watch was in place! I close out the Dynnera account, empty out the safety deposit box, and have the majority of my funds transferred to trade bars (no traceability; 1lb platinum equals 50,000gp; 1lb gold equals 2,000gp)). A small portion of funds I have exchanged for Silverymoon coinage. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] On leaving the Bank, I see that the ‘old man’ is still not on the bench. I decide to walk in a hurried, nervous pace, and ‘accidentally’ drop some of the Silverymoon coinage. Perhaps an observer will notice this false lead, otherwise some beggar or urchin I’m sure will collect it shortly. I quickly find a discrete location to change into a nondescript human merchant form. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] I head to JFK Enterprises (#215), as the merchant, and book a one way ticket to Silverymoon aboard the skyship Artarius (150gp – 50gp/day –expected arrival in 3 days at Silverymoon). The Artarius leaves on the 5th of Octov. (I hope any ‘observers’ are looking for one-way ticket holders and perhaps will target this ship. I plan on checking into the ship on the 5th then exiting unseen thereafter). [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Once again I return to the Mutteran form. I introduce myself to the Mages Guild (#195) and seek guild membership (separate from Dynnera as any transfer would be traceable). Having been in Whillip for the past month, I reach agreement with the administrator to back date my Guild membership to 01 Septev 1003. (Again hoping any investigators will note my existence while Dynnera was known to be outside of Whillip with the SCREWOFFs.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] After visiting Bidvar, I gain directions to ‘A New Home’ (#381). Wilmity Neareye assists me in locating rental property at a private residence – my choices are #113, owned by Father Cutrow of the Mystra faith, with his 2nd story room for rent (1gp/week), or #387, owned by Captain Hightower, a private pool house with studio/bath/storage areas for 2gp/week which is adjacent to the Captain’s home. I opt for the pool house, paying Wilmity 12gp for the monthly deposit (6gp) and one-month (Octov) rent (6gp). She shows me the property and gives me the key. When she leaves, I begin inspecting the house…[/Mutteran] [Solmar] Met S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. and other former squad members at Meat, Tea, or Inn shortly before highsun. Cash from treasure division still in S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.' portable hole, and we went to Bank of Whillip so everyone could deposit into their accounts. Before leaving for the bank, Zeddishous and Grenco announced they are donating the Meat, Tea, or Inn to the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights. Enmity from my departure must be minimal. [/Solmar] [Mutteran] (Unfortunately, I can not completely put the Dynnera persona ‘to rest’ until I resolve my mage training issue. Partial arrangements have been made as Dynnera and I need to either ensure privacy in training or some other arrangements. This training session is atypical, otherwise I would just start the training request anew. I am not fully aware of what’s involved in the ‘Sorcerer’s Forge’ ritual. All I know is the training is designed to convert my Rogue skills into mage skills of equivalent power.) [/Mutteran] DM's note:
With the conclusion of this meeting, a new adventuring group - The H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights - are busy preparing for their first adventure. There's training to be had, equipment to be purchased, accounts to be balanced, and plenty of administrative details to finalize. This new new group of adventurers plan to strike out from Whillip. In search of glory, fame, and justice, they seek to right the wrongs of this land. To defend the weak, enslaved and oppressed. Striking out at evil and taint, this group of characters vow to make their mark upon the land. Let H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights be a name both feared (by evil) and revered by the (good) citizens of these realms. (* Note from DM: We played on the 8th of August, we just didn't have any journal entry - due to the administrative nature of the meeting/session.) |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 11 Jul 2009
"Formation of the H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights" 27 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description (Dynnera’s activities between the 26th and 30th having been documented under an earlier sidebar submission):
28-29 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description (Dynnera’s activities between the 26th and 30th having been documented under an earlier sidebar submission):
30 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] I wake up satisfied in my activities from the past few nights, but anxious to understand what 'by Illmater' the guild has done to me! I eat breakfast downstairs and head upstairs to continue studying the tome (I’m almost 7/8ths finished) when Vella the Half-elf server stops me, saying Arach-Nid slipped me a note in my room. WHAT!? S_H_I_T %^&%#@! Arach-Nid and I (as Dynnera) have never interacted. I go upstairs and in fact see a note under my door. There is no magical residue on the note, and with some gloves I open note and read “I Know Who You Are… You have one day to leave town and never return...” How did he find me?! [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] I’m not sure what Arach-Nid will do, but because this is personal, I think he’ll keep it between us. Great, another more powerful mage than I is potentially after my hide! I can only hope his revenge will wait long enough for me to get out of town. The Thieves Guild leadership let me go... Do they know of my true nature? It is time for Dynnera to leave Whillip (shit, I should have prepared my alternate personas in advance – a mistake I won’t make again). [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] I find Zeddishous and Grenco and tell them I’ve decided to join neither group. I plan to head out on my own once again. I don’t have time to negotiate with the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. so I tell them I’ve sold some items to pay off the debt I owe the group (damn, that's another opportunity lost). They offer assistance to me if I’m in trouble, but I decline and depart (a nice gesture on their part). I need to quickly lay multiple departure trails today in the hopes of confusing Arach-Nid and his network of spies. I go to Bidvar’s stand but it is closed. It’s God's Day and most businesses are closed (Ahhhhhh)! Not only will that hamper my ability to set false trails, but how the hell am I going to find the Park for the noon meeting! [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] My first option is JFK Enterprises. The business is open, but no commercial ship departures are scheduled for today. A private charter by a local Baron’s likely decadent children will leave today. To establish a paper trail, I pay in advance for passage and tell the administrator that I will seek approval for passage afterwards. My second option is to seek passage at the docks (I can always jump off) on a fishing boat or mercantile ship. Once again, nothing but small personal watercraft are leaving today - Likely due to the upcoming holiday. My third option is to visibly leave Whillip through at least one major roadway, under the assumption that I’m under observation. I do so, and return surreptitiously off the main roadway in my new persona, a Half-Elven wizard named Mutteran (Mutt) Daltese. It is an hour before noon, and I head back to the Meat Tea or Inn to find anyone heading to the city park at noon (changing to Dynnera again). Other trails must wait for later in the day. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Gregor is the only person at the Inn, and he doesn’t know where the park is located, but a young man with his child is heading there and suggests walking with him. Once there, we see Ysoac (I’m surprised to see him as he has joined the SCREWOFFS), who indicates everyone is meeting at the Gazebo in 40 minutes. I tell Gregor and Ysoac I will catch up with them later. [/Dynnera] [Mutteran] In a discrete location I become Mutteran. I seek out a group of kids and offer a silver piece (ends up being three) if they would bring Solmar to me. Within ten minutes Solmar arrives. I tell him my need to switch personas based on my ‘disagreement’ with the Thieves Guild. I tell him I wish to continue with his new group as Mutt, but to limit those who know me as Dynnera. He is open to my participation; regardless, I will tell the others and ask for their confidence. It would be too coincidental for Mutt to share the same equipment and key characteristics as Dynnera. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] A collection of soon to be renowned individuals are at the gazebo with Solmar. Solmar introduces me as Mutteran, but I quickly acknowledge to the group that in a previous life I was Dynnera. A degree of surprise circulates amongst my soon to be esteemed colleagues but they quickly accept me. Belt and the beautiful Enola ask some specific questions related to differences between Dynnera and myself. Ultimately, I welcome their scrutiny (especially Enola’s!) - I indicate Dynnera had a permanent disagreement with the Thieves Guild, and it is best if any connections between her and me, or the old group for that matter, be severed. Ysoac representing the old group, indicates that he’ll keep the confidences he learned in this meeting to himself. [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] Skif mentions some of his own investigations regarding an illicit slave trade. I inform them that Dynnera’s troubles were related to the premature ending of said trade (The more I think about it, after this next day or so, these events no longer will hold interest to me – I move in a new direction.) [/Mutteran] [Mutteran] We began discussions about the new group and agree to be called “H.A.L.L.O.W.ed Knights”. Based on Solmar’s experience with the SCREWOFFS, we begin to discuss the particular mission and tenets of this new group. [/Mutteran]DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 27 Jun 2009
"Taking care of business / Observations in Whillip" 26 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description (Dynnera’s activities between the 26th and 30th having been documented under an earlier sidebar submission):
27 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description:
DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 23 Jun 2009
"The demise of Clydeera and Dynnera?" 26 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Even though I’d like to retire and dedicate time to reading the Tome, I decide it has been too long since I’ve checked my mail drops. A number of months have past since "Clydeera" has been in Whillip. I leave my companions heading towards the docks; ensuring I’m unobserved before slipping into a darkened alleyway. Within the alleyway, I first change from Dynnera to Clydeera in appearance. I then use the ring of fashion for appropriate dress as a Dwarven craftsmen/thief as opposed to my normal magical garb. [/Dynnera] [Clydeera] At the Patrons Fishers Docks, I greet the harbormaster and we sit a few minutes drinking ale and chatting about the past few months. He tells me the latest about the docks and I about my latest itinerary (made up of course). Finally, I ask if any messages have been left for me. He excuses himself, and after a few minutes, returns with a rolled up parchment. He vaguely remembers this being delivered about one week ago. I thank him, pay for another round of drinks, and he departs to give me some privacy. [/Clydeera] [Clydeera] The parchment has the following information:
One of the guild contact must have dropped this off; finally success! This combined with the Silverymoon information regarding the slave market location is a sign from Ilmater to take action. It is inconvenient timing, but I can’t let this opportunity pass by! [/Clydeera] [Dynnera] It is mid day and I take a chance of stopping by the Sign of the Bat to meet Arch-Nid. Unfortunately, the bartender indicates he was in the previous night. I ask him to pass a message to Arch-Nid and leave the same parchment I received with him, with the name Clydeera written in Dwarven on top. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] I step into the same alleyway used before, and select a nondescript human shape. I use the ring once again to adorn myself in prosperous merchant clothes. I head to Building #52, and ask Bidvar for directions to "Farender's Caravan Waystation". I then head over there to collect some information. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera as Merchant] "Farender's Caravan Waystation" is bustling with activity, as a large caravan arrived six days ago. I inquire about it’s next journey, and whether additional merchant slots are available to sign on. My knowledge of caravan routes convinces the quartermaster, a man named Hengist, that I’m an experienced silk rug merchant. I found out the main caravan merchant master is Roche Setaphone', a Human of desert descent. He has been leading this caravan for 12 years, and has final approval of all merchants attached to the caravan. [/Dynnera as Merchant] [Dynnera as Merchant] Before petitioning for inclusion, I ask the opportunity to interview some of the key personnel, such as the head of the security detail (Immin) and the head animal handler (Osfred). As well as an opportunity to see how experienced the caravan guard detail is. I spend about two hours with the staff, achieving my key objective. I think I have had sufficient exposure to the quartermaster, head security master, and some of the guards to recall their nuance of dress, manner of speech, and appearance. I promise to return in three days time to be interviewed by Roche Setaphone himself. [/Dynnera as Merchant] [Dynnera] I return to the Meat Tea or Inn for an early dinner and some rest. I knew I’d have a late night. Unfortunately, I won’t have time to read the Tome further tonight. Once its about 8:30PM, I return to Farender's Caravan Waystation, but this time at a nearby discrete location where I can observe the goings to and from the building. Nothing of interest catches my eye until around 10:00PM when I see the quartermaster himself leaving the building. Thinking he might be heading to the illicit slave auction, I quickly cast an invisibility spell on myself and closely follow him to a group of abandoned warehouses. He approaches a door and uses a code (KNOCK – KNOCK – knock – KNOCK – Scrape) to gain entry. The door opens and I can see two guards, a Half-Orc and Dwarf. They open the door and tell him to remove any weapons. They take his weapons and the door closes behind him. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] I walk the exterior of the building; perhaps the warehouses were old grain buildings as they are taller then most Whillip buildings (at least 25 feet high) and have frequent, high placed windows/vents. I walk up the side of the least exposed building (using my slippers of spider climb), slip inside, and locate a perch on the roof to observe the proceedings. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] The building itself appears to have two entrances. The “front” entry I already observed and a large “back” entry providing sufficient access for covered wagons to enter. Both are guarded and it appears only caravan/slaver personnel use the back entry. The building has only one floor, but a balcony or walkway of 10ft width with railing spanning each wall approximately 12ft up from the floor. Stationed approximately every 20ft are additional guards with heavy crossbows. The floor below is split in half with a rod attached across the walkway; a heavy curtain divides the room, preventing anyone in the front from seeing the back half of the building. A quarter of the back half appears to be honeycombed with similar temporary rooms with curtain walls and ceilings. The front of the building has a large wooden platform and adjacent podium, with a semi circle of cushioned benches in five tiered rows for spectators. (I suspect everything was built for temporary use, with the ability to restore the building to empty status after this event.) [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Richly dressed individuals begin entering the room and seating themselves on the tiered benching. I closely observe the entry procedure and beyond weapon checking, it appears only the coded knock is needed for entry. Each person receives a brochure upon entry. I leave the building in the same manner as I came into it. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera as Merchant] Once again I switch appearances to that of the silk merchant, and use the ring to adorn myself with the most expensive and audacious looking clothes. I approach the door and mimic the code I previously heard (KNOCK – KNOCK – knock – KNOCK – Scrape). I gain entry without issue (security seems bored which is to my advantage). I received a brochure with a listing of 20 "sale" items with some specific rules on it: (1) no weapons allowed; (2) All sales final and delivered by appointment; (3) Payments (of coin, gem or jewelry (no notes)) required prior to departure; (4) Jeweler onsite for appraisals; and (5) All brochures returned upon exiting. [/Dynnera as Merchant] [Dynnera as Merchant] By 11pm about three quarters of the seating was filled, and the auctioneer came out to go over the rules as noted in the brochure. He also reminded buyers that there were only two auctions after today; if tonight’s merchandise excited you, also come to bid at the next auctions. Finally, it was noted that some of the more 'headstrong' merchandise were kept docile through special necklaces. These necklaces would be sold with the merchandise but would remain active for 20 days. Buyers must make their own arrangements thereafter. [/Dynnera as Merchant] [Dynnera as Merchant] I was sickened by the whole process! I watched the first four auctions in a daze, but by the fifth had recovered and began to pay attention to both the slave masters and audience. After each sale, the purchaser would approach Hengist, stationed to the side of the stage and surrounded by 4 guards. Hengist would accept payment while writing notes in some form of ledger. [/Dynnera as Merchant] [Dynnera as Merchant] I eavesdropped on a richly dressed person adjacent to me. He excitedly whispered to his companion that this next bid was what he wanted most, and if he won the purchase he’d be done for the rest of the auctions. I surreptitiously studied the man as he could be a better person for me to mimic. The next merchandise turned out to be beautiful twin girl wood elves of extremely young age. The man won the auction with his bid of 2,200 gold pieces. His companion clapped him on the back and said, "Congratulations Darius". I had seen and heard enough for tonight. I exited the warehouse without issue. [/Dynnera as Merchant] [Dynnera as Guard] Knowing the slavers attention would be with the auction, I returned to Farender's Caravan Waystation (this time appearing as one of the guards). I boldly approached the night staff and indicated Hengist had sent me to fetch a missing parchment he thought he left in his room. I asked if they would take me to Hengist’s room and open it (as he indicated it’d be locked and would not trust me with the key). The staff walked me up to the third floor, right corner room, unlocked the door and entered the room with me. No rolled parchments were evident, and after jointly looking for a minute I thanked the staff and indicated they should lock up; I’d inform Hengist it wasn’t in his room. I had the information I needed about the room layout, and most importantly the window and facing building facade. I left, and returned to the Meat Tea or Inn to get some rest, while a plan was forming in my mind. [/Dynnera as Guard] 27 Septev 1003 [Clydeera] I slept late the next morning, prepared spells, and spent a few hours reading the Tome. By lunch, except of minor interactions with my companions, I was on my own. I went to the Patrons Fishers Docks, as Clydeera, but no messages had been left. At the Sign of the Bat the bartender I had left my message with was not working, and Arach-Nid was not present. Finally I went to Building #52 and Bidvar, to get directions to Building #44 (The Alembic). I had learned of it in Silverymoon but not its location. [/Clydeera] [Dynnera as Anonymous] Using a generic human appearance, I went to the Alembic. I told the proprietor that I had been experiencing terrible nightmares of late and waking up in cold sweats unable to return to sleep. I wished for a sedative that once asleep would allow me to sleep throughout the evening uninterrupted. The proprietor gave me a powder to drink immediately before bed; he assured me I’d get a minimum of six hours of uninterrupted, dreamless sleep. [/Dynnera as Anonymous] [Dynnera] Rather than resting, I spent the remainder of the day and evening reading the Tome. At midnight, I return to the Farender's Caravan Waystation, but this time found the exterior location of Hengist’s room. I climbed the wall (easy to do with my slippers), and peered into Hengist’s room. No light or movement was discernable. Observing uneventfully for ten minutes, I teleport inside the room. Inside I place the sleeping powder into both cup and pitcher of ale at the side table, and seat myself against the far wall adjacent to the armoire. I wait. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Around 2am I hear much walking and laughing heading up the stairs. A key is inserted in the door lock and I secretly cast my Reflective Shield spell upon myself. Hengist enters the room with both ledger and small chest and drops both on his desk. He changes clothes, and flips through the ledger. To my great degree of relief, he takes not one but two cups full of ale from the pitcher. He closes the ledger with a satisfied sigh, and lies in bed; within two minutes he is asleep. I wait ten full minutes before moving again. The powder seems to work! I grab the key off him and open the chest – it is filled with various high value coins (including many adamanite coins), gems, jewelry and even a couple of trade bars! I empty the contents into my pockets, lock the chest and return the key to Hengist’s person. I take the ceramic pitcher and cup and discard the contents of both out the window. I then wipe them clean with water and cloth I brought with me. I hope to have sowed enough chaos this evening, so I teleport out of the room and walk down the wall back to the Meat Tea or Inn (taking the time to change appearance in secluded areas at least twice over before becoming Dynnera again). [/Dynnera] 28 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Once again I sleep late into the morning, and then spend a few hours reading the Tome. Around lunchtime, I go to the Bank of Whillip and deposit the coins from last night. Which turns out to have been worth 25,000 gold pieces! (I'm not sure what to do with the jewelry; as pawning it might prove dangerous) I am certain to have disrupted the slave organization with such a loss in income! Afterwards, I return to the Patrons Fishers Docks, as Clydeera. I find a parchment with a single line of text on it - "Checking on it." Just checking on it? NOW is the time for action! This auction ends tonight and the slavers will likely disappear into the night! I return to the Meat Tea or Inn and prepare to end this slave market if the Thieve's Guild superiors will not! [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] I go to observe the activities around the Farender's Caravan Waystation. I see a general increase in security on the ground. After catching sight of Hengist on a couple of occasions, I notice that he looks a bit haggard but well. Hmm, perhaps he has been able to hide the immediate loss of income. It is time to study some additional spells. I will make one final attempt to contact Arch-Nid this evening, but otherwise I'll proceed with my plan. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Around 10pm I head over to the Sign of the Bat. Once again, Arch-Nid is not present. This time I leave no message. I immediately head towards the auction site, this time under the guise of "Darius". [/Dynnera] [Darius] The door code (KNOCK – KNOCK – knock – KNOCK – Scrape) has not been changed, but security does seem more alert. I sit and await the proceedings. I see why security is tighter – in addition to anything Hengist might have requested, I see Immin also stalking the area. The auction gets under way and tonight’s merchandise is certainly more valuable and extreme – Docile celestial creatures, captured Dryad with tree sapling, and much more. I wait until there are three remaining auctions to be performed before leaving. [/Darius] [Immin] Upon leaving, I quickly turn my appearance and dress into that of Immin and approach the back entrance. The guards there immediately stand to attention and I bark at them "look alive, as this auction is almost to a close; we don’t want any trouble at this late stage." I’m fortunate that Immin appears to have placed himself in the front of the room, hiding the fact that a second Immin is roaming the back rooms. I place myself in a curtained off room immediately behind where Hengist is sitting in the front hall. I can hear the muffled sounds of bidding through the heavy curtain. I inform those in the room that they need to clear out immediately and additional guards placed at each entry. [/Immin] [Immin] Once the room is cleared, I immediately start casting the first of three extended Monster Summoning spells. In each case I summon a single Hell Hound. Once all three are present, I instruct them (Simultaneously, I light fire to some heavy curtains (They are immune to fire and can breathe fire themselves)). Two of them are to head towards the back entrance and one to the front entrance. They have my permission to lay general havoc to anyone present but myself. I use my Fiery Burst ability to light another section of curtain on fire. The Hell Hounds immediately surge out of the room. I pause for about 12 seconds until I hear screaming and the sounds of chaos erupting. Making myself invisible, I then teleport forward to an area where I believe Hengist will be. There is general panic in the room, and it looks like Hengist and Immin are attempting some semblance of orderly attack against the Hell Hounds. Hengist turns to look in my direction when he hears the sound of my teleport (good thing I was invisible!). As a Hell Hound attacks, his attention is once again focused on this more immediate threat. Amidst this distraction, I grab hold of the ledger and chest on the table and teleport once again behind the curtain. I rush to the nearest exterior wall and teleport again to the outside. I run a block or two away and at the earliest opportunity, climb up a building side to perch on the rooftop. I’ve gotten away! [/Immin] [Dynnera] Once again, I dump the contents of the chest into my pockets (it is even fuller than the last chest), and place the ledger inside the chest. I place the chest adjacent to a stone chimney and tile roof stones. I then let off fiery burst spells until the chest and book are incinerated. Let the damn slaver traders try to recover from not only their lost money, but also the inability to know who paid for which slaves and what arrangement for transport had been made! I climb down the building, make a circuitous route back to the Meat Tea or Inn, changing multiple times in persona/clothing until almost at the Inn, and get some well deserved sleep. [/Dynnera] 29 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] I sleep late into the morning, and then spend a few hours reading the Tome. Around lunchtime, I go to the Bank of Whillip and make another deposit. It turns out this time the haul has been 35,000 gold pieces! I am deeply satisfied; I hopefully disrupted a major slavery operation and at the same time made them pay for my subsequent training! Once again, I'm unsure what to do with the jewelry, so I simply leave it in my deposit box for now. My only concern now, is what Arch-Nid might think - Clydeera had asked plenty of questions about the slave ring. My hope is that he’ll think some of the exotic slaves, i.e. Hell Hounds, broke out of their controls and the damage was self-inflicted. Hopefully, he'll think my interest was coincidental. [/Dynnera] [Clydeera] In the late evening, I head once again to the Patrons Fishers Docks (as Clydeera), and this time have a message, "Meet me at the Sign of the Bat". I assume it is from Arch-Nid. I don’t look forward to this meeting. As I walk from the Patrons Fishers Docks to the Sign of the Bat, I am suddenly accosted by four or more individuals in the dark. Damn they must have been watching for me! Before I could even speak a word, arrows are hitting my body from the building tops in at least two directions and suddenly I feel a sap hit my head (and other parts), I lose consciousness. [/Clydeera] [Clydeera] I awake with a splash of dirty water thrown at me. I am bound to a chair by my feet, hands, and neck with some foul tasting gag in my mouth. I cannot turn my head. Panic begins to grip me, and I immediately try to teleport out of the restraints. Something is wrong, I can't teleport! As I struggle to free myself, I become light headed and pass out again. [/Clydeera] 30 Septev 1003 [Clydeera] I come to again; this time I fight down the panic, and sit still for a moment. I have no idea how much time has passed. I feel bruises, cuts and broken ribs. There's blood dripping from my mouth, and the headache is so bad that it's making me nauseous. Even with my eyes closed, I sense a strong light beyond my eyelids. Slowly I crack open my eyes. Lantern lights shine into my face such that I can not see beyond them. The room is bare and feels as if it is underground. A voice from beyond the light speaks to me, “Clydeera you've angered the Guild to the point of direct action - and that is not a good thing, 'for you'. Your insubordination cannot be accepted by this Guild. The punishment for your actions is typically death. There are however, two mitigating factors worth considering. First, the slavery operation you disrupted hadn't been recognized by the Guild - It's existence posed a significant challenge to our authority and brought undue attention to other Guild operations. Secondly, some of the leadership within the Guild itself were implicated and/or killed during your attack on this slavery ring. Because you've eliminated some of my rivals, I will now be able to consolidate and expand some my power base.” I hear movement, and suddenly the voice is behind me and whispering into my ear. “Thirdly, I KNOW you changeling, as I am one of the few individuals that knew of your dual persona and association with the Mages Guild. You did not hire out accomplices; you did this on your own. Currently, I have no desire to interfere with any plans the Mages Guild may have for you. That said, if you are to survive this night, know that you owe me a favor; one that will be called upon in the future by someone that reminds you of this discussion, and knows your real name – Kassera. Accept this debt and you'll survive, reject it and your life ends within the hour. Blink four times to indicate acknowledgement of your debt.” I blink four times in sequence. “Here is my decision: Clydeera, you are hence forth stripped of all rights and privileges as a Guild member. You are stripped of all rights to request assistance from any Guild member. You are also stripped of your rights and ability to practice our craft, here in Whillip or anywhere else. Finally Clydeera (emphasis on the name), you are banished from Whillip and given 24 hours to leave town and never return. If you are seen in Whillip after today, you will incur the death mark.” At the end of this speech I am once again sapped behind the head and lose consciousness. [/Clydeera] [Clydeera] I awake laying in a fetid puddle of sewer water. I've never seen the sewers of Whillip before, but today is definitely not the day to go exploring. The only person near me, as far as I can tell, is Arach-Nid. When he sees me stirring he kicks me in the stomach and says, “Don’t say a word. I don’t know why you weren’t killed, but I (emphasis applied) will follow the Guild decision. Just know that you have my personal enmity, and should I ever discover you or any of your accomplices, I will have the right and pleasure to kill you and them. I have lost status within the Guild because of you”. That said, Arch-Nid steps away and is lost to my sight. [/Clydeera] [Clydeera] As I stumble from the sewers on Godsday, I wander the streets of Whillip, desperately attempting to shake any tail I may have. I use my invisibility spells, I change my appearance, I teleport, I wait and listen. I double back, loop around, and devise most ingenious methods of counter surveillance. Finally, satisfied that I've come clear of the danger, I change into Dynnera, a safe and assuring form. As the sun is rising, I do my best to walk without limping, and head back to my room at the Meat Tea or Inn. [/Clydeera] [Dynnera] I do my best to slip in unseen and the only witness to my arrival is Skuzitt the Mongrelman, Handyman. As I enter my room, I feel emptiness inside, but I attribute it to the multiple beatings this evening. Unfortunately that emptiness doesn’t recede once my headache subsides. I now recall the voice’s last comment about “…stripped of all rights and ability to practice our craft…” Somehow I know, I can no longer perform any of my rogue abilities! [/Dynnera] DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 13 Jun 2009
"The Rift is formed" 25 Septev 1003 [Solmar] Spent remainder of evening debriefing with Garivek. [/Solmar] [Dynnera] Various companions, can’t say SCREWOFFS any longer. Some depart the ‘Meat Tea or Inn’, while others stay for the food, drink, and lodging. Grenco is either pounding the free drinks or jumping on stage to regale patrons with ballads of winsome Scroggis, the mighty S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S., or any other topic that passes through his inebriated brain. [/Dynnera][Dynnera] Skif causes a scene by grabbing the portable hole away from Grenco, yelling that it belongs to Solmar. Grenco grabs it back and shows atypical restraint (perhaps due to his inebriation). I block the Inn exit in case Skif gets past Grenco, but Zeddishous asserts himself and directs Skif to leave before things get out of hand. Skif does so. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] (Solmar’s announcement must have triggered something in Zeddishous – haven’t seen him this interested/involved in weeks in anything but pining over his lost companions. And what’s with Skif’s obsession with Solmar? Solmar will have to ‘train his pet’ as I’m certain Solmar wouldn’t want these actions to have been taken. Perhaps Skif is only trying to ingratiate himself to Solmar as expected leader of the new group; former leader of the old group. I hope Skif has his own backbone and he's not always relying on whomever he next associates with.) [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Grenco returned to drinking and his stage act, but I get him offstage for a conversation. I ask him what the hell he and Zeddishous were planning, and does he really want Zeddishous or himself in a leadership position of the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.? I tell him disbanding would be best. He disagrees, and Zeddishous quickly steps into the conversation. Zeddishous, with a grunt or two from Grenco, informs me of their plans for the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.; belatedly apologizing for not including me in their planning as a current member. They intend to invite Duracell, Almel, Khurshel , and Ysoac to the group. The three of us vote on Ysoac immediately and confirm his membership in the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.. The remaining companions (Quinton, Gregor, Skif, and Enola) are clearly predisposed towards the new group forming under Solmar and Belt. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Zeddishous indicates an intention towards a magnanimous gesture regarding the break off faction forming the new group. He proposes to deed over the rights to this Inn, but retain all further possessions for the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.. He asks for my opinion, but I tell him I’m displeased by the actions of both groups, and am unsure of my position and which group I’d prefer to participate with. Zeddishous once again extends his invitation to stay with the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. but I indicate that I need additional time to avoid a rash decision. I tell him I will have a decision in about 5 days. That said, I think his gesture proposal has merit but I should refrain from any 'vote', until my decision regarding the adventuring parties is made. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] In a separate conversation, I get Zeddishous and Grenco’s permission to exchange a blast disc and two potions of extra healing for 2,900gp (market value for each). I needed most of this gold to pay for the permanency spell on a comprehend languages spell I will cast. Grenco makes a pass at me while in his room and in the portable hole, and the kiss would have been quite enjoyable but for the heavy ale taste/smell on his breath and his meandering hands. He’s unable to climb back out of the portable hole, but I was able to carry him while teleporting out. I tuck him into bed, roll up the portable hole, and leave. On my way out, I hand Zeddishous the portable hole for safekeeping. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] At the Mages Guild, Eric greets me at the door and guides me to an available casting room. Moments later an Elven mage named Ally Planar enters the room ready to cast the permanency spell. I cast my comprehend languages spell, she the permanency spell, and when I touch the Illithid book I immediately translate the Braille title on the book. I pay my fee and look forward to starting my reading in the morning! [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description:
26 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] I wake up and begin reading the Illithid manual before meeting with the group at 8:00am for final treasure distribution and a trip to the Bank. It’s amazing in such a short reading the impact of potential alternate thought processes that are suggested. I look forward to completing the tome. At 8:00am I invite all to the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. conference room, and we eat while awaiting the arrival of Zeddishous. Zeddishous stepped out this morning and has the portable hole in his possession. Grenco is also missing, but I suspect he’s collapsed in his room. While we wait, Solmar indicates anyone interested in joining the new group should attend a meeting in "The Park" at High Sun on 30th of Septev. In the meantime, I inform the group of my studies in my room and ask Solmar to alert me upon Zeddishous’ return. In my room, I continue reading the tome. [/Dynnera] 26 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Zeddishous returns but Grenco is still missing. I volunteer to get him and pound on his door to no avail. I ask for a bucket of water and teleport into his room. With the assistance of a splash of water, Grenco sputters awake and is able to walk to the conference room. Anyone with a need to transfer funds to the Bank of Whillip will go with Zeddishous to the Bank now. The remaining individuals are free for the day. I elect to return to the Bank to observe the transfer of funds. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] No issues occur with the actual transfer of funds, but I did have issue with their security measures. The headquarters is quite secure and any thoughts I had regarding accessing Tanar’s funds could never had occurred here (I likely wouldn’t want to risk my home base anyway). Today’s experience:
[Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description:
[Solmar] Returned to Meat, Tea, or Inn at dawn. Cash to be deposited at Bank of Whillip still in S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.' portable hole. Zeddishous already away on errands, and took it with him. Dynnera invited everyone up to S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.' conference room to await his return. While waiting, I indicated that anyone wishing to discuss formation of new group should meet in park near clock tower at highsun Septev. When he arrived, everyone with cash to deposit proceeded to the Bank of Whillip. Dynnera caused some issues when she decided to probe bank's security. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Arranged for training to commence on 02 Octov. Extended formal invitations to discuss formation of new group to Skifander, Quinton, and Enola. Gregor also seems interested. [/Solmar] DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 16 & 30 May 2009
"The demise of the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.!" 25 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] We finally divvied up the various items found in Firestorm Peak or items previously owned by Brock, Thalidimar, or Tanar. As a group we decided to have the SCREWOFF party fund purchase all healing or curative items; examples included but not limited to healing potions, Izzy stone, blessed bandages, and Ebeneezer roots. All party items were purchased for actual values. Individual purchases occurred next, with most items purchased for actual value. Some specific items of note:
[Dynnera] After leaving the ship, we went ashore and joined a queue to individually meet with the tax magistrates. There were guards and mages such that it was clear little room for error could occur. The magistrate indicated that any noted deceptions would cause forfeiture of not only the item in question but potentially all items (and perhaps worse consequences). Taxes were severe for those without any affiliations within Whillip (~20%). Guild or temple affiliations reduced the tax (~10%), and adventuring group affiliation has the least tax requirements (~5%). If the item was known/identified as having had taxes paid in the past to Whillip, then no additional taxes were required. Enola benefited greatly from this, as most of her purchased items were originally owned by Thalidimar and presumed to have previously been taxed. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description:
[Dynnera] Upon my turn with the magistrate, I claim the Robe of Arch-Mage and Tome of Clear Thought. I am told through my Mage Guild affiliation that the taxes would be 18,500gp. As a member of the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. my taxes would be 9,250gp. Unfortunately, I can’t be officially be recognized as a member of the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. until the appropriate Whillip charter is updated. The magistrate indicates that this can be done quickly, and I could wait here on the pier. We call over Solmar and describe the scenario. Solmar agrees to go to City Hall and update the charter. [/Dynnera] 25 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description:
25 Septev 1003 [Solmar] Discussed division of treasure before debarking so that taxes could be properly calculated by customs officials. Dynnera not recognized by Whillip as official S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. member, so she stayed aboard while I updated group charter at Town Hall (members of groups officially registered with Whillip pay taxes at a reduced rate). Skifander accompanied me. He seems eager to discuss joining the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. [/Solmar] [Dynnera] Solmar and Skif return to the ship and I sign the updated charter. The Tax Magistrate recognized the new charter and I pay the appropriate taxes. I go to City Hall while the remainder of the party members returns to the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. inn. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] We meet up with the remaining group at the Inn, and discuss the settling of accounts this evening. A vote occurs as to whether party funds would be loaned in the amount of 6,000 gp to me to offset the taxes paid on my purchases. Zeddishous, Grenco, and I all vote affirmative - with Solmar abstaining. [/Dynnera] [Solmar] Nearly highsun when Dynnera finally finished with customs. We rejoined remaining S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. and other companions at Meat, Tea, or Inn. After lunch, everyone splits up 'till dinner to sell unclaimed items and otherwise finalize preparations for final treasure distribution. I checked the inn's finances. Very profitable while we were gone. Raven's management commendable. [/Solmar] 25 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Skif and I head to the Mages Guild to procure removal of the Flaming Shroud from my eyes. Skif offers to cast the remove curse spell to free me. We meet up with Cussath Uthtah, who coordinates a temporary transfer of the item to a skinny, old Elf named Borad. No issues occur, and Skif leaves as I have additional business at the Guild. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] I locate Maximillan Mandelbrot (my trainer in magic theory), in the guild library (via the central registry). I indicate my need for additional training sessions within 1-2 weeks and he is amenable to providing the service. I also pay my Mage Guild annual dues, amounting to 500gp for renewal (100gp/lvl). [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] I go to Building #52 to determine where I can get a translation of the magical tome (Unfortunately, it's written in Illithid Braille language). Bidvar gives me direction to Building #451 called “Knowledge” - The place is a some sort of sage shop run by a Lizardman named Histherban Mithtah (sp?). While he can’t translate the script, he indicates his associate, Thylander Molarvan Atrius (sp?), can. Thylander is an immensely fat Human, who inspects the external cover of the book for 25gp and a kiss (What do I care about someone’s exterior form?). He informs me he could translate the book but it would trigger the magic. He offers to teach me the written language but I defer for the moment (I don’t have the time to learn the language. I will be forced to request a comprehend languages permanency spell be cast on me to provide sufficient duration to read the magical tome. Not having enough time to immediately return to the Mages Guild, I will meet back with the party at the Inn.). [/Dynnera] [Belt] While waiting for Solmar to return to the Inn, I am forced to hear Grenco regale the Inn staff and patrons about his prowess in the last adventure. Of course this is in between his swilling down cup after cup of ale. He has no discipline! Solmar returns with Skif and Dynnera, and we agree to meet again in the evening. (I say nothing of Solmar and my pending decisions about the group at this time. It would be appropriate to complete all past adventuring loose-ends, and Solmar has the right to speak first being an actual S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. member). [/Belt] [Belt] I first go to Building #52, intending to have Bidvar describe the nearest Fharlanghn temple. Unfortunately, none has been established yet. Thinking I’d spend my time learning the local [Belt] At City Hall, the clerk at the window informs me that a local copy could be pursued by me at Building #363, the Nightside Inferior Court (Sembia & Whillip code and court cases). He provides me a one week permission slip granting access to the code books. I head back to Bidvar to receive directions to the building. At the Nightside Inferior Court, I meet the day caretaker named Gaileus. He indicates the court is in session every other evening, however he can provide me access to the court records while the court is out of session. The records are housed in the basement of the building (not very climate controlled). I spend the remaining hours beginning my study of the municipal code. [/Belt] [Dynnera] Unknown to Dynnera at the time, but worthy of description:
25 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] Post dinner and final adventure arrangements. Solmar issues an ultimatum. He resigns from the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. and indicates that he and Belt are initiating a new adventuring party! He invites all non-S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. to join the new group and help in its formation. He expressly excludes Grenco from possible membership in the group! "WHAT THE HELL TYPE OF POWER PLAY IS HE AND BELT PULLING?!" Zeddishous and Grenco immediately flip out, from either loyalty to the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. group (or perhaps the money earned by it) or Grenco’s explicit exclusion. They start their own power play position saying the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. existed before Solmar and good riddance, and then saying they’d likely invite Duracell back into the party, and possibly Almel & Khurshel as well; and oh by the way, I’m invited to stay as well. WHAT THE HELL? – I’m already a member and what made them ‘holier than thou’ regarding plans for the party. Did Zeddishous and Grenco know of this in advance, since they blurted the Duracell plan oh so quickly? [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Solmar says this isn’t an ultimatum, but something he and Belt felt was right for them. I say BULLSHIT, call it what it is! He has to know how most of the companions would naturally fall in line with his leadership. I inquire of his reasoning and possible negotiations but he is resigned to his decision and wishes not to discuss anything but the creation of the new adventuring group at a later date. [/Dynnera] [Solmar] Treasure division finalized at dinner. S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. held first official meeting since returning to Whillip. I resigned as Group Spokesman and substitute Group Leader, and withdrew my membership from S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. I will be forming a new adventuring group with Belt, and invited all current S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. members (with the exception of Grenco) to initial discussions of its formation if they wished to join. Grenco took offense at being excepted; he and Zeddishous indicated they will remain and rebuild S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. Dynnera seemed the most disturbed by my announcement. She demanded explanation and discussion, but I indicated this was a personal decision and not a matter to be decided by group vote. I explained that I feel I am no longer a good fit as a S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. member. She wanted more detailed reasoning, but I declined explaining myself further. She then wanted details about what kinds of ground-rules Belt and I already have in place for our new group. I explained that we have not discussed anything more than the idea of forming a new group, and all new members will help shape its formation. She did not seem to believe me, and wished to go into more detailed discussion. I declined, indicated that such discussions will happen in the future with all prospective members present, and left the Meat, Tea, or Inn. I will extend invitations to Skifander, Quinton, and Enola within the next couple of days. [/Solmar] [Dynnera] I have some thinking to do… I really like Grenco (or did) but I do have to recognize the practical aspects of Solmar’s decision. Grenco wasn’t a really good scout (better fighter) and now he likely isn’t much better after dying twice in this adventure. Zeddishous is fairly immaterial my mind, a non-entity; clearly Enola is a far superior ranger (to my expectations) although saddled with a much surlier attitude. Neither Zeddishous or Grenco are leader types but they will likely demand leadership of the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S.. Duracell within the party is essentially untenable as who could expect her to stick it out in another difficult circumstance? Mentioning Khurshel implies they want to return to Silverymoon. Damn it we just got here! Is Zeddishous already pinning for his dead wolf and blink dog? And Almel? – they meet a crazy Dwarf for six days on a ship, with most of the time him trying to pawn off shell or other trinkets on us, and they want to invite him to the group already? WHAT THE HELL IS GRENCO THINKING!!! I need to convince him that he should agree with me about dumping the losers, splitting the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. funds and going are individual ways. Does he really want to be saddled down with the others? I likely don’t. [/Dynnera] [Solmar] I can understand how my resignation could seem abrupt to the other S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S., but as I indicated to them, this is a decision that I have reached after much thought. Grenco is unreliable to the point of being a liability to the rest of the party. A scout's primary job is to gather intel without being detected himself. When reconnoitering the pit at Malakai's Shrine, he did not even attempt to conceal his presence when entering the taint elemental's lair. As a result, he lost his life (again), I nearly lost mine, and the entire party was put at risk. The purpose of that foray was to confirm the elemental's presence without engaging it. And this is only one example I could list of his haphazard approach to his role in the party. Failure due to inadequate skill would be one thing, but his disregard for even attempting to perform properly puts the rest of his companions at too much unnecessary risk. [/Solmar] [Solmar] Then there is Dynnera. She is accustomed to working independently, and has had trouble integrating herself into a group effort. Not entirely her fault, as S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. are considerably less disciplined in general than I am accustomed to. She is also the most secretive of the group. She has initiated discussions with me to explain herself somewhat. These have provided some context for her actions, and have lessened the concern I feel about her secretiveness to a small extent. But I can tell that she still conceals some of her actions from me. Could be nothing of importance at all, but no way of knowing. And she insists on exerting (or at least expressing strongly) her will more often than anyone else we worked with this past mission, but is almost completely intolerant of others who do the same. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I worry for Zeddishous. Since losing Fang, he seems a greatly diminished man. I hope he is willing to maintain contact with me. [/Solmar] [Solmar] I considered petitioning for Grenco's removal from the S.C.R.E.W.O.F.F.S. and attempting to institute a more disciplined atmosphere. But I realized that I would be attempting to exert my own views onto the group. This did not sit well with me. Better to part ways and try to form a new group with others who are more cohesive to begin with. I approached Belt first to gauge his willingness, and he was very open to the idea. We will see what happens when discussions start with everybody present. I will be in Whillip for at least a couple of months for training anyway, so there is plenty of time to recruit and interview. [/Solmar] 25 Septev 1003Freeday (~8:00 PM) [Dynnera] Blowing off some steam, I head back to the Mages Guild to coordinate the casting of the comprehend languages permanency spell on me. I am eager to start reading the Tome to take advantage of its magical effects. I am able to cast the individual spell myself and a mage unknown to me authors the permanency spell. [/Dynnera] DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Real-world date: 02 May 2009
"Whillip at long last" 25 Septev 1003 [Dynnera] The Tax Magistrate informs us that taxes may vary depending on each person’s affiliation with a Whillip sanctioned adventuring group or other organization. It seems like the tax scale may increase with the higher likelihood of being an independent contractor. Solmar suggest we adjourn to our cabin to determine the value of our treasure as well as how best to distribute it. We may stay on the ship until it disembarks, approximately two days from now. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] The pile of treasure is immense once you take it out of the portable hole. Belt and I both cast detect magic spells to insure we’ve determined which items need further identification. Skif agrees to locate a mage at the Mages Guild to return to the ship for the identifications (I’m a little uncomfortable having him here anyway, as he’s not a party member or associate, but it seems like he’s adopted the group. Of course what harm is having him here especially if he’s going to ask to join the party?). [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] During Skif’s absence, we determine that Grenco and Zeddishous should receive full shares of the adventuring treasure (split vote ultimately in the affirmative). We defer updates to the Concordium until in Whillip, but this is an example where we should provide a default position within the document. We also vote on the destruction of certain magical items, instead of retention or selling.
[Dynnera] Skif returns with Cussath Uthtah, a Lizard Man mage with the ability to cast the identifications spells we need. I ask him if there is a limit to the number of identify spells he can cast but he declines to answer, only saying “Let’s see how many you need.” He is able to cast all the identification spells we request. [/Dynnera] [Dynnera] Solmar has spent his time determining the appropriate split in treasure (he has a very mathematical mind) so we are ready to submit our auction bids. I will need to consider how to tap my outside funds or even loans as it looks like I will need to purchase the Tome and Robe. [/Dynnera] To be continued…. DM's note: |
Real-World game date index |
Author: Author: Robert
L. Vaessen e-mail:
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